178 research outputs found

    Four years of ground-based total ozone measurements by visible spectrometry in Antarctica

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    Visible spectrometers SAOZ have been developed at Service d'Aeronomie for permanent ground-based ozone monitoring at all latitudes up to the polar circle in winter. Observations are made by looking at the sunlight scattered at zenith in the visible range, twice a day, at sunrise and sunset. Compared to ozone observations in the UV generally in use, visible observations in the small Chappuis bands at twilight have the advantages of being independent of stratospheric temperature, little contaminated by tropospheric ozone and multiple scattering, and of permitting observations even in winter at the polar circle. SAOZ instruments have been installed since 1988 at several stations in the Antarctic and the Arctic. More than four years data at Dumont d'Urville in Terre Adelie (67 deg S) are now available. The station is generally located at the edge of the vortex in spring and therefore the ozone hole is seen there only occasionally. The lowest values (140 DU) were reported in early October 1991. According to these first regular observations throughout the whole winter ozone seems to increase in late autumn and winter. Its decay does not start before the end of August. Although of smaller amplitude than with the previous version five data, the ratio between the groundbased and satellite/TOMS measurements displays a systematic seasonal variation correlated partly to the sun zenith angle of observations from orbit and partly to the temperature of the stratosphere. Since ground-based measurements are always made at 90 deg SZA, the SZA dependence must come from the satellite data interpretation (TOMS observations are between 43 to 88 deg SZA). The temperature dependence could be partly due to variations of ozone absorption cross-sections in the ultraviolet used by the satellite spectrometer, and partly to a systematic seasonal cycle of the air mass factor use in the interpretation of the ground based observations. However, the last contribution appears to be too small to compensate the ozone increase in winter reported by SAOZ, which is then real

    PSC and volcanic aerosol routine observations in Antarctica by UV-visible ground-based spectrometry

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    Polar statospheric clouds (PSC) and stratospheric aerosol can be observed by ground-based UV-visible spectrometry by looking at the variation of the color of the sky during twilight. A radiative transfer model shows that reddenings are caused by high altitude (22-28 km) thin layers of scatterers, while low altitude (12-20 km) thick ones result in blueings. The color index method applied on 4 years of observations at Dumont d'Urville (67 deg S), from 1988 to 1991, shows that probably because the station is located at the edge of the vortex, dense PSC are uncommon. More unexpected is the existence of a systematic seasonal variation of the color of the twilight sky - bluer at spring - which reveals the formation of a dense scattering layer at or just above the tropopause at the end of the winter. Large scattering layers are reported above the station in 1991, first in August around 12-14 km, later in September at 22-24 km. They are attributed to volcanic aerosol from Mt Hudson and Mt Pinatubo respectively, which erupted in 1991. Inspection of the data shows that the lowest entered rapidly into the polar vortex but not the highest which remained outside, demonstrating that the vortex was isolated at 22-26 km

    Intercomparison of ground-based ozone and NO2 measurements during the MANTRA 2004 campaign

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    The MANTRA (Middle Atmosphere Nitrogen TRend Assessment) 2004 campaign took place in Vanscoy, Saskatchewan, Canada (52° N, 107° W) from 3 August to 15 September, 2004. In support of the main balloon launch, a suite of five zenith-sky and direct-Sun-viewing UV-visible ground-based spectrometers was deployed, primarily measuring ozone and NO2 total columns. Three Fourier transform spectrometers (FTSs) that were part of the balloon payload also performed ground-based measurements of several species, including ozone. Ground-based measurements of ozone and NO2 differential slant column densities from the zenith-viewing UV-visible instruments are presented herein. They are found to partially agree within NDACC (Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change) standards for instruments certified for process studies and satellite validation. Vertical column densities of ozone from the zenith-sky UV-visible instruments, the FTSs, a Brewer spectrophotometer, and ozonesondes are compared, and found to agree within the combined error estimates of the instruments (15%). NO2 vertical column densities from two of the UV-visible instruments are compared, and are also found to agree within combined error (15%)

    Ozone loss derived from balloon-borne tracer measurements in the 1999/2000 Arctic winter

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    Balloon-borne measurements of CFC11 (from the DIRAC in situ gas chromatograph and the DESCARTES grab sampler), ClO and O3 were made during the 1999/2000 Arctic winter as part of the SOLVE-THESEO 2000 campaign, based in Kiruna (Sweden). Here we present the CFC11 data from nine flights and compare them first with data from other instruments which flew during the campaign and then with the vertical distributions calculated by the SLIMCAT 3D CTM. We calculate ozone loss inside the Arctic vortex between late January and early March using the relation between CFC11 and O3 measured on the flights. The peak ozone loss (~1200ppbv) occurs in the 440-470K region in early March in reasonable agreement with other published empirical estimates. There is also a good agreement between ozone losses derived from three balloon tracer data sets used here. The magnitude and vertical distribution of the loss derived from the measurements is in good agreement with the loss calculated from SLIMCAT over Kiruna for the same days

    Analysis of a rapid increase of stratospheric ozone during late austral summer 2008 over Kerguelen (49.4° S, 70.3° E)

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    This paper reports on an increase of ozone event observed over Kerguelen (49.4° S, 70.3° E) in relationship with large-scale isentropic transport. This is evidenced by ground-based observations (co-localised radiosonde and SAOZ experiments) together with satellite global observations (Aura/MLS) assimilated into MOCAGE, a Méteo-France model. <br><br> The study is based on the analyses of the first ozonesonde experiment never recorded at the Kerguelen site within the framework of a French campaign called ROCK that took place from April to August 2008. <br><br> Comparisons and interpretations of the observed event are supported by co-localised SAOZ observations, by global mapping of tracers (O<sub>3</sub>, N<sub>2</sub>O and columns of O<sub>3</sub>) from Aura/MLS and Aura/OMI experiments, and by model simulations of Ertel Potential Vorticity initialised by the ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) data reanalyses. <br><br> Satellite and ground-based observational data revealed a consistent increase of ozone in the local stratosphere by mid-April 2008. Additionally, Ozone (O<sub>3</sub>) and nitrous oxide (N<sub>2</sub>O) profiles obtained during January–May 2008 using the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) aboard the Aura satellite are assimilated into MOCAGE (MOdèle de Chimie Atmosphérique à Grande Echelle), a global three-dimensional chemistry transport model of Météo-France. The assimilated total O<sub>3</sub> values are consistent with SAOZ ground observations (within ±5%), and isentropic distributions of O<sub>3</sub> match well with maps of advected potential vorticity (APV) derived from the MIMOSA model, a high-resolution advection transport model, and from the ECMWF reanalysis. <br><br> The event studied seems to be related to the isentropic transport of air masses that took place simultaneously in the lower- and middle-stratosphere, respectively from the polar region and from the tropics to the mid-latitudes. <br><br> In fact, the ozone increase observed by mid April 2008 resulted simultaneously: (1) from an equator-ward departure of polar air masses characterised with a high-ozone layer in the lower stratosphere (near the 475 K isentropic level), and (2) from a reverse isentropic transport from the tropics to mid- and high-latitudes in the upper stratosphere (nearby the 700 K level). The increase of ozone observed over Kerguelen from the 16-April ozonesonde profile is thus attributed to a concomitant isentropic transport of ozone in two stratospheric layers: the tropical air moving southward and reaching over Kerguelen in the upper stratosphere, and the polar air passing over the same area but in the lower stratosphere

    Year-round measurements of ozone at 66 deg S with a visible spectrometer

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    In March 1990, a zenith-sky UV-visible spectrometer of the design 'Systeme Automatique d'Obervation Zenithal' (SAOZ) was installed at Faraday in Antarctica (66.3 deg S, 64.3 deg W). SAOZ records spectra between 290 and 600 nm during daylight. Its analysis program fits laboratory spectra of constituents, at various wavelengths, to the differential of the ratio of the observed spectrum and a reference spectrum. The least-squares fitting procedure minimizes the sum-of-squares of residuals. Ozone is deduced from absorption in its visible bands between 500 and 560 nm. The fortunate colocation of this SAOZ with the well-calibrated Dobson at Faraday has allowed us to examine the calibration of the zero of the SAOZ, difficult at visible wavelengths because of the small depth of absorption. Here we describe recent improvements and limitations to this calibration, and discuss SAOZ measurements of ozone during winter in this important location at the edge of the Antarctic vortex

    Systematic stratospheric observations on the Antarctic continent at Dumont d'Urville

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    Results of different routine measurements performed in Dumont d'Urville (66 deg S, 140 deg E) since 1988 are presented. They include the seasonal variation of total ozone and NO2 as measured by a SAOZ UV-Visible spectrometer, Polar Stratospheric Cloud observations by a backscatter lidar and more recently, vertical ozone profiles by ECC sondes and ozone and aerosols stratospheric profiles by a DIAL lidar. The particular results of 1991 in relation with the volcanic events of Mount Pinatubo and Mount Hudson, and the position of the polar vortex over Dumont d'Urville are discussed

    The unusual persistence of an ozone hole over a southern mid-latitude station during the Antarctic spring 2009: a multi-instrument study

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    International audienceRecord-low ozone column densities (with a minimum of 212 DU) persisted over three weeks at the Río Gallegos NDACC (Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change) station (51.5° S, 69.3° W) in November 2009. Total ozone remained two standard deviations below the climatological mean for five consecutive days during this period. The statistical analysis of 30 years of satellite data from the Multi Sensor Reanalysis (MSR) database for Río Gallegos revealed that such a long-lasting low-ozone episode is a rare occurrence. The event is examined using height-resolved ozone lidar measurements at Río Gallegos, and observations from satellite and ground-based instruments. The computed relative difference between the measured total ozone and the climatological monthly mean shows reductions varying between 10 and 30% with an average decrease of 25%. The mean absolute difference of total ozone column with respect to climatological monthly mean ozone column is around 75 DU. Extreme values of the UV index (UVI) were measured at the ground for this period, with the daily maximum UVI of around 13 on 15 and 28 November. The high-resolution MIMOSA-CHIM (Modélisation Isentrope du transport Méso-échelle de l'Ozone Stratosphérique par Advection) model was used to interpret the ozone depletion event. An ozone decrease of about 2 ppmv was observed in mid-November at the 550 K isentropic level (~22 km). The position of Río Gallegos relative to the polar vortex was classified using equivalent latitude maps. During the second week of November, the vortex was over the station at all isentropic levels, but after 20 November and until the end of the month, only the 10 lower levels in the stratosphere were affected by vortex overpasses with ozone poor air masses. A rapid recovery of the ozone column density was observed later, due to an ozone rich filament moving over Río Gallegos between 18 and 24 km in the first two weeks of December 2009

    Ozone loss derived from balloon-borne tracer measurements and the SLIMCAT CTM

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    Balloon-borne measurements of CFC-11 (on flights of the DIRAC in situ gas chromatograph and the DESCARTES grab sampler), ClO and O3 were made during the 1999/2000 winter as part of the SOLVE-THESEO 2000 campaign. Here we present the CFC-11 data from nine flights and compare them first with data from other instruments which flew during the campaign and then with the vertical distributions calculated by the SLIMCAT 3-D CTM. We calculate ozone loss inside the Arctic vortex between late January and early March using the relation between CFC-11 and O3 measured on the flights, the peak ozone loss (1200 ppbv) occurs in the 440–470 K region in early March in reasonable agreement with other published empirical estimates. There is also a good agreement between ozone losses derived from three independent balloon tracer data sets used here. The magnitude and vertical distribution of the loss derived from the measurements is in good agreement with the loss calculated from SLIMCAT over Kiruna for the same days

    Retrieval of nitrogen dioxide stratospheric profiles from ground-based zenith-sky UV-visible observations: validation of the technique through correlative comparisons

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    A retrieval algorithm based on the Optimal Estimation Method (OEM) has been developed in order to provide vertical distributions of NO<sub>2</sub> in the stratosphere from ground-based (GB) zenith-sky UV-visible observations. It has been applied to observational data sets from the NDSC (Network for Detection of Stratospheric Change) stations of Harestua (60&deg; N, 10&deg; E) and And&#248;ya (69&deg; N, 16&deg; E) in Norway. The information content and retrieval errors have been analyzed following a formalism used for characterizing ozone profiles retrieved from solar infrared absorption spectra. In order to validate the technique, the retrieved NO<sub>2</sub> vertical profiles and columns have been compared to correlative balloon and satellite observations. Such extensive validation of the profile and column retrievals was not reported in previously published work on the profiling from GB UV-visible measurements. A good agreement - generally better than 25% - has been found with the SAOZ (Syst&#232;me d'Analyse par Observations Z&#233;nithales) and DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) balloons. A similar agreement has been reached with correlative satellite data from the HALogen Occultation Experiment (HALOE) and Polar Ozone and Aerosol Measurement (POAM) III instruments above 25km of altitude. Below 25km, a systematic underestimation - by up to 40% in some cases - of both HALOE and POAM III profiles by our GB profile retrievals has been observed, pointing out more likely a limitation of both satellite instruments at these altitudes. We have concluded that our study strengthens our confidence in the reliability of the retrieval of vertical distribution information from GB UV-visible observations and offers new perspectives in the use of GB UV-visible network data for validation purposes