151 research outputs found

    Upper Devonian Brachiopods from Eastern Taurus (Turkey)

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    During a field expedition in Taurus (SE Turkey) in order to study the Lower Palaeozoic series, a small brachiopod fauna was collected in the Kozan area in beds of supposed Silurian age. After closer examination, the age of this fauna is clearly Upper Devonian, probably Lower Frasnian, and this implies a reassessment of the age of the series. This assemblage also shows close affinities with similar North Gondwanan faunas described in Iran and Afghanistan in beds of the same age

    Heart rate sensors acceptability: data reliability vs. ease of use

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    International audienceIn the present study we focused on heart rate sensors and compared the acceptability and usability of the various devices candidates to feed the PRECIOUS (PREventive Care Infrastructure based On Ubiquitous Sensing) system. More precisely, smart-watch, chest-belt and 2-points-electrodes have been tested by users during 24 hours. Each device test lead to consult lifestyle reports about stress, sleep and physical activity. During this experimentation 11 participants completed different acceptability questionnaires. The first results interpretation revealed which sensor is the most acceptable and gave insight into how data reliability of the different devices influenced their respective acceptability in the daily life

    Carte archéologique du grand Auch

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    Lien Atlas (MCC) :http://atlas.patrimoines.culture.fr/atlas/trunk/index.php?ap_theme=DOM_2.01.02&ap_bbox=0.486;43.618;0.648;43.708 La mission d’inventaire concernant la carte archéologique de la communauté de communes du Grand Auch s’est déroulée en deux temps, en 2012 et en 2013. Elle concerne les communes d’Augnax, Auterive, Castelnau-Barbarens, Castin, Crastes, Duran, Lahitte, Leboulin, Montaut-les-Créneaux, Montégut, Nougaroulet, Pavie, Pessan et Preignan. L’objectif est de réaliser un i..

    Rieux-Volvestre – Centre bourg

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    Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du réseau d’assainissement collectif de Rieux-Volvestre, il a été prescrit et réalisé un suivi archéologique de travaux. Les travaux se sont déroulés en deux tranches ; une première a eu lieu entre juillet et septembre 2014 et la seconde de mars à juin 2015. La première tranche a fait l’objet d’une première notice dans le bilan scientifique régional concernant les opérations de 2014 (Gourvennec 2015). Cette seconde tranche a concerné la place de la Caserne, l..

    Carte archéologique du grand Auch

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    Lien Atlas (MCC) :http://atlas.patrimoines.culture.fr/atlas/trunk/index.php?ap_theme=DOM_2.01.02&ap_bbox=0.486;43.618;0.648;43.708 La mission d’inventaire concernant la carte archéologique de la communauté de communes du Grand Auch s’est déroulée en deux temps, en 2012 et en 2013. Elle concerne les communes d’Augnax, Auterive, Castelnau-Barbarens, Castin, Crastes, Duran, Lahitte, Leboulin, Montaut-les-Créneaux, Montégut, Nougaroulet, Pavie, Pessan et Preignan. L’objectif est de réaliser un i..

    Seysses – 1115 route de Toulouse

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    Cette opération s’inscrit dans le cadre de la construction d’un lotissement. À la suite du diagnostic effectué par É. Tranier en 2014, plusieurs structures d’ensilage ont été mises au jour conduisant à la prescription d’une fouille par le service régional de l’archéologie de Midi-Pyrénées. Le site, d’une superficie d’environ 550 m2, se situe en rive gauche de la Garonne (à 2,5 km du lit du fleuve) à une altitude comprise entre 166 et 170 m NGF, entre les coteaux de l’Armagnac à l’ouest et les..

    Inflation du nombre de genres monospécifiques chez les brachiopodes : progrès ou régression ? Une approche prosaïque d'un problème réel

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    Depuis le XIXe siècle, environ 1800 genres ou sous-genres de brachiopodes ont été créés pour la période couvrant le Silurien et le Dévonien. On constate, depuis quelques années, une inflation considérable du nombre de genres n'incluant qu'une seule et unique espèce. Sans remettre en cause les progrès technologiques, on peut cependant s'interroger sur la pertinence de la méthodologie adoptée par nombre d'auteurs et sur l'utilité in fine des genres monospécifiques, tant sur le plan de la systématique que sur celui des disciplines annexes. Certaines politiques éditoriales ou encore l'évaluation des appels à projets ne sont peut-être pas étran-gères à ce constat et mériteraient d'être revues.Since the 19th century, about 1800 brachiopod genera or subgenera have been erected for the period covering the Silurian to the Devonian. In recent years, there has been a pronounced increa-se in the number of genera containing a single species. Without questioning the technological advan-ces, one can, however, question the value and usefulness of monospecific genera both for systematics and palaeogeographical studies. Some editorial policy regarding erection of new monospecific genera and/or the evaluation of calls for projects are now needed

    New data on Angustiphyllum Altevogt 1965, an automobile free-living rugose coral from the Eifelian of the Western Armorican Massif (France)

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    accessible Ă  l'adresse suivante : http://popups.ulg.ac.be/Geol/document.php?id=3761International audienceThe genus Angustiphyllum is recorded for the first time in the Armorican Massif (Rade de Brest) and two new species are erected: A. stylophorum and A. vidalae. The well preserved material shows the indisputable presence of costae on the exterior side of the corallum, which, besides the wedge-like morphology of the corallum, constitutes the main diagnostic feature of the genus. Angustiphyllum seems to be a good index for the Upper Eifelian of the Ibero-Armorican Domain

    ”Det rister litt i hjernen” : En studie av møtet mellom høytpresterende elever i videregående skole og litteraturfaglig praksis

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    PhD thesis in Reading researchThe dissertation "Det rister litt i hjernen". En studie av møtet mellom høytpresterende elever i videregående skole og litteraturfaglig praksis [“My Brain Is Rattling”. A Study of the Dialogue Between High-Ahieving Upper Secondary Students and Literary Practice”] is catalysed by an interest for how participants in a literary practice on different developmental stages carry out and interpret the practice in a disciplinary context. The abovementioned interest in such literary practice springs from a conviction that insight into what a literary practice is and may be prepares the ground for discussions of the purposes, contents and methods connected to formal literary education; discussions that in turn may lead to the in-school development of disciplinary literacies. The dissertation aims at contributing to the field by providing knowledge about the dialogue between student and literary practice in the upper secondary Norwegian L1 classroom through the studying of highachieving students’ talk about and carryingout of the practice. The theoretical framework for the dissertation is a sociocultural one: Vygotsky’s language development theory and Bakhtin’s dialogism together form a theoretical platform, whereas theories about discourse (Gee, 2011), about practice and communities of practice (Lave & Wenger, 1991; Wenger, 1998), and about the recontextualisation of practice (Van Leeuwen, 2008) are employed in order to investigate the complexity of the dialogue between student(s) and text. The literary practice is understood as one that primarily is mediated through situated language and it should therefore be studied though the fine details of such language. The approach to the data may be referred to as dialogical discourse analysis (Skaftun, 2009; 2010). The dissertation explores literary practice through a) the close reading of literary group conversations of poems at the onset of upper secondary school (16 years of age), and b) retrospective group interviews of final year students in upper secondary school (19 years of age), probing their interpretation of the literary practice in the L1 classroom. The events that are analysed derive from a larger battery of data from the same upper secondary school; the larger battery of data providing a frame for the interpretation of the conversations and the interviews. The dissertation is article-based and includes three articles; all of which are written in Norwegian. The dissertation draws on data collected in a Norwegian educational context, thus its primary relevance is the Scandinavian context. It is nevertheless assumed that the findings are also relevant in other contexts
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