690 research outputs found

    Twenty years of evolution in French secondary school science textbooks

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    Textbooks are highly structured objects, which are easily distinguished from other types of publications such as popular science books or academic works. This recognisable shape results from section-specific formatting, and layout standardisation. Yet these structures change over time and differ according to school disciplines.Our aim is to understand textbooks (specific resources) in themselves and grasp their evolution dynamics. Our approach here is to examine textbooks in both descriptive and analytical ways, using a comparative approach, and focusing on science high school textbooks, over a period of 20 years. The main questions steering our analysis are: What are the basic components of these textbooks? How to identify elements that are common to various school subjects or stable over time? What trends seem to be emerging? We have sought to highlight – via an analysis of school programme changes – some shared features that shed light on the directions that these school subjects and their supporting resources seem to take

    Is interleukin-1 a good target for therapeutic intervention in intervertebral disc degeneration: lessons from the osteoarthritic experience

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    IL-1 plays a key role in disc degeneration and could be a valid target for inhibiting this process. IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) might be a good candidate to inhibit IL-1 activity. However, many questions need to be addressed before contemplating therapy in humans. IL-1 blockade is also a great challenge in osteoarthritis and results from animal models suggest that IL-1ra may have beneficial effects. The clinical benefit of a local injection of IL-1ra in knee osteoarthritis may be limited by the antagonist's short half-life. Further studies with longer-lasting antagonists are needed to explore this new therapeutic approach

    Marcher, créer, révéler

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    Les frontières possèdent ce caractère à la fois évident et insaisissable. Évident car tout un chacun se représente ce qu’est une frontière ; insaisissable car il en existe de multiples définitions et interprétations qui dans leur nature et dans les faits se traduisent parfois en paradoxes. Elles relient et divisent, coutures et coupures, instables et figées. Indispensables pour certains et absurdes pour d’autres. Limites physiques, administratives, identitaires, scientifiques, de savoirs, elles interrogent, par le fait même d’exister, notre rapport à l’autre. En ce début du XXIe siècle, la frontière contient entre autres les flux migratoires. Ce contenu hypermobile, faisant l’apologie de l’homme nomade, est contraire au caractère sédentaire d’une majorité de notre civilisation et transforme parfois la frontière en ligne statique. C’est en qualité de promeneuse que nous choisissons d’arpenter un territoire transfrontalier pour mieux en comprendre le sens, le décrire et le déconstruire. Libre de passer du dehors au dedans, jusqu’à ce que le contexte nous rattrape. Libres d’aller et venir à la vitesse du corps, jusqu’à ce que nos propres limites nous poursuivent. Libres de voir, de sentir, d’écouter et de rencontrer la quotidienneté dans la spécificité. Par la rencontre du territoire vécu et des êtres qui le peuplent, il nous est donné une vision singulière de la ligne frontière et le temps de penser sa limite dans notre rapport perception/représentation.En intégrant la notion de perception à ce travail sur le paysage d’une ligne frontière, certaines questions émergent. Comment fait-on une expérience spatiale ? Quelle méthode expérimentale mettre en place qui révèle une matière première perceptive ? Comment permettre aux différentes formes de cette matière récoltée, qui dans ce travail sont la description et la photographie, de cohabiter avec d’autres savoirs accumulés ? Comment rendre ce travail perceptible à autrui ? Cet article tente donc une forme d’hybridation, prenant pour outils les mots et la photographie, mêlés à un travail plus analytique mettant en forme une pensée dans un corps à corps avec la ligne frontière aux contours incertains.The nature of frontiers is obvious yet it also remains elusive. It is obvious in that everyone has an idea of what a frontier is; it is elusive because there are multiple definitions and interpretations of a frontier that are sometimes paradoxical. Frontiers connect and divide, they bind and sever, they are stable and at the same time unstable. For some people they are essential, for others they are absurd. The very existence of frontiers questions our relationships with others in that frontiers set physical, administrative and scientific limits, also defining boundaries in terms of identity and knowledge. At the beginning of the 21st century, frontiers contain, among other things, migratory flows. This extremely mobile content, which is an apology of nomadic man, goes against the prevalent sedentary nature of our civilization and sometimes transforms the border into a static line. It is as walkers that we choose to explore a frontier territory to better understand its significance and to describe and deconstruct it. We have the freedom to move from one side to the other of the frontier until the context catches up with us. Free to come and go at a walking pace, until our own limits pursue us. Free to see, listen and feel everyday events and appreciate their specificity. Through the discovery of a place and of the everyday lives of the people who inhabit it, we are presented with a singular vision of the frontier, we have the time to reflect on its limits as it is perceived and represented in our minds. By integrating the notion of perception into this work on the landscape of a frontier line, certain questions emerge. How does one conduct a spatial experiment? Which experimental method should be implemented to reveal a perceptive raw material? How can the different forms of the materials collected, which in this case are descriptions and photographs, be allowed to coexist with other components of accumulated knowledge? How can such work be made perceptible to others? This article therefore attempts to attain a form of hybridization by using words and photography in association with a more analytical work that gives form to a notion via a physical engagement with the frontier line, the contours of which remain uncertain

    Survey of Wall Flora in District of Port Louis, Mauritius, Mascarenes

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    ABSTRACT: Wall flora studies started since ancient times, but information of the flora growing and colonizing urban walls on Mauritius is scarce. The aim of this study was to survey abundance and diversity of species found naturally on three different types of walls (old basalt, new basalt and concrete). The wall flora of Port Louis had a total of 68 species of plants (37 families, 61 genera), which 62 were angiosperms and six were pteridophytes. A total of 54 species (79%) were introduced, 12 species (18%) were native and two species possibly native (3%). Old basalt walls had 17 exclusive species (25%) recorded while only one species (1%) on new basalt wall, five species (7%) were shared on old and new basalt walls, 15 species (22%) on old basalt and concrete walls, and one species (1%) on concrete wall only. A total of 29 species (43%) were present on all types of walls. This study might contribute to future urban ecology studies and restoration programs of National Heritage buildings for the district of Port Louis. KEYWORDS: Wall flora studies, plant diversity, urban ecology. RÉSUMÉ: L'étude de la flore murale a commencé depuis fort longtemps. Les connaissances de la flore des murs urbains de l'île Maurice sont, à ce jour, rares. Le but de cette nouvelle étude était d'évaluer l'abondance et la diversité des espèces trouvées naturellement sur trois types différents de murs, construits en vieux basalte, en nouveau basalte et en béton, au cours d'une période de deux ans. La flore murale de Port-Louis comportait 68 espèces de plantes (37 familles, 61 genres), dont 62 angiospermes et six ptéridophytes. Un total de 54 espèces (79%) ont été introduites, 12 espèces (18%) étaient indigènes et deux espèces potentiellement indigènes (3%). Sur les vieux murs de basalte uniquement, 17 espèces (25%) ont été répertoriées, une espèce (1%) sur une paroi nouvelle de basalte, cinq espèces (7%) sur des murs de basalte anciens et nouveaux, une espèce (1%) sur un mur de béton seulement, 15 espèces (22%) sur de vieux murs de basalte et de béton, et 29 espèces (43%) présentes sur tous les murs. Cette étude contribuera aux futures recherches d'écologie urbaine et aux programmes de restauration des bâtiments du patrimoine national pour le district de Port-Louis. MOTS CLÉS: études flores murales, diversité végétale, écologie urbain

    Question climatique et changements politiques : les communautés de sécurité environnementale pour sortir de l'impasse

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    Depuis une vingtaine d'années, les changements climatiques sont devenus un enjeu à part entière sur la scène internationale, après les mises en garde de la communauté scientifique sur les risques de dégradation environnementale majeure. La quasi-totalité des États du globe s'est entendue sur la nécessité d'agir pour sauvegarder le climat et la biosphère terrestre. Pourtant, après vingt ans de négociations climatiques sous l'égide de l'Organisation des Nations Unies, les objectifs en matière de réduction d'impact sur le climat ne sont toujours pas atteints et ne le seront pas dans un avenir immédiat. Le point important est que cet échec n'est pas le fait des mécanismes de lutte contre les changements climatiques, ni d'un manque de connaissances scientifiques, mais bien de l'inaction des États. Nous partons du constat que la problématique climatique ne peut pas se contenter de cet échec, dans la mesure où les changements climatiques sont une menace de dimension globale dont les manifestations s'imposeront à tous les États du globe. Cette recherche entend tirer les enseignements de cet échec et de l'évolution de la problématique climatique, notamment au travers du phénomène de sécurisation, pour proposer une solution alternative pour sortir de l'impasse dans laquelle se trouve la négociation climatique globale, en s'inspirant notamment des travaux de Karl Deutsch sur les communautés de sécurités. Nous étudierons la possibilité de l'émergence d'une communauté de sécurité environnementale à travers un partenariat approfondi entre les nations industrialisées occidentales, avec en place prépondérante les États-Unis, et articulé autour de leur lien avec l'Union européenne.\ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : changements climatiques, sécurisation, communauté de sécurit

    Infliximab in ankylosing spondylitis: alone or in combination with methotrexate? A pharmacokinetic comparative study.

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    International audienceINTRODUCTION: Methotrexate (MTX) has been shown to modify infliximab pharmacokinetics in rheumatoid arthritis. However, its combination with infliximab in the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is not recommended. The objective of this study was to examine the influence of MTX on infliximab exposure in patients with AS. METHODS: Patients with AS patients who had predominantly axial symptoms were randomised to receive infliximab alone (infusions of 5 mg/kg at weeks 0, 2, 6, 12 and 18) or infliximab combined with MTX (10 mg/week). Infliximab concentrations were measured before and 2 hours after each infusion and at 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 14 and 18 weeks. We estimated individual cumulative area under the concentration versus time curves (AUC) for infliximab concentration between baseline and week 18 (AUC(0-18)). Clinical and laboratory evaluations were performed at each visit. The Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) score was the primary end point for clinical response. RESULTS: Twenty-six patients were included (infliximab group: n = 12, infliximab + MTX group: n = 14), and 507 serum samples were available for measurement of infliximab concentration. The two groups did not differ with regard to AUC(0-18) or evolution of BASDAI scores and biomarkers of inflammation. CONCLUSIONS: The combination of MTX and infliximab does not increase the exposure to infliximab over infliximab alone in patients with AS. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT00507403

    Cost-effectiveness modelling of biological treatment sequences in moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis in France

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    Objectives. Modern treatment of RA includes the use of biologics. Their cost is high and comparison between different treatment strategies is needed. Method. Direct medical costs of RA in France were evaluated based on expert opinion. Then, simulation-decision analytical models were developed to assess four biologic treatment sequences over 2 years in patients failing to respond to at least one anti-TNF agent. Effectiveness was expressed in theoretical expected number of days (TEND) in remission or low disease activity [low disease activity score (LDAS)] based on DAS-28 scores. Results. Direct medical costs of RA in France (excluding the cost of biologics) were estimated at €905 (s.d. 263) for 6 months and €696 (s.d. 240) for each subsequent 6 months (P < 0.001) for patients achieving LDAS and €1215 for 6 months (s.d. 405) for patients not achieving LDAS. Based on LDAS criteria, using abatacept after an inadequate response to the first anti-TNF agent (etanercept) appeared significantly (P < 0.01) more efficacious over a 2-year period (102 TEND) compared with using rituximab at a 6-month re-treatment interval (82 TEND). Mean cost-effectiveness ratios showed significantly lower costs (P < 0.01) per TEND with abatacept as second biologic agent (€278) compared with rituximab (€303). After an inadequate response to two anti-TNF agents, using abatacept also appeared significantly more efficacious than an anti-TNF agent (P < 0.01). All comparisons were confirmed when using remission criteria instead of LDAS. Conclusion. Advanced simulation models based on clinical evidence and medical practice appear to be a promising approach for comparing cost-effectiveness of biologic strategies in R

    Markers of B-lymphocyte activation are elevated in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis and correlated with disease activity in the ESPOIR cohort

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    International audienceINTRODUCTION: Little is known about systemic B-cell activation in early rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We therefore evaluated the serum levels of markers of B-cell activation in patients included in the ESPOIR early arthritis cohort. METHODS: In the ESPOIR early arthritis cohort (at least 2 swollen joints for more than 6 weeks but less than 6 months), 710 patients were assessed at 1 year and either met the 1987 American College of Rheumatology criteria for RA (n = 578) or had undifferentiated arthritis (n = 132). Baseline serum samples of patients naĂŻve to corticosteroid and disease-modifying antirheumatic drug treatment were assessed for beta2-microglobulin, IgG, IgA, IgM, immunoglobulin free light chains of immunoglobulins, and B-cell activating factor of the tumor necrosis factor family (BAFF). The BAFF gene 871T>C polymorphism was genotyped in all patients. RESULTS: All markers of B-cell activation except BAFF and IgM were significantly higher in patients with early RA than those with undifferentiated arthritis. Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP) and beta2-microglobulin were associated with a diagnosis of early RA in the multivariate analysis. Markers of B-cell activation, except BAFF, were associated with disease activity, rheumatoid factor and anti-CCP secretion. The BAFF gene polymorphism was not associated with early RA. CONCLUSIONS: Markers of B-cell activation are elevated in patients with early RA, compared with undifferentiated arthritis, independently of any systemic increase in BAFF secretion, and correlate with disease activity. This study sheds new light on the early pathogenic role of B-lymphocytes in RA and suggests that targeting them might be a useful therapeutic strategy in early RA
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