182 research outputs found

    Evolution of the Nuss procedure for the repair of Pectus Excavatum: Our experience.

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    The aim of this study is to collect the variables of the Nuss procedure developed by experts in this technique around the world and present their advantages and disadvantages compared to the original description of the Nuss procedure. The Nuss procedure since it was first reported, has underwent from slight to major modifications aiming to make it safer and more succesfull

    Sol-Gel Process and Engineering Nanostructure

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    The production of ceramic nanostructures and engineering of their structure are the goals of the high-tech industry. Researchers prefer the sol-gel route to control the material at the atomic scale among other methods. In this chapter, we describe the production of ceramic nanostructures in different forms such as film, fiber, glass, and powder. We also discuss about microstructures and properties of these ceramic materials and the relationship between them

    Productivity of different species of entomopathogenic fungi based on one type of technology

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    ). Productivity of different species of entomopathogenic fungi based on one type of technology. International Journal of Agricultural Technology 9(3):571-580. Abstract One type of technology based on millet grain was estimated for the mass production of different species and strains of entomopathogenic fungi including Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, Mariannaea sp. and Tilachlidium sp. The unified technology previously detailed and developed for the entomopathogenic fungus B. bassiana, based on millet grain, was acceptable for the production of fungal aerial conidia for all species and strains used in the experiments. All fungi actively colonized the grain substratum, formed mycelial biomass and produced conidia within 14 days at 22-24 Îź C. The yield of conidia fluctuated from 0.4x10 9 to 6.5x10 9 conidia/g of dry substratum depending on species and strain of fungus

    Study of lead adsorption on activated carbons

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    In this study, the removal of lead (II) from water using commercial  activated carbons from wood and coconut shell were investigated in acidic medium (pH = 4). Atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS) was used to investigate initial (C0) and (equilibrium) (Ce) solution concentrations. Powder and granular activated carbons showed different adsorption capacity. The amount of Pb2+ adsorbed reached44.58, 38.96 and 39.06 mg/g for CPA, CGA 830 and CGA 1230 respectively at 25 °C. Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption models were used to represent the equilibrium data. Despite the high value of coefficient (R2) from Freundlich model, the best interpretation for the experimental data was given by the Langmuir model. The work showed that using powder activated carbon from wood exhibited relatively high adsorption capacity than activated carbon from coconut shell.Keywords: Lead, activated carbon, adsorption, Langmuir, isotherm

    Update of ichthyofauna diversity and ecological status of a coastal River Nero (Côte d’Ivoire – West Africa)

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    AbstractThe general aim of this study is to update the inventory of the fish species and to specify distribution patterns in the Nero River ichthyofauna in order to establish some basis for the conservation of these fish communities and their habitat. From February 2009 to January 2010, thirty-three sites were sampled monthly with gill nets and a backpack electrofisher, and environmental variables were recorded. Overall, 46 species included in 33 genuses, 24 families and 9 orders were collected. Eleven families and 30 species were the first records for the Nero River. Including all species previously listed in the literature, the number of species presently known in the Nero River and its tributaries is revised to 59. Four families, Alestidae (21%), Schilbeidae (19%), Cyprinidae (17%) and Cichlidae (16%) that made up 73% of the total number of the catches, were the most dominant. The most dominant numerical species were Schilbe mandibularis and Brycinus longipinnis. Fish species and sampling sites along with eight environmental variables were ordinated with canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) coupled to the Monte Carlo test. Ecological status based on fish assemblage according to environmental variables and anthropogenic pressures showed that miss dead wood leaves and roots, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, mud, nitrite, basin width, dissolved oxygen and pH, were the primary factors influencing fish distribution. The environmental tolerance index (ETI), ecological tolerance (tk) and optima (uk) values of 10 species to 8 different environmental variables were analyzed. Six species (Hemichromis fasciatus, Epiplatys chaperi, Barbus ablabes, B. longipinnis, Hemichromis bimaculatus and Chromidotilapia guntheri) have high ETI and a cosmopolitan distribution in the Nero River. In the tributaries of the middle course, high concentrations of nitrite in the water, added to the presence of a lot of tolerant species in the ichthyofauna are indications of disturbance of these areas. Subsequent recommendations were formulated for efficient restoration and conservation management of this River

    Effect of zinc and boron on the performance of rainy season local potato variety “Sete” (Solanum tuberosum L.) at Rukumkot, Rukum East, Nepal

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    A field experiment was carried out at Rukumkot, Rukum East, Nepal during the rainy season of 2021 to study the effect of boron and zinc on vegetative growth and yield parameters of the local “Sete” variety of potato. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 4 replications, and 7 treatments i.e., control, boron @2kg/ha soil application, zinc @4.5kg/ha soil application, boron @2kg/ha + zinc @4.5kg/ha soil application, 0.1% boron spray, 0.1% zinc spray and 0.1% boron+ 0.1% zinc spray. The highest tuber yield per hill and productivity was reported in boron @2kg/ha + zinc @4.5kg/ha soil application i.e., 2888.52 grams and 27.51 ton/ha, respectively. A similar result was shown by zinc @4.5kg/ha soil application. Plant height (26.33cm, 46.57cm), number of branches (4.85, 12.02) and number of leaves per plant (30.05, 73.70) were significantly high in boron @2kg/ha + zinc @4.5kg/ha soil application at both 45 DAP (days after planting) and 60DAP. Soil application of only boron, only zinc and boron + zinc increased the total yield of tubers by 10.23%, 24.66% and 25.66%, respectively over the control. The foliar application of only boron, only zinc and boron + zinc increased the total yield of tubers by 4.22%, 2.07% and 12.37%, respectively over the control. Hence, research suggested combined soil application of zinc and boron at the rate of 4.5kg/ha and 2kg/ha, respectively over the foliar cum solitary application of micronutrients for increasing number of medium and large sized tubers and get an overall high yield of potato

    Dynamique de Colonisation des Zones Rudérales d’un Massif Forestier Urbain par les Espèces Végétales Exotiques Envahissantes : Cas du Parc National du Banco (Côte d’Ivoire)

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    Les zones rudérales constituent des points de départ pour l’envahissement des écosystèmes naturels par les plantes invasives. Dans cette étude, il s’agit inventorier toutes les plantes invasives présentes dans le PNB, de mettre en évidence leur distribution spatiale et de suivre leur évolution d’occupation du sol. Les données floristiques ont été recueillies d’abord par un inventaire itinérant afin de recenser et identifier toutes les plantes invasives. A l’issue de cet inventaire six zones de forte présence de plantes invasives ont été sélectionnées : sous les lignes de haute tension, les abords de chemin, l’arboretum, les campements (campement détruit et campement actuel), la périphérie du parc et la portion de la forêt d’Anguédédou qui représente la zone non rudérale occupée par les espèces invasives. Par la suite, des relevés phytosociologiques réalisés au sein de 203 parcelles permanentes de 50 m2. A l’intérieur de chaque parcelle, toutes les espèces invasives ont été recensées., dénombrées et leurs surfaces d’occupation du sol ont été mesurées consécutives, de 2016 à 2018. 22 espèces dénombrées dont une invasive avérée et 21 potentiellement invasives repartie sur l’ensemble du parc. Chromolaena odorata et Hopea odorara constituent une menace réelle pour ce parc. Les campements, la périphérie du parc sont les endroits les plus envahis. La dynamique spatio-temporelle des espèces invasives montre qu’elles occupent 12,01 ha des zones rudérales du parc et 126,84 ha soit 3, 68 % en prenant en compte de la superficie plantée de Hopea odorata. Ces résultats permettent d’anticiper et coordonner des actions en vue d’éviter l’envahissement à grande échelle du parc. The ruderal areas are starting points for invasion of natural ecosystems by invasive exotic plant. In this study we have inventoried all the invasive plants present in the PNB, highlighted their spatial distribution and followed their evolution of occupation of the soil. The floristic data were first collected by itinerant inventory in the study area. At the end of this inventory, six zones of strong presence of invasive plants were selected: under of high voltage lines, the roadside, the arboretum, the encampments (destroyed encampment and current encampment), the periphery of the park and the portion of Anguédédou forest attached to park, which represents the not ruderal zone occupied by invasive species. Thereafter that of phytosociological records carried inside 203 permanent plots of 50 m². Inside each plot, all invasive species were inventory, counted, and their area of soil occupation was measured consecutive, from 2016 to 2018. 22 species counted, one of which proven invasive and 21 potentially invasive distributed throughout the park. Chromolaena odorata and Hopea odorara constitute a real threat to this park. The encampments, the periphery of the park are the most invaded places in the park. The spatio-temporal dynamics of the species species occupy 12,01 ha of the ruderal areas of the park and 126,84 ha taking into account the planted area of Hopea odorata is 3,68 % of the total surface of the park. These results will make it possible to anticipate and of coordinate actions in order to avoid the large-scale invasion of the par

    Evaluation de la Qualité de l’Eau des Milieux Lacustres Urbain et Périurbain du Moronou

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    La gestion durable de l’eau est indispensable pour permettre un dĂ©veloppement Ă©conomique compatible avec un accès Ă  une eau de qualitĂ©. Elle contribue Ă  la protection des milieux et de la biodiversitĂ© par l’utilisation d’un outil de gestion. Ainsi, dans le dĂ©partement de Bongouanou (CĂ´te d’Ivoire), une Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e afin de proposer une Ă©chelle de la qualitĂ© de l’eau basĂ©e sur le peuplement ichtyologique de deux lacs, urbain et pĂ©riurbain. Des pĂŞches expĂ©rimentales mensuelles de 17 heures Ă  07 heures ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es Ă  l’aide de deux batteries de filets monofilaments de maille allant de 15 Ă  60 mm, entre juillet 2017 et juin 2018. L’échelle de la qualitĂ© de l’eau de chaque lac a Ă©tĂ© Ă©laborĂ©e Ă  partir de la tolĂ©rance/intolĂ©rance du pourcentage des individus et des espèces de poissons capturĂ©es. Ainsi, si le pourcentage d’individus tolĂ©rants est Ă©levĂ© au dĂ©triment des individus intolĂ©rants dans un lac, alors ce milieu serait de mauvaise qualitĂ©. Au total, 1305 poissons ont Ă©tĂ© capturĂ©s dont 843 dans le lac pĂ©riurbain (Ehuikro) et 462 dans le lac urbain (Kaby). Dans le lac d’Ehuikro, les individus intolĂ©rants (93,74 %), tout comme les espèces intolĂ©rantes (58,33 %) dominent le peuplement. Par contre, dans le lac Kaby, les individus tolĂ©rants (93,83 %) dominent et les espèces tolĂ©rantes reprĂ©sentent 50 % du peuplement. Ces rĂ©sultats montrent que le lac Kaby est perturbĂ© par rapport au lac d’Ehuikro. Ces rĂ©sultats pourraient s’expliquer par le drainage des eaux usĂ©es domestiques, des pneus usĂ©s et des dĂ©chets plastiques qui entrainent des perturbations telles que l’ensablement, l’érosion des berges, la sĂ©dimentation et l’eutrophisation au niveau du lac Kaby. Au niveau du lac d’Ehuikro, ces pressions sont moindres.   Sustainable water management is essential to enable economic development compatible with access to quality water. It contributes to the protection of environments and biodiversity through the use of a management tool. Thus, in the department of Bongouanou (Ivory Coast), a study was conducted to propose a water quality scale based on the fish population of two lakes, urban and peri-urban. Monthly experimental fisheries from 5 pm to 7 am were conducted using two battery of monofilament gillnets with mesh sizes ranging from 15 to 60 mm, between July 2017 and June 2018. The water quality scale for each lake was developed based on the tolerance/intolerance percentage of individuals and fish species caught. Thus, if the percentage of tolerant individuals is high at the detriment of intolerant individuals in a lake, then this environment would be of poor quality. A total of 1305 fish were caught, of which 843 in the peri-urban lake (Ehuikro) and 462 in the urban lake (Kaby). In Ehuikro Lake, intolerant individuals (93.74%) as well as intolerant species (58.33%) dominate the population. On other hand, in Kaby Lake, tolerant individuals (93.83%) dominate and tolerant species represent 50% of the population. These results show that Kaby Lake is disturbed compared to Ehuikro Lake. These results could be explained by the drainage of domestic wastewater, used tyres and plastic waste which lead to disturbances such as silting, bank erosion, sedimentation and eutrophication in Kaby Lake. At Ehuikro Lake, these pressures are lower

    Evaluation de la Qualité de l’Eau des Milieux Lacustres Urbain et Périurbain du Moronou

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    La gestion durable de l’eau est indispensable pour permettre un dĂ©veloppement Ă©conomique compatible avec un accès Ă  une eau de qualitĂ©. Elle contribue Ă  la protection des milieux et de la biodiversitĂ© par l’utilisation d’un outil de gestion. Ainsi, dans le dĂ©partement de Bongouanou (CĂ´te d’Ivoire), une Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e afin de proposer une Ă©chelle de la qualitĂ© de l’eau basĂ©e sur le peuplement ichtyologique de deux lacs, urbain et pĂ©riurbain. Des pĂŞches expĂ©rimentales mensuelles de 17 heures Ă  07 heures ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es Ă  l’aide de deux batteries de filets monofilaments de maille allant de 15 Ă  60 mm, entre juillet 2017 et juin 2018. L’échelle de la qualitĂ© de l’eau de chaque lac a Ă©tĂ© Ă©laborĂ©e Ă  partir de la tolĂ©rance/intolĂ©rance du pourcentage des individus et des espèces de poissons capturĂ©es. Ainsi, si le pourcentage d’individus tolĂ©rants est Ă©levĂ© au dĂ©triment des individus intolĂ©rants dans un lac, alors ce milieu serait de mauvaise qualitĂ©. Au total, 1305 poissons ont Ă©tĂ© capturĂ©s dont 843 dans le lac pĂ©riurbain (Ehuikro) et 462 dans le lac urbain (Kaby). Dans le lac d’Ehuikro, les individus intolĂ©rants (93,74 %), tout comme les espèces intolĂ©rantes (58,33 %) dominent le peuplement. Par contre, dans le lac Kaby, les individus tolĂ©rants (93,83 %) dominent et les espèces tolĂ©rantes reprĂ©sentent 50 % du peuplement. Ces rĂ©sultats montrent que le lac Kaby est perturbĂ© par rapport au lac d’Ehuikro. Ces rĂ©sultats pourraient s’expliquer par le drainage des eaux usĂ©es domestiques, des pneus usĂ©s et des dĂ©chets plastiques qui entrainent des perturbations telles que l’ensablement, l’érosion des berges, la sĂ©dimentation et l’eutrophisation au niveau du lac Kaby. Au niveau du lac d’Ehuikro, ces pressions sont moindres.   Sustainable water management is essential to enable economic development compatible with access to quality water. It contributes to the protection of environments and biodiversity through the use of a management tool. Thus, in the department of Bongouanou (Ivory Coast), a study was conducted to propose a water quality scale based on the fish population of two lakes, urban and peri-urban. Monthly experimental fisheries from 5 pm to 7 am were conducted using two battery of monofilament gillnets with mesh sizes ranging from 15 to 60 mm, between July 2017 and June 2018. The water quality scale for each lake was developed based on the tolerance/intolerance percentage of individuals and fish species caught. Thus, if the percentage of tolerant individuals is high at the detriment of intolerant individuals in a lake, then this environment would be of poor quality. A total of 1305 fish were caught, of which 843 in the peri-urban lake (Ehuikro) and 462 in the urban lake (Kaby). In Ehuikro Lake, intolerant individuals (93.74%) as well as intolerant species (58.33%) dominate the population. On other hand, in Kaby Lake, tolerant individuals (93.83%) dominate and tolerant species represent 50% of the population. These results show that Kaby Lake is disturbed compared to Ehuikro Lake. These results could be explained by the drainage of domestic wastewater, used tyres and plastic waste which lead to disturbances such as silting, bank erosion, sedimentation and eutrophication in Kaby Lake. At Ehuikro Lake, these pressures are lower

    Evaluation de la Qualité de l’Eau des Milieux Lacustres Urbain et Périurbain du Moronou

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    La perturbation des milieux est Ă  l’origine de la destruction des habitats, elle contribue Ă  la perte de la biodiversitĂ© et est une des causes du changement de la flore dans une localitĂ©. Elle entraine par consĂ©quent la transformation des associations vĂ©gĂ©tales. L’objectif principal de cette Ă©tude est de rechercher les associations vĂ©gĂ©tales dans le parc national du Banco suite aux plantations villageoises et aux essais  sylvicoles dus Ă  la recherche d’une mĂ©thodologie propre Ă  la sylviculture africaine. Pour ce faire, la caractĂ©risation phytosociologique des anciens sites de traitements et de la rĂ©serve forestière a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e. La mĂ©thode utilisĂ©e est celle de la phytosociologie synusiale. Les 91 relevĂ©s (82 dans les anciens sites de traitements sylvicoles et 9 dans la rĂ©serve forestière) ont permis de recenser  337 espèces de plantes rĂ©parties en 65 familles et 268 genres. Le dendrogramme issu de la classification hiĂ©rarchique ascendante des relevĂ©s a mis en Ă©vidence trois syntaxons dont deux sont constituĂ©s essentiellement des relevĂ©s des anciens sites de traitements et un des relevĂ©s de la rĂ©serve forestière. Aucun syntaxon ne renferme la totalitĂ© des espèces caractĂ©ristiques de l’association Turraeantho-Heisterietum. Cependant, dans deux syntaxons, la proportion des espèces caractĂ©ristiques de cette association est supĂ©rieure Ă  50%. 70,59% dans le syntaxon Ă  Tarrietia utilis et Cola heterophylla (syntaxon des forĂŞts secondaires), 52,94% dans le syntaxon Ă  Cola chlamydantha et Drypetes chevalieri (syntaxon de la rĂ©serve forestière). Alors que dans le syntaxon Ă  Dacryodes klaineana et Pleiocarpa mutica (syntaxon des forĂŞts secondaires), 41% de ces espèces caractĂ©ristiques ont Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ©es. Les espèces caractĂ©ristiques des autres formations forestières sont Ă©galement peu reprĂ©sentĂ©es dans les syntaxons (moins de 40%). Il ressort donc de cette Ă©tude que le parc national du Banco demeure une forĂŞt Ă  Turraeanthus africanus et Heisteria parvifolia.   Sustainable water management is essential to enable economic development compatible with access to quality water. It contributes to the protection of environments and biodiversity through the use of a management tool. Thus, in the department of Bongouanou (Ivory Coast), a study was conducted to propose a water quality scale based on the fish population of urban and peri-urban lakes. Monthly experimental fishings were conducted from 5 pm to 7 am using two batteries of monofilament gillnets with mesh sizes ranging from 15 to 60 mm, between July 2017 and June 2018. The water quality scale for each lake was developed based on the tolerance/intolerance percentage of individuals and fish species caught. Thus, if the percentage of tolerant individuals is high at the detriment of intolerant individuals in a lake, then this environment would be of poor quality. A total of 1305 fish were caught, of which 843 were in the peri-urban lake (Ehuikro) and 462 were in the urban lake (Kaby). In Ehuikro Lake, intolerant individuals (93.74%) as well as intolerant species (58.33%) dominate the population. Conversely, in Kaby Lake, tolerant individuals (93.83%) dominate and tolerant species represent 50% of the population. These results show that Kaby Lake is disturbed compared to Ehuikro Lake. These results could be explained by the drainage of domestic wastewater, used tires, and plastic waste which led to disturbances such as silting, bank erosion, sedimentation, and eutrophication in Kaby Lake. At Ehuikro Lake, these pressures are lower
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