865 research outputs found

    Identification of blue high proper motion objects in the Tycho-2 and 2MASS catalogues using Virtual Observatory tools

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    With available Virtual Observatory tools, we looked for new bright blue high proper motion objects in the entire sky: white dwarfs, hot subdwarfs, runaway OB stars, and early-type stars in nearby young moving groups. We performed an all-sky cross-match between the optical Tycho-2 and near-infrared 2MASS catalogues with Aladin, and selected objects with proper motions >50mas/yr and colours Vt-Ks<-0.5mag with TOPCAT. We also collected multi-wavelength photometry, constructed the spectral energy distributions and estimated effective temperatures from fits to atmospheric models with VOSA for the most interesting targets. We assembled a sample of 32 bright blue high proper motion objects, including ten sdO/B subdwarfs, nine DA white dwarfs, five young early-type stars (two of which are runaway stars), two blue horizontal branch stars, one star with poor information, and five objects reported for the first time in this work. These last five objects have magnitudes Bt~11.0-11.6mag, effective temperatures ~24,000-30,000K, and are located in the region of known white dwarfs and hot subdwarfs in a reduced proper motion-colour diagram. We confirmed the hot subdwarf nature of one of the new objects, Albus 5, with public far-ultraviolet spectroscopic data obtained with FUSE.Comment: Published in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Specific detection of Salmonella enterica and Escherichia coli strains by using ELISA with bacteriophages as recognition agents

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    The use of bacteriophages, instead of antibodies, in the ELISA-based detection of bacterial strains was tested. This procedure appeared to be efficient, and specific strains of Salmonella enterica and Escherichia coli could be detected. The sensitivity of the assay was about 105 bacterial cells/well (106/ml), which is comparable with or outperforms other ELISA tests detecting intact bacterial cells without an enrichment step. The specificity of the assay depends on the kind of bacteriophage used. We conclude that the use of bacteriophages in the detection and identification of bacteria by an ELISA-based method can be an alternative to the use of specific antibodies. The advantages of the use of bacteriophages are their environmental abundance (and, thus, a possibility to isolate various phages with different specificities) and the availability of methods for obtaining large amounts of phage lysates, which are simple, rapid, cheap, and easy

    Chandra discovery of extended non-thermal emission in 3C 207 and the spectrum of the relativistic electrons

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    We report on the {\it Chandra} discovery of large scale non--thermal emission features in the double lobed SSRL quasar 3C 207 (z=0.684). These are: a diffuse emission well correlated with the western radio lobe, a bright one sided jet whose structure coincides with that of the eastern radio jet and an X-ray source at the tip of the jet coincident with the hot spot of the eastern lobe. The diffuse X-ray structure is best interpreted as inverse Compton (IC) scattering of the IR photons from the nuclear source and provides direct observational support to an earlier conjecture (Brunetti et al., 1997) that the spectrum of the relativistic electrons in the lobes of radio galaxies extends to much lower energies than those involved in the synchrotron radio emission. The X-ray luminous and spatially resolved knot along the jet is of particular interest: by combining VLA and {\it Chandra} data we show that a SSC model is ruled out, while the X-ray spectrum and flux can be accounted for by the IC scattering of the CMB photons (EIC) under the assumptions of a relatively strong boosting and of an energy distribution of the relativistic electrons as that expected from shock acceleration mechanisms. The X-ray properties of the hot spot are consistent with a SSC model. In all cases we find that the inferred magnetic field strength are lower, but close to the equipartition values. The constraints on the energy distribution of the relativistic electrons, imposed by the X-ray spectra of the observed features, are discussed. To this aim we derive in the Appendices precise semi--analytic formulae for the emissivities due to the SSC and EIC processes.Comment: 16 pag. + 13 .PS figures (fig.2 color), Astronomy and Astrophysics, in pres

    Using hospital discharge data for determining neonatal morbidity and mortality: a validation study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Despite widespread use of neonatal hospital discharge data, there are few published reports on the accuracy of population health data with neonatal diagnostic or procedure codes. The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of using routinely collected hospital discharge data in identifying neonatal morbidity during the birth admission compared with data from a statewide audit of selected neonatal intensive care (NICU) admissions.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Validation study of population-based linked hospital discharge/birth data against neonatal intensive care audit data from New South Wales, Australia for 2,432 babies admitted to NICUs, 1994–1996. Sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive values (PPV) with exact binomial confidence intervals were calculated for 12 diagnoses and 6 procedures.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Sensitivities ranged from 37.0% for drainage of an air leak to 97.7% for very low birthweight, specificities all exceeded 85% and PPVs ranged from 70.9% to 100%. In-hospital mortality, low birthweight (≤1500 g), retinopathy of prematurity, respiratory distress syndrome, meconium aspiration, pneumonia, pulmonary hypertension, selected major anomalies, any mechanical ventilation (including CPAP), major surgery and surgery for patent ductus arteriosus or necrotizing enterocolitis were accurately identified with PPVs over 92%. Transient tachypnea of the newborn and drainage of an air leak had the lowest PPVs, 70.9% and 83.6% respectively.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Although under-ascertained, routinely collected hospital discharge data had high PPVs for most validated items and would be suitable for risk factor analyses of neonatal morbidity. Procedures tended to be more accurately recorded than diagnoses.</p

    Biosemiotics, politics and Th.A. Sebeok’s move from linguistics to semiotics

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    This paper will focus on the political implications for the language sciences of Sebeok’s move from linguistics to a global semiotic perspective, a move that ultimately resulted in biosemiotics. The paper will seek to make more explicit the political bearing of a biosemiotic perspective in the language sciences and the human sciences in general. In particular, it will discuss the definition of language inherent in Sebeok’s project and the fundamental re-drawing of the grounds of linguistic debate heralded by Sebeok’s embrace of the concept of modelling. Thus far, the political co-ordinates of the biosemiotic project have not really been made explicit. This paper will therefore seek to outline 1. how biosemiotics enables us to reconfigure our understanding of the role of language in culture; 2. how exaptation is central to the evolution of language and communication, rather than adaptation; 3. how communication is the key issue in biosphere, rather than language, not just because communication includes language but because the language sciences often refer to language as if it were mere “chatter”, “tropes” and “figures of speech”; 4. how biosemiotics, despite its seeming “neutrality” arising from its transdisciplinarity, is thoroughly political; 5. how the failure to see the implications of the move from linguistics to semiotics arises from the fact that biosemiotics is devoid of old style politics, which is based on representation (devoid of experience) and “construction of [everything] in discourse” (which is grounded in linguistics, not communication study). In contrast to the post-“linguistic turn” idea that the world is “constructed in discourse”, we will argue that biosemiotics entails a reconfiguration of the polis and, in particular, offers the chance to completely reconceptualise ideology

    Applying Sentinel Event Reviews to Policing

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    A sentinel event review (SER) is a system-based, multistakeholder review of an organizational error. The goal of an SER is to prevent similar errors from recurring in the future rather than identifying and punishing the responsible parties. In this article, we provide a detailed description of one of the first SERs conducted in an American police department—the review of the Lex Street Massacre investigation and prosecution, which resulted in the wrongful incarceration of four innocent men for 18 months. The results of the review suggest that SERs may help identify new systemic reforms for participating police departments and other criminal justice agencies

    Kuhnian revolutions in neuroscience: the role of tool development.

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    The terms "paradigm" and "paradigm shift" originated in "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" by Thomas Kuhn. A paradigm can be defined as the generally accepted concepts and practices of a field, and a paradigm shift its replacement in a scientific revolution. A paradigm shift results from a crisis caused by anomalies in a paradigm that reduce its usefulness to a field. Claims of paradigm shifts and revolutions are made frequently in the neurosciences. In this article I will consider neuroscience paradigms, and the claim that new tools and techniques rather than crises have driven paradigm shifts. I will argue that tool development has played a minor role in neuroscience revolutions.The work received no fundin

    Laparoscopic adjustable banded roux-en-y gastric bypass as a primary procedure for the super-super-obese (body mass index > 60 kg/m2)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Currently, there is no consensus opinion regarding the optimal procedure of choice in super-super-morbid obesity (Body mass index, BMI > 60 kg/m2). Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) is associated with failure to achieve or maintain 50% excess weight loss (EWL) or BMI < 35 in approximately 15% of patients. Also, percent EWL is significantly less after 1-year in the super-super-obese group as compared with the less obese group and many patients are still technically considered to be obese (lowest post-surgical BMI > 35) following RYGB surgery in this group. The addition of adjustable gastric band (AGB) to RYGB has been reported as a revisional procedure but this combined bariatric procedure has not been explored as a primary operation.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In a primary laparoscopic RYGB, an AGB is drawn around the gastric pouch through a small opening between the blood vessels on the lesser curve and the gastric pouch. The band is then fixed by suturing the gastric remnant to the gastric pouch both above and below the band to prevent slippage.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Between November 2009 and March 2010, 6 consecutive super-super-obese patients underwent a primary laparoscopic adjustable banded Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedure at our institution. One male patient (21 years, BMI 70 kg/m²) developed a pneumonia postoperatively. No other postoperative complications were observed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>To the best of our knowledge, this is the first series of patients that underwent a laparoscopic adjustable banded RYGB as a primary operation for the super-super obese in the indexed literature. With the combined procedure, a sequential action mechanism for weight loss is to be expected. The restrictive, malabsorptive and hormonal working mechanism of the RYGB will induce weight loss from the start reaching a stabilised plateau of weight after 12 - 18 months. At that time, filling of the band can be started resulting in further gastric pouch restriction and increased weight loss. Moreover, besides improving the results of total weight loss, a gradual filling of the band can as well prevent the RYGB patient from weight regain if restriction would fade away with time.</p

    Optimization of Cell Morphology Measurement via Single-Molecule Tracking PALM

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    In neurons, the shape of dendritic spines relates to synapse function, which is rapidly altered during experience-dependent neural plasticity. The small size of spines makes detailed measurement of their morphology in living cells best suited to super-resolution imaging techniques. The distribution of molecular positions mapped via live-cell Photoactivated Localization Microscopy (PALM) is a powerful approach, but molecular motion complicates this analysis and can degrade overall resolution of the morphological reconstruction. Nevertheless, the motion is of additional interest because tracking single molecules provides diffusion coefficients, bound fraction, and other key functional parameters. We used Monte Carlo simulations to examine features of single-molecule tracking of practical utility for the simultaneous determination of cell morphology. We find that the accuracy of determining both distance and angle of motion depend heavily on the precision with which molecules are localized. Strikingly, diffusion within a bounded region resulted in an inward bias of localizations away from the edges, inaccurately reflecting the region structure. This inward bias additionally resulted in a counterintuitive reduction of measured diffusion coefficient for fast-moving molecules; this effect was accentuated by the long camera exposures typically used in single-molecule tracking. Thus, accurate determination of cell morphology from rapidly moving molecules requires the use of short integration times within each image to minimize artifacts caused by motion during image acquisition. Sequential imaging of neuronal processes using excitation pulses of either 2 ms or 10 ms within imaging frames confirmed this: processes appeared erroneously thinner when imaged using the longer excitation pulse. Using this pulsed excitation approach, we show that PALM can be used to image spine and spine neck morphology in living neurons. These results clarify a number of issues involved in interpretation of single-molecule data in living cells and provide a method to minimize artifacts in single-molecule experiments