1,694 research outputs found

    Sum-of-squares of polynomials approach to nonlinear stability of fluid flows: an example of application

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    With the goal of providing the first example of application of a recently proposed method, thus demonstrating its ability to give results in principle, global stability of a version of the rotating Couette flow is examined. The flow depends on the Reynolds number and a parameter characterising the magnitude of the Coriolis force. By converting the original Navier-Stokes equations to a finite-dimensional uncertain dynamical system using a partial Galerkin expansion, high-degree polynomial Lyapunov functionals were found by sum-of-squares-of-polynomials optimization. It is demonstrated that the proposed method allows obtaining the exact global stability limit for this flow in a range of values of the parameter characterising the Coriolis force. Outside this range a lower bound for the global stability limit was obtained, which is still better than the energy stability limit. In the course of the study several results meaningful in the context of the method used were also obtained. Overall, the results obtained demonstrate the applicability of the recently proposed approach to global stability of the fluid flows. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first case in which global stability of a fluid flow has been proved by a generic method for the value of a Reynolds number greater than that which could be achieved with the energy stability approach

    Integrating knowledge forms in public transport planning and policies: the case of the Lisbon metropolitan area

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    Public policy debates about transport planning are often focused on more technical analyses to the detriment of other forms of knowledge. Combining document analysis and interviews with relevant actors, we identify a clear imbalance in the design of transport planning in Lisbon’s Metropolitan Area. There is a clear prevalence of political knowledge, with conflict among key actors as the major source of knowledge and the neglect of other forms, particularly those associated with deliberative processes. The findings also suggest that these imbalances decrease the legitimacy and optimality of potential solutions to complex problems in Lisbon’s transport policy.This work was supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia [UIDB/00713/2020, UIDB/CPO/00758/2020]

    Hybrid Model For Word Prediction Using Naive Bayes and Latent Information

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    Historically, the Natural Language Processing area has been given too much attention by many researchers. One of the main motivation beyond this interest is related to the word prediction problem, which states that given a set words in a sentence, one can recommend the next word. In literature, this problem is solved by methods based on syntactic or semantic analysis. Solely, each of these analysis cannot achieve practical results for end-user applications. For instance, the Latent Semantic Analysis can handle semantic features of text, but cannot suggest words considering syntactical rules. On the other hand, there are models that treat both methods together and achieve state-of-the-art results, e.g. Deep Learning. These models can demand high computational effort, which can make the model infeasible for certain types of applications. With the advance of the technology and mathematical models, it is possible to develop faster systems with more accuracy. This work proposes a hybrid word suggestion model, based on Naive Bayes and Latent Semantic Analysis, considering neighbouring words around unfilled gaps. Results show that this model could achieve 44.2% of accuracy in the MSR Sentence Completion Challenge

    Cultivo de maceiras e produçâo de sidra com denominaçâo de origen protegida no Principado das Asturias, Espanha

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    A sidra é obtida a partir da fermentação alcoólica do mosto de maçã. Na Espanha, a bebida é elaborada basicamente no norte do país, sendo o Principado das Astúrias a principal comunidade autônoma produtora. A maçã e a sidra, elementos marcantes da socioeconomia regional, sustentam o preparo do fermentado reconhecido pela qualidade da matéria-prima que emprega. Todavia, longe de um modelo de cultivo extensivo de macieiras, o meio rural asturiano está pautado na presença de pequenas propriedades policultoras familiares. Além disso, até meados da década de 1990, devido à expansão da pecuária bovina, as atividades de cultivo de maçã e produção de sidra presenciaram acentuado descenso. Diante deste panorama desfavorável, a Denominação de Origem Protegida (DOP) "Sidra das Astúrias", obtida em 2003, objetivou promover a bebida e revigorar a fruticultura da maçã. Os resultados alcançados com o selo DOP tem sido promissores considerando o retorno dos produtores ao cultivo da fruta e a expansão do mercado consumidor da sidra asturianaCider is a beverage obtained from the alcoholic fermentation of apple juice. In Spain the drink is produced above all in the north of the country, and the Principality of Asturias is the main producing region. Apples are one of the most important products of the region's agriculture and are responsible for the high quality of the cider made in Asturias. However, far from being modelled on apple-growing monoculture, the rural economy in Asturias is built around small family farms engaging in polyculture. Also, up to the mid-1990s apple cultivation and cider-making saw a significant decline due to the growth of cattle farming. To deal with this unfavourable outlook the "Asturian Cider" Protected Designations Origin (PDO, a government-conferred quality benchmark), obtained in 2003, aimed to promote the beverage and boost apple farming. The results of the PDO seal have been promising, since producers have returned to farming the fruit and the market for Asturian cider has grownLa sidra es una bebida obtenida a partir de la fermentación alcohólica del mosto de la manzana. En España la bebida es elaborada sobre todo en el norte del país, siendo el Principado de Asturias la comunidad autónoma productora más importante. La manzana y la sidra, base de la socioeconomía regional, en la reconocida calidad de la materia primera y el proceso de fermentación que se emplea. El medio rural asturiano está caracterizado por la presencia de pequeñas propiedades familiares de producción mixta, lejos de un modelo de cultivo extensivo del manzano. Además, hasta mediados de la década de 1990, debido a la expansión de la ganadería las actividades del cultivo del manzano y la producción de la sidra tuvieron descenso importante. Ante este panorama desfavorable la Denominación de Origen Protegida (DOP) "Sidra de Asturias", obtenida en el 2003, decidió promover la bebida y fortalecer la fruticultura de manzanas. Los resultados alcanzados con el sello DOP han sido prometedores al conseguir el retorno de los productores al cultivo de la fruta y la expansión del mercado consumidor de la sidra asturian

    Avaliação de perdas no rendimento de grãos de trigo causadas por Pyricularia grisea, no período de 1988 a 1992, em Mato Grosso do Sul.

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    Amostragem de plantas, preparo de amostras e remessa ao laboratório para identificação de doença.

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