9 research outputs found

    Inconsistency of association between coffee consumption and cognitive function in adults and elderly in a cross-sectional study (ELSA-Brasil)

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    Abstract: Background: Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages worldwide and the effect on cognition appears to be task specific and vary by age. Method: In cohort of 14,563 public service workers (35–74 years old) we assessed coffee consumption habits and examined cognitive function using standardized neuropsychological test battery. By linear regression and generalize linear regression with logarithmic link and gamma distribution we investigated the relation of coffee consumption (never/almost never, €1 cup/day, 2–3 cups/day, „3 cups/day) in the last 12 months to performance on specific domains of cognition for adults and elderly separately. Results: Among elderly, after adjustments, coffee consumption was associated only with an increase in the mean words remembered on learning, recall, and word recognition tests when comparing the 2–3 cups/day to never/almost never category (arithmetic mean ratio (AMR): 1.03; 95% Confidence Interval (CI): 1.00 to 1.07), and to an increase in the mean words pronounced in semantic verbal fluency test when comparing the „3 cups/day to never/almost never category (difference of the mean: 1.23; 95% CI: 0.16 to 2.29). However, coffee consumption was not associated with any cognitive function tests in adults and also was not associated with the phonemic verbal fluency test and trail-making test B in elderly. Conclusions: Results suggest that coffee consumption might be slightly beneficial to memory in elderly but lacks a dose response relationship. Longitudinal analyses are needed to investigate possible, even if subtle, positive effects of coffee drinking on specific cognitive domains in elderly

    Trabalhador autĂŽnomo e contrato de emprego

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    Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à Lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra. STJ00092888 331-057.13 G694t (2012

    Les impacts du travail solidaire dans le sud du Brésil

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    Le coopĂ©rativisme est acclamĂ© dans le monde entier comme un moyen de promouvoir le travail dĂ©cent, gĂ©nĂ©rateur d’emplois et de revenus, qui transforme la rĂ©alitĂ© locale. Le Sud du BrĂ©sil est un exemple de cet impact : une part importante de l’économie de cette RĂ©gion provient de l’existence de coopĂ©ratives. Qu’elles soient comme pour certaines, plus simples et plus axĂ©es sur les pratiques de l’économie solidaire, ou pour d’autres, hautement technologiques et compĂ©titives, elles ont toutes changĂ© l’avenir de la RĂ©gion, qui se trouve ĂȘtre dĂ©sormais la plus dĂ©veloppĂ©e du BrĂ©sil. De plus, les emplois gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©s par les coopĂ©rateurs eux-mĂȘmes, dans leurs unitĂ©s de travail et leurs propriĂ©tĂ©s, mĂ©ritent d’ĂȘtre soulignĂ©s. Ces derniĂšres abritent des personnes en situation de vulnĂ©rabilitĂ©, telles que des personnes handicapĂ©es, des anciens dĂ©tenus, des toxicomanes, des adolescents en difficultĂ© familiale, dans le but de favoriser leur (rĂ©)insertion dans le monde du travail et de meilleurs revus. S’agissant toutefois des coopĂ©ratives sociales, il n’y a pas eu de vĂ©ritable intervention du gouvernement brĂ©silien pour consolider les pratiques socio-Ă©conomiques - diffusĂ©es par l’économie solidaire - comme une vĂ©ritable stratĂ©gie d’insertion dans le monde du travail, ou mĂȘme pour crĂ©er une environnement institutionnel favorable Ă  la formalisation des groupements Ă©conomiques associatifs existants et Ă©mergeants.Cooperativism is acclaimed worldwide as a means of promoting decent work, generating employment and income, which transforms local reality. The South of Brazil is an example of this impact: an important part of the economy of this Region comes from the existence of cooperatives. Some are simpler and more focused on solidarity economy practices, while others are highly technological and competitive, but they have all changed the future of what is now the most developed region in Brazil. In addition, the jobs generated by the cooperators themselves, in their work units and on their properties, are noteworthy. The latter provide shelter for people in vulnerable situations, such as people with disabilities, ex-prisoners, drug addicts, adolescents with family problems, with the aim of promoting income and (re)integration into the world of work. However, in the case of social cooperatives, there has been no real intervention by the Brazilian government to consolidate the socio-economic practices - disseminated by the solidarity economy - as a real strategy for insertion into the world of work, or even to create a favourable institutional environment for the formalisation of existing and emerging associative economic groupings

    Auxílio-reclusão: benefício ou privilégio?

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    Inconsistency of association between coffee consumption and cognitive function in adults and elderly in a cross-sectional study (ELSA-Brasil)

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    Abstract: Background: Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages worldwide and the effect on cognition appears to be task specific and vary by age. Method: In cohort of 14,563 public service workers (35–74 years old) we assessed coffee consumption habits and examined cognitive function using standardized neuropsychological test battery. By linear regression and generalize linear regression with logarithmic link and gamma distribution we investigated the relation of coffee consumption (never/almost never, €1 cup/day, 2–3 cups/day, „3 cups/day) in the last 12 months to performance on specific domains of cognition for adults and elderly separately. Results: Among elderly, after adjustments, coffee consumption was associated only with an increase in the mean words remembered on learning, recall, and word recognition tests when comparing the 2–3 cups/day to never/almost never category (arithmetic mean ratio (AMR): 1.03; 95% Confidence Interval (CI): 1.00 to 1.07), and to an increase in the mean words pronounced in semantic verbal fluency test when comparing the „3 cups/day to never/almost never category (difference of the mean: 1.23; 95% CI: 0.16 to 2.29). However, coffee consumption was not associated with any cognitive function tests in adults and also was not associated with the phonemic verbal fluency test and trail-making test B in elderly. Conclusions: Results suggest that coffee consumption might be slightly beneficial to memory in elderly but lacks a dose response relationship. Longitudinal analyses are needed to investigate possible, even if subtle, positive effects of coffee drinking on specific cognitive domains in elderly

    Inconsistency of association between coffee consumption and cognitive function in adults and elderly in a cross - sectional study (ELSA–Brasil).

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    Background: Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages worldwide and the effect on cognition appears to be task specific and vary by age. Method: In cohort of 14,563 public service workers (35–74 years old) we assessed coffee consumption habits and examined cognitive function using standardized neuropsychological test battery. By linear regression and generalize linear regression with logarithmic link and gamma distribution we investigated the relation of coffee consumption (never/almost never, €1 cup/day, 2–3 cups/day, „3 cups/day) in the last 12 months to performance on specific domains of cognition for adults and elderly separately. Results: Among elderly, after adjustments, coffee consumption was associated only with an increase in the mean words remembered on learning, recall, and word recognition tests when comparing the 2–3 cups/day to never/almost never category (arithmetic mean ratio (AMR): 1.03; 95% Confidence Interval (CI): 1.00 to 1.07), and to an increase in the mean words pronounced in semantic verbal fluency test when comparing the „3 cups/day to never/almost never category (difference of the mean: 1.23; 95% CI: 0.16 to 2.29). However, coffee consumption was not associated with any cognitive function tests in adults and also was not associated with the phonemic verbal fluency test and trail-making test B in elderly. Conclusions: Results suggest that coffee consumption might be slightly beneficial to memory in elderly but lacks a dose response relationship. Longitudinal analyses are needed to investigate possible, even if subtle, positive effects of coffee drinking on specific cognitive domains in elderly

    Inconsistency of association between coffee consumption and cognitive function in adults and elderly in a cross-sectional study (ELSA-Brasil)

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    Background: Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages worldwide and the effect on cognition appears to be task specific and vary by age. Method: In cohort of 14,563 public service workers (35–74 years old) we assessed coffee consumption habits and examined cognitive function using standardized neuropsychological test battery. By linear regression and generalize linear regression with logarithmic link and gamma distribution we investigated the relation of coffee consumption (never/almost never, ≀1 cup/day, 2–3 cups/day, ≄3 cups/day) in the last 12 months to performance on specific domains of cognition for adults and elderly separately. Results: Among elderly, after adjustments, coffee consumption was associated only with an increase in the mean words remembered on learning, recall, and word recognition tests when comparing the 2–3 cups/day to never/almost never category (arithmetic mean ratio (AMR): 1.03; 95% Confidence Interval (CI): 1.00 to 1.07), and to an increase in the mean words pronounced in semantic verbal fluency test when comparing the ≄3 cups/day to never/almost never category (difference of the mean: 1.23; 95% CI: 0.16 to 2.29). However, coffee consumption was not associated with any cognitive function tests in adults and also was not associated with the phonemic verbal fluency test and trail-making test B in elderly. Conclusions: Results suggest that coffee consumption might be slightly beneficial to memory in elderly but lacks a dose response relationship. Longitudinal analyses are needed to investigate possible, even if subtle, positive effects of coffee drinking on specific cognitive domains in elderly

    Lavori atipici ed economia digitale - Prospettiva luso-italo-brasiliana. Contratos atĂ­picos de emprego e economia digital - Perspectiva luso-Ă­talo-brasileira

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    Il seminario “Lavori atipici ed economia digitale - Prospettiva luso-italo-brasiliana”, svolto il 28 aprile 2022, presso l'UniversitĂ  La Sapienza di Roma, ha avuto come obiettivo riunire studenti, ricercatori e docenti per confrontarsi su temi legati ai profondi cambiamenti subiti dal mercato del lavoro, presso un momento in cui l'economia globale non riesce a generare sufficienti posti di lavoro. Tra i cambiamenti analizzati durante il seminario si puĂČ citare, tra gli altri, la crescita di forme di occupazione diverse dai modelli tradizionalmente utilizzati. Si osserva che le cosiddette “forme atipici di lavoro” possono servire a finalitĂ  specifiche, come situazioni di lavoro stagionale, ma possono anche essere utilizzate per regolare nuove attivitĂ  e forme di occupazione, derivanti dall'evoluzione della societĂ  nel nostro tempo. Quest’opera contiene studi relativi al lavoro su piattaforma digitale, contratti a tempo determinato, lavoro temporaneo, somministrazione, telelavoro o smart working, lavoro intermittente, lavoro part-time, tra le altre forme di contratti atipici. In questo modo gli organizzatori, l’universitĂ  Sapienza di Roma, l’UniversitĂ  LusĂłfona e l’Instituto Iberoamericano de Estudos JuridĂ­cos – IBEROJUR, invitano la comunitĂ  accademica, formata da giuristi e non giuristi, giovani ricercatori e professori, a leggere questo libro, che presenta riflessioni critiche degli autori sulle sfide del mondo del lavoro, in una prospettiva globalizzata