21 research outputs found

    Young Women Learning in Social Struggle

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    Based on a study conducted with young activists, this paper discusses social movement learning and the personal and social transformations it fosters. The author presents a framework that broadens conventional interpretations of political economy by adding patriarchy and white supremacy to capitalism, as systems of domination, and as points of analysis

    Cyber-Dilemmas: Gendered Hierarchies, New Technologies and Cyber-Safety in Schools

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    This paper addresses gender issues relating to cyber-bullying among adolescents which is reflective of adult Internet use. It highlights legal considerations to address the policy vacuum on this emerging form of gendered violence. Résumé Cet article se penche sur les questions reliées à la cyberintimidation chez les adolescents qui reflÚte l'usage de l'internet chez les adultes. Ceci met en relief les considérations légales pour adresser le vide des politiques sur cette forme de violence qui surgit basée sur le sexe

    A Gamma-Herpesvirus Glycoprotein Complex Manipulates Actin to Promote Viral Spread

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    Viruses lack self-propulsion. To move in multi-cellular hosts they must therefore manipulate infected cells. Herpesviruses provide an archetype for many aspects of host manipulation, but only for alpha-herpesviruses in is there much information about they move. Other herpesviruses are not necessarily the same. Here we show that Murine gamma-herpesvirus-68 (MHV-68) induces the outgrowth of long, branched plasma membrane fronds to create an intercellular network for virion traffic. The fronds were actin-based and RhoA-dependent. Time-lapse imaging showed that the infected cell surface became highly motile and that virions moved on the fronds. This plasma membrane remodelling was driven by the cytoplasmic tail of gp48, a MHV-68 glycoprotein previously implicated in intercellular viral spread. The MHV-68 ORF58 was also required, but its role was simply transporting gp48 to the plasma membrane, since a gp48 mutant exported without ORF58 did not require ORF58 to form membrane fronds either. Together, gp48/ORF58 were sufficient to induce fronds in transfected cells, as were the homologous BDLF2/BMRF2 of Epstein-Barr virus. Gp48/ORF58 therefore represents a conserved module by which gamma-herpesviruses rearrange cellular actin to increase intercellular contacts and thereby promote their spread

    Husbandry Of Monodelphis Domestica In The Study Of Mammalian Embryogenesis

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    Monodelphis domestica, commonly called the laboratory opossum, is a useful laboratory animal for studying marsupial embryogenesis and mammalian development. Females breed year-round and the animals can be sustainably bred indoors. The authors draw on their own laboratory\u27s experience to supplement previously published research on laboratory opossums. They describe a breeding protocol that reliably produces timed-pregnant M. domestica. Additionally, the authors discuss general laboratory opossum husbandry techniques and describe how to collect, handle and culture embryos

    Gendering resistance : young women's learning in social action

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    Learning happens informally and incidentally in social struggle, yet it has not been the focus of many studies. When critical adult education scholars research the role of learning and education in transforming society, their analysis is centred on the role of capitalism, or the role of civil society. Critical adult education theory is caught in a debate between radical pluralist and socialist traditions---traditions that guide the role of education and educators in transforming society. Addressing this polemic, I draw on antiracist feminist scholarship to propose an analytical framework that takes into consideration the interdependence of systems of domination; namely, white supremacy, patriarchy and capitalism.In this study, I focus on young female activists' experiences and learning in social struggle. I rely on interviews and a participatory research project conducted with a group of young facilitators working with girls in an elementary school. The role of oppression and domination in social movements and in emancipatory projects is explored. Learning is found to be situated in particular historical contexts and to be influenced by underlying social dynamics inherent to social struggle. It is also found to be contradictory---it both inhibits and fosters change.This study is my praxis. It is a back and forth between grassroots practice and research. It engages activists in thinking critically about their actions and uses various written texts to reflect their stories back to them, and to broader audiences. In the tradition of feminist and participatory research, I use this study as a catalyst for learning and for transforming practice

    La refonte du systÚme d'information national pour la gestion et la mise à disposition des données hydrométriques

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    Aujourd'hui, les donnĂ©es hydromĂ©triques au niveau français sont collectĂ©es et mises Ă  disposition via deux systĂšmes d'information distincts, initialement pour rĂ©pondre Ă  deux objectifs diffĂ©rents : d'une part la prĂ©vision et la surveillance des crues, d'autre part le suivi des rĂ©gimes hydrologiques des cours d'eau et de la ressource en eau. Dans le cadre de l'unification de l'hydromĂ©trie, engagĂ©e dĂšs les annĂ©es 1990 puis renforcĂ©e en 2006, ces systĂšmes d'information (SI) sont en cours de modernisation, avec pour fondement une base de donnĂ©es centrale unique, de façon Ă  gĂ©rer de façon unifiĂ©e les rĂ©fĂ©rentiels hydromĂ©triques et mĂ©tĂ©orologiques, rendre ces SI interopĂ©rables et Ă©volutifs, rĂ©nover leur architecture et rĂ©pondre Ă  des besoins nouveaux ou non satisfaits jusqu'ici. C'est l'objectif de l'opĂ©ration " HYDRO 3 ", qui se dĂ©compose comme suit, certaines des Ă©tapes dĂ©crites pouvant se dĂ©rouler de maniĂšre concomitante : 1. dĂ©finition de modĂšles de donnĂ©es rĂ©novĂ©s pour les mĂ©tadonnĂ©es et les donnĂ©es, et construction de la nouvelle base de donnĂ©es (BD HYDRO), mettant en Ɠuvre ces nouveaux modĂšles de donnĂ©es ; 2. initialisation du rĂ©fĂ©rentiel hydromĂ©trique (action MIGREF) et mĂ©tĂ©orologique de la nouvelle BD HYDRO ; 3. mise en service de la partie temps rĂ©el de la BD HYDRO et bascule sur celle-ci de l'alimentation de Vigicrues et d'autres outils (Superviseur national, Plate-forme opĂ©rationnelle pour les modĂšles de prĂ©vision) du rĂ©seau national formĂ© par les unitĂ©s d'hydromĂ©trie, les services de prĂ©vision des crues et le Schapi (rĂ©seau PC&H) ; 4. dĂ©veloppement des interfaces pour : les opĂ©rateurs du rĂ©seau PC&H, pour gĂ©rer le rĂ©fĂ©rentiel et les liens avec les outils externes permettant de contrĂŽler les donnĂ©es et d'alimenter la base en courbes de tarage et courbes de correction des hauteurs d'eau ; les gestionnaires de points de mesure " au-delĂ  du rĂ©seau PC&H ", via un accĂšs spĂ©cifique ; le public, via un portail Internet ; 5. dĂ©veloppement de fonctions de calcul et d'analyse hydrologique, permettant de disposer d'un outil fonctionnel au moins Ă©quivalent Ă  celui de la Banque HYDRO actuelle ; 6. transfert dans la nouvelle BD HYDRO de toutes les chroniques stockĂ©es dans la Banque HYDRO, cette derniĂšre Ă©tape permettant de basculer dĂ©finitivement sur le nouvel environnement. Aujourd'hui les Ă©tapes 1 et 2 sont achevĂ©es, l'Ă©tape 3 devrait progressivement l'ĂȘtre entre 2013 et 2014, l'Ă©tape 4 est bien engagĂ©e. De nombreux obstacles ont Ă©tĂ© franchis ; il reste encore du chemin Ă  parcourir au cours des prochaines annĂ©es dans cette entreprise complexe et de longue haleine

    La refonte du systÚme d'information national pour la gestion et la mise à disposition des données hydrométriques

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    Refounding the national information system designed to manage and give access to hydrometric data. Today, hydrometric data in France are collected and published via two distinct information systems, initially to meet two different objectives : on one side, flood monitoring and forecasting ; on the other side, monitoring of hydrological regimes of rivers and water resources. Within the framework of hydrometry unification, started in the years 1990 then enhanced in 2006, these information systems are being modernized, founded on a unique central database, in order to lead to a unified management of hydrometric and meteorological referential data, make these information systems interoperable and easier to change, upgrade their architecture and meet new or yet unsatisfied needs. This is the goal of the “HYDRO 3” project, broken down as follows, some of the steps below being possibly carried out in parallel : 1. define renovated data models for metadata and data, and build thdefine renovated data models for metadata and data, and build the new database (HYDRO DB) implementing these new data models ; 2. initialize hydrometric and meteorological referential data in the new HYDRO DB ; 3. start the real time part of the database and switch the Vigicrues website on the new database, as well as other tools of the national network which covers flood forecasting services, hydrometry teams and Schapi (FF& H) ; 4. develop the human interface with : the State operators, for referential data management and the link with the external tools allowing to control data and to feed the database with rating curves and water level correction curves ; the measurement point managers, beyond FF& H network, through a specific access ; the public, through an Internet portal ; 5. develop functions for hydrological calculations and analysidevelop functions for hydrological calculations and analysis, in order to provide equivalent functionality to the current Banque HYDRO system, 6. transfer all the historical records stored in the Banque HYDRO, into the new database ; this last step allows to definitely move to the new environment. Today, the first and the second steps are achieved. Step 3 should follow between 2013 and 2014. Step 4 is well underway. Many obstacles were overcome ; there is still some way to go during the coming years, for this complex and long-term task.Aujourd’hui, les donnĂ©es hydromĂ©triques au niveau français sont collectĂ©es et mises Ă  disposition via deux systĂšmes d’information distincts, initialement pour rĂ©pondre Ă  deux objectifs diffĂ©rents : d'une part la prĂ©vision et la surveillance : d'une part la prĂ©vision et la surveillance des crues, d'autre part le suivi des rĂ©gimes hydrologiques des cours d'eau et de la ressource en eau. Dans le cadre de l'unification de l'hydromĂ©trie, engagĂ©e dĂšs les annĂ©es 1990 puis renforcĂ©e en 2006, ces systĂšmes d'information (SI) sont en cours de modernisation, avec pour fondement une base de donnĂ©es centrale unique, de façon Ă  gĂ©rer de façon unifiĂ©e les rĂ©fĂ©rentiels hydromĂ©triques et mĂ©tĂ©orologiques, rendre ces SI interopĂ©rables et Ă©volutifs, rĂ©nover leur architecture et rĂ©pondre Ă  des besoins nouveaux ou non satisfaits jusqu'ici. C'est l'objectif de l''opĂ©ration « HYDRO 3 », qui se dĂ©compose comme suit, certaines des Ă©tapes dĂ©crites pouvant se dĂ©rouler de maniĂšre concomitante : 1. dĂ©finition de modĂšles de donnĂ©es rĂ©novĂ©s pour les mĂ©tadonnĂ©es et les donnĂ©es, et construction de la nouvelle base de donnĂ©es (BD HYDRO), mettant en oeuvre ces nouveaux modĂšles de donnĂ©es de donnĂ©es ; 2. initialisation du rĂ©fĂ©rentiel hydromĂ©trique (action MIGREF) et mĂ©tĂ©orologique de la nouvelle BD HYDRO ; 3. mise en service de la partie temps rĂ©el de la BD HYDRO et bascule sur celle-ci de l'alimentation de Vigicrues et d'autres outils (Superviseur national, Plateforme opĂ©rationnelle pour les modĂšles de prĂ©vision) du rĂ©seau national formĂ© par les unitĂ©s d'hydromĂ©trie, les services de prĂ©vision des crues et le Schapi (rĂ©seau PC&H) ; 4. dĂ©veloppement des interfaces pour : les opĂ©rateurs du rĂ©seau PC&H, pour gĂ©rer le rĂ©fĂ©rentiel et les liens avec les outils externes permettant de contrĂŽler les donnĂ©es et d'alimenter la base en courbes de tarage et courbes de correction des hauteurs d'eau ; les gestionnaires de points de mesure «au -delĂ  du rĂ©seau PC&H», via un accĂšs spĂ©cifique ; le public, via un portail Internet ; 5. dĂ©veloppement de fonctions de calcul et d'analyse hydrologique, permettant de disposer d'un outil fonctionnel au moins Ă©quivalent Ă  celui de la Banque HYDRO actuelle moins Ă©quivalent Ă  celui de la Banque HYDRO actuelle ; 6. transfert dans la nouvelle BD HYDRO de toutes les chroniques stockĂ©es dans la Banque HYDRO, cette derniĂšre Ă©tape permettant de basculer dĂ©finitivement sur le nouvel environnement. Aujourd’hui les Ă©tapes 1 et 2 sont achevĂ©es, l'Ă©tape 3 devrait progressivement l'ĂȘtre entre 2013 et 2014, l'Ă©tape 4 est bien engagĂ©e. De nombreux obstacles ont Ă©tĂ© franchis ; il reste encore du chemin Ă  parcourir au cours des prochaines annĂ©es dans cette entreprise complexe et de longue haleine.Leleu Isabelle, Tonnelier Isabelle, Puechberty Rachel, Gouin Philippe, Viquendi Isabelle, Cobos Laurent, Foray Anouck, Baillon Martine, N’Dima Pierre-Olivier. La refonte du systĂšme d'information national pour la gestion et la mise Ă  disposition des donnĂ©es hydromĂ©triques. In: 35es journĂ©es de l’hydraulique de la SociĂ©tĂ© Hydrotechnique de France. HydromĂ©trie 2013. Paris, 15-16 mai 2013. 2013

    Passive sampling methods for contaminated sediments: Scientific rationale supporting use of freely dissolved concentrations

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    Passive sampling methods (PSMs) allow the quantification of the freely dissolved concentration (Cfree) of an organic contaminant even in complex matrices such as sediments. Cfree is directly related to a contaminant's chemical activity, which drives spontaneous processes including diffusive uptake into benthic organisms and exchange with the overlying water column. Consequently, Cfree provides a more relevant dose metric than total sediment concentration. Recent developments in PSMs have significantly improved our ability to reliably measure even very low levels of Cfree. Application of PSMs in sediments is preferably conducted in the equilibrium regime, where freely dissolved concentrations in the sediment are well‐linked to the measured concentration in the sampler via analyte‐specific partition ratios. The equilibrium condition can then be assured by measuring a time series or a single time point using passive samplers with different surface to volume ratios. Sampling in the kinetic regime is also possible and generally involves the application of performance reference compounds for the calibration. Based on previous research on hydrophobic organic contaminants, it is concluded that Cfree allows a direct assessment of 1) contaminant exchange and equilibrium status between sediment and overlying water, 2) benthic bioaccumulation, and 3) potential toxicity to benthic organisms. Thus, the use of PSMs to measure Cfree provides an improved basis for the mechanistic understanding of fate and transport processes in sediments and has the potential to significantly improve risk assessment and management of contaminated sediments.Exxon Mobil CorporationSouthern California Coastal Water Research ProjectStrategic Environmental Research and Development Program (U.S.)SETAC (Society)University of California, Riverside. Department of Environmental Science