618 research outputs found

    Agni - Key factor for Shodhananga Snehapana

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    Agni is termed as Vaishwanara as it takes the person from Mruthyuloka to Swargaloka. It is an important factor and is equitant to Prana; is one among Dashaprana Ayatana. Agni in Shareera is present in different forms with different actions. It is the responsible factor for both health and disease; on the other hand the successful outcome of treatment is also dependant on Agni. Chikitsa (treatment) is the process of bestowing normalcy which is either brought by Shodhana (purificatory) or Shamana (palliative) Karma. Snehapana is a pre-operative procedure for Shodhana Chikitsa where in Sneha Dravya (medicated fat) is administered for attainment of Upasthita Dosha Avastha and further ease in elimination of the vitiated Doshas. Assessment of Dosha, Dushya, Vyadhi Avastha, Roga Bala, Rogi Bala, Agni, Koshta etc. factors are essential for the attainment of Chikitsa Phala. Assessment of Agni not only helps in understanding Vyadhi but also enables to plan the dosage of Sneha to be administered. Thus this paper is an attempt to throw light on the importance of Agni, assessment of Agni and Agni Bala prior to Shodhananga Snehapana

    Cranio-Cerebral Injuries in Victims of Fatal Road Traffic Accident: A 5 year Post-Mortem Study

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    Background:Victims of vehicular accident sustain different types of injuries, of which, head injury is considered as more fatal than injury to other systems. This study was carried out to know the incidence and pattern of cranio-cerebral injuries in victims of fatal vehicular accidents.Methods: Medico-legal autopsies conducted on victims of vehicular accidents from 01-01-2008 to 31-12-2012 at the Dept. of Forensic Medicine, Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore, Karnataka, India, were retrospectively analysed.Results:Deaths due to vehicular accidents constituted 69% of the total unnatural deaths. Cranio-cerebral injuries were present in 68.5% of victims of vehicular accident. Combination of skull fracture, intra-cranial haemorrhages and cerebral injury was seen in maximum number of victims (38.2%). If injuries are considered individually, most commonly observed injury was intracranial haemorrhage (90.7%), followed by skull fracture (78.9%). Subarachnoid haemorrhage was the commonest type of intracranial haemorrhage present (78.3%). In the skull vault, linear fracture was the commonest type (49%) and in the base, middle cranial fossa (68.3%) was the most commonly fractured fossa. Among the cerebral injuries, contusion of the brain tissue was the commonest injury seen. Frontal and temporal lobes were the most commonly injured parts of the cerebrum (65.8%).Conclusion:Most of the cranio-cerebral injuries cannot be treated successfully because of their anatomical configuration. But, morbidity and mortality due to vehicular accidents can be reduced by preventing the occurrence of accidents. Therefore, the old saying, “Prevention is better than cure” holds good even here

    Bacterial contamination of white coats and hands of healthcare workers at mansoura university children’s hospital, Mansoura-Egypt

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    Background: Transmission of hospital acquired infections (HAIs) may be associated with contamination of healthcare workers’ (HCWs) hands and white coats.Objective: The purpose of this study was to clarify the role of HCWs’ white coats in transmitting HAIs and to determine the association between bacterial contamination of HCWs’ hands and white coats.Methods: A total of 154 HCWs were enrolled in the study; different samples were taken from their hands and white coats. Samples were processed and both microbiological and biochemical characterization of the isolates were done using standard microbiological protocols.Results: Up to 65.6% of hands and 61% of coats of HCWs were contaminated by microorganisms. Staphylococcus aureus was the most commonly isolated organisms from both hands and coats of HCWs (29.2%, 27.3% respectively) followed by MRSA (22.1%, 24.7% respectively).Conclusions: The risk for contamination of hands and coats of HCWs is high in different clinical settings. In order to reduce the rate of HAIs, a strict dress protocol should be set into play to prevent cross contamination between HCWs and patients.Keywords: contamination, HCWs, coat, hand, Staphylococcus aureus, MRSA. Contamination bacterienne de manteaux blancs et de mains de soins de sante a l'hopital pour enfants de l'universite mansoura, Mansoura-EgypteContexte: La transmission des infectionsObjectif: Le but de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait de dĂ©terminer l'Ă©tendue, le type et l'association entre la contamination bactĂ©rienne des mains des travailleurs de la santĂ© et les blouses blanches.MĂ©thodes: Au total, 154 travailleurs de la santĂ© ont Ă©tĂ© inclus dans l'Ă©tude; diffĂ©rents Ă©chantillons ont Ă©tĂ© pris de leurs mains et des manteaux blancs. Les Ă©chantillons ont Ă©tĂ© traitĂ©s et la caractĂ©risation microbiologique et biochimique des isolats a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e en utilisant des protocoles microbiologiques standard.RĂ©sultats: Jusqu'Ă  65,6% des mains et 61% des couches de TS ont Ă©tĂ© contaminĂ©es par des micro-organismes. Le Staphylococcus aureus Ă©tait le plus souvent isolĂ© des deux mains et des deux sexes (29,2%, 27,3%), suivi par le SARM (22,1%, 24,7% respectivement).Conclusions: Le risque de contamination des mains et des couches de TS est Ă©levĂ© dans diffĂ©rents contextes cliniques. Afin de rĂ©duire le taux d'IASS, un protocole vestimentaire strict devrait ĂȘtre mis en place pour prĂ©venir la contamination croisĂ©e entre les travailleurs de la santĂ© et les patients.Mots clĂ©s: contamination, agents de santĂ©, manteau, main, Staphylococcus aureus, SAR

    Women's knowledge of maternal danger signs during pregnancy: Findings from a cross-sectional survey in Papua New Guinea

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    © 2019 Objective: To explore knowledge of pregnancy related danger signs among women attending antenatal clinics in Papua New Guinea. Design: Cross-sectional survey undertaken as part of a wider integrated health and demographic survey. Setting: Three sites in Papua New Guinea: Hiri District (Central Province), Karkar (Madang Province) and Asaro (Eastern Highlands Province). Participants: 482 women aged 15–44 years. Findings: Almost all (95.2%; 459/482) women attended for antenatal care at least once; 68.2% attended four or more times. Among women who attended the antenatal clinic, 53.6% (246/459) reported receiving information about danger signs in pregnancy from a health worker. Of these 60.2% (148/246) could recall at least one danger sign. In addition, 16.4% (35/213) of women who did not receive information from the antenatal clinic reported pregnancy related danger signs. Among the 183 women who reported danger signs, 47.5% (87/183) reported fever; 39.3% (72/183) reported vaginal bleeding and 36.6% (67/183) reported swelling of the face, legs and arms. Women who reported receiving information at the antenatal clinic were significantly more likely know any danger signs, compared with women who did not receive information at the antenatal clinic (OR 7.68 (95%CI: 4.93, 11.96); p = <0.001). Knowledge of danger signs was significantly associated with secondary school education, compared with none or only primary education (OR 3.08 (95% CI: 2.06, 4.61); p = <0.001). Conclusions and implications for practice: Every antenatal clinic visit should be used opportunistically to provide women with information about key danger signs during pregnancy and childbirth. Recognising maternal danger signs, together with the importance of seeking early transfer to the health facility and the importance of attending for a health facility birth are critical to improving outcomes for mothers and babies especially in low income settings such as Papua New Guinea


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    Objective: Studies were carried out, for the first time, to investigate the charge-transfer reactions of voriconazole antifungal drug (VOR) as n-electron donor with the ĂÆ’-acceptor iodine (I2) and various Ï€-acceptors: 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ); 2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyano-1,4-benzoquinone (DDQ) and p-chloranilic acid (p-CLA).Methods: The formation of the colored charge-transfer complexes were utilized in the development of simple, rapid and accurate spectrophotometric methods for the analysis of voriconazole in pure form as well as in its pharmaceutical formulation (tablets). Different variables affecting the reactions were studied and optimized.Results: Under the optimum reaction conditions, linear relationships with good correlation coefficients (0.9994ñ€“0.9999) were found between the absorbance and the concentration of voriconazole in the range of 2.0ñ€“120 ĂŽÂŒg mLñˆ’1. For more accurate analysis, Ringbom optimum concentration range was found to be between 4.0-110 ĂŽÂŒg mL-1. The limits of detection ranged from 0.36 to 1.23Ă‚Â ĂŽÂŒg mLñˆ’1andthe limits of quantification ranged from 1.20 to 4.10Ă‚Â ĂŽÂŒg mLñˆ’1. A Job's plot of the absorbance versus the molar ratio of voriconazole to each of acceptors under consideration indicated (1:1) ratio.Conclusion: The proposed methods were applied successfully for simultaneous determination of voriconazole in tablets with good accuracy and precision and without interferences from common additives. The results were compared favourably with the reported method.Â

    Pre-Interventional Cardiac and ECG Changes in Acute Organophosphate Poisoning Cases Admitted to a Tertiary Hospital in India

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    Background: Cardiac complications are the less common fatal effect of acute organophosphate poisoning. This study was undertaken to analyze the pre-interventional cardiac and Electrocardiographic (ECG) changes in acute organophosphate poisoning cases.Materials and Methods: Clinical records of acute organophosphate poisoning patients of age less than 50 years admitted to KLE’s Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital, Belgaum, Karnataka, from 01-01-2010 to 31-12-2010 were analyzed. Cases of organophosphate poisonings referred from other hospitals, poisoning with multiple agents, patients with history of previous cardiac diseases and coexisting medical conditions were excluded from the study. Poisoning Severity Score was calculated as per International Programme on Chemical Safety and patients were grouped into 3 grades.Results: In this study, 50 cases of acute organophosphate poisoning (male - 32; female - 18) were analyzed. Sinus tachycardia was present in 45 patients (90%), hypertension in 13 (26%) and hypotension in 12 (24%). Prolonged corrected QT interval was observed in 14 patients (28%), elevated ST segment in 2 (4%), inverted T wave in 13 (26%) and conduction defects in 1 (2%). Among 14 patients with prolonged corrected QT interval, 12 were in grade III and 2 in grade II severity; and, among 13 patients who had inverted T wave, 2 were in grade I, 4 in grade II and 7 in grade III severity. Acidosis, as assessed by blood pH and HCO3, was observed in 22 patients (44%).Conclusion: Fatal cardiac complications do occur in acute organophosphate poisoning, which are overlooked at times as the most common complications expected are respiratory complications. Higher incidence of ECG changes in Grade III cases suggests that if the cardiac complications develop, the patient should be immediately transferred to an intensive cardiac care unit

    Fabrication, Mechanical and Wear Properties of Aluminum (Al6061)-Silicon Carbide-Graphite Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites

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    In recent times, the use of aluminum alloy-based Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites (HMMCs) is being increased in aerospace and automotive applications. HMMCs compensate for the low desirable properties of each filler used. However, the mechanical properties of HMMCs are not well understood. In particular, microstructural investigations and wear optimization studies of HMMCs are not clear. Therefore, further studies are required. The present study is aimed at fabricating and mechanical and wear characterizing and microstructure investigating of Silicon Carbide (SiC) and Graphite (Gr) added in Aluminum (Al) alloy Al6061 HMMCs. The addition of SiC particles was in the range from 0 to 9 weight percentage (wt.%) in steps of 3, along with the addition of 1 wt.% Gr in powder form. The presence of alloying elements in the Al6061 alloy was identified using the Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis (EDX). The dispersion of SiC and Gr particles in the alloy was investigated using metallurgical microscope and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The gain in strength can be attributed to the growth in dislocation density. The nature of fracture was quasi-cleavage. The microstructure examination reveals the uniform dispersion of the reinforcement. Density, hardness, and Ultimate Tensile Strength values observed to be increased with increased contents of SiC reinforcement. Besides, wear studies were performed in dry sliding conditions. Optimization studies were performed to investigate the effect of parameters that affecting the wear. The sliding wear resistance was noticed to be improved concerning higher amounts of reinforcement leading to a decrease in delamination and adhesive wear. The predicted values for the wear rate have also been compared with the experimental results and good correlation is obtained


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    Objective: An eco-friendly, simple and sensitive vortex-assisted ionic liquid-based dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction method (VA-IL-DLL”E) has been proposed to enrich and determine trace levels of cadmium (Cd2+ ) and lead (Pb2+ ) ions in water, vegetables and tobacco samples, prior to its FAAS determination. Methods: The proposed method based on utilization of ionic liquid (IL) (1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium tris(pentafluoroethyl)trifluorophosphate [HMIM][FAP]) as an extraction solvent for both ions after the complexation with 4,5-dihydroxy-3-phenylazo-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid, disodium salt (Chromotrope 2R) at pH 6.5. The impact of different analytical parameters on microextraction efficiency was optimized. Results: In the ranges of 1.0–300 and 2.0-400 ÎŒg/ml, the calibration graphs were linear. The limits of detection were 0.3 and 0.6 ÎŒg/ml for Cd2+ and Pb2+ ions, respectively. The preconcentration factor was 100. The relative standard deviation (RSD %)&lt;3.0%, which indicates the proposed method has high precision. Conclusion: The proposed VA-IL-DLL”E method was developed and applied for the estimation of Cd2+ and Pb2+ ion content in various water, vegetables and tobacco samples, and satisfactory results were obtained. The obtained recovery values showed good agreement with the certified values

    Quantum fluctuations and CMB anisotropies in one-bubble open inflation models

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    We first develop a method to calculate a complete set of mode functions which describe the quantum fluctuations generated in one-bubble open inflation models. We consider two classes of models. One is a single scalar field model proposed by Bucher, Goldhaber and Turok and by us as an example of the open inflation scinario, and the other is a two-field model such as the ``supernatural'' inflation proposed by Linde and Mezhlumian. In both cases we assume the difference in the vacuum energy density between inside and outside the bubble is negligible. There are two kinds of mode functions. One kind has usual continuous spectrum and the other has discrete spectrum with characteristic wavelengths exceeding the spatial curvature scale. The latter can be further devided into two classes in terms of its origin. One is called the de Sitter super-curvature mode, which arises due to the global spacetime structure of de Sitter space, and the other is due to fluctuations of the bubble wall. We calculate the spectrum of quantum fluctuations in these models and evaluate the resulting large angular scale CMB anisotropies. We find there are ranges of model parameters that are consistent with observed CMB anisotropies.Comment: 22 pages revtex file, 12 postscript figures, tarred, gzippe
