223 research outputs found

    A review article of Maria Halamska’s book Continuity and Change. Rural Poland 1918–2018: Searching for Sources of the Present, SCHOLAR Publishing House, 2020

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    A review article of Maria Halamska’s book Continuity and Change. Rural Poland 1918–2018: Searching for Sources of the Present, SCHOLAR Publishing House, 202

    Spatial distribution of red foxes Vulpes vulpes in winter

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    Strengthening Alternative Agro-food Networks in the Eastern European Countryside

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    This paper will answer the question raised by the ongoing debate on the conditions of Alternative Agro-Food Networks (AAFN) strengthened in the specific context of different European countries. Modern, sustainable local food systems are built on the basis of social networks which linked different actors into a coherent, horizontal web. Producers, processors and consumers are bonded by a common vision and values which go far beyond simple market production. The issue of sustainable food production and consumption gains special importance in the post-transformation countries of Eastern Europe

    Penetration of mammals over urban green spaces in Warsaw

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    Body on the Plate. On the Relation between the Carnality and Food (on the example of meat in advertising)

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    Do we own our bodies? Do we control them during the meal, or does the meal control us? In this paper, we aim to examine the complex nexus of social and physical practices embedded in eating habits. During the examination of selected culinary advertisements, we will attempt to explain how food stabilizes, catalyzes, separates, and mediates social relations, as well as social and individual bodies. The paper merges the perspective of cultural anthropology, sociology of the body, and food studies

    Local horizons of governance. Social conditions for good governance in rural development in Poland

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    The last thirty years have radically changed the nature of local resource management in rural communities throughout Poland (as well as in some other Central and Eastern European countries). New metamorphosis, policy, and funding mechanisms related to Poland’s political transformation and accession to the European Union have radically changed the character of institutions and tools available in rural development. Local communities have evolved along with improved education levels, decline in agricultural employment rates, and increased migrations to cities and Western Europe. This article presents the social conditions for the good governance processes in a selected region of Poland. Based on their extended quantitative and qualitative research, the authors discuss a number of phenomena such as the low effectiveness of collective actions, dense networks of informal relations, and the lack of trust in public service institutions despite the deregulation of certain powers. The ethnographic study reveals that while their overall picture may seem quite uniform, local rural communities in Poland tend to differ depending on the economic structure, history, and cultural identity of their inhabitants. Finally, the article analyses difficulties in the implementation of the good governance mechanisms within the country’s local rural communities

    Alternative Food Networks from the Institutional Perspective

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    This article analyses the internal diversity and dynamics of Polish Alternative Food Networks (AFNs), using the concept of institutions and their impact on collective action as a theoretical tool. Emphasis is put on four dimensions of AFNs’ internal diversity: meanings, association models, control mechanisms, and actions. The analysis is based on empirical material collected from nationwide qualitative studies conducted in six AFNs selected through purposive sampling. While adhering to a similar system of values focused on individual health, family and profit, the networks differ from one another in terms of the prevalent models of relationships, supervision, and activity. They appear to share certain motives and values in their market-oriented or own security-oriented actions and strategies, and show an inclination to use formal tools. In parallel, they reveal differences in their levels of focus on building internal relationships, which also emerge as the primary factor determining the potential and activity of the studied initiatives

    Methods for preliminary determination of pemetrexed in macromolecular drug-carrier systems

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    Pemetrexed (PMX) is an antifolate drug utilized in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer. For studies of potential macromolecular carriers for PMX, fast and precise methods were developed to determine the bound and free drug contained in investigated conjugate preparations. The analysis of the total amount of PMX in conjugates was based on absorption spectrophotometry. The linearity was found in the range of 4.697–46.97 µmol L–1 PMX The limit of quantitation was 1.070 µmol L–1. The method for the analysis of unbound PMX was based on size-exclusion chromatography and detection at 225 nm. This method shows linear range of 2.230–223.0 µmol L–1. LOQ was 0.539 µmol L–1. The proposed methods can be used both for the characterization of the polysaccharide based conjugates of PMX and for the determination of conjugate drug release profiles

    Refugees from South-Eastern Provinces of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth during the first stage of the Chmielnicki Uprising

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    The uprising ignited by Bohdan Chmielnicki had a multidimensional effect on the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. One of its consequences was the migration of population forced by Cossaks’ actions. The gentry inhabiting the southeastern parts of the country had to flee inland fearful for their lives. Jews, who were a group prone to being persecuted by Cossacks, acted in a similar way. Refugees from the Ukrainian provinces first fled to the neighbouring city fortresses which, however, capitulated under the siege of the rebels. People who survived the slaughter, usually carried out by the Cossacks, tried to reach the central part of the country hoping to escape the rebels’ sabres and spring guns

    Jak sufragana chełmskiego kijami pobito, czyli o rozruchach religijnych w Hrubieszowie i Czerniczynie z marca–kwietnia 1636 r. Oblata protestacji i obdukcji Abrahama Śladkowskiego oraz oględzin ran jego kapelana, siostrzeńca i woźnicy w urzędzie grodzkim grabowieckim

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    One of the main areas of conflict between the Uniates and the Orthodox in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the early 17th century was the issue of rights to use places of worship. In order to settle the related feuds, a commission was established in 1635 to repartition Orthodox churches in royal towns in proportion to the number of Greek Catholics and Disuniates residing there. One of the centers covered by its efforts was Hrubieszow in the Chełm region, where officials granted the Orthodox the right to own two temples. Despite the verdict, which was favorable to themselves, the non-Uniates there caused riots, during which they attacked a Greek Catholic temple, Catholic clergy and townspeople of the Latin rite. In addition, upon hearing of the arrival of Chelm suffragan Abraham Sladkowski to Czerniczyn, located nearby, they decided to attack the clergyman, to which they convinced the peasants living there. Under their influence, the peasants first attacked the local orthodox church and battered the pop who was in charge of it, and then beat up the aforementioned dignitary, who had arrived there upon hearing of the unrest, not sparing the people accompanying him. As a result of actions taken by the Uniate bishop of Chelm, Methodius Terlecki, the culprits of the incidents were to answer for their actions with their lives and property. However, the punishment was waived after the townspeople did public penance and adopted the Uniate religion.Jednym z głównych pól konfliktu pomiędzy unitami i prawosławnymi w Rzeczypospolitej w pierwszej połowie XVII w. była kwestia praw do użytkowania miejsc kultu. Celem zażegnania związanych z tym waśni w 1635 r. powołano komisję, która miała dokonać repartycji cerkwi w miastach królewskich w sposób proporcjonalny do ilości zamieszkujących je grekokatolików i dyzunitów. Jednym z ośrodków objętych jej działaniami był Hrubieszów w ziemi chełmskiej, gdzie urzędnicy przyznali prawosławnym dwie świątynie. Pomimo pomyślnego dla siebie werdyktu tamtejsi dyzunici wywołali zamieszki, w trakcie których napadli na grekokatolicką cerkiew, katolickich duchownych oraz mieszczan łacińskiego obrządku. Ponadto na wieść o przyjeździe sufragana chełmskiego Abrahama Śladkowskiego do położonego opodal Czerniczyna powzięli oni zamiar napaści na duchownego, do czego przekonali zamieszkujących tam włościan. Pod ich wpływem chłopi najpierw zaatakowali miejscową cerkiew i poturbowali zawiadującego nią popa, następnie zaś pobili wspomnianego dostojnika, który przybył tam na wieść o rozruchach, nie oszczędzając przy tym towarzyszących mu osób. W wyniku działań podjętych przez unickiego biskupa chełmskiego Metodego Terleckiego winni zajść mieli odpowiadać życiem i majątkiem za swoje postępowanie. Od kary jednak odstąpiono po tym, jak mieszczanie odbyli publiczną pokutę oraz przyjęli unickie wyznanie