14 research outputs found

    Morphology and internal structure of Antarctic cosmic dust spherules: Possible links to meteorite fusion crusts

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    Petrographic and SEM comparison of the outer morphology of different Antarctic spherules with their internal structure helped to distinguish those spherules that resulted from melting of micrometeorites from the ablation products of meteorites. A chain of possible transformations beginning with unmelted micrometeorites was recognized. Such structural transformations could begin from unmelted cosmic dust of olivine aggregates through granular spherules, to vitrophyric spherules with ghost-olivine glassy ovoidal objects, to vitrophyric, and to skeletal spherules. The fusion crusts of meteorites studied, showed that ablation can also produce a variety of spherules. Achondrites could produce glassy smooth, and internally compact holohyaline spherules, whereas chondrites could generate spherules of the rough glazed, dendrite decorated morphological types

    Mobilization of the platinum group elements by low-temperature fluids: Implications for mineralization and the iridium controversy

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    Geochemical investigations on the widely dispersed Late Proterozoic Acraman impact ejecta horizon and its host marine shales in the Adelaide Geosyncline provide strong evidence for low-temperature mobilization of the platinum group elements (PGE), including Ir. The ejecta horizon was formed when the middle Proterozoic dacitic volcanics in the Gawler Ranges, central South Australia, were impacted by a very large (ca. 4 km) meteorite. The resulting structure, now represented by Lake Acraman, is Australia's largest meteorite impact structure. Debris from the impact was blasted for many hundreds of kilometers, some falling into the shallow sea of the Adelaide Geosyncline, some 300 km to the east of the impact site

    Access to lifesaving medical resources for African countries: COVID-19 testing and response, ethics, and politics

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has revealed how strikingly unprepared the world is for a pandemic and how easily viruses spread in our interconnected world. A governance crisis is unfolding alongside the pandemic as health officials around the world compete for access to scarce medical supplies. As governments of African countries, and those in low-income and middle-income countries around the world, seek to avoid potentially catastrophic epidemics and learn from what has worked in other countries, testing and other medical resources are of concern. With accelerating spread, funding is urgently needed. Yet even where there is enough money, many African health authorities are unable to obtain the supplies needed as geopolitically powerful countries mobilise economic, political, and strategic power to procure stocks for their populations. We have seen this before. In the AIDS pandemic lifesaving diagnostics and drugs came to many African countries long after they were available in Europe and North America. In 2020, this situation can be avoided. Although health system weakness remains acute in many places, investments by national governments, the African Union, and international initiatives to tackle AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, polio, and post-Ebola global health security have built important public health capacities. Global leaders have an ethical obligation to avoid needless loss of life due to the foreseeable prospect of slow and inadequate access to supplies in Africa

    The glacial succession of Sturtian age in South Australia: the Yudnamutana Subgroup

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    The record of two Neoproterozoic glaciations in South Australia has been known for about a century. The earlier glaciation, of Sturtian age, is represented by the Yudnamutana Subgroup and is characterized by widespread diamictites with both intrabasinal and extrabasinal clasts, some locally faceted and striated. Associated facies include shallow-water sandstone, bedded and laminated siltstone with lonestones and dropstones, and sedimentary ironstones (mainly ferruginous siltstone and diamictite). Proximal settings adjacent to the Curnamona Province display massive basement-derived conglomerate and gigantic basement megaclasts (up to hundreds of metres across). Sturtian glaciogenic sediments of the Yudnamutana Subgroup unconformably overlie a variety of older rock units, including crystalline basement near basin margins and uppermost Burra Group sediments in the depocentre, and were deposited both in shallow marine shelf environments and in tectonically active rift basins encircling the Curnamona Province, with corresponding increases in total thickness from 100-300 m to more than 5 km. Recent U-Pb zircon SHRIMP dating of a thin volcaniclastic layer indicates that the waning stages of the Sturtian glaciation occurred at c. 660 Ma. Unlike the deposits of the younger Elatina glaciation, the Yudnamutana Subgroup has so far not yielded reliable palaeomagnetic data

    Late Pleistocene interstadial sea-levels (MIS 5a) in Gulf St Vincent, southern Australia, constrained by amino acid racemization dating of the benthic foraminifer Elphidium macelliforme

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    In contrast to the detection and resolution of Late Pleistocene interstadials (Marine Isotope Stages; MIS 5c, 5a and 3) in marine and ice core-based oxygen isotope records, accurately defining palaeosea-levels for these events from sea level indicators remains a challenge. Commonly, such investigations have been undertaken in tectonically active, subduction-related settings, on emergent marginal marine-coastal successions above present sea level, given that the higher ice volumes during these Marine Isotope Stages resulted in ice-equivalent sea levels significantly below present, particularly in far-field settings. Delineation of palaeosea-levels for this period, has accordingly involved an assumption about the long-term rate of coastal uplift. Core SV#23 collected from the tectonically highly stable, remote far-field setting of southern Gulf St Vincent, southern Australia, in a present water depth of 40 m obtained a 3.89 m undisturbed sedimentary record of Late Pleistocene to Holocene age. The basal 2.39 m of the sediment record is of Late Pleistocene interstadial age, as it overlies the Last Interglacial Glanville Formation (128–118 ka; MIS 5e) and occurs beneath the Holocene St Kilda Formation. The extent of aspartic acid and glutamic acid racemization in the benthic foraminifer Elphidium macelliforme sampled at 2 cm intervals continuously from the interstadial succession in Core SV#23, confirms the relative age interpreted from lithostratigraphy. A mean amino acid racemization (AAR) age of 75 ± 13 ka indicates a correlation with MIS 5a, and highlights the utility of E. macelliforme as a species for AAR geochronology. As the foraminifers more closely define the timing of sedimentation, the interstadial succession is regarded as beyond the range of radiocarbon dating (\u3e50 kyr), as revealed in a comparison of radiocarbon ages of fossil molluscs with AAR ages for E. macelliforme from the same depth intervals within the interstadial succession. All of the radiocarbon ages for fossil marine molluscs from the interstadial succession represent minimum ages, resulting from contamination by trace levels of modern radiocarbon. The foraminiferal faunal assemblages within the interstadial succession reveal changes of water depth at the time of deposition, pointing to millennial-scale sea level variability. In particular, the ratio of Elphidium crispum to E. macelliforme indicates several oscillations in relative sea level within a bandwidth of 26 to 24 ± 4.6 m below present sea level (BPSL). Notwithstanding the large uncertainty associated with palaeosea-level estimation based on the Elphidium ratio, the inferred relative sea level record is in accord with the sea level records of Barbados and the Red Sea, and points to Sub-Milankovitch interstadial sea level variability as noted in Greenland and Antarctic ice cores

    Chapter 70 The Elatina glaciation (late Cryogenian), South Australia

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    <p>Deposits of the late Cryogenian Elatina glaciation constitute the Yerelina Subgroup in the Adelaide Geosyncline region, South Australia. They have a maximum thickness of <em>c</em>. 1500 m, cover 200 000 km<sup>2</sup>, and include the following facies: basal boulder diamictite with penetrative glaciotectonites affecting preglacial beds; widespread massive and stratified diamictites containing faceted and striated clasts, some derived from nearby emergent diapiric islands and others of extrabasinal provenance; laminated siltstone and mudstone with dropstones; tidalites and widespread glaciofluvial, deltaic to marine-shelf sandstones; a regolith of frost-shattered quartzite breccia up to 20 m thick that contains primary sand wedges 3+ m deep and other large-scale periglacial forms; and an aeolian sand sheet covering 25 000 km<sup>2</sup> and containing primary sand wedges near its base. These deposits mark a spectrum of settings ranging from permafrost regolith and periglacial aeolian on the cratonic platform (Stuart Shelf) in the present west, through glaciofluvial, marginal-marine and inner marine-shelf in the central parts of the Adelaide Geosyncline, to outer marine-shelf in sub-basins in the present SE and north. </p> <p>The Elatina glaciation has not been dated directly, and only maximum and minimum age limits of <em>c</em>. 640 and 580 Ma, respectively, are indicated. Palaeomagnetic data for red beds from the Elatina Formation (Fm.) and associated strata indicate deposition of the Yerelina Subgroup within 10° of the palaeoequator. The Yerelina Subgroup is unconformably to disconformably overlain by the dolomitic Nuccaleena Fm., which in most places is the lowest unit of the Wilpena Group and marks Early Ediacaran marine transgression. </p

    'Of droughts and flooding rains': an alluvial loess record from central South Australia spanning the last glacial cycle

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    Deposits of proximal dust-derived alluvium (alluvial loess) within the catchments of the now semi-arid Flinders Ranges in South Australia record regionally synchronous intervals of fluvial entrainment, aggradation and down-cutting spanning the last glacial cycle. Today, these floodplain remnants are deeply entrenched and laterally eroded by ephemeral traction load streams. The north–south aligned ranges are strategically situated within the present-day transitional zone, receiving both topographically enhanced winter rainfall from the SW and convectional downpours from summer monsoonal incursions from the north. We develop a regional chronostratigraphy of depositional and erosional events emphasizing the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Based on 124 ages (94 accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon and 30 optically stimulated luminescence) from the most significant terrace remnants on both sides of the Ranges, we conclude that the last glacial cycle including the LGM was characterized by major environmental changes. Two pronounced periods of pedogenesis between c. 36 and 30 ka were followed by widespread erosion and reworking. A short-lived interval of climatic stability before c. 24 ka was followed by conditions in which large amounts of proximal dust (loess) were deposited across the catchments. These loess mantles were rapidly redistributed and episodically transported downstream by floods. The termination of this regime c. 18–16 ka was marked by rapid incision.David Haberlah, Peter Glasby, Martin A. J. Williams, Steven M. Hill, Frances Williams, Edward J. Rhodes, Victor Gostin, Anthony O'Flaherty and Geraldine E. Jacobse