278 research outputs found

    Electronic scientific-educational complex “geoinformation technologies and systems”

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    © SGEM2016.The Electronic scientific-educational complex (ESEC) “Geoinformation Technologies and Systems” was created in order to improve the quality of education in the fields of geoinformatics and information technologies. The complex provides scientific support of the educational process, integration of innovative research and educational activities. Multi-user version of the ESEC allows to organize joint training of students. During the course of self-study, students have the opportunity to communicate with each other, and thereby to develop the skills of collective work on large projects using modern and advanced information technology. At the same time the teacher can control the educational process. The students work with portal resources and knowledge base on the three levels of control: training testing (training, self-control with reference to the sections in which wrong answers were given); control testing with evaluation of knowledge; final testing (certification: credit or exam), the results of which automatically generates an academic records. The ESEC provides comprehensive support for the scientific and educational activities – from training sessions (lectures, seminars etc.) with the use of modern educational technology to independent research work of students. In addition, the ESEC is the technological basis for further development and approbation of the concept of electronic research and educational complex: the methodologies of design and creation of hardware, software, information and organizational support, experimental evaluation of the complexity of the implementation of the developed architecture, evaluating the effectiveness of new educational technologies

    Effect of Dehydrated Trehalose Matrix on the Kinetics of Forward Electron Transfer Reactions in Photosystem I

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    The effect of dehydration on the kinetics of forward electron transfer (ET) has been studied in cyanobacterial photosystem I (PS I) complexes in a trehalose glassy matrix by time-resolved optical and EPR spectroscopies in the 100 fs to 1 ms time domain. The kinetics of the flash-induced absorption changes in the subnanosecond time domain due to primary and secondary charge separation steps were monitored by pump–probe laser spectroscopy with 20-fs low-energy pump pulses centered at 720 nm. The back-reaction kinetics of P700 were measured by high-field time-resolved EPR spectroscopy and the forward kinetics of A∙−1A/A∙−1B→FX by time-resolved optical spectroscopy at 480 nm. The kinetics of the primary ET reactions to form the primary P∙+700A∙−0 and the secondary P∙+700A∙−1 ion radical pairs were not affected by dehydration in the trehalose matrix, while the yield of the P∙+700A∙−1 was decreased by ~20%. Forward ET from the phylloquinone molecules in the A∙−1A and A∙−1B sites to the iron–sulfur cluster FX slowed from ~220 ns and ~20 ns in solution to ~13 μs and ~80 ns, respectively. However, as shown by EPR spectroscopy, the ~15 μs kinetic phase also contains a small contribution from the recombination between A∙−1B and P∙+700. These data reveal that the initial ET reactions from P700 to secondary phylloquinone acceptors in the A- and B-branches of cofactors (A1A and A1B) remain unaffected whereas ET beyond A1A and A1B is slowed or prevented by constrained protein dynamics due to the dry trehalose glass matrix

    Selection of Adaptive Agricultural Technologies in Digital Agriculture

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    As follows from the analysis of the collected experimental material of long-term field trials of the Kursk Federal Agricultural Research Centre and generalization of the activities results of leading domestic research and educational institutions, as well as the practical results of many agricultural enterprises of the eastern part of Europe, we have identified the most effective conditions for the use of basic agricultural methods in wheat cultivation technologies as well as spring and winter barley, seed peas, buckwheat, grain maize, oats, millet and winter rye cultivation technologies of different levels of intensity which contribute to the rational use of available resources of agricultural producers based on the prevailing soil and climatic conditions. The technologies made it possible to prepare scientific-methodological approaches and a mathematical model to solve the problems of selecting an adaptive technology of crops cultivation. A normative-reference database for different types of crops cultivation technologies has also been made, including a list of zoned recognized varieties and hybrids of crops under study, necessary technology methods taking into account conditions of their effective use. Currently, an algorithm and the corresponding software are being developed to choose the most expedient technology of crop cultivation for specific soil and climatic conditions depending on a set of defining factors. There has been created software (in the form of a complex of programs for stationary computers and mobile electronic devices with the Android operating system. A specialized website has been developed. It provides a scientifically well-grounded selection of crops varieties and hybrids for the eastern part of Europa on the basis of user-specified conditions

    Low-power lead-cooled fast reactor for education purposes

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    Abstract The possibility is examined to develop fast reactor for the purpose of implementation of research, education of undergraduate and doctoral students in handling innovative fast reactors and training specialists for atomic research centers and nuclear power plants. Main characteristics of liquid lead-cooled reactor using commercially implemented uranium dioxide with 19.7% enrichment with 235U isotope as the fuel load are examined. Hard neutron spectrum achieved in the fast reactor with compact core and natural lead coolant and, in longer term perspective, cooled with lead enriched with 208Pb isotope will allow addressing a number of research tasks under fast neutron flux densities of the order of 1013 neutrons/(cm2s). Relatively low thermal power equal to 0.5MW is envisaged for the purpose of safe handling of the reactor. Possibility of prompt neutron runaway of the reactor is excluded due to the low reactivity margin which is less than the effective fraction of delayed neutrons. The studies are implemented based on the experience of development of low-power reactors available at the INPE NRNC “MEPhI”, as well as on the experience gained at the Joint-Stock Company “SSC RF-IPPE” in the field of development of fast reactors cooled with heavy liquid metal


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    Статья посвящена проблеме трудоустройства молодежи и его места в системе социальных ценностей. В статье описана ситуация, складывающаяся в настоящее время на российском рынке труда, выявлены причины возникновения безработицы среди молодежи, представлены результаты различных анкетных опросов, освещен опыт лучших в социально-экономическом положении стран Западной Европы и США по этому вопросу. Кроме того, разработаны и обоснованы механизмы решения проблемы трудоустройства, предложены пути повышения уровня конкурентоспособности личности на рынке труда, ее востребованности.В результате исследования установлено, что хорошее трудоустройство – главная жизненная цель основной массы населения. Для механизма стратегического управления трудоустройством людского производственного потенциала важное значение имеет готовность к труду выпускников профессиональной школы, которая имеет сложную структуру и включает познавательный, мотивационный, волевой и другие элементы, каждый из которых способен разрушить всю систему. Трудоустроенность – основа всех социально-нравственных ценностей молодежи, условие стабильного социального порядка, гражданской ответственности и политической активности, патриотизма, сплоченности нации, национальной безопасности. Этот социальный феномен в условиях нарастания количества угроз национальной безопасности становится приоритетным в политике государства. Трудоустроенность молодежи и ее нравственные ценности находятся в прямой зависимости.The article deals with the problem of youth employment and his place in the system of social values. The article describes the situation developing at the present time the Russian labor market, identified the causes of unemployment among young people, presented the results of various polls, illuminated experience the best in the socio-economic situation of the countries of Western Europe and the United States on this issue. In addition, developed and justified mechanisms for solving the problem of employment, suggests ways to improve the competitiveness of the individual in the labor market demand for it.The study found that good employment – the main purpose of life of the general population. For the mechanism of the strategic management of the employment of human productive capacity is essential willingness to work professional graduate school, which has a complex structure, including cognitive, motivational, volitional, and other elements, each of which is able to destroy the whole system. Employed – the foundation of all social and moral values of young people, the condition is stable order, civic responsibility and political activity, patriotism, national unity, national security. This social phenomenon in terms of increase of the number of threats to national security is becoming a priority in government policy. Employed young people and their moral values are in direct relation

    Відчуження об’єкта незавершеного будівництва за договором купівлі-продажу

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    Гостєв А. В. Відчуження об’єкта незавершеного будівництва за договором купівлі-продажу / А. В. Гостєв // Актуальні проблеми держави і права : зб. наук. пр. / редкол.: С. В. Ківалов (голов. ред.), В. М. Дрьомін (заст. голов. ред.), Ю. П. Аленін [та ін.] ; МОНмолодьспорт України, НУ «ОЮА». – Одеса : Юрид. л-ра, 2012. – Вип. 68. - С. 372-378.У статті проаналізовано особливості відчуження об’єкта незвершеного будівництва. Визначена процедура купівлі-продажу нерухомого майна. Виявлені особливості правового режиму об’єкта, будівництво якого не завершено