2,775 research outputs found

    Ranging system which compares an object reflected component of a light beam to a reference component of the light beam

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    A system is described for measuring the distance to an object by comparing a first component of a light pulse that is reflected off the object with a second component of the light pulse that passes along a reference path of known length, which provides great accuracy with a relatively simple and rugged design. The reference path can be changed in precise steps so that it has an equivalent length approximately equal to the path length of the light pulse component that is reflected from the object. The resulting small difference in path lengths can be precisely determined by directing the light pulse components into opposite ends of a detector formed of a material that emits a second harmonic light output at the locations where the opposite going pulses past simultaneously across one another

    VLA Detection of the Ionized Stellar Winds Arising from Massive Stars in the Galactic Center Arches Cluster

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    The Galactic center Arches stellar cluster, detected and studied until now only in the near-infrared, is comprised of at least one hundred massive (M>20 Msun) stars. Here we report the detection at centimeter wavelengths of radio continuum emission from eight radio sources associated with the cluster. Seven of these radio sources have rising spectral indices between 4.9 and 8.5 GHz and coincide spatially with the brightest stars in the cluster, as determine from JHK photometry and Brackett alpha and Brackett Gamma spectroscopy. Our results confirm the presence of powerful ionized winds in these stars. The eighth radio source has a nonthermal spectrum and its nature is yet unclear, but it could be associated with a lower mass young star in the cluster.Comment: 6 pages, 2 embedded figures, accepted to ApJLetter

    Wide area detection system: Conceptual design study

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    An integrated sensor for traffic surveillance on mainline sections of urban freeways is described. Applicable imaging and processor technology is surveyed and the functional requirements for the sensors and the conceptual design of the breadboard sensors are given. Parameters measured by the sensors include lane density, speed, and volume. The freeway image is also used for incident diagnosis

    The Intrinsic Size of Sagittarius A* from 0.35 cm to 6 cm

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    We present new high-resolution observations of Sagittarius A* at wavelengths of 17.4 to 23.8 cm with the Very Large Array in A configuration with the Pie Town Very Long Baseline Array antenna. We use the measured sizes to calibrate the interstellar scattering law and find that the major axis size of the scattering law is smaller by ~6% than previous estimates. Using the new scattering law, we are able to determine the intrinsic size of Sgr A* at wavelengths from 0.35 cm to 6 cm using existing results from the VLBA. The new law increases the intrinsic size at 0.7 cm by ~20% and <5% at 0.35 cm. The intrinsic size is 13^{+7}_{-3} Schwarzschild radii at 0.35 cm and is proportional to lambda^gamma, where gamma is in the range 1.3 to 1.7.Comment: ApJL, in pres

    VLA Observations of the "Eye of the Tornado"- the High Velocity \HII Region G357.63-0.06

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    The unusual supernova remnant candidate G357.7-0.1 and the compact source G357.63-0.06 have been observed with the Very Large Array at 1.4 and 8.3 GHz. The H92α\alpha line (8.3 GHz) was detected from the compact source with a surprising velocity of about -210 km/s indicating that this source is an \HII region, is most likely located at the Galactic center, and is unrelated to the SNR. The \HI absorption line (1.4 GHz) data toward these sources supports this picture and suggests that G357.7-0.1 lies farther away than the Galactic center.Comment: Latex, 14 pages including 4 figures. Accepted to A

    VLA H92 Alpha and H53 Alpha Radio Recombination Line Observations of M82

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    We present high angular resolution (0.6'') observations made with the VLA of the radio continuum at 8.3 and 43 GHz as well as H92 Alpha and H53 Alpha radio recombination lines from the nearby (3 Mpc) starburst galaxy M82. In the continuum we report 19 newly identified sources at 8.3 GHz and 5 at 43 GHz that were unknown previously. The spatial distribution of the H92 Alpha line is inhomogeneous; we identify 27 features. The line and continuum emission are modeled using a collection of HII regions at different distances from the nucleus assuming a single-density component and two-density components. The high-density component has a density of 4 X 10^{4} cm^{-3}. However, the bulk of the ionization is in regions with densities which are typically a factor 10 lower. The gas kinematics, using the H92 Alpha line, confirms the presence of steep velocity gradient (26 km s^{-1} arcsec^{-1}) in the nuclear region. As this steep gradient is observed not only on the major axis but also at large distances along a band of PA of 150 degrees, the interpretation in terms of x2 orbits elongated along the minor axis of the bar, which would be observed at an angle close to the inclination of the main disk, seems inadequate. Ad-hoc radial motions must be introduced to reproduce the pattern of the velocity field. Different families of orbits are indicated as we detect a signature in the kinematics at the transition between the two plateaus observed in the NIR light distribution. The H92 Alpha line also reveals the base of the outflow where the injection towards the halo on the Northern side occurs. The kinematical pattern suggests a connection between the gas flowing in the plane of M82 towards the center; this behavior most likely originates due to the presence of a bar and the outflow out of the plane.Comment: 45 pages, 11 figures and 6 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Flickering of 1.3 cm Sources in Sgr B2: Towards a Solution to the Ultracompact HII Region Lifetime Problem

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    Accretion flows onto massive stars must transfer mass so quickly that they are themselves gravitationally unstable, forming dense clumps and filaments. These density perturbations interact with young massive stars, emitting ionizing radiation, alternately exposing and confining their HII regions. As a result, the HII regions are predicted to flicker in flux density over periods of decades to centuries rather than increasing monotonically in size as predicted by simple Spitzer solutions. We have recently observed the Sgr B2 region at 1.3 cm with the VLA in its three hybrid configurations (DnC, CnB and BnA) at a resolution of 0.25''. These observations were made to compare in detail with matched continuum observations from 1989. At 0.25'' resolution, Sgr B2 contains 41 UC HII regions, 6 of which are hypercompact. The new observations of Sgr B2 allow comparison of relative peak flux densites for the HII regions in Sgr B2 over a 23 year time baseline (1989-2012) in one of the most source-rich massive star forming regions in the Milky Way. The new 1.3 cm continuum images indicate that four of the 41 UC HII regions exhibit significant changes in their peak flux density, with one source (K3) dropping in peak flux density, and the other 3 sources (F10.303, F1 and F3) increasing in peak flux density. The results are consistent with statistical predictions from simulations of high mass star formation, suggesting that they offer a solution to the lifetime problem for ultracompact HII regions.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter