90 research outputs found

    The Vanishing Stenosis: ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction and Rhythm Disturbance due to Coronary Artery Spasm-Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    A 62-year-old lady was admitted with clinical and electrocardiograph features of acute myocardial infarction. Urgent coronary arteriography was performed, demonstrating a single discrete stenosis of one coronary artery. Following intracoronary injection of GTN, this stenosis completely resolved, as the symptoms did. The causes of acute myocardial infarction with normal coronary arteries are reviewed

    Energy and Exergy Analysis on Si Engine by Blend of Ethanol with Petrol

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    Need to use renewable energy in the form of ethanol fuel derived using agriculture waste to reduce load on petrol derived from crude oil, which is available in limited quantity. This is mostly due to stock of petroleum product are depleting day by day, hence more use of renewable fuels gets attraction in developing country like India. In recent years, Considerable efforts made to develop and introduce alternative renewable fuel, to replace conventional petroleum-base fuels.The main objective of the current work id to investigate influences of blends of ethanol-petrol blend used in IC engine performance using energy and exergy analysis. Here, experimental work divided into mainly two parts. In first part, Engine performance carried out using E0, E25, E40 and E100 blends of ethanol-petrol blends. In other part, exergy analysis carried out. Experimental test set-up developed in laboratory. The stationary petrol engine was run in laboratory at a medium speed, variable load condition experienced in most urban driving conditions and various measurements like fuel flow, exhaust temperature, exhaust emission measurement and exhaust smoke test were carried out. The fuel properties of biodiesel such as kinematic viscosity, calorific value, flash point, carbon residue and specific gravity investigated. Heat balance sheet and availability calculated for different condition like E0, E25, E40 and E100 blends of ethanol-petrol blends

    Terpene Metabolic Engineering Via Nuclear or Chloroplast Genomes Profoundly and Globally Impacts Off‐Target Pathways Through Metabolite Signalling

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    The impact of metabolic engineering on nontarget pathways and outcomes of metabolic engineering from different genomes are poorly understood questions. Therefore, squalene biosynthesis genes FARNESYL DIPHOSPHATE SYNTHASE (FPS) and SQUALENE SYNTHASE (SQS) were engineered via the Nicotiana tabacum chloroplast (C), nuclear (N) or both (CN) genomes to promote squalene biosynthesis. SQS levels were ~4300‐fold higher in C and CN lines than in N, but all accumulated ~150‐fold higher squalene due to substrate or storage limitations. Abnormal leaf and flower phenotypes, including lower pollen production and reduced fertility, were observed regardless of the compartment or level of transgene expression. Substantial changes in metabolomes of all lines were observed: levels of 65–120 unrelated metabolites, including the toxic alkaloid nicotine, changed by as much as 32‐fold. Profound effects of transgenesis on nontarget gene expression included changes in the abundance of 19 076 transcripts by up to 2000‐fold in CN; 7784 transcripts by up to 1400‐fold in N; and 5224 transcripts by as much as 2200‐fold in C. Transporter‐related transcripts were induced, and cell cycle‐associated transcripts were disproportionally repressed in all three lines. Transcriptome changes were validated by qRT‐PCR. The mechanism underlying these large changes likely involves metabolite‐mediated anterograde and/or retrograde signalling irrespective of the level of transgene expression or end product, due to imbalance of metabolic pools, offering new insight into both anticipated and unanticipated consequences of metabolic engineering

    Terpene Metabolic Engineering \u3cem\u3evia\u3c/em\u3e Nuclear or Chloroplast Genomes Profoundly and Globally Impacts Off-Target Pathways Through Metabolite Signalling

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    The impact of metabolic engineering on nontarget pathways and outcomes of metabolic engineering from different genomes are poorly understood questions. Therefore, squalene biosynthesis genes FARNESYL DIPHOSPHATE SYNTHASE (FPS) and SQUALENE SYNTHASE (SQS) were engineered via the Nicotiana tabacum chloroplast (C), nuclear (N) or both (CN) genome to promote squalene biosynthesis. SQS levels were ~4300-fold higher in C and CN lines than in N, but all accumulated ~150-fold higher squalene due to substrate or storage limitations. Abnormal leaf and flower phenotypes, including lower pollen production and reduced fertility, were observed regardless of the compartment or level of transgene expression. Substantial changes in metabolomes of all lines were observed: levels of 65-120 unrelated metabolites, including the toxic alkaloid nicotine, changed by as much as 32-fold. Profound effects of transgenesis on nontarget gene expression included changes in the abundance of 19 076 transcripts by up to 2000-fold in CN; 7784 transcripts by up to 1400-fold in N; and 5224 transcripts by as much as 2200-fold in C. Transporter-related transcripts were induced, and cell cycle-associated transcripts were disproportionately repressed in all three lines. Transcriptome changes were validated by qRT-PCR. The mechanism underlying these large changes likely involves matabolite-mediated anterograde and/or retrograde signalling irrespective of the level of transgene expression or end product, due to imbalance of metabolic pools, offering new insight into both anticipated and unanticipated consequences of metabolic engineering

    Isolation and partial purification of erythromycin from alkaliphilic Streptomyces werraensis isolated from Rajkot, India

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    AbstractAn alkaliphilic actinomycete, BCI-1, was isolated from soil samples collected from Saurashtra University campus, Gujarat. Isolated strain was identified as Streptomyces werraensis based on morphological, biochemical and phylogenetic analysis. Maximum antibiotic production was obtained in media containing sucrose 2%, Yeast extract 1.5%, and NaCl 2.5% at pH 9.0 for 7 days at 30 °C. Maximum inhibitory compound was produced at pH 9 and at 30 °C. FTIR revealed imine, amine, alkane (CC) of aromatic ring and p-di substituted benzene, whereas HPLC analysis of partially purified compound and library search confirmed 95% peaks matches with erythromycin. Chloroform extracted isolated compound showed MIC values 1 μg/ml against Bacillus subtilis, ≤0.5 μg/ml against Staphylococcus aureus, ≤0.5 μg/ml against Escherichia coli and 2.0 μg/ml against Serretia GSD2 sp., which is more effective in comparison to ehtylacetate and methanol extracted compounds. The study holds significance as only few alkaliphilic actinomycetes have been explored for their antimicrobial potential

    The Macronuclear Genome of \u3cem\u3eStentor coeruleus\u3c/em\u3e Reveals Tiny Introns in a Giant Cell

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    The giant, single-celled organism Stentor coeruleus has a long history as a model system for studying pattern formation and regeneration in single cells. Stentor [1, 2] is a heterotrichous ciliate distantly related to familiar ciliate models, such as Tetrahymena or Paramecium. The primary distinguishing feature of Stentor is its incredible size: a single cell is 1 mm long. Early developmental biologists, including T.H. Morgan [3], were attracted to the system because of its regenerative abilities—if large portions of a cell are surgically removed, the remnant reorganizes into a normal-looking but smaller cell with correct proportionality [2, 3]. These biologists were also drawn to Stentor because it exhibits a rich repertoire of behaviors, including light avoidance, mechanosensitive contraction, food selection, and even the ability to habituate to touch, a simple form of learning usually seen in higher organisms [4]. While early microsurgical approaches demonstrated a startling array of regenerative and morphogenetic processes in this single-celled organism, Stentor was never developed as a molecular model system. We report the sequencing of the Stentor coeruleus macronuclear genome and reveal key features of the genome. First, we find that Stentor uses the standard genetic code, suggesting that ciliate-specific genetic codes arose after Stentor branched from other ciliates. We also discover that ploidy correlates with Stentor’s cell size. Finally, in the Stentor genome, we discover the smallest spliceosomal introns reported for any species. The sequenced genome opens the door to molecular analysis of single-cell regeneration in Stentor

    Genome-Wide TOP2A DNA Cleavage is Biased Toward Translocated and Highly Transcribed Loci

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    Type II topoisomerases orchestrate proper DNA topology, and they are the targets of anti-cancer drugs that cause treatment-related leukemias with balanced translocations. Here, we develop a high-throughput sequencing technology to define TOP2 cleavage sites at single-base precision, and use the technology to characterize TOP2A cleavage genome-wide in the human K562 leukemia cell line. We find that TOP2A cleavage has functionally conserved local sequence preferences, occurs in cleavage cluster regions (CCRs), and is enriched in introns and lincRNA loci. TOP2A CCRs are biased toward the distal regions of gene bodies, and TOP2 poisons cause a proximal shift in their distribution. We find high TOP2A cleavage levels in genes involved in translocations in TOP2 poison–related leukemia. In addition, we find that a large proportion of genes involved in oncogenic translocations overall contain TOP2A CCRs. The TOP2A cleavage of coding and lincRNA genes is independently associated with both length and transcript abundance. Comparisons to ENCODE data reveal distinct TOP2A CCR clusters that overlap with marks of transcription, open chromatin, and enhancers. Our findings implicate TOP2A cleavage as a broad DNA damage mechanism in oncogenic translocations as well as a functional role of TOP2A cleavage in regulating transcription elongation and gene activation

    Changes in the Transcriptome of Human Astrocytes Accompanying Oxidative Stress-Induced Senescence

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    Aging is a major risk factor for many neurodegenerative disorders. A key feature of aging biology that may underlie these diseases is cellular senescence. Senescent cells accumulate in tissues with age, undergo widespread changes in gene expression, and typically demonstrate altered, pro-inflammatory profiles. Astrocyte senescence has been implicated in neurodegenerative disease, and to better understand senescence-associated changes in astrocytes, we investigated changes in their transcriptome using RNA sequencing. Senescence was induced in human fetal astrocytes by transient oxidative stress. Brain-expressed genes, including those involved in neuronal development and differentiation, were downregulated in senescent astrocytes. Remarkably, several genes indicative of astrocytic responses to injury were also downregulated, including glial fibrillary acidic protein and genes involved in the processing and presentation of antigens by major histocompatiblity complex class II proteins, while pro-inflammatory genes were upregulated. Overall, our findings suggest that senescence-related changes in the function of astrocytes may impact the pathogenesis of age-related brain disorders

    A comparative study of etomidate and propofol as induction agent for intubation in patients coming to emergency medicine department

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    Background & Aims: An ideal induction agent for intubation in the emergency department should have hemodynamic stability, minimal respiratory side effects and rapid clearance. Etomidate and Propofol are popular rapid-acting inducing agents; our aim is to compare hemodynamic changes and adverse effects occurring between them when used as induction agents in the emergency department. Material and Methods: A study sample of 200 patients who required intubation in the emergency department were enrolled after satisfying the inclusion and exclusion criteria and were divided into two equal groups. After assessing the primary survey of airway, baseline hemodynamic parameters, Group A was given Inj. Etomidate 0.3–0.5 mg/kg iv and Group B was given Inj. Propofol 0.5–1.5 mg/kg iv as an induction agent, followed by that Heart rate (HR), systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), mean arterial pressure (MAP), respiratory rate (RR), oxygen saturation, myoclonus, nausea, and vomiting were monitored after induction and intubation at one, five and fifteen minutes. Result: The mean changes in HR, SBP, DBP, and MAP of groups A and B were compared, there was significant reduction in all three parameters in Propofol compared to Etomidate. In group A, out of 100 patients, 25 had myoclonus, 15 had vomiting, and no side effect was observed in the other 60 patients. In group B, out of 100 patients, 22 had apnea,14 had vomiting, and no side effect was observed in the remaining 64 patients. Conclusion: This study concludes that Etomidate is a better agent for induction than Propofol in view of hemodynamic stability. The incidence of apnea was higher with Propofol, and myoclonus more with Etomidate

    N6-Methyladenosine Inhibits Local Ribonucleolytic Cleavage to Stabilize mRNAs in Arabidopsis

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    N6-methyladenosine (m6A) is a dynamic, reversible, covalently modified ribonucleotide that occurs predominantly toward 30 ends of eukaryotic mRNAs and is essential for their proper function and regulation. In Arabidopsis thaliana, many RNAs contain at least one m6A site, yet the transcriptome-wide function of m6A remains mostly unknown. Here, we show that manym6A-modified mRNAs in Arabidopsis have reduced abundance in the absence of this mark. The decrease in abundance is due to transcript destabilization caused by cleavage occurring 4 or 5 nt directly upstream of unmodified m6A sites. Importantly, we also find that, upon agriculturally relevant salt treatment, m6A is dynamically deposited on and stabilizes transcripts encoding proteins required for salt and osmotic stress response. Overall, our findings reveal that m6A generally acts as a stabilizing mark through inhibition of site-specific cleavage in plant transcriptomes, and this mechanism is required for proper regulation of the salt-stress-responsive transcriptome
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