189 research outputs found

    Dermatology residency selection criteria with an emphasis on program characteristics: a national program director survey.

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    Background. Dermatology residency programs are relatively diverse in their resident selection process. The authors investigated the importance of 25 dermatology residency selection criteria focusing on differences in program directors' (PDs') perception based on specific program demographics. Methods. This cross-sectional nationwide observational survey utilized a 41-item questionnaire that was developed by literature search, brainstorming sessions, and online expert reviews. The data were analyzed utilizing the reliability test, two-step clustering, and K-means methods as well as other methods. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in PDs' perception regarding the importance of the selection criteria based on program demographics. Results. Ninety-five out of 114 PDs (83.3%) responded to the survey. The top five criteria for dermatology residency selection were interview, letters of recommendation, United States Medical Licensing Examination Step I scores, medical school transcripts, and clinical rotations. The following criteria were preferentially ranked based on different program characteristics: "advanced degrees," "interest in academics," "reputation of undergraduate and medical school," "prior unsuccessful attempts to match," and "number of publications." Conclusions. Our survey provides up-to-date factual data on dermatology PDs' perception in this regard. Dermatology residency programs may find the reported data useful in further optimizing their residency selection process

    Tumour-necrosis factor-A polymorphisms and gastric cancer risk: a meta-analysis

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    Inflammation is one of the early phases in the development of gastric cancer. Therefore, several studies have examined the association of polymorphisms in tumour-necrosis factor-A gene (TNF-A) with gastric cancer risk. This meta-analysis reviews and summarises published evidence for these associations. Searching several databases yielded 24 independent studies that reported on the associations between TNF-A polymorphisms and gastric cancer risk. We analysed available data for the most commonly investigated polymorphisms: TNF-A –308G>A (23 studies), TNF-A –238G>A (9 studies), and TNF-A –857C>T (5 studies). Summary odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) were calculated in the random-effects model using the DerSimonian–Laird method. Q-statistic and I2-statistic were calculated to examine heterogeneity, and funnel plots were plotted to examine small study effects. The overall ORs (95% CIs) for AG and AA genotypes vs GG genotype for TNF-A –308 were 1.09 (0.94–1.27) and 1.49 (1.11–1.99), respectively. For TNF-A –238, the corresponding ORs (95% CIs) were 1.05 (0.84–1.33) and 1.25 (0.30–5.26), respectively. The overall ORs (95% CIs) for CT and TT genotypes (vs CC) for TNF-A –857 were 1.06 (0.89–1.27) and 1.57 (0.91–2.70), respectively. The statistically significant association between TNF-A –308GG and gastric cancer was limited to western populations. This association showed little heterogeneity (I2=0) and remained consistently strong when analyses were limited to anatomic and histologic subtypes of gastric cancer, or limited to studies in which genotype frequencies were in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, or limited to larger studies. These same subgroup analyses did not change results associated with other polymorphisms. In conclusion, TNF-A –308AA genotype was associated with a statistically significant increased risk of gastric cancer, whereas other studied polymorphisms were not. The association between TNF-A –857TT genotype and gastric cancer was near significant, and may become significant if more studies are published

    Catecholamine stress alters neutrophil trafficking and impairs wound healing by β2-adrenergic receptor-mediated upregulation of IL-6.

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    Stress-induced hormones can alter the inflammatory response to tissue injury; however, the precise mechanism by which epinephrine influences inflammatory response and wound healing is not well defined. Here we demonstrate that epinephrine alters the neutrophil (polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN))-dependent inflammatory response to a cutaneous wound. Using noninvasive real-time imaging of genetically tagged PMNs in a murine skin wound, chronic, epinephrine-mediated stress was modeled by sustained delivery of epinephrine. Prolonged systemic exposure of epinephrine resulted in persistent PMN trafficking to the wound site via an IL-6-mediated mechanism, and this in turn impaired wound repair. Further, we demonstrate that β2-adrenergic receptor-dependent activation of proinflammatory macrophages is critical for epinephrine-mediated IL-6 production. This study expands our current understanding of stress hormone-mediated impairment of wound healing and provides an important mechanistic link to explain how epinephrine stress exacerbates inflammation via increased number and lifetime of PMNs

    Cutaneous and Mucosal Lichen Planus: A Comprehensive Review of Clinical Subtypes, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, and Prognosis

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    Lichen planus (LP) is a chronic inflammatory disorder that most often affects middle-aged adults. LP can involve the skin or mucous membranes including the oral, vulvovaginal, esophageal, laryngeal, and conjunctival mucosa. It has different variants based on the morphology of the lesions and the site of involvement. The literature suggests that certain presentations of the disease such as esophageal or ophthalmological involvement are underdiagnosed. The burden of the disease is higher in some variants including hypertrophic LP and erosive oral LP, which may have a more chronic pattern. LP can significantly affect the quality of life of patients as well. Drugs or contact allergens can cause lichenoid reactions as the main differential diagnosis of LP. LP is a T-cell mediated immunologic disease but the responsible antigen remains unidentified. In this paper, we review the history, epidemiology, and clinical subtypes of LP. We also review the histopathologic aspects of the disease, differential diagnoses, immunopathogenesis, and the clinical and genetic correlations

    A Critical Review of Personal Statements Submitted by Dermatology Residency Applicants

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    Background. A strong personal statement is deemed favorable in the overall application review process. However, research on the role of personal statements in the application process is lacking. Objective. To determine if personal statements from matched applicants differ from unmatched applicants. Methods. All dermatology residency applications ( = 332) submitted to UC Davis Dermatology in the year of 2012 were evaluated. Two investigators identified the characteristics and recurring themes of content present in the personal statements. Then, both investigators individually evaluated the content of these personal statements in order to determine if any of the defined themes was present. Chi-square, Fisher's exact, and reliability tests were used. Results. The following themes were emphasized more often by the matched applicants than the unmatched applicants as their reasons for going into dermatology are to study the cutaneous manifestations of systemic disease (33.8% versus 22.8%), to contribute to the literature gap (8.3% versus 1.1%), and to study the pathophysiology of skin diseases (8.3% versus 2.2%; ≤ 0.05 for all). Conclusion. The prevalence of certain themes in personal statements of dermatology applicants differs according to match status; nevertheless, whether certain themes impact match outcome needs to be further elucidated

    Larvicidial effects of essential oil and methanol extract of Achillea wilhelmsii C. Koch (Asteraceae) against Anopheles stephensi Liston (Diptera: Culicidae), a malaria vector

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    Background: Mosquitoes are responsible for the transmission of many pathogens and parasites and consequently serious diseases in humans. Currently, application of plant derivatives has been suggested as an alternative bio-control technique for these medically important vectors. Methods: In this study the essential oil and methanol extract of Achillea wilhelmsii were tested against late-3rd or young-4th instar larvae stages of mosquito vector, Anopheles stephensi, under laboratory condition. The larval mortality was calculated after 24 h of the exposure period. Data were subjected to Probit analysis in order to estimate the lethal concentration for 50% and 90% of mortality values. Results: Results showed that the essential oil induced 100% larval mortality of An. stephensi larvae after 24 h with a dosage of 160 ppm, However, a dosage of 320 ppm of methanol extract was required to reach 100% larval mortality.The essential oil methanol extract exerted significant larvicidal activity with LC50 values of 39.04 and 115.73 ppm, respectively. Conclusion: Our finding suggests that A. wilhelmsii oil is a potential source and has valuable larvicidal compounds for mosquito larval control. © 2017, Kerman University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    Treatment of female pattern hair loss

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    Female pattern hair loss (FPHL) as a distinctive entity was first described about 30 years ago. The objective of this study was to perform a systematic review of all randomized controlled trials for treatment of FPHL. A preliminary search was carried out in several databases up to August 2008 to identify all randomized controlled trials on nonsurgical interventions for treatment of FPHL. Studies reporting fewer than 10 patients and non-English articles were excluded. Additionally, references of relevant articles and reviews were checked manually in search for additional sources. Among 238 citations found in the preliminary search, 12 fulfilled all criteria to be included in the systematic review. Topical minoxidil 1 to 5 for 24 to 48 weeks was shown to be effective in FPHL and its effect was not related to age or androgen level of patients. In addition, it may be effective in women with FPHL, both with and without hyperandrogenism, and in young and old premenopausal or postmenopausal. In patients with increased serum androgens, oral flutamide but not finasteride or cyproterone acetate was more effective than no treatment. Topical minoxidil is effective in patients with FPHL, with or without hyperandrogenism, but there is limited evidence for the efficacy of antiandrogens. © 2012 Pulse Marketing & Communications, LLC

    Striae gravidarum: Associated factors

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    Background: Striae gravidarum (SG) is the most common change in connective tissue of pregnant women and may cause cosmetic concerns. Objectives: To determine the frequency of SG in Iranian pregnant women and its possible associations with the characteristics of themselves and their newborns. Methods: One hundred and eighteen primigravid pregnant women were included in this prospective observational study at their first prenatal visit, among them 114 completed the study and gave birth. Results: One hundred (87.7) of 114 women developed SG with a mean Davey's score of 4.04±2.47. The mean gestational age at which SG first appeared was 27.57±5.38 weeks. Family history of SG in mother, baseline and delivery body mass index, greatest abdominal and hip girths, newborn weight, height and head circumference were significantly associated with the presence of SG. All of these factors were also correlated with Davey's score. Conclusion: Genetic and physical risk factors may be involved in the development of SG in primigravid women. © 2007 The Authors Journal compilation © 2007 European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology