628 research outputs found

    Geometric optics of whispering gallery modes

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    Quasiclassical approach and geometric optics allow to describe rather accurately whispering gallery modes in convex axisymmetric bodies. Using this approach we obtain practical formulas for the calculation of eigenfrequencies and radiative Q-factors in dielectrical spheroid and compare them with the known solutions for the particular cases and with numerical calculations. We show how geometrical interpretation allows expansion of the method on arbitrary shaped axisymmetric bodies.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, Photonics West 2006 conferenc

    Frequency combs and platicons in optical microresonators with normal GVD

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    We predict the existence of a novel type of the flat-top dissipative solitonic pulses, "platicons", in microresonators with normal group velocity dispersion (GVD). We propose methods to generate these platicons from cw pump. Their duration may be altered significantly by tuning the pump frequency. The transformation of a discrete energy spectrum of dark solitons of the Lugiato-Lefever equation into a quasicontinuous spectrum of platicons is demonstrated. Generation of similar structures is also possible with bi-harmonic, phase/amplitude modulated pump or via laser injection locking.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Dynamics of platicons due to third-order dispersion

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    Dynamics of platicons caused by the third-order dispersion is studied. It is shown that under the influence of the third-order dispersion platicons obtain angular velocity depending both on dispersion and on detuning value. A method of tuning of platicon associated optical frequency comb repetition rate is proposed.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    DNA binding shifts the redox potential of the transcription factor SoxR

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    Electrochemistry measurements on DNA-modified electrodes are used to probe the effects of binding to DNA on the redox potential of SoxR, a transcription factor that contains a [2Fe-2S] cluster and is activated through oxidation. A DNA-bound potential of +200 mV versus NHE (normal hydrogen electrode) is found for SoxR isolated from Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This potential value corresponds to a dramatic shift of +490 mV versus values found in the absence of DNA. Using Redmond red as a covalently bound redox reporter affixed above the SoxR binding site, we also see, associated with SoxR binding, an attenuation in the Redmond red signal compared with that for Redmond red attached below the SoxR binding site. This observation is consistent with a SoxR-binding-induced structural distortion in the DNA base stack that inhibits DNA-mediated charge transport to the Redmond red probe. The dramatic shift in potential for DNA-bound SoxR compared with the free form is thus reconciled based on a high-energy conformational change in the SoxR–DNA complex. The substantial positive shift in potential for DNA-bound SoxR furthermore indicates that, in the reducing intracellular environment, DNA-bound SoxR is primarily in the reduced form; the activation of DNA-bound SoxR would then be limited to strong oxidants, making SoxR an effective sensor for oxidative stress. These results more generally underscore the importance of using DNA electrochemistry to determine DNA-bound potentials for redox-sensitive transcription factors because such binding can dramatically affect this key protein property

    Octave Spanning Frequency Comb on a Chip

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    Optical frequency combs have revolutionized the field of frequency metrology within the last decade and have become enabling tools for atomic clocks, gas sensing and astrophysical spectrometer calibration. The rapidly increasing number of applications has heightened interest in more compact comb generators. Optical microresonator based comb generators bear promise in this regard. Critical to their future use as 'frequency markers', is however the absolute frequency stabilization of the optical comb spectrum. A powerful technique for this stabilization is self-referencing, which requires a spectrum that spans a full octave, i.e. a factor of two in frequency. In the case of mode locked lasers, overcoming the limited bandwidth has become possible only with the advent of photonic crystal fibres for supercontinuum generation. Here, we report for the first time the generation of an octave-spanning frequency comb directly from a toroidal microresonator on a silicon chip. The comb spectrum covers the wavelength range from 990 nm to 2170 nm and is retrieved from a continuous wave laser interacting with the modes of an ultra high Q microresonator, without relying on external broadening. Full tunability of the generated frequency comb over a bandwidth exceeding an entire free spectral range is demonstrated. This allows positioning of a frequency comb mode to any desired frequency within the comb bandwidth. The ability to derive octave spanning spectra from microresonator comb generators represents a key step towards achieving a radio-frequency to optical link on a chip, which could unify the fields of metrology with micro- and nano-photonics and enable entirely new devices that bring frequency metrology into a chip scale setting for compact applications such as space based optical clocks

    Electron Magnetic Resonance in Doped Colossal Magnetoresistive Manganites

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    Generation of platicons and frequency combs in optical microresonators with normal GVD by modulated pump

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    We demonstrate that flat-topped dissipative solitonic pulses, platicons, and corresponding frequency combs can be excited in optical microresonators with normal group velocity dispersion using either amplitude modulation of the pump or bichromatic pump. Soft excitation may occur in particular frequency range if modulation depth is large enough and modulation frequency is close to the free spectral range of the microresonator.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, to appear in EP