355 research outputs found

    A study concerning morphometry of abdominal aorta branches and abdominal viscera: relations and correlation

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    Research interest on abdominal aorta branches and abdominal viscera morphometry is renewed by technological evolution and development of new radiologic and clinical applications including stent grafts and chemoembolisation materials. Despite that, data on morphometry of abdominal aorta branches and abdominal viscera are lacking. To investigate this subject authors performed a morphometric study on 50 adult fresh and embalmed Caucasian cadavers and examined abdominal aorta branches’, kidney and spleen morphometry. Our results on arteries’ morphometry did not differ significantly from those of the literature; yet, we discovered significant differences between fresh and embalmed cadavers on viscera morphometry, spleen and kidneys. We also found previously unreported correlations between abdominal aorta branches’ morphometric characteristics. Even more, we identified correlations between regional arteries and viscera morphometric characteristics, proposing a new factor determining viscera development. Finally, we performed an extensive literature review so to place our results in an anatomic, embryologic and, even more, a clinical context. We believe that our results add knowledge on abdominal aorta branches and viscera morphometry and are valuable for clinical, radiological and surgical applications including visceral arteries’ aneurysms investigation and treatment, chemoembolisation procedures, stent grafts design and transplantation.

    Inhaled corticosteroids reduce senescence in endothelial progenitor cells from COPD patients

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    Cellular senescence contributes to the pathophysiology of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cardiovascular disease. Using endothelial-colony-forming-cells (ECFC), we have demonstrated accelerated senescence in smokers and COPD patients compared to non-smokers. Subgroup analysis suggests that ECFC from COPD patients on inhaledcorticosteroids (ICS) (n=14; 8 on ICS) exhibited significantly reduced senescence (Senescence-associated-beta galactosidase activity, p21CIP1), markers of DNA damage response (DDR) and IFN-γ-inducible-protein-10 compared to COPD patients not on ICS. In vitro studies using human-umbilical-vein-endothelial-cells showed a protective effect of ICS on the DDR, senescence and apoptosis caused by oxidative-stress, suggesting a protective molecular mechanism of action of corticosteroids on endothelium

    Algorithmic assessment of cellular senescence in experimental and clinical specimens

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    The development of genetic tools allowed for the validation of the pro-aging and pro-disease functions of senescent cells in vivo. These discoveries prompted the development of senotherapies—pharmaceutical interventions aimed at interfering with the detrimental effect of senescent cells—that are now entering the clinical stage. However, unequivocal identification and examination of cellular senescence remains highly difficult because of the lack of universal and specific markers. Here, to overcome the limitation of measuring individual markers, we describe a detailed two-phase algorithmic assessment to quantify various senescence-associated parameters in the same specimen. In the first phase, we combine the measurement of lysosomal and proliferative features with the expression of general senescence-associated genes to validate the presence of senescent cells. In the second phase we measure the levels of pro-inflammatory markers for specification of the type of senescence. The protocol can help graduate-level basic scientists to improve the characterization of senescence-associated phenotypes and the identification of specific senescent subtypes. Moreover, it can serve as an important tool for the clinical validation of the role of senescent cells and the effectiveness of anti-senescence therapies

    Checkpoints are blind to replication restart and recombination intermediates that result in gross chromosomal rearrangements

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    Replication fork inactivation can be overcome by homologous recombination, but this can cause gross chromosomal rearrangements that subsequently missegregate at mitosis, driving further chromosome instability. It is unclear when the chromosome rearrangements are generated and whether individual replication problems or the resulting recombination intermediates delay the cell cycle. Here we have investigated checkpoint activation during HR-dependent replication restart using a site-specific replication fork-arrest system. Analysis during a single cell cycle shows that HR-dependent replication intermediates arise in S phase, shortly after replication arrest, and are resolved into acentric and dicentric chromosomes in G2. Despite this, cells progress into mitosis without delay. Neither the DNA damage nor the intra-S phase checkpoints are activated in the first cell cycle, demonstrating that these checkpoints are blind to replication and recombination intermediates as well as to rearranged chromosomes. The dicentrics form anaphase bridges that subsequently break, inducing checkpoint activation in the second cell cycle

    Guidelines for minimal information on cellular senescence experimentation in vivo

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    \ua9 2024 The AuthorsCellular senescence is a cell fate triggered in response to stress and is characterized by stable cell-cycle arrest and a hypersecretory state. It has diverse biological roles, ranging from tissue repair to chronic disease. The development of new tools to study senescence in vivo has paved the way for uncovering its physiological and pathological roles and testing senescent cells as a therapeutic target. However, the lack of specific and broadly applicable markers makes it difficult to identify and characterize senescent cells in tissues and living organisms. To address this, we provide practical guidelines called “minimum information for cellular senescence experimentation in vivo” (MICSE). It presents an overview of senescence markers in rodent tissues, transgenic models, non-mammalian systems, human tissues, and tumors and their use in the identification and specification of senescent cells. These guidelines provide a uniform, state-of-the-art, and accessible toolset to improve our understanding of cellular senescence in vivo

    Robust, universal biomarker assay to detect senescent cells in biological specimens.

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    Cellular senescence contributes to organismal development, aging, and diverse pathologies, yet available assays to detect senescent cells remain unsatisfactory. Here, we designed and synthesized a lipophilic, biotin-linked Sudan Black B (SBB) analogue suitable for sensitive and specific, antibody-enhanced detection of lipofuscin-containing senescent cells in any biological material. This new hybrid histo-/immunochemical method is easy to perform, reliable, and universally applicable to assess senescence in biomedicine, from cancer research to gerontology

    E2F1 drives chemotherapeutic drug resistance via ABCG2

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    Multidrug resistance is a major barrier against successful chemotherapy, and this has been shown in vitro to be often caused by ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters. These transporters are frequently overexpressed in human cancers and confer an adverse prognosis in many common malignancies. The genetic factors, however, that initiate their expression in cancer are largely unknown. Here we report that the major multidrug transporter ABCG2 (BCRP/MXR) is directly and specifically activated by the transcription factor E2F1—a factor perturbed in the majority of human cancers. E2F1 regulates ABCG2 expression in multiple cell systems, and, importantly, we have identified a significant correlation between elevated E2F1 and ABCG2 expression in human lung cancers. We show that E2F1 causes chemotherapeutic drug efflux both in vitro and in vivo via ABCG2. Furthermore, the E2F1–ABCG2 axis suppresses chemotherapy-induced cell death that can be restored by the inhibition of ABCG2. These findings therefore identify a new axis in multidrug resistance and highlight a radical new function of E2F1 that is relevant to tumor therapy

    Prediction of progression in pTa and pT1 bladder carcinomas with p53, p16 and pRb

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    Currently available prognostic tools appear unable to adequately predict recurrence and progression in non muscle-invasive bladder carcinomas. We aimed to assess the prognostic value of immunohistochemical evaluation of the cell cycle markers p53, p16 and pRb. Paraffin blocks were obtained from 78 cases of pTa and pT1 transitional cell carcinomas, for which long-term follow-up was available. Representative sections were stained using antibodies against p53, p16 and pRb. Altered marker expression was found in 45, 17 and 30% of cases, respectively. Concurrent alteration of two or three markers occurred in 19% of cases, and was significantly associated with grade and stage. In univariate survival analysis, the concurrent alteration of any two markers was significantly associated with progression. The greatest risk was produced by alteration of both p53 and p16, which increased the risk of progression by 14.45 times (95% confidence interval (CI) 3.10-67.35). After adjusting for grade and stage, this risk was 7.73 (CI 1.13-52.70). The markers did not generally predict tumour recurrence, except in the 25 pT1 tumours. In these, p16 alteration was associated with a univariate risk of 2.83 (CI 1.01-7.91), and concurrent p53 and p16 alteration with a risk of 9.29 (CI 1.24-69.50). Overall, we conclude that the immunohistochemical evaluation of p53 and p16 may have independent prognostic value for disease progression, and may help guide management decisions in these tumours

    Essential Factors for Incompatible DNA End Joining at Chromosomal DNA Double Strand Breaks In Vivo

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    Non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) is a major pathway for the repair of DNA double strand break (DSBs) with incompatible DNA ends, which are often generated by ionizing irradiation. In vitro reconstitution studies have indicated that NHEJ of incompatible DNA ends requires not only the core steps of synapsis and ligation, employing KU80/DNA-PKcs and LIG4, but also additional DNA end processing steps, such as DNA end resection by Artemis and gap-filling by POLλ and POLμ. It seems that DNA end processing steps are important for joining of incompatible DNA ends rather than compatible ends. Despite the fact that DNA end processing is important for incompatible DNA end joining in vitro, the role of DNA processing in NHEJ of incompatible DSBs in vivo has not yet been demonstrated. Here we investigated the in vivo roles of proteins implicated in each step of NHEJ using an assay in which NHEJ of incompatible DNA ends on chromosomal DNA can be assessed in living human cells. siRNA- or inhibitor-mediated impairment of factors in each NHEJ step resulted in a reduction in joining efficiency. Strikingly, stronger effects were observed when DNA end resection and ligation protein functions were impaired. Disruption of synapsis by KU80 and DNA-PKcs impairment, or the disruption of gap filling by POLλ and POLμ depletion, resulted in higher levels of microhomology-mediated joining. The present study indicates that DNA end resection and ligation factors are critical for the efficient joining of incompatible ends in vivo, further emphasizing the importance of synapsis and gap-filling factors in preventing illegitimate joining

    Survival and Growth of Yeast without Telomere Capping by Cdc13 in the Absence of Sgs1, Exo1, and Rad9

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    Maintenance of telomere capping is absolutely essential to the survival of eukaryotic cells. Telomere capping proteins, such as Cdc13 and POT1, are essential for the viability of budding yeast and mammalian cells, respectively. Here we identify, for the first time, three genetic modifications that allow budding yeast cells to survive without telomere capping by Cdc13. We found that simultaneous inactivation of Sgs1, Exo1, and Rad9, three DNA damage response (DDR) proteins, is sufficient to allow cell division in the absence of Cdc13. Quantitative amplification of ssDNA (QAOS) was used to show that the RecQ helicase Sgs1 plays an important role in the resection of uncapped telomeres, especially in the absence of checkpoint protein Rad9. Strikingly, simultaneous deletion of SGS1 and the nuclease EXO1, further reduces resection at uncapped telomeres and together with deletion of RAD9 permits cell survival without CDC13. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis studies show that cdc13-1 rad9Δ sgs1Δ exo1Δ strains can maintain linear chromosomes despite the absence of telomere capping by Cdc13. However, with continued passage, the telomeres of such strains eventually become short and are maintained by recombination-based mechanisms. Remarkably, cdc13Δ rad9Δ sgs1Δ exo1Δ strains, lacking any Cdc13 gene product, are viable and can grow indefinitely. Our work has uncovered a critical role for RecQ helicases in limiting the division of cells with uncapped telomeres, and this may provide one explanation for increased tumorigenesis in human diseases associated with mutations of RecQ helicases. Our results reveal the plasticity of the telomere cap and indicate that the essential role of telomere capping is to counteract specific aspects of the DDR