150 research outputs found

    Shape and Compliance of Endothelial Cells after Shear Stress In Vitro or from Different Aortic Regions: Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy Study

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    Objective: To measure the elongation and compliance of endothelial cells subjected to different patterns of shear stress in vitro, and to compare these parameters with the elongation and compliance of endothelial cells from different regions of the intact aorta. Materials and Methods: Porcine aortic endothelial cells were cultured for 6 days under static conditions or on an orbital shaker. The shaker generated a wave of medium, inducing pulsatile shear stress with a preferred orientation at the edge of the well or steadier shear stress with changing orientation at its centre. The topography and compliance of these cells and cells from the inner and outer curvature of ex vivo porcine aortic arches were measured by scanning ion conductance microscopy (SICM). Results: Cells cultured under oriented shear stress were more elongated and less compliant than cells grown under static conditions or under shear stress with no preferred orientation. Cells from the outer curvature of the aorta were more elongated and less compliant than cells from the inner curvature. Conclusion: The elongation and compliance of cultured endothelial cells vary according to the pattern of applied shear stress, and are inversely correlated. A similar inverse correlation occurs in the aortic arch, with variation between region

    Mediastinal Lymphadenopathy, Class-Switched Auto-Antibodies and Myocardial Immune-Complexes During Heart Failure in Rodents and Humans.

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    Mediastinal lymphadenopathy and auto-antibodies are clinical phenomena during ischemic heart failure pointing to an autoimmune response against the heart. T and B cells have been convincingly demonstrated to be activated after myocardial infarction, a prerequisite for the generation of mature auto-antibodies. Yet, little is known about the immunoglobulin isotype repertoire thus pathological potential of anti-heart auto-antibodies during heart failure. We obtained human myocardial tissue from ischemic heart failure patients and induced experimental MI in rats. We found that anti-heart autoimmunity persists during heart failure. Rat mediastinal lymph nodes are enlarged and contain active secondary follicles with mature isotype-switched IgG2a B cells. Mature IgG2a auto-antibodies specific for cardiac antigens are present in rat heart failure serum, and IgG and complement C3 deposits are evident in heart failure tissue of both rats and human patients. Previously established myocardial inflammation, and the herein provided proof of B cell maturation in lymph nodes and myocardial deposition of mature auto-antibodies, provide all the hallmark signs of an established autoimmune response in chronic heart failure

    Scanning ion conductance microscopy: a convergent high-resolution technology for multi-parametric analysis of living cardiovascular cells

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    Cardiovascular diseases are complex pathologies that include alterations of various cell functions at the levels of intact tissue, single cells and subcellular signalling compartments. Conventional techniques to study these processes are extremely divergent and rely on a combination of individual methods, which usually provide spatially and temporally limited information on single parameters of interest. This review describes scanning ion conductance microscopy (SICM) as a novel versatile technique capable of simultaneously reporting various structural and functional parameters at nanometre resolution in living cardiovascular cells at the level of the whole tissue, single cells and at the subcellular level, to investigate the mechanisms of cardiovascular disease. SICM is a multimodal imaging technology that allows concurrent and dynamic analysis of membrane morphology and various functional parameters (cell volume, membrane potentials, cellular contraction, single ion-channel currents and some parameters of intracellular signalling) in intact living cardiovascular cells and tissues with nanometre resolution at different levels of organization (tissue, cellular and subcellular levels). Using this technique, we showed that at the tissue level, cell orientation in the inner and outer aortic arch distinguishes atheroprone and atheroprotected regions. At the cellular level, heart failure leads to a pronounced loss of T-tubules in cardiac myocytes accompanied by a reduction in Z-groove ratio. We also demonstrated the capability of SICM to measure the entire cell volume as an index of cellular hypertrophy. This method can be further combined with fluorescence to simultaneously measure cardiomyocyte contraction and intracellular calcium transients or to map subcellular localization of membrane receptors coupled to cyclic adenosine monophosphate production. The SICM pipette can be used for patch-clamp recordings of membrane potential and single channel currents. In conclusion, SICM provides a highly informative multimodal imaging platform for functional analysis of the mechanisms of cardiovascular diseases, which should facilitate identification of novel therapeutic strategies

    GLP-1 stimulates insulin secretion by PKC-dependent TRPM4 and TRPM5 activation.

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    Strategies aimed at mimicking or enhancing the action of the incretin hormone glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) therapeutically improve glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS); however, it is not clear whether GLP-1 directly drives insulin secretion in pancreatic islets. Here, we examined the mechanisms by which GLP-1 stimulates insulin secretion in mouse and human islets. We found that GLP-1 enhances GSIS at a half-maximal effective concentration of 0.4 pM. Moreover, we determined that GLP-1 activates PLC, which increases submembrane diacylglycerol and thereby activates PKC, resulting in membrane depolarization and increased action potential firing and subsequent stimulation of insulin secretion. The depolarizing effect of GLP-1 on electrical activity was mimicked by the PKC activator PMA, occurred without activation of PKA, and persisted in the presence of PKA inhibitors, the KATP channel blocker tolbutamide, and the L-type Ca(2+) channel blocker isradipine; however, depolarization was abolished by lowering extracellular Na(+). The PKC-dependent effect of GLP-1 on membrane potential and electrical activity was mediated by activation of Na(+)-permeable TRPM4 and TRPM5 channels by mobilization of intracellular Ca(2+) from thapsigargin-sensitive Ca(2+) stores. Concordantly, GLP-1 effects were negligible in Trpm4 or Trpm5 KO islets. These data provide important insight into the therapeutic action of GLP-1 and suggest that circulating levels of this hormone directly stimulate insulin secretion by β cells.We thank David Wiggins for excellent technical assistance. This work was supported by the Medical Research Council, Diabetes UK (to R. Ramracheya ), Oxford Biomedical Research Centre (to A. Tarasov), the Wellcome Trust (Senior Investigator Awards to A. Galione and P. Rorsman), the Warwick Impact Fund (to C. Weston and G. Ladds), the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (to G. Ladds), the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (to P. Rorsman), and the Swedish Research Council (to P. Rorsman). The initial stages of M. Shigeto’s stay in Oxford were supported by a fellowship from Kawasaki Medical School.This is the final version of the article. It was first available from the American Society for Clinical Investigation via http://dx.doi.org/10.1172/JCI8197

    Nanoscale live-cell imaging using hopping probe ion conductance microscopy,

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    We describe hopping mode scanning ion conductance microscopy that allows noncontact imaging of the complex three-dimensional surfaces of live cells with resolution better than 20 nm. We tested the effectiveness of this technique by imaging networks of cultured rat hippocampal neurons and mechanosensory stereocilia of mouse cochlear hair cells. The technique allowed examination of nanoscale phenomena on the surface of live cells under physiological conditions. There is a great interest in developing methods to image live cells at nanoscale resolution. Scanning probe microscopy (SPM) is one approach to this problem and both atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) have been used to image live cells 1,2 . However, deformation of the soft and responsive cell by the AFM cantilever, particularly when imaging eukaryotic cells, represents a substantial problem for AFM. SECM, in contrast, involves no physical contact with the sample, but true topographic imaging of the convoluted surface of living cells with nanoscale resolution has not been reported. Scanning ion conductance microscopy (SICM) 3 is another form of SPM, which allows imaging of the cell surface under physiological conditions without physical contact and with a resolution of 3-6 nm 4,5 . Until now, SICM has been restricted to imaging relatively flat surfaces, as all other SPM techniques. This is because when the probe encounters a vertical structure, it inevitably collides with the specimen SICM is based on the phenomenon that the ion flow through a sharp fluid-filled nanopipette is partially occluded when the pipette approaches the surface of a cell 3 . In conventional SICM, a nanopipette is mounted on a three-dimensional piezoelectric translation stage and automatic feedback control moves the pipette up or down to keep the pipette current constant (the set point) while the sample is scanned in x and y directions. Thus, a pipette-sample separation, typically equal to the pipette's inner radius, is maintained during imaging. In hopping probe ion conductance microscopy (HPICM), we no longer use continuous feedback. Instead, at each imaging point, the pipette approaches the sample from a starting position that is above any of the surface features We illustrate the benefits of HPICM in In contrast to conventional raster scanning, HPICM has the additional advantage that the order of imaging pixels is not predetermined. Therefore, we divided the entire image into equal-sized square

    Fetal cardiac dysfunction in intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy is associated with elevated serum bile acid concentrations

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    BackgroundIntrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) is associated with increased stillbirth risk. This study aimed to assess the relationship between bile acid concentrations and fetal cardiac dysfunction in ICP with or without ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) treatment.MethodsBile acid profiles and NT-proBNP, a marker of ventricular dysfunction, were assayed in umbilical venous serum from 15 controls and 76 ICP cases (36 untreated, 40 UDCA-treated). Fetal ECG traces were obtained from 43 controls and 48 ICP cases (26 untreated, 22 UDCA-treated). PR interval length and heart rate variability parameters (RMSSD, SDNN) were measured in two behavioural states (quiet and active sleep). Partial correlation coefficients (r) and median [IQR] are reported.ResultsIn untreated ICP, fetal total serum bile acids (TSBA, r=0.49, p=0.019), their hydrophobicity index (r=0.20, p=0.039), glycocholate (r=0.56, p=0.007) and taurocholate (r=0.44, p=0.039) positively correlated with fetal NT-proBNP. Maternal TSBA (r=0.40, p=0.026) and alanine aminotransferase (r=0.40, p=0.046) also positively correlated with fetal NT-proBNP. No significant correlations to NT-proBNP were observed in the UDCA-treated cohort. Fetal PR interval length positively correlated with maternal TSBA in untreated (r=0.46, p=0.027) and UDCA-treated ICP (r=0.54, p=0.026). Fetal RMSSD in active sleep (9.6 [8.8,11.3] vs. 8.7 [7.6,9.6] ms, p=0.028) and SDNN in quiet sleep (11.0 [9.5,14.9] vs. 7.9 [5.1,9.7] ms, p=0.013) and active sleep (25.4 [21.0,32.4] vs. 18.2 [14.7,25.7] ms, p=0.003) were significantly higher in untreated ICP cases than controls. Heart rate variability values in UDCA-treated cases did not differ to controls.ConclusionsElevated fetal and maternal serum bile acid concentrations in untreated ICP are associated with an abnormal fetal cardiac phenotype characterised by increased NT-proBNP concentration, PR interval length and heart rate variability. UDCA treatment partially attenuates this phenotype

    Microtubule-mediated regulation of  β2AR translation and unction in failing hearts

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    Background: Beta-1 adrenergic receptor (β 1 AR)- and Beta-2 adrenergic receptor (β 2 AR)-mediated cyclic adenosine monophosphate signaling has distinct effects on cardiac function and heart failure progression. However, the mechanism regulating spatial localization and functional compartmentation of cardiac β-ARs remains elusive. Emerging evidence suggests that microtubule-dependent trafficking of mRNP (messenger ribonucleoprotein) and localized protein translation modulates protein compartmentation in cardiomyocytes. We hypothesized that β-AR compartmentation in cardiomyocytes is accomplished by selective trafficking of its mRNAs and localized translation. Methods: The localization pattern of β-AR mRNA was investigated using single molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization and subcellular nanobiopsy in rat cardiomyocytes. The role of microtubule on β-AR mRNA localization was studied using vinblastine, and its effect on receptor localization and function was evaluated with immunofluorescent and high-throughput Förster resonance energy transfer microscopy. An mRNA protein co-detection assay identified plausible β-AR translation sites in cardiomyocytes. The mechanism by which β-AR mRNA is redistributed post–heart failure was elucidated by single molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization, nanobiopsy, and high-throughput Förster resonance energy transfer microscopy on 16 weeks post–myocardial infarction and detubulated cardiomyocytes. Results: β 1 AR and β 2 AR mRNAs show differential localization in cardiomyocytes, with β 1 AR found in the perinuclear region and β 2 AR showing diffuse distribution throughout the cell. Disruption of microtubules induces a shift of β 2 AR transcripts toward the perinuclear region. The close proximity between β 2 AR transcripts and translated proteins suggests that the translation process occurs in specialized, precisely defined cellular compartments. Redistribution of β 2 AR transcripts is microtubule-dependent, as microtubule depolymerization markedly reduces the number of functional receptors on the membrane. In failing hearts, both β 1 AR and β 2 AR mRNAs are redistributed toward the cell periphery, similar to what is seen in cardiomyocytes undergoing drug-induced detubulation. This suggests that t-tubule remodeling contributes to β-AR mRNA redistribution and impaired β 2 AR function in failing hearts. Conclusions: Asymmetrical microtubule-dependent trafficking dictates differential β 1 AR and β 2 AR localization in healthy cardiomyocyte microtubules, underlying the distinctive compartmentation of the 2 β-ARs on the plasma membrane. The localization pattern is altered post–myocardial infarction, resulting from t-tubule remodeling, leading to distorted β 2 AR-mediated cyclic adenosine monophosphate signaling

    Abstracts from the 8th International Conference on cGMP Generators, Effectors and Therapeutic Implications

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    This work was supported by a restricted research grant of Bayer AG