82 research outputs found

    Collective transnational bargaining: practical implementation experiences from European Works Councils in Spain

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    Council Directives 94/45/EC and 2009/38/EC impose transnational collective bargaining in Community-scale undertakings so as to create procedures for informing and consulting employees in said undertakings. More than twenty years after the first Directive was passed, this article examines the agreements reached by European-scale companies with headquarters in Spain and tries to construct a typical model for European Works Councils among companies in Spain

    Collective transnational bargaining: practical implementation experiences from European Works Councils in Spain

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    Council Directives 94/45/EC and 2009/38/EC impose transnational collective bargaining in Community-scale undertakings so as to create procedures for informing and consulting employees in said undertakings. More than twenty years after the first Directive was passed, this article examines the agreements reached by European-scale companies with headquarters in Spain and tries to construct a typical model for European Works Councils among companies in SpainThis article forms part of the research project “El dialogo social en un derecho del trabajo para la recuperación: competitividad empresarial y cohesión social” (DER2015-64676-C2-2-P

    Enfermedad y discriminación tras la Ley 15/2022, integral para la igualdad de trato y la no discriminación. Especial mención al despido del trabajador enfermo

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    The illness has not been recognized as a cause of discrimination except in exceptional cases – for example, due to its duration or if the worker suffers from a particularly stigmatizing illness. The Law 15/2022, of July 12, comprehensive for equal treatment and non-discrimination, has incorporated new causes and types of discrimination. Additionally, it has recognized illness as a cause of discrimination, thus profoundly changing the treatment of health in employment relationships.La enfermedad no ha sido reconocida como causa de discriminación salvo en supuestos excepcionales –como, por ejemplo, por su duración o por padecer la persona trabajadora una enfermedad especialmente estigmatizante–. La Ley 15/2022, de 12 de julio, integral para la igualdad de trato y la no discriminación ha incorporado nuevas causas y tipos de discriminación, además, ha reconocido como supuesto de discriminación la enfermedad, ello, por tanto, ha cambiado de forma profunda el tratamiento de la salud en las relaciones laborales

    La gestión del personal interino en la Administración local: derechos y deberes

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    La crisis económica obligó a restringir el acceso al empleo público permanente en nuestro país como medida de contención del gasto público. Esta realidad y la necesidad de sostener servicios básicos ha provocado que las plantillas de los ayuntamientos españoles tengan un exceso de personal temporal, tanto de funcionarios como de trabajadores por cuenta ajena, difícil de justificar. De forma particular, dentro del personal temporal municipal, el exceso de personal interino obstaculiza la gestión de los recursos humanos en el sector público al limitar, por ejemplo, los cambios de puesto de trabajo y los ascensos. En este trabajo se ofrecen posibles soluciones para superar dichos problemas y mejorar la eficiencia y eficacia de las administraciones locale

    A national perspective: the participation rights of the representation of workers in multinational companies: the reception of transnationalization

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    La internacionalización de la actividad empresarial supone el cuestionamiento de la validez de las reglas nacionales (españolas) de representación de los trabajadores. Si bien en el ámbito comunitario se han articulado instituciones como el comité de empresa europeo y algunas reglas ligadas a la empresa de dimensión comunitaria, sin embargo, no ha sucedido lo mismo respecto de las empresas multinacionales globalizadas más allá del territorio de la Unión Europea. Esto general dudas acerca de como canalizar transnacionalmente la representación de los trabajadoresThe internationalization of business activity involves questioning the validity of national (Spanish) rules regarding to workers representation. Although institutions such as European Works Council and some rules linked to Community-scale undertakings have been set in the EU, however, no standarsd has been set related yet, to globalized multinational companies beyond European Union territory. Thus somme doubts there still remain about pathway to channeling workers representation in that fiel

    ¿El ser humano al servicio de la tecnología? Reflexiones a propósito de la obra de Anna Ginés i Fabrellas, ‘El trabajo en plataformas digitales. Nuevas formas de precariedad laboral’

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    Este artículo reserña: Anna Ginés i Fabrellas, ‘El trabajo en plataformas digitales. Nuevas formas de precariedad laboral’, Navarra: Aranzadi, 2020

    La representación de los trabajadores en las empresas transnacionales

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Departamento de Derecho Privado, Social y Económico. Fecha de Lectura: 25-05-2016Esta tesis tiene embargado el acceso al texto completo hasta el 25-04-201

    EphrinA4 plays a critical role in α4 and αL mediated survival ofhuman CLL cells during extravasation

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    A role of endothelial cells in the survival of CLL cells during extravasation is presently unknown. Herein we show that CLL cells but not normal B cells can receive apoptotic signals through physical contact with TNF-α activated endothelium impairing survival in transendothelial migration (TEM) assays. In addition, the CLL cells of patients having lymphadenopathy (LApos) show a survival advantage during TEM that can be linked to increased expression of α4 and αL integrin chains. Within this context, ephrinA4 expressed on the surface of CLL cells sequestrates integrins and inactivates them resulting in reduced adhesion and inhibition of apoptotic/survival signals through them. In agreement, ephrinA4 silencing resulted in increased survival of CLL cells of LApos patients but not LA neg patients. Similarly was observed when a soluble ephrinA4 isoform was added to TEM assays strongly suggesting that accumulation of this isoform in the serum of LApos patients could contribute to CLL cells dissemination and survival in vivo. In supporting, CLL lymphadenopathies showed a preferential accumulation of apoptotic CLL cells around high endothelial venules lacking ephrinA4. Moreover, soluble ephrinA4 isolated from sera of patients increased the number and viability of CLL cells recovered from the lymph nodes of adoptively transferred mice. Finally, we present evidence suggesting that soluble ephrinA4 mediated survival during TEM could enhance a transcellular TEM route of the CLL cells. Together these findings point to an important role of ephrinA4 in the nodal dissemination of CLL cells governing extravasation and survival