69 research outputs found

    3D numerical modelling and manipulation of a shoe last.

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    As global competition continues to increase causing market windows to shrink and product life cycles shorten, manufacturers today can no longer function without advanced design tools. These market pressures dictate that designers must embrace new, faster and better design technologies than ever before if they are to remain competitive. This is especially true in the shoe industry with the employment of up-to-date methods of design and manufacture. The development of modem CAD/CAM systems, the availability of powerful hardware at reasonable cost and vast improvements in colour graphics capabilities have made the automation of the footwear design process feasible at low cost. All of this economically justifies the creation of a system for direct shoe last design without a prototype model last. A specific onscreen methodology of a shoe last design directly from individual anthropometric data has been proposed and evaluated. A numerical methodology for onscreen visualisation with application of a new scheme of segmentation of the last surface and further manipulation of the last elements in order to create new last styles have been developed. In order to achieve this, the principles of shaping the last, the laws governing its deformation when changing the heel height and the list of possible modifications to its shape have been defined. Five global manipulation procedures have been implemented, in particular those that relate to changing the heel height. Special software has been written to visualise the results. Experimentation has proved the validity of the approach. Lasts of similar style but with different heel heights were measured and numerically modelled to compare with computer generated and modified last models. The accuracy proved to be within the limits of practical and traditional constraints

    Role of the state in solution of problem alcoholization of youth

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    Рассматривается алкогольная политика государства как фактор снижения алкоголизации российской молодежи. Раскрывается противоречивый характер политики государственных структур по снижению потребления спиртных напитков среди молодежи. Обосновывается необходимость активной поддержки антиалкогольных государственных мер со стороны широких слоев населения. State alcohol policy as a factor of reducing alcoholization of the Russian youth is considered. The contradictory nature of the state structures policy to reduce alcohol consumption among young people is revealed. The need for active support of the state anti-alcohol measures from the general population is substantiated

    Стратегии брачного поведения трех поколений горожан (на примере г. Пермь)

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    В статье анализируются подходы к изучению брака. Обосновывается необходимость рассмотрения брачного поведения через описание его структуры и понимание взаимосвязи структурных элементов. Раскрываются особенности стратегий брачного поведения старшего поколения («Надо жить по законам общества»), среднего поколения («Эмоциональное равно-весие», «Соотноситься с человеком») и молодого поколения («Сделать друг друга лучше»). Установлено, что сегодня сокращается длительность этапов брачного поведения, изменяется от-ношение к ритуальной стороне заключения брака и организации свадьбы, мотивы вступления в брачный союз носят все более индивидуальный характер. Предложены практические рекомендации по укреплению институтов семьи и брака, нивелированию существующих негативных тенденций

    Sustainable development of the mining industry in the context of digital transformation

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    The article considers the processes and prospects of the mining industry sustainable development. The main results of the study include the substantiation of the introduction of digital transformation processes as the main global trend of the mining enterprises sustainable development, along with the use of high-tech innovative approaches. The presented study considers the impact of the digital technological revolution “Industry 4.0” on the prospects for the of the mining industry development. The comprehensive analysis of the state, problems, advantages and disadvantages of the mining enterprises functioning in the context of constantly changing external and internal factors of economic and foreign policy development of modern Russia has been carried out. The factors determining the relevance of the digital transformation of mining enterprises, promising directions for the development of geotechnology in the 21st century, are considered, using the example of the introduction of intelligent Mining 4.0. (Mining 4.0.) and the construction of intelligent digital mines. The mechanisms and digital solutions, which implementation will solve thef key tasks, are considered. The practical application of the research results will allow mining enterprises to reach a new sustainable level of the development as well as to increase the competitiveness in the global market

    Impact of the digital economy on the development of economic systems

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    The digital economy, which is based on new development concepts and driven by emerging technologies, relies on the application of information networks and platforms, renews factors and resources, and aims at high-quality and sustainable development as an important cornerstone for building a modern economic system. Digitalization affects most of the production processes and activities in the economy. In a period of rapid development of the digital economy, its significance is manifested in deep integration with economic and social industries, promoting digital transformation and constantly introducing new technologies, new models and new industry processes. This leads to the transformation and modernization of society, industry and enterprises, contributing to sustainable economic development based on innovation models. This paper discusses the importance of the digital economy in the modern economic system, which is expressed in an increase in production efficiency, the creation of new jobs, and a synergistic effect in various industries

    Revisiting the fair value and historical cost and their impact on the financial indicators of the company

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    © Medwell Journals, 2016.The Russian accounting practice is being improved on the basis of international standards of financial accounting. Nevertheless, not all conventions adopted by these standards allow the explicit and correct disclosure of a company financial standing data in the financial statement. It is connected with recognition and assessment of assets and liabilities. The primary recognition is based on the historical cost. The one following it on the fair value, the latter being not quite unprejudiced. There occurs a risk of financial accounting misstatements. As a result of the reassessment by the fair value, both the assets and the liabilities, including the equity capital are changed into the equivalent values. The conclusions in respect of the financial status are based on the financial standing indicators analysis which manifests that the company reporting made in compliance either with the IFRS or with the Russian standards enable to make similar conclusions on the financial standing of the company

    Organizational and economic transformations towards the greening of agro-industrial production

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    The increase in the production of agricultural products and food supplies in excess of regulatory needs and the provision of food safety in Russia led to the expansion of the export of agricultural products and the change in the course of the development of the agro-industrial complex from import substitution to export-oriented production. However, the entry to world food markets requires high quality of products from manufacturers and its certification in accordance with world standards. The article presents the organizational and economic transformations towards the greening of agro-industrial production, namely, the use of the resource potential, the involvement of Russian manufacturers in the production of environmentally friendly products and the development of organic agriculture; the mechanisms for solving the set problems are substantiated.peer-reviewe

    Research Library's Role and Place in the Educational Environment of Pedagogical University

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    The paper provides some results of the library reader survey which allowed establishing the new role and place of the research library of a pedagogical university. The creative role of the research library determines the possible options of interaction between the library and scientific and educational departments of the pedagogical university. In the educational environment, the library becomes a “third place” between home and classroom

    X-ray in-line holography and holotomography at the NanoMAX beamline

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    Coherent X-ray imaging techniques, such as in-line holography, exploit the high brilliance provided by diffraction-limited storage rings to perform imaging sensitive to the electron density through contrast due to the phase shift, rather than conventional attenuation contrast. Thus, coherent X-ray imaging techniques enable high-sensitivity and low-dose imaging, especially for low-atomic-number (Z) chemical elements and materials with similar attenuation contrast. Here, the first implementation of in-line holography at the NanoMAX beamline is presented, which benefits from the exceptional focusing capabilities and the high brilliance provided by MAX IV, the first operational diffraction-limited storage ring up to approximately 300 eV. It is demonstrated that in-line holography at NanoMAX can provide 2D diffraction-limited images, where the achievable resolution is only limited by the 70 nm focal spot at 13 keV X-ray energy. Also, the 3D capabilities of this instrument are demonstrated by performing holotomography on a chalk sample at a mesoscale resolution of around 155 nm. It is foreseen that in-line holography will broaden the spectra of capabilities of MAX IV by providing fast 2D and 3D electron density images from mesoscale down to nanoscale resolution