231 research outputs found

    Static headspace GC-MS analysis versus GC-MS analysis of essential oils

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    The composition of essential oils (EO) of twelve plant species was compared with the corresponding headspace (HS) volatiles. Samples were prepared from fresh or dried whole above-ground parts, leaves, flowers and roots of the following plant species: Achillea coarctata [1], A. crithmifolia [2], Angelica pancicii [3], Peucedanum longifolium [4,5], Chaerophyllum hirsutum [6], C. aureum [7], C. aromaticum [8], Origanum heracleoticum [2], Pastinaca hirsuta [9], Thymus glabrescens [10], T. praecox [10], and T. pulegoides [10].                The following was noted:Monoterpenoids were present in HS volatiles with at least 90%.The investigated essential oils and the corresponding HS volatiles were different in quantitative terms for most monoterpenes while for the sesquiterpenes, there was an additional difference in qualitative terms.There was a negative correlation between the amount of thymol and carvacrol in EOs and the quantity of p-cymene and γ-terpinene in the HS.The same relationship was observed between linalool oxides and β-ocimenes.The relative amounts of α-terpineol, camphor and borneol were higher in the EOs when compared to HS volatiles.                From the above mentioned it can be concluded that HS analyses could not replace the analysis of EO but could be helpful in the cases when sufficient quantities of plant material are not available or when it is necessary to analyze a single specimen of a plant species


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    Immune status of an individual depends on the organism’s nutritional status as well as on the choice of nutrients that enter the body. Malnutrition and HIV progression are closely linked and require an active cooperation between infectious disease physicians and nutritionist. It has been noticed that patients with HIV that receive antiretroviral therapy have a significantly greater loss of body weight, and therefore need an adequate diet modification. Oxidative stress represents an important etiological factor in diseases of immune deficiency, so that antioxidant agents (Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin B12 and certain minerals, such as zinc and selenium) are crucial factors in HIV dietotherapy. Polyphenols from cocoa beans as well as from green and black tea (catechins and teaflavins) have an important role in disease progress modification as well as disease transmission prevention. The patients also need their probiotic intestinal flora to be encouraged to grow properly in order to prevent opportunistic infections. All of these nutrition elements are already in use in prevention, therapy and alleviation of HIV symptoms, and further science development will make a personal diet modification for each patient possible

    Determination of invariant measures: An approach based on homotopy perturbations

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    This paper describes the application of the homotopy perturbations method (HPM) in the computation of invariant measures (IMs) of the non-linear dynamical systems which are characterized by the complex, chaotic behavior. The convergence of the HPM is formally investigated and confirmed, and its efficiency is illustrated in several examples of widely used chaotic maps

    Radioactivity of phosphate mineral products

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    The phosphate industry is one of the biggest polluters of the environment with uranium. Different products are derived after processing phosphoric ore, such as mineral and phosphate fertilizers and phosphate mineral supplements (dicalcium-and monocalcium phosphate) for animal feeding. Phosphate mineral additives used in animal food may contain a high activity of uranium. Research in this study should provide an answer to the extent in which phosphate mineral products (phosphate fertilizer and phosphate mineral feed additives) contribute to the contamination of soil, plants and animals

    Urbane aglomeracije na glavnim razvojnim osovinama kao polovi demografske revitalizacije Srbije

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    Significant geographical-demographic changes are characteristic for the region of Serbia in the second half of the 20th century, which were caused by a dynamic primary urbanization process, namely intense migrational trends between village and town. Expansion zones were formed around urban centers with total intense growth (both demographic and economic), which are mainly found in land areas of main development axes, whereby the (Sava) Danube-Morava one is the most significant. The importance of this development axis (not only in the demographic sense) is indicated by the fact that in this region (composed of districts which are located in the corridor zone) 3794.8 thousand people lived in 2002, which represents 50.6% of the population of Central Serbia and Vojvodina. Taking into consideration the territory it consists of, this zone is populated twice as much in average than the region of Serbia (without Kosovo) as a whole. Along with that, out of the five urban areas with more than 100 thousand people (large urban centers), four are located in this zone (Subotica, Novi Sad, Belgrade and Niš) and only Kragujevac is located somewhat on the outskirts in relation to it, but in its immediate proximity. Large town centers in corridor zone X concentrated as much as 41% of the Republic urban population in 2002. At the same time, a network of 32 settlements in the land area of this main development axis of Serbia which belong to the category of small and medium size towns, and which cover about 16% of the republic urban population should be added to this. Consequently this zone, as other concentrated population zones, which are formed around secondary development axes on the territory of Serbia, is identified as a region with significant population potential. For that very reason, there was an attempt in this paper to determine the role and significance of urban agglomerations on main development axes for possible demographic revitalization of Serbia. The significance of urban population arises from its quantitative and especially qualitative (structural) characteristics. This category of population of the Republic realizes significant growth (more than 10%) in the last two inter-census decades (1981-2002) regardless of the effects of demographic and socio-economic transitions and geo-political changes and their mainly negative influences as opposed to the total population of this region which realizes an apparent drop (of 3%). The drop of rural population is even more obvious (by about 16%) so its (future) role in possible demographic revitalization of Serbia is of secondary significance. As early as the seventies, the focus of main demographic processes (natality) shifted from rural to town populations. It is a fact that only the urban population of Serbia (without Kosovo) realized a positive natural growth in the nineties. However, it is interesting that large cities lost their precedence at the end of the twentieth century, namely negative natural growth appeared (Belgrade -1.5‰, Novi Sad - 0.3‰ and Subotica - 5.4‰) and in fact only small and medium towns provided natural replacement of its population. They participate with over 60% in total number of live births in urban areas, and having in mind that they are becoming the bearers of population reproduction, they can be viewed as the poles of future demographic revitalization of Serbia.Za prodručje Srbije karakteristične su u drugoj polovini 20. veka značajne prostorno-demografske promene uzrokovane snažnim procesom primarne urbanizacije, tj. intenzivnim migracionim tokovima na relaciji selo-grad. Zone ekspanzije formirane su oko urbanih središta s ukupnim snažnim rastom (i demografskim i ekonomskim), a koja se, uglavnom, nalaze u arealima glavnih razvojnih osovina, od kojih je (savsko) dunavsko-moravska najznačajnija. Važnost ove razvojne osovine (ne samo u demografskom smislu) pokazuje i podatak da je u ovom području (formiranom od opština koje se nalaze u zoni koridora) 2002. godine živelo 3794,8 hiljada stanovnika, što predstavlja 50,6% stanovništva Centralne Srbije i Vojvodine. S obzirom na to koju teritoriju obuhvata, ova zona je, u proseku, dvostruko naseljenija od prostora Srbije (bez Kosova) u celini. Uz to, od pet naselja s više od 100 hiljada stanovnika (veliki urbani centri), četiri se nalaze u ovoj zoni (Subotica, Novi Sad, Beograd i Niš) a samo se Kragujevac nalazi nešto perifernije u odnosu na nju, ali u njenoj neposrednoj blizini. Veliki gradski centri u zoni koridora X 2002. godine koncentrisali su čak 41% urbanog stanovništva Republike. Istovremeno, tome treba dodati i mrežu od 32 naselja u arealu ove glavne razvojne osovine Srbije, koja pripadaju kategoriji malih i gradova srednjih veličina, i koja obuhvataju oko 16% republičke urbane populacije. Tako se ova, kao i ostale zone koncentracije stanovništva, koje su formirane oko sekundarnih razvojnih osovina u prostoru Srbije, izdvaja kao područje sa značajnim populacionim potencijalom. Upravo zato, u ovom radu izvršen je pokušaj da se utvrdi uloga i značaj urbanih aglomeracija na glavnim razvojnim osovinama za eventualnu demografsku revitalizaciju Srbije. Značaj urbanog stanovništva proizilazi iz njegovih kvantitativnih, ali posebno kvalitativnih (strukturalnih) karakteristika. Ova kategorija stanovništva Republike, u poslednje dve međupopisne dekade (1981-2002. godina), bez obzira na efekte demografske i socio-ekonomske tranzicije, zatim na geo-političke promene i njihove (uglavnom negativne uticaje), ostvaruje signifikantan rast (više od 10%) za razliku od ukupne populacije ovog prostora, koja ostvaruje evidentan pad (od 3%). Još je izraženiji pad ruralnog stanovništva (za oko 16%), tako da je njegova (buduća) uloga u mogućoj demografskoj revitalizaciji Srbije od sekundarnog značaja. Već početkom sedamdesetih godina težište osnovnih demografskih procesa (nataliteta) pomerilo se sa seoske na gradsku populaciju. Činjenica je da je devedesetih godina samo urbano stanovništvo Srbije (bez Kosova) ostvarivalo pozitivan prirodni priraštaj. Međutim, interesantno je da veliki gradovi krajem XX veka gube svoj primat, odnosno da i u njima dolazi do pojave negativnog prirodnog priraštaja (Beograd -1,5‰, Novi Sad -0,3‰ i Subotica -5,4‰) i da, u stvari, samo mali i srednji gradovi obezbeđuju prirodno obnavljanje svog stanovništva. Oni učestvuju sa preko 60% u ukupnom broju živorođenja u urbanim sredinama i, s obzirom na to da postaju nosioci reprodukcije stanovništva, mogu se posmatrati i kao polovi buduće demografske revitalizacije Srbije

    Golija - razvitak stanovništva i perspektive

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    The basic research idea was to determine the state and problems in population development of an isolated mountainous region, which has been marked as a potentially developmental and attractive region in the Regional Plan of Serbia, having in mind that it is rich in valuable natural resources. Research was focused just on the protected region of the "Golija" Nature Park, however, wherever it was necessary for better understanding of demographic trends, the wider functional-gravitational region was analyzed, which belongs to the districts of Ivanjica, Kraljevo, Novi Pazar, Raška and Sjenica in the administration sense. It was determined that the following unfavorable (limiting) elements of demographic development are characteristic for the region of Golija: constant decrease of population, which is present in practically all settlements, intensive population emigration which has been decreasing in the last ten years or so due to the decrease in the number of potential emigrants; fluctuations in all relevant demographic structures; intensification of the process of demographic ageing which results in continual decrease of natural growth and disruption of all basic functional contingents of population which will certainly negatively affect future reproduction and population replacement. If such a negative state is taken into consideration then the question of demographic and thus developmental perspectives of this mountainous region is justifiably imposed and brought into question. The second part of the paper indicates to the demographic perspectives of the Golija region. According to the first estimation variant, which proceeds from the assumption on the continuation of the basic tendencies in demographic development so far, the number of inhabitants of Golija would be halved by the year 2030. In the second estimation variant, which proceeds from the assumption that in the near future some more serious changes in the functional structure of this region will be realized, having in mind some planned developmental activities, which would result in a somewhat faster tempo of total development of its certain parts which would reflect the gradual slowing down of negative tendencies in its population development on the whole as well. It should be stressed that the first, initial, positive effects would be manifested more seriously only in 20 years at the earliest. That means that by then there would be gradual ceasing of the demonstrated tendencies in demographic development of this region so far and the forming of complex (both developmental and demographic) prerequisites for its further demographic revitalization. It is characteristic that all the stated effects would not prevent the demographic dying out of 15 settlements. This imposes the requirement that when defining the organization strategies and development of this regional entirety, settlements must clearly be distinguished as well as their functional zones which have certain developmental predispositions, as well as settlements which have minimal, demographic and functional, potentials for future development and settlements which in the prospective period can demographically survive.Osnovna ideja istraživanja bila je da se utvrdi stanje i problemi u razvitku stanovništva jedne izolovane planinske sredine, koja je u Prostornom planu Srbije izdvojena kao potencijalno razvojno i atraktivno područje, budući da raspolaže visokovrednim prirodnim resursima. Istraživanje je fokusirano na neposredno zaštićeno područje Parka prirode "Golija" ali, gde god je to bilo potrebno zarad boljeg razumevanja demografskih kretanja, analizirano je i šire funkcijsko-gravitacijsko područje, koje u adminsitrativnom pogledu pripada opštinama Ivanjica, Kraljevo, Novi Pazar, Raška i Sjenica. Utvrđeno je da područje Golije odlikuju sledeći nepovoljni (ograničavajući) elementi demografskog razvoja: konstantan populacioni pad, koji je prisutan u praktično svim naseljima; intenzivan proces iseljavanja stanovništva, koji se poslednjih desetak godina usporava usled smanjenja broja potencijalnih emigranata; poremećaji u svim relevantnim demografskim strukturama; intenziviranje procesa demografskog starenja, koje rezultira i kontinuiranim padom prirodnog priraštaja i urušavanjem svih osnovnih funkcionalnih kontingenata stanovništva, što će se, svakako, negativno odraziti na buduću reprodukciju i obnavljanje stanovništva. Ako se uzme u obzir ovako nepovoljno stanje, onda se opravdano postavlja pitanje demografske, a time dovode u pitanje i razvojne, perspektive ovog planinskog prostora. U drugom delu rada ukazuje se na demografske perspektive područja Golije. Prema prvoj varijanti procena, koja polazi od pretpostavke o nastavljanju dosadašnjih osnovnih tendencija u demografskom razvoju, do 2030. godine broj stanovnika Golije bio bi gotovo prepolovljen. U drugoj varijanti procena pošlo se od pretpostavke da će se u bliskoj budućnosti, imajući u vidu planirane razvojne aktivnosti, ostvariti neke ozbiljnije promene u funkcionalnoj strukturi ovog prostora, a koje bi rezultirale nešto bržim tempom ukupnog razvoja pojedinih njegovih delova, što bi se reflektovalo i na postepeno usporavanje negativnih tendencija u njegovom populacionom razvoju u celini. Treba naglasiti da bi se prvi, početni, pozitivni efekti ozbiljnije manifestovali tek najranije za 20 godina. To znači da bi do tada postepeno došlo do zaustavljanja ispoljenih tendencija u dosadašnjem demografskom razvoju ovog prostora i formiranja kompleksnih (i razvojnih i demografskih) preduslova za njegovu kasniju demografsku revitalizaciju. Karakteristično je da svi navedeni efekti ne bi sprečili demografsko izumiranje 15 naselja. To nameće potrebu da se pri definisanju strategije uređenja i razvoja ove prostorne celine moraju jasno izdvojiti naselja, i njihove funkcijske zone, koja imaju određene razvojne predispozicije, naselja koja imaju minimalne, demografske i funkcionalne, potencijale za budući razvoj, i naselja koja u periodu prospekcije mogu demografski opstati

    Urbane aglomeracije na glavnim razvojnim osovinama kao polovi demografske revitalizacije Srbije

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    Significant geographical-demographic changes are characteristic for the region of Serbia in the second half of the 20th century, which were caused by a dynamic primary urbanization process, namely intense migrational trends between village and town. Expansion zones were formed around urban centers with total intense growth (both demographic and economic), which are mainly found in land areas of main development axes, whereby the (Sava) Danube-Morava one is the most significant. The importance of this development axis (not only in the demographic sense) is indicated by the fact that in this region (composed of districts which are located in the corridor zone) 3794.8 thousand people lived in 2002, which represents 50.6% of the population of Central Serbia and Vojvodina. Taking into consideration the territory it consists of, this zone is populated twice as much in average than the region of Serbia (without Kosovo) as a whole. Along with that, out of the five urban areas with more than 100 thousand people (large urban centers), four are located in this zone (Subotica, Novi Sad, Belgrade and Niš) and only Kragujevac is located somewhat on the outskirts in relation to it, but in its immediate proximity. Large town centers in corridor zone X concentrated as much as 41% of the Republic urban population in 2002. At the same time, a network of 32 settlements in the land area of this main development axis of Serbia which belong to the category of small and medium size towns, and which cover about 16% of the republic urban population should be added to this. Consequently this zone, as other concentrated population zones, which are formed around secondary development axes on the territory of Serbia, is identified as a region with significant population potential. For that very reason, there was an attempt in this paper to determine the role and significance of urban agglomerations on main development axes for possible demographic revitalization of Serbia. The significance of urban population arises from its quantitative and especially qualitative (structural) characteristics. This category of population of the Republic realizes significant growth (more than 10%) in the last two inter-census decades (1981-2002) regardless of the effects of demographic and socio-economic transitions and geo-political changes and their mainly negative influences as opposed to the total population of this region which realizes an apparent drop (of 3%). The drop of rural population is even more obvious (by about 16%) so its (future) role in possible demographic revitalization of Serbia is of secondary significance. As early as the seventies, the focus of main demographic processes (natality) shifted from rural to town populations. It is a fact that only the urban population of Serbia (without Kosovo) realized a positive natural growth in the nineties. However, it is interesting that large cities lost their precedence at the end of the twentieth century, namely negative natural growth appeared (Belgrade -1.5‰, Novi Sad - 0.3‰ and Subotica - 5.4‰) and in fact only small and medium towns provided natural replacement of its population. They participate with over 60% in total number of live births in urban areas, and having in mind that they are becoming the bearers of population reproduction, they can be viewed as the poles of future demographic revitalization of Serbia.Za prodručje Srbije karakteristične su u drugoj polovini 20. veka značajne prostorno-demografske promene uzrokovane snažnim procesom primarne urbanizacije, tj. intenzivnim migracionim tokovima na relaciji selo-grad. Zone ekspanzije formirane su oko urbanih središta s ukupnim snažnim rastom (i demografskim i ekonomskim), a koja se, uglavnom, nalaze u arealima glavnih razvojnih osovina, od kojih je (savsko) dunavsko-moravska najznačajnija. Važnost ove razvojne osovine (ne samo u demografskom smislu) pokazuje i podatak da je u ovom području (formiranom od opština koje se nalaze u zoni koridora) 2002. godine živelo 3794,8 hiljada stanovnika, što predstavlja 50,6% stanovništva Centralne Srbije i Vojvodine. S obzirom na to koju teritoriju obuhvata, ova zona je, u proseku, dvostruko naseljenija od prostora Srbije (bez Kosova) u celini. Uz to, od pet naselja s više od 100 hiljada stanovnika (veliki urbani centri), četiri se nalaze u ovoj zoni (Subotica, Novi Sad, Beograd i Niš) a samo se Kragujevac nalazi nešto perifernije u odnosu na nju, ali u njenoj neposrednoj blizini. Veliki gradski centri u zoni koridora X 2002. godine koncentrisali su čak 41% urbanog stanovništva Republike. Istovremeno, tome treba dodati i mrežu od 32 naselja u arealu ove glavne razvojne osovine Srbije, koja pripadaju kategoriji malih i gradova srednjih veličina, i koja obuhvataju oko 16% republičke urbane populacije. Tako se ova, kao i ostale zone koncentracije stanovništva, koje su formirane oko sekundarnih razvojnih osovina u prostoru Srbije, izdvaja kao područje sa značajnim populacionim potencijalom. Upravo zato, u ovom radu izvršen je pokušaj da se utvrdi uloga i značaj urbanih aglomeracija na glavnim razvojnim osovinama za eventualnu demografsku revitalizaciju Srbije. Značaj urbanog stanovništva proizilazi iz njegovih kvantitativnih, ali posebno kvalitativnih (strukturalnih) karakteristika. Ova kategorija stanovništva Republike, u poslednje dve međupopisne dekade (1981-2002. godina), bez obzira na efekte demografske i socio-ekonomske tranzicije, zatim na geo-političke promene i njihove (uglavnom negativne uticaje), ostvaruje signifikantan rast (više od 10%) za razliku od ukupne populacije ovog prostora, koja ostvaruje evidentan pad (od 3%). Još je izraženiji pad ruralnog stanovništva (za oko 16%), tako da je njegova (buduća) uloga u mogućoj demografskoj revitalizaciji Srbije od sekundarnog značaja. Već početkom sedamdesetih godina težište osnovnih demografskih procesa (nataliteta) pomerilo se sa seoske na gradsku populaciju. Činjenica je da je devedesetih godina samo urbano stanovništvo Srbije (bez Kosova) ostvarivalo pozitivan prirodni priraštaj. Međutim, interesantno je da veliki gradovi krajem XX veka gube svoj primat, odnosno da i u njima dolazi do pojave negativnog prirodnog priraštaja (Beograd -1,5‰, Novi Sad -0,3‰ i Subotica -5,4‰) i da, u stvari, samo mali i srednji gradovi obezbeđuju prirodno obnavljanje svog stanovništva. Oni učestvuju sa preko 60% u ukupnom broju živorođenja u urbanim sredinama i, s obzirom na to da postaju nosioci reprodukcije stanovništva, mogu se posmatrati i kao polovi buduće demografske revitalizacije Srbije

    An overview of the effect of Hypogimnia physodes, Hypogimnia tubulosa, Umbilicaria crustulosa and Umbilicaria cylindrica acetone extracts on frequencies and distribution of micronucleus in human lymphocytes

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    The Hypogimnia physodes, Hypogimnia tubulosa, Umbilicaria crustulosa and Umbilicaria cylindrical acetone extracts were tested for in vitro protective effect on chromosome aberrations in peripheral human lymphocytes using cytochalasin-B blocked MN assay at concentrations of 1.0 and 2.0 μg mL-1. At the concentration of 1.0 µg/mL H. physodes, H. tubulosa, U. crustulosa and U. cylindrica extracts caused a decrease on the micronucleus frequency of 5.4 %, 4.2 %, 10.8% and 5.3%, respectively, comparing to the control cell cultures. Treatment of the cell cultures with acetone extract of H. tubulosa, U. crustulosa and U. cylindrica extracts at concentration of 2 µg/mL showed a decrease in the frequency of MN of 4.2 %, 16.8 % and 11.0% respectively while H. physodes extract at concentration of 2 µg/mL gave increases in MN frequency of 3.3 % (Stojanovic et al., 2013; Zlatanović et al. 2017; Stojanović et al., 2017). Only U. crustulosa extract at concentration of 2 µg/mL showed higher reduction of MN than amifostine (radioprotectant, previously known as WR- 2721) at concentration of 1 μg mL-1 which gave a decrease in the MN frequency of 11.4% comparing to control cell cultures.VII International Conference on Radiation in Various Fields of Research : RAD 2019 : book of abstracts; June 10-14, 2019; Herceg Novi, Montenegr

    The impact of women's entrepreneurship in the social and economic development, including gender equality

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    The author of this article focused on individual characteristics, motivations and attitudes of women entrepreneurs and came to the conclusion that the primary motive for women to become entrepreneurs is the desire to achieve job satisfaction and economic independence, which are the main motivators for men entrepreneurs also. Her article began the era of research on female entrepreneurship, its specific characteristics and factors. In recent years of the twenty-first century, in light of the struggle for gender equality and for improving the women’s position in countries around the world, women entrepreneurs’ issues receive a special significance