75 research outputs found

    Measurement of the Higgs decay to electroweak bosons at low and intermediate CLIC energies

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    In this paper a simulation of measurements of the Higgs boson decay to electroweak bosons in e+ee^+e^- collisions at CLIC is presented. Higgs boson production and subsequent HZZH\rightarrow ZZ^\ast and HWWH\rightarrow WW^\ast decay processes were simulated alongside the relevant background processes at 350 GeV and 1.4 TeV center-of-mass energy. Full detector simulation and event reconstruction were used under realistic beam conditions. The achievable statistical precision of the measured product of the Higgs production cross section and the branching ratio for the analysed decays has been determined.Comment: Talk presented at International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS15), Whistler, Canada, 2-6 November 2015, CLICdp-Conf-2016-00

    Population Growth in the Border Villages of Srem, Serbia

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    Population growth in the border villages of Srem (Vojvodina, Serbia) has been analysed in this paper, with the goal of explaining how and why it differed from other areas in the region. Special attention has been paid to the 1990s, because these villages became part of a border region and a high level of migration on the territory of the former Yugoslavia occurred, much of it through this territory. The results of the research are derived from literary resources and applying mathematical and statistical procedures in the processing of data received from the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. They were checked on the field via a questionnaire. This paper is significant because it enriches knowledge about villages of Srem, the municipality of Šid and population trends at the end of the 20th century

    Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) in Newborns: Risk Factors, Identification and Prevention of Consequences

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    The aim of the study is identification of urinary tract infections (UTI) and urinary tract anomalies (UTA) already in the perinatal period. The authors attempted to prevent serious consequences of the above conditions in the examined chil- dren. Family history data, certain conditions in pregnancy and appertaining symptoms in children were elaborated to specify selective distinctive criteria for children at risk. Newborns (1200) were selected for potential existence of a UTI. All the examined newborns underwent a urinalysis. Those with significant bacteriuria were taken urine specimens, C- reactive protein (RVP), Complete Blood Count (CBC) and bilirubin. The newborns with a UTI and a suspected UTA were sent to ultrasound examination, direct radio nuclide cystography and Tc 99m MAG3 dynamic scanning. The frequency of a UTI in the perinatal period amounted to 4.5%. A UTA was found in 29.6% of the examinees. The infection was more likely to appear among newborns with a UTA in their families, a UTI, pre-eclampsia and a febrile infection in mother, intrauterine growth retardation, premature rupture of membranes (RVP), umbilical cord strangulation, jaundice, cyanosis, breathing difficulties, seizures and asphyxia

    Enhanced Recovery in Surgical Intensive Care: A Review

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    Patients are admitted to the surgical intensive care (SICU) unit after emergency and elective surgery. After elective surgery, for further support, or to manage coexisting comorbidities. The implementation of the ERAS (Enhanced recovery after surgery) protocols in surgery should decrease the need for ICU beds, but there will always be unpredicted complications after surgery. These will require individual management. What we can do for our surgical patients in ICU to further enhance their recovery? To promote early enhanced recovery in surgical intensive care—SICU, three areas need to be addressed, sedation, analgesia, and delirium. Tools for measurement and protocols for management in these three areas should be developed to ensure best practice in each SICU. The fourth important area is Nutrition. Preoperative screening and post-operative measurement of the state of nutrition also need to be developed in the SICU. The fifth important area is early mobilization. ERAS protocols encourage early mobilization of the critically ill patients, even if on mechanical ventilation. Early mobilization is possible and should be implemented by special multidisciplinary ICU team. All team members must be familiar with protocols to be able to implement them in their field of expertise. Personal and professional attitudes are critical for implementation. In the core of all our efforts should be the patient and his well-being

    Suva koža kao stanje i simptom - uloga dermokozmetičkih preparata

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    Water is absolutely essential for the normal functioning of the skin and especially its outer layer, the stratum corneum (SC). Loss of water from the skin must be carefully regulated, a function dependent on the complex nature of the SC. The retention of water in the SC is dependent on two major components: 1) the presence of natural hygroscopic agents within the corneocytes (collectively referred to as natural moisturizing factor) and 2) the SC intercellular lipids (physiological lipids) orderly arranged to form a barrier to transepidermal water loss (TEWL). The water content of the SC is necessary for proper SC maturation and skin desquamation. In that sense, the use of dermocosmetic products for skin hydration of an optimal composition has the great meaning. The ingredients of these formulations reach their effect by the different manners. The oclusives cover the SC and reduce the TEWL; humectants attract the water from the atmosphere and lower epidermal layers and hydrate the skin, and emollients make it softer and smoother. Combining these three effects dermocosmetic products for skin moisturization realize their effect and use in the treatment of healthy skin with dryness signs, but also for diseased skin with the skin dryness as dominant symptom. To suggest an adequate product for determined skin type, the pharmacist has to know specific categories of ingredients in dermocosmetic products for skin hydration as well as their composition dependent effect.Voda je nesumnjivo esencijalna za normalno funkcionisanje kože, posebno njenog spoljašnjeg sloja, stratum corneum-a (SC). Gubitak vode iz kože mora biti pažljivo regulisan, i funkcionalno je zavisan od kompleksne prirode SC. Zadržavanje vode u SC zavisi od dva glavna faktora: 1) prisustva prirodnih higroskopnih agenasa unutar korneocita označenih kao prirodni vlažeći faktor i 2) intercelularnih lipda SC (fiziološki lipidi) koji su strukturno organizovani da formiraju barijeru za pasivnu difuziju vode iz kože (transepidermalni gubitak vode (TEWL)). Odgovarajući sadržaj vode u SC važan je za njegovo odgovarajuće sazrevanje i deskvamaciju kože. U tom smislu primena dermokozmetičkih proizvoda za vlaženje kože određenog, dobro izbalansiranog sastava ima veliki značaj. Sastojci ovih formulacija svoj efekat postižu na različite načine. Okluzivi pokrivaju SC i smanjuju TEWL; humektansi privlače vodu iz atmosfere i nižih vijabilnih slojeva epidermisa i vlaže kožu, a emolijensi je omekšavaju i čine glatkijom. Kombinacijom ova tri efekta dermokozmetički proizvodi za vlaženje kože ostvaruju svoj efekat i koriste se u tretmanu zdrave kože sa znacima suvoće, ali i obolele kože kod koje je suvoća jedan od dominantnih simptoma. Kako bi predložio odgovarajući proizvod za određeni tip kože, farmaceut mora poznavati posebne kategorije sastojaka u dermokozmetičkim proizvodima za vlaženje kože i kako ovi proizvodi deluju, zavisno od sastava

    Efekat programa ishrane na pojavu lezija na nogama i produktivnost brojlera

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    Nutrition factors are considered to be very important for incidence of foot-pad dermatitis through the effect on the quality of litter. Objective of this study was to investigate the effect of the use of two feeding programs for broilers available on the market and declared in the nutritional/economical sense as standard and economical, on quality of litter, incidence of leg dermatitis (foot-pad and hock burns) and production performance. Trial was carried out on 500 one day old chickens of Hubbard genotype, in two treatments and five replicates. Chopped straw was used as litter. During the trial, the mortality and food consumption were monitored, and at the end of trial the body mass was controlled, as well as the incidence of foot-pad and hock burns and their severity were evaluated and quality of litter analyzed. Research results indicate significant effect of the diets from the aspect of broiler welfare and productivity. Application of the feeding program declared in the nutritional/economical sense as economical resulted in higher content of litter moisture, significantly higher frequency of incidence of the most severe forms of foot-pad dermatitis and significantly lower broiler performance.Ishranbeni faktori se smatraju veoma značajnim za nastanak dermatitisa na nožnim jastučićima brojlera preko uticaja na kvalitet prostirke. Cilj rada je bio ispitivanje efekta upotrebe dva, tržišno dostupna programa ishrane brojlera koji su deklarisani u nutritivno/ekonomskom smislu kao standardan i ekonomičan, na kvalitet prostirke, pojavu dermatitisa na nogama i proizvodne performanse. Ogled je izveden na 500 jednodnevnih pilića genotipa Hubbard, sa dva tretmana i pet ponavljanja. Za prostirku je korišćena seckana slama. Tokom ogleda su evidentirani mortalitet i utrošak hrane a na kraju ogleda je izvršena kontrola telesne mase, ocena pojave i težine oblika lezija na nožnim jastučićima i skočnim zglobovima, analiza kvaliteta prostirke. Rezultati istraživanja su ukazali na značajan efekat programa ishrane sa stanovišta dobrobiti i produktivnosti brojlera. Primena programa ishrane deklarisanog u nutritivno/ekonomskom smislu kao ekonomičnog, rezultirala je većim sadržajem vlage u prostirci, značajno većom frekvencijom pojavljivanja najtežih oblika dermatitisa na nožnim jastučićima i značajno lošijim performansama brojlera

    The cytopathic effect of viruses in cell culture: a staging method

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    U ovom radu prikazana je modificirana metoda bojanja stanica u kulturi hemalum-eozinom. Bojanje stanica kultura omogućuje citološki pregled zdravih stanica i onih s izraženim citopatskim efektom (CPE) raznih virusa. Zbog izrazito kontrastnog bojanja dijelova stanica i zornog prikaza CPE virusa, ovako pripremljeni preparati pokazali su se najpogodniji kao nastavni, demonstracijski materijal na kolegijima iz virologije, na studijima zdravstvenih profila.The present paper describes a modified method for cell culture staining with hemalumeosin. Cell culture staining permits a cytological examination of bouth normal cells and of cells showing a marked cytopathic effect (CPE) caused by different viruses. For a sharp contrastive staining of cell parts and a clear demonstration of viral CPEs such preparations have proven to be the most suitable demonstration teaching tool in medical course virology classes

    Gender and Musculoskeletal Comorbidity Impact on Physical Functioning in Elderly after Hip Fracture: The Role of Rehabilitation

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    The study aim was to evaluate the effects of presence and level of musculoskeletal impairment along with gender on physical functioning outcome after the rehabilitation program in aged adults with a hip fracture. We analyzed 203 elderly people with hip fractures above 65 years of age that were treated after the hip surgery. According to the time of examination, patients were tested three times: at admission, discharge, and at three months post-discharge. Musculoskeletal impairments were analyzed, and for the estimation of severity of degree impairment, we used a cumulative index rating scale for geriatrics (CIRS-G). Regarding the gender, we separately analyzed males and females. To evaluate physical functioning of aged adults after a hip fracture, we used the physical functioning component (PFC) from the quality of life (SF-36) questionnaire. For males, on all three occasions we found non-significant differences were found in SF-36 PFC values between different degrees of CIRS-G musculoskeletal impairment. A significant difference was noticed in females three months post-discharge. Effects size of different examination periods for every CIRS-G severity degree of musculoskeletal impairment were high, where males had higher values for severity degrees 1 and 2, and females had higher values for severity degrees 0 and 3. Our findings might suggest that there is a certain degree of different rehabilitation treatment effects for males versus females. Moreover, it might be assumed that other factors could influence different degrees of functional improvement and outcome of individuals after a hip fracture with musculoskeletal impairment