16 research outputs found

    Vertical distribution and migration of fish larvae in the NW Iberian upwelling system during the winter mixing period: implications for cross-shelf distribution

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    The vertical distribution and vertical migrations of fish larvae and implications for their cross-shelf distribution were investigated in the northern limit of the NE Atlantic upwelling region during the late winter mixing period of 2012. The average positive values of the upwelling index for February and March of this year were far from normal, although the average hydrographic conditions during the period of study were of downwelling and the water column was completely mixed. Fish larvae, most in the preflexion stage, were concentrated in the upper layers of the water column and their distribution was depth stratified, both day and night. However, the larval fish community was not structured in the vertical plane and fish larvae did not show significant diel vertical migration (DVM), although five species showed ontogenetic vertical migration. In regions of coastal upwelling and in the absence of DVM, the location of fish larvae in the water column is crucial for their cross-shelf distribution. Thus, the cross-shelf distribution of the six most abundant species collected in this study can be explained by the surface onshore flow associated with coastal downwelling, retaining larvae of the coastal spawning species with a relatively shallow distribution in the shelf region and transporting larvae of slope spawning species onto the shelf. The wide vertical distribution shown by larvae of the offshore spawning species could be an adaptation of these species to ensure that some larvae reach the inshore nursery areasPlan Nacional de I+D+i (CRAMERCTM2010- 21856-CO3-02), Junta de Galicia (ECOPREGA-10MMA602021PR), Principado de Asturias (GRUPIN14-144)Postprint2,044


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    The article substantiates the transition from the index of heterogeneity of the rock mass to the coefficient of structural weakening by the example of the Hoek - Brown criterion.В статье осуществлено обоснование перехода от показателя неоднородности массива горных пород к коэффициенту структурного ослабления на примере рассмотрения критерия Хоека - Брауна


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    The article substantiates the transition from the index of heterogeneity of the rock mass to the coefficient of structural weakening by the example of the Hoek - Brown criterion.В статье осуществлено обоснование перехода от показателя неоднородности массива горных пород к коэффициенту структурного ослабления на примере рассмотрения критерия Хоека - Брауна


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    The article analyzes the results of the monitoring of deformations of underground constructions vestibule of the complex of the Moscow Metro station . The characteristic deformation in the zone of influence of the construction and deformations of structures underground station. It is shown that to ensure the required accuracy of the geodetic network, it is necessary to assess the stability of the reference frames in each measurement cycle. Substantiated optimal cyclicity of deformation monitoring depending on different seasonal periods and intensity of construction work is substantiated.В статье приводится анализ результатов мониторинга деформаций подземных сооружений вестибюльного комплекса станции Московского метрополитена. Выявлены характерные деформации в зоне влияния строительства и деформаций конструкций станции метрополитена. Показано, что для обеспечения требуемой точности геодезической сети необходимо выполнять оценку устойчивости опорных реперов в каждом цикле измерений. Обоснована оптимальная цикличность проведения деформационного мониторинга в зависимости от различных сезонных периодов и интенсивности ведения строительных работ

    Mathematical modeling of vertical offsets of the Earth surface during the use of the Kaluga UGS facility

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    The purpose of this paper is mathematical modeling of vertical displacements of the earth surface of the Kaluga underground gas storage. The method proposed by the authors can be used for all underground storage facilities of this type. At the moment, the technology of gas storage in reservoirs is unique and is used only in Russia and China. The development of modern methods for modeling vertical displacements of the earth surface is the most promising direction due to the transfer of gas storage technology throughout the world. Modeling will be carried out at the Kaluga UGS facility. The calculation of the real vertical offsets of the earth surface, taking into account the weight of the overlying rocks, is carried out according to the data on the values of reservoir pressure. Spatial (3D) modeling is carried out in order to determine the configuration of the subsidence surface and its dimensions in conditions when the simulated reservoir is an irregularly shaped figure. For mathematical modeling of the stress-strain state of such objects, a numerical-analytical approach is used. This approach will make it possible to assess effectively the deformation processes caused exclusively by the mode of operation of the UGS facility. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Маркшейдерское обеспечение с высоты птичьего полета

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    The article presents an innovative method of mine support various objects of the mining enterprise (LLC "Solntsevsky ugol'nyj razrez", section "Yuzhny-1") using aerial photography with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The use of specialized software in conjunction with UAVs for obtaining the initial materials of aerial photography allows you to automate a significant part of the tasks of the mine service and is an affordable alternative to other methods, such as laser scanning.В статье представлен инновационный метод маркшейдеркого обеспечения различных объектов горнодобывающего предприятия ООО «Солнцевский угольный разрез», участок «Южный-1» при помощи аэрофотосъемки с беспилотными летательными аппаратами. Использование специализированного программного обеспечения в комплексе с беспилотными летательными аппаратами для получения исходных материалов аэрофотосъемки позволяет автоматизировать существенную часть задач маркшейдерской службы и является доступной альтернативой другим методам, например лазерному сканированию


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    Underground mining, which is carried out in the fields for the purpose of extraction of solid minerals, violate the continuity of the rock mass. Natural redistributed stress state, forming areas of stress concentration, the current close loop around the perimeter of the outcrops of structural elements used geotechnologies. Technological and mass explosions initiate the release of seismic energy in the array and provoke dynamic manifestations of rock pressure, which occur instantly. After opening the ore Deposit by mining, the massif with potential energy to a greater extent begins to activate with the release of significant amounts of kinetic energy. During underground explosions the interrelation of the released total seismic energy of dynamic phenomena and seismic energy of explosions at initiation of charges of VV on various depth is established. A method of unloading rockburst-hazardous areas of mines.Подземные горные работы, которые проводятся на месторождениях с целью до бычи твердых полезных ископаемых, нарушают сплошность массива горных по род. Перераспределяется природное напряженное состояние, формируются зоны концентрации напряжений, действующие вблизи контура по всему периметру об нажений конструктивных элементов применяемых геотехнологий. Технологиче ские и массовые взрывы инициируют выделение сейсмической энергии в массиве и провоцируют динамические проявления горного давления, которые происходят мгновенно. После вскрытия горными выработками рудного участка на место рождении массив в большей степени обладающий потенциальной энергией, начи нает активизироваться с выделением значительных объемов кинетической энер гии. При проведении подземных взрывов установлена взаимосвязь выделяемой сум марной сейсмической энергии динамических явлений и сейсмической энергии взры вов при инициирование зарядов ВВ на различной глубине. Представлен способ раз грузки удароопасных участков месторождений

    Support design using unwedge software for mines of nornickel’s polar division

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    The method of support design using Unwedge software is proposed and substantiated for mines of Nornickel’s Polar Division. The software allows rapid and qualitative stability analysis for roofs and sidewalls in underground excavations, as well as enables competent failure envelope plotting for an excavation or its area with regard to varying geological and geotechnical conditions, which improves safety and efficiency of mining. The article discusses two case-studies. The first event is roof fall along the system of joints in a development drive in the Kholbin Mine. In that case, the quantitative assessment of rock mass quality was never undertaken, thus, the systems of joints, sizes of wedges, contact conditions of joints, etc. were neglected. The second case describes the support design using Unwedge software for an excavation driven in rock mass of ramp RSH1/6-2 in the Oktyabrsky Mine. The excavation was supported as per the Unwedge design. The calculated safety factors for each rock wedge are higher than 2, which complies with Russian regulatory documents. The excavation stability is predicted for the operational period at the minimum risk of rock falls. © 2019, Publishing house Mining book. All rights reserved