8,981 research outputs found

    Wakefield generation in magnetized plasmas

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    We consider wakefield generation in plasmas by electromagnetic pulses propagating perpendicular to a strong magnetic field, in the regime where the electron cyclotron frequency is equal to or larger than the plasma frequency. PIC-simulations reveal that for moderate magnetic field strengths previous results are re-produced, and the wakefield wavenumber spectrum has a clear peak at the inverse skin depth. However, when the cyclotron frequency is significantly larger than the plasma frequency, the wakefield spectrum becomes broad-band, and simultaneously the loss rate of the driving pulse is much enhanced. A set of equations for the scalar and vector potentials reproducing these results are derived, using only the assumption of a weakly nonlinear interaction.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure

    Spin contribution to the ponderomotive force in a plasma

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    The concept of a ponderomotive force due to the intrinsic spin of electrons is developed. An expression containing both the classical as well as the spin-induced ponderomotive force is derived. The results are used to demonstrate that an electromagnetic pulse can induce a spin-polarized plasma. Furthermore, it is shown that for certain parameters, the nonlinear back-reaction on the electromagnetic pulse from the spin magnetization current can be larger than that from the classical free current. Suitable parameter values for a direct test of this effect are presented.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, version accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Gravity waves from inflating brane or Mirrors moving in adS5_5

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    We study tensor perturbations in a model with inflating Randall--Sundrum-type brane embedded in five-dimensional anti-de Sitter (adS5_5) bulk. In this model, a natural {\it in}-vacuum of gravitons is the vacuum defined in static adS5_5 frame. We show that this vacuum is, in fact, the same as the {\it in}-vacuum defined in the frame with de Sitter (dS4_4) slicing, in which the brane is at rest. Thus, during inflation, gravitons on and off the brane remain in their vacuum state. We then study graviton creation by the brane on which inflation terminates at some moment of time. We mostly consider gravitons whose wavelengths at the end of inflation exceed both the horizon size and the adS5_5 radius. Creation of these gravitons is dominated by (zero mode)--(zero mode) Bogoliubov coefficients and, apart from an overall factor, the spectrum of produced gravitons is the same as in four-dimensional theory. ``Kaluza--Klein'' gravitons are also produced, but this effect is subdominant. Graviton spectra at somewhat higher momenta are also presented for completeness.Comment: 33 pages, 1 figur

    On initial conditions for the Hot Big Bang

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    We analyse the process of reheating the Universe in the electroweak theory where the Higgs field plays a role of the inflaton. We estimate the maximal temperature of the Universe and fix the initial conditions for radiation-dominated phase of the Universe expansion in the framework of the Standard Model (SM) and of the nuMSM -- the minimal extension of the SM by three right-handed singlet fermions. We show that the inflationary epoch is followed by a matter dominated stage related to the Higgs field oscillations. We investigate the energy transfer from Higgs-inflaton to the SM particles and show that the radiation dominated phase of the Universe expansion starts at temperature T_r~(3-15)*10^{13} GeV, where the upper bound depends on the Higgs boson mass. We estimate the production rate of singlet fermions at preheating and find that their concentrations at T_r are negligibly small. This suggests that the sterile neutrino Dark Matter (DM) production and baryogenesis in the nuMSM with Higgs-driven inflation are low energy phenomena, having nothing to do with inflation. We study then a modification of the nuMSM, adding to its Lagrangian higher dimensional operators suppressed by the Planck scale. The role of these operators in Higgs-driven inflation is clarified. We find that these operators do not contribute to the production of Warm Dark Matter (WDM) and to baryogenesis. We also demonstrate that the sterile neutrino with mass exceeding 100 keV (a Cold Dark Matter (CDM) candidate) can be created during the reheating stage of the Universe in necessary amounts. We argue that the mass of DM sterile neutrino should not exceed few MeV in order not to overclose the Universe.Comment: 41 pages, 5 figures. Journal version accepted in JCA

    Two-body Photodisintegration of 4^{4}He with Full Final State Interaction

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    The cross sections of the processes 4^4He(γ,p\gamma,p)3^3H and 4^4He(γ,n\gamma,n)3^3He are calculated taking into account the full final state interaction via the Lorentz integral transform (LIT) method. This is the first consistent microscopic calculation beyond the three--body breakup threshold. The results are obtained with a semirealistic central NN potential including also the Coulomb force. The cross sections show a pronounced dipole peak at 27 MeV which lies within the rather broad experimental band. At higher energies, where experimental uncertainties are considerably smaller, one finds a good agreement between theory and experiment. The calculated sum of three-- and four--body photodisintegration cross sections is also listed and is in fair agreement with the data.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Ultra cold neutron trap as a tool to search for dark matter with long-range radius of forces

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    The problem of possible application of an ultracold neutron (UCN) trap as a detector of dark matter particles with long-range radius of forces has been considered. Transmission of small recoil energy in scattering is a characteristic of long-range forces. The main advantage of the ultracold neutron technique lies in possibility of detecting recoil energy as small as 10710^{-7} eV. Here are presented constraints on the interaction potential parameters: U(r)=ar1er/λU(r)=a r^{-1} e^{-r/\lambda} for dark matter particles and neutrons, as well as on the density value of long-range dark matter on the Earth. The possible mechanism of accumulation of long-range dark matter on the Earth surface is considered and the factor of density increase on the Earth surface is evaluated. The results of the first experiment on search of astronomical day variation of ultracold neutron storage time are under discussion.Comment: 17 pages, 19 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1109.339

    TeV gamma-UHECR anisotropy by decaying nuclei in flight: first neutrino traces?

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    Ultra High Cosmic Rays) made by He-like lightest nuclei might solve the AUGER extragalactic clustering along Cen A. Moreover He like UHECR nuclei cannot arrive from Virgo because the light nuclei fragility and opacity above a few Mpc, explaining the Virgo UHECR absence. UHECR signals are spreading along Cen-A as observed because horizontal galactic arms magnetic fields, bending them on vertical angles. Cen A events by He-like nuclei are deflected as much as the observed clustered ones; proton will be more collimated while heavy (iron) nuclei are too much dispersed. Such a light nuclei UHECR component coexist with the other Auger heavy nuclei and with the Hires nucleon composition. Remaining UHECR spread group may hint for correlations with other gamma (MeV-Al^{26} radioactive) maps, mainly due to galactic SNR sources as Vela pulsar, the brightest, nearest GeV source. Other nearest galactic gamma sources show links with UHECR via TeV correlated maps. We suggest that UHECR are also heavy radioactive galactic nuclei as Ni^{56}, Ni^{57} and Co^{60} widely bent by galactic fields. UHECR radioactivity (in β\beta and γ\gamma channels) and decay in flight at hundreds keV is boosted (by huge Lorentz factor (nearly a billion) leading to PeVs electrons and consequent synchrotron TeVs gamma offering UHECR-TeV correlated sky anisotropy. Moreover also rarest and non-atmospheric electron and tau neutrinos secondaries at PeVs, as the first two rarest shower just discovered in ICECUBE, maybe the first signature of such expected radioactive secondary tail.Comment: 7 pages,3 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1201.015

    Development of Speed-power Qualities of Young Sportsmen-Swimmers.

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    У статті обґрунтовано розвиток швидкісно-силових якостей залежно від віку, статі та рівня підготовленості юних спортсменів, узагальнено досвід теорії й практики з проблем підвищення ефективності швидкісно-силової підготовки юних плавців, дано науково-методичні рекомендації щодо використання вправ різного характеру з метою покращення спортивних результатів. In the article obgruntovano development of speed-power qualities in dependence on age, floor and level of preparedness of young sportsmen, the experience of theory and practice from the problems of increase of efficiency of speed-power preparation of young swimmers is generalized,scientific-methodical recommendations are given after the use of exercises of a different character with the purpose of improvement of sporting results