18 research outputs found

    Low Energy Supersymmetry From the Landscape

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    There has been some debate as to whether the landscape does or does not predict low energy supersymmetry. We argue that under rather mild assumptions, the landscape seems to favor such breaking, quite possibly at a very low scale. Some of the issues which must be addressed in order to settle these questions are the relative frequency with which tree level and non-perturbative effects generate expectation values for auxillary fields and the superpotential, as well as the likelihood of both RR- and non-RR discrete or accidental symmetries. Alternate scenarios with warped compactifications or large extra dimensions are also discussed.Comment: latex, 19 page

    Catastrophic Decays of Compactified Space-Times

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    Witten long ago pointed out that the simplest Kaluza-Klein theory, without supersymmetry, is subject to a catastrophic instability. There are a variety of string theories which are potentially subject to these instabilities. Here we explore a number of questions: how generic are these instabilities? what happens when a potential is generated on the moduli space? in the presence of supersymmetry breaking, is there still a distinction between supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric states?Comment: Typos corrected, references adde

    Evidence for Winding States in Noncommutative Quantum Field Theory

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    We study noncommutative field theories at finite temperature to learn more about the degrees of freedom in the non-planar sector of these systems. We find evidence for winding states. At temperatures for which the thermal wavelength is smaller than the noncommutativity scale, there is a drastic reduction of the degrees of freedom in the non-planar sector. In this regime, the non-planar sector has thermodynamics resembling that of a 1+1 dimensional field theory.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures. Typos corrected and minor clarifications adde

    Closed String Tachyons and Their Implications for Non-Supersymmetric Strings

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    Closed string tachyons have long been somewhat mysterious. We note that there is often a regime in the classical moduli space in which one can systematically compute the effective action for such fields. In this regime, the tachyon is light, and cannot be integrated out. Instead, one must consider the combined dynamics of gravitons, moduli, tachyons and other light fields. We compute the action and find that the quartic term for the tachyon is positive in the field definition where the tachyon has no derivative coupling to the radion. We study the evolution of isotropic, homogeneous configurations and find that typically the system is driven to regions where the calculation is no longer under control.Comment: 10 pages, no figures, references adde

    The Exact Superconformal R-symmetry Minimizes τRR\tau_{RR}

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    We present a new, general constraint which, in principle, determines the superconformal U(1)RU(1)_R symmetry of 4d N=1\N =1 SCFTs, and also 3d N=2\N =2 SCFTs. Among all possibilities, the superconformal U(1)RU(1)_R is that which minimizes the coefficient, τRR\tau_{RR}, of its two-point function. Equivalently, the superconformal U(1)RU(1)_R is the unique one with vanishing two-point function with every non-R flavor symmetry. For 4d N=1\N =1 SCFTs, τRR\tau_{RR} minimization gives an alternative to a-maximization. τRR\tau_{RR} minimization also applies in 3d, where no condition for determining the superconformal U(1)RU(1)_R had been previously known. Unfortunately, this constraint seems impractical to implement for interacting field theories. But it can be readily implemented in the AdS geometry for SCFTs with AdS duals.Comment: 18 page

    A Note on (Meta)stable Brane Configurations in MQCD

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    We examine the M-theory version of SQCD which is known as MQCD. In the IIA limit, this theory appears to have a supersymmetry-breaking brane configuration which corresponds to the meta-stable state of N=1 SU(Nc) SQCD. However, the behavior at infinity of this non-supersymmetric brane construction differs from that of the supersymmetric ground state of MQCD. We interpret this to mean that it is not a meta-stable state in MQCD, but rather a state in another theory. This provides a concrete example of the fact that, while MQCD accurately describes the supersymmetric features of SCQD, it fails to reproduce its non-supersymmetric features (such as meta-stable states) not only quantitatively but also qualitatively.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figures, harvmac. v2 typo correcte

    Is There A String Theory Landscape

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    We examine recent claims of a large set of flux compactification solutions of string theory. We conclude that the arguments for AdS solutions are plausible. The analysis of meta-stable dS solutions inevitably leads to situations where long distance effective field theory breaks down. We then examine whether these solutions are likely to lead to a description of the real world. We conclude that one must invoke a strong version of the anthropic principle. We explain why it is likely that this leads to a prediction of low energy supersymmetry breaking, but that many features of anthropically selected flux compactifications are likely to disagree with experiment.Comment: 39 pages, Latex, ``Terminology surrounding the anthropic principle revised to conform with accepted usage. More history of the anthropic principle included. Various references added.

    Sparticle masses in Higgsed gauge mediation

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