492 research outputs found

    Conductance of p-n-p graphene structures with 'air-bridge' top gates

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    We have fabricated graphene devices with a top gate separated from the graphene layer by an air gap--a design which does not decrease the mobility of charge carriers under the gate. This gate is used to realise p-n-p structures where the conducting properties of chiral carriers are studied. The band profile of the structures is calculated taking into account the specifics of the graphene density of states and is used to find the resistance of the p-n junctions expected for chiral carriers. We show that ballistic p-n junctions have larger resistance than diffusive ones. This is caused by suppressed transmission of chiral carriers at angles away from the normal to the junction.Comment: to be published in Nano Letter

    Stacking boundaries and transport in bilayer graphene

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    Pristine bilayer graphene behaves in some instances as an insulator with a transport gap of a few meV. This behaviour has been interpreted as the result of an intrinsic electronic instability induced by many-body correlations. Intriguingly, however, some samples of similar mobility exhibit good metallic properties, with a minimal conductivity of the order of 2e2/h2e^2/h. Here we propose an explanation for this dichotomy, which is unrelated to electron interactions and based instead on the reversible formation of boundaries between stacking domains (`solitons'). We argue, using a numerical analysis, that the hallmark features of the previously inferred many-body insulating state can be explained by scattering on boundaries between domains with different stacking order (AB and BA). We furthermore present experimental evidence, reinforcing our interpretation, of reversible switching between a metallic and an insulating regime in suspended bilayers when subjected to thermal cycling or high current annealing.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figures. Published version (Nano Letters

    Giant Spin-Hall Effect induced by Zeeman Interaction in Graphene

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    We propose a new approach to generate and detect spin currents in graphene, based on a large spin-Hall response arising near the neutrality point in the presence of external magnetic field. Spin currents result from the imbalance of the Hall resistivity for the spin-up and spin-down carriers induced by Zeeman interaction, and do not involve spin-orbit interaction. Large values of the spin-Hall response achievable in moderate magnetic fields produced by on-chip sources, and up to room temperature, make the effect viable for spintronics applications

    Singular-phase nanooptics: towards label-free single molecule detection

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    Non-trivial topology of phase is crucial for many important physics phenomena such as, for example, the Aharonov-Bohm effect 1 and the Berry phase 2. Light phase allows one to create "twisted" photons 3, 4 , vortex knots 5, dislocations 6 which has led to an emerging field of singular optics relying on abrupt phase changes 7. Here we demonstrate the feasibility of singular visible-light nanooptics which exploits the benefits of both plasmonic field enhancement and non-trivial topology of light phase. We show that properly designed plasmonic nanomaterials exhibit topologically protected singular phase behaviour which can be employed to radically improve sensitivity of detectors based on plasmon resonances. By using reversible hydrogenation of graphene 8 and a streptavidin-biotin test 9, we demonstrate areal mass sensitivity at a level of femto-grams per mm2 and detection of individual biomolecules, respectively. Our proof-of-concept results offer a way towards simple and scalable single-molecular label-free biosensing technologies.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum transport thermometry for electrons in graphene

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    We propose a method of measuring the electron temperature TeT_e in mesoscopic conductors and demonstrate experimentally its applicability to micron-size graphene devices in the linear-response regime (Te≈TT_e\approx T, the bath temperature). The method can be {especially useful} in case of overheating, Te>TT_e>T. It is based on analysis of the correlation function of mesoscopic conductance fluctuations. Although the fluctuation amplitude strongly depends on the details of electron scattering in graphene, we show that TeT_e extracted from the correlation function is insensitive to these details.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; final version, as publishe

    Transient events in the near-nuclear regions of AGNs and quasars as the sources of the proper motion imitations

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    We present a sample of SRG/eROSITA X-ray sources located in the eastern Galactic hemisphere (0<l<180 deg), with significant proper motions according to GAIA eDR3 measurements and whose extragalactic nature has been confirmed. The catalog consists of 248 extragalactic sources with spectroscopically measured redshifts. It includes all objects available in the Simbad database and matched to the identified optical component within a radius of 0.5 arcsec. Additionally, the catalog includes 18 sources with the spectral redshift measurements based on observations at the Russian-Turkish 1.5-m telescope RTT-150. The sources of the catalog are AGNs of various types (Sy1, Sy2, LINER), quasars, radio galaxies, and star-forming galaxies. The imitation of significant proper motions can be explained (previously known in astrometry as the VIM effect) by the presence of transient events on the line of sight in the field of view of AGN nuclei and quasars (within the GAIA resolution element). Such astrophysical phenomena may be the supernovae outbursts, tidal destruction events in AGNs with double nuclei, variability of large-mass supergiants, the presence of O-B associations in field of view of variable brightness AGN, etc. A model of flares with a fast rise and exponential decay profile allows to describe the variable positional parameters of most similar sources observed in GAIA. This cross-matching approach of the X-ray source catalogs of the SRG/eROSITA observatory and the optical catalog of the GAIA observatory can be used as an independent technique for detecting transient events in the neighborhood of AGN core (on scales of several hundred parsecs in the picture plane).Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, 10 table

    Efficient symmetric multiparty quantum state sharing of an arbitrary m-qubit state

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    We present a scheme for symmetric multiparty quantum state sharing of an arbitrary mm-qubit state with mm Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states following some ideas from the controlled teleportation [Phys. Rev. A \textbf{72}, 02338 (2005)]. The sender Alice performs mm Bell-state measurements on her 2m2m particles and the controllers need only to take some single-photon product measurements on their photons independently, not Bell-state measurements, which makes this scheme more convenient than the latter. Also it does not require the parties to perform a controlled-NOT gate on the photons for reconstructing the unknown mm-qubit state and it is an optimal one as its efficiency for qubits approaches the maximal value.Comment: 6 pages, no figures; It simplifies the process for sharing an arbitrary m-qubit state in Phys. Rev. A 72, 022338 (2005) (quant-ph/0501129
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