823 research outputs found

    Theory of radiation trapping by the accelerating solitons in optical fibers

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    We present a theory describing trapping of the normally dispersive radiation by the Raman solitons in optical fibers. Frequency of the radiation component is continuously blue shifting, while the soliton is red shifting. Underlying physics of the trapping effect is in the existence of the inertial gravity-like force acting on light in the accelerating frame of reference. We present analytical calculations of the rate of the opposing frequency shifts of the soliton and trapped radiation and find it to be greater than the rate of the red shift of the bare Raman soliton. Our findings are essential for understanding of the continuous shift of the high frequency edge of the supercontinuum spectra generated in photonic crystal fibers towards higher frequencies.Comment: Several misprints in text and formulas corrected. 10 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Coupled spatial multimode solitons in microcavity wires

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    A modal expansion approach is developed and employed to investigate and elucidate the nonlinear mechanism behind the multistability and formation of coupled multimode polariton solitons in microcavity wires. With pump switched on and realistic dissipation parameters, truncating the expansion up to the second-order wire mode, our model predicts two distinct coupled soliton branches: stable and unstable. Modulational stability of the stationary homogeneous solution and soliton branches stability are studied. Our simplified 1D model is in remarkably good agreement with the full 2D mean-field Gross-Pitaevskii model, reproducing correctly the soliton existence domain upon variation of pump amplitude and the onset of multistability.</p

    "Humanity" concept in the works of confucius

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    Історичний розвиток гендерних уявлень (Historical development of gender ideas)

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    У статті аналізуються та узагальнюються історичні наукові уявлення стосовно поняття “гендер”, розглядається історія розвитку гендерних уявлень про роль чоловіка та жінки в різні вікові періоди суспільства. Вченими зазначається вплив гендерних стереотипів, які панували в зазначені історичні періоди, на формування статево-рольової поведінки членів суспільства, зокрема жінки. Підтверджується вплив гендерних стереотипів на становище жінки в соціумі, її непримирення з роллю підпорядкованості чоловікові. (In the article historical scientific presentations are analysed and summarized in relation to the concept of “gender”, history of development of гендерних pictures is examined of role of man and woman in different age-old periods of society. Scientists are mark influence of gender stereotypes which dominated in noted historical periods, on forming of sex-role conduct of members of society. Influence of gender stereotypes on position of woman in society, its unreconciliation is confirmed with the role of subordination to the man

    Looking at a soliton through the prism of optical supercontinuum

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    A traditional view on solitons in optical fibers as robust particle-like structures suited for informa- tion transmission has been significantly altered and broadened over the past decade, when solitons have been found to play the major role in generation of octave broad supercontinuum spectra in photonic-crystal and other types of optical fibers. This remarkable spectral broadening is achieved through complex processes of dispersive radiation being scattered from, emitted and transformed by solitons. Thus solitons have emerged as the major players in nonlinear frequency conversion in optical fibers. Unexpected analogies of these processes have been found with dynamics of ultracold atoms and ocean waves. This colloquium focuses on recent understanding and new insights into physics of soliton-radiation interaction and supercontinuum generation.Comment: http://rmp.aps.org/abstract/RMP/v82/i2/p1287_1 (some figures have been deleted due to space limits imposed by archive

    Providence Independent, V. 8, Thursday, December 14, 1882, [Whole Number: 392]

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    [4] p. “Persistent in the Right – Fearless in Opposing Wrong.” Newspaper published in Trappe, Pa. Weekly. Contains local, national and international news, fiction and advertisements.https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/providence/1172/thumbnail.jp

    Catalytic molecularly imprinted polymer membranes: Development of the biomimetic sensor for phenols detection

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    Portable biomimetic sensor devices for the express control of phenols content in water were developed. The synthetic binding sites mimicking active site of the enzyme tyrosinase were formed in the structure of free-standing molecularly imprinted polymer membranes. Molecularly imprinted polymer membranes with the catalytic activity were obtained by co-polymerization of the complex Cu (II)–catechol–urocanic acid ethyl ester with (tri)ethyleneglycoldimethacrylate, and oligourethaneacrylate. Addition of the elastic component oligourethaneacrylate provided formation of the highly cross-linked polymer with the catalytic activity in a form of thin, flexible, and mechanically stable membrane. High accessibility of the artificial catalytic sites for the interaction with the analyzed phenol molecules was achieved due to addition of linear polymer (polyethyleneglycol Mw 20,000) to the initial monomer mixture before the polymerization. As a result, typical semi-interpenetrating polymer networks (semi-IPNs) were formed. The cross-linked component of the semi-IPN was represented by the highly cross-linked catalytic molecularly imprinted polymer, while the linear one was represented by polyethyleneglycol Mw 20,000. Extraction of the linear polymer from the fully formed semi-IPN resulted in formation of large pores in the membranes’ structure. Concentration of phenols in the analyzed samples was detected using universal portable device oxymeter with the oxygen electrode in a close contact with the catalytic molecularly imprinted polymer membrane as a transducer. The detection limit of phenols detection using the developed sensor system based on polymers–biomimics with the optimized composition comprised 0.063 mM, while the linear range of the sensor comprised 0.063–1 mM. The working characteristics of the portable sensor devices were investigated. Storage stability of sensor systems at room temperature comprised 12 months (87%). As compared to traditional methods of phenols detection the developed sensor system is characterized by simplicity of operation, compactness, an

    АТP as the marker of power exchange condition at the experimental ischemia of the myocardium due to metabolic drugs introduction

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    For the purpose of definition of an adequate marker of a power exchange condition at the experimental ischemia of the myocardium due introduction of metabolic drugs, the experimental research on 60 rats-males of Wistar line has been spent. At experimental myocardial ischemia it has been found out energy-saving effects of trimetazidine, cytoflavin, meldonium, phosphocreatine, which were reached by different ways and in different degre

    Formation of self-organized organic-inorganic hybrids

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    The morphology features and peculiarities of current-voltage characteristics of selforganized organic–silicon hybrids were investigated. The organic layers were formed by chemical bath deposition at room temperatures of phosphorus doped n-type FZ Si-patterned substrate. The pattern was formed by etching in anisotropic etch on the base of aqueous solution of potassium hydrate KOH and isopropyl alcohol. The following aqueous solutions of organic heterocyclic aromatic compounds were used for hybrids formation: sulfacyl sodium, procainamide hydrochloride (novocain) and lamotridgine. These hybrids have shown different types of morphology. This depends on substrate properties, time deposition and organic concentration in water solution. The photovoltaic effect of organic-pattern silicon is the result of chemisorptions of functional amine, amide, carboxyl, thiols and halogen groups on silicon pattern-type surface. At the same time these results have proven that the substrate of start and classic morphology in pyramid form is favored for formation of organic-silicon hybrids for photovoltaic application.Досліджено морфологічні властивості та особливості характеристик струм–напруга для самоорганізованих кремнійорганічних гібридів. Органічні шари було одержано хімічним осадженням за кімнатної температури легованих фосфором візерункових кремнієвих субстратів FZ n-типу. Візерунок формували витравлюванням в анізотропних травниках на основі водного розчину гідрату калію КОН та ізопропилового спирту. В подальшому для отримання гібридів використовували водні розчини органічних гетероциклічних сполук: сульфосаліцилового натрію, гідро хлориду прокаінаміду (новокаїну) і ламотріджину. Ці гібриди показали різну морфологію. Вона залежить від властивостей субстрату, часу осадження та концентрації органічної складової у водних розчинах. Фотогальванічний ефект кремнійорганічного рисунка є результатом хемосорбції функціональних груп амінів, амідів, карбоксилу, тріолів та галогену на поверхні кремнію. Водночас, ці результати підтверджують,що субстрат початкової і класичної морфології у вигляді піраміди кращий для утворення кремнійорганічних гібридів фотогальванічного застосування.Исследованы морфологические свойства и особенности характеристик ток–напряжение для самоорганизующихся кремнийорганических гибридов. Органические слои были получены химическим осаждением при комнатной температуре легированных фосфором узорчатых кремниевых субстратов FZ n-типа. Узор формировали вытравливанием в анизотропных травителях на основе водного раствора гидрата калия KOH и изопропилового спирта. В дальнейшем для получения гибридов использовали водные растворы органических гетероциклических соединений: сульфосалицилового натрия, гидрохлорида прокаинамида (новокаина) и ламотритриджина. Эти гибриды показали различную морфологию. Она зависит от свойств субстрата, времени осаждения и концентрации органической составляющей в водных растворах. Фотогальванический эффект кремнийорганического рисунка является результатом хемосорбции функциональных групп аминов, амидов, карбоксила, триолов и галогена на поверхности кремния. В то же самое время, эти результаты подтверждают, что субстрат начальной и классической морфологии в виде пирамиды является предпочтительным для образования кремнийорганических гибридов фотогальванического применения