23 research outputs found

    Comparison of Predictive Control Methods for High Consumption Industrial Furnace

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    We describe several predictive control approaches for high consumption industrial furnace control. These furnaces are major consumers in production industries, and reducing their fuel consumption and optimizing the quality of the products is one of the most important engineer tasks. In order to demonstrate the benefits from implementation of the advanced predictive control algorithms, we have compared several major criteria for furnace control. On the basis of the analysis, some important conclusions have been drawn

    Experimental Process Identification for Industrial Water De-carbonization in Power Plants

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    Water Treatment Plant (or WTP) is the most important part of the Power Plant, because it produces vital-water it needs for steam production. Power Plants are the biggest air, ground and groundwater pollutants. Bad water quality directly impacts machine duration. Polluted water from Water Treatment Plant has a negative effect on people, flora and fauna, thus better waste management programs should be put in place to eliminate this problem. In this paper we are going to present the de-carbonization process of raw water as a part of water treatment plant, within coal fired power plants. De-carbonizing water is a time consuming process. We are going to present an advanced method for process identification with big time delay. The results are compared and one of the most appropriate methods is selected as identification method for this process. Further research and possibilities in this area are going to be presented by the end of the paper.Progress in identifying the process by which we work in this paper may serve as a new way to identify highly nonlinear processes. The used algorithm for identification of the process that is outlined in this paper can be applied, and it will be the basis for the creation of the software for the application of microcomputer techniques. Here we are applying the relevant software which can be applied in the form of programming packages for identification. This has to do with passive identification methods

    Identification of Sentinel Lymph Node in Breast Cancer with three Tracers (Radiocolloid, Methylene blue, and Indocyanine Green). (Case Report)

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    BACKGROUND: Sentinel lymph node (SNL) biopsy in breast cancer for the determination of axillary status is standard procedures in surgical treatment of early-stage breast cancer. The identification of the SNL is usually performed by radiocolloid injection or/and injection of methylene blue due. The use of indocyanine green (ICG) dye, which is fluorescent dye, which movement in breast and axillar pit, can be followed with special cameras which detect near infrared specatar of light. CASE REPORT: In this paper, we present case report of patient with breast cancer, where we perform SNL detection with three methods: Use of radiocolloid which we trace with static gamma camera, and intraoperatively with hand held gamma probe, methylene blue dye which movement we followed by eye contact and using indocyanine green which movement was followed by specially constructed multispectral camera, which can detect near-infrared fluorescence that is emitted by ICG and methyline blue, respectively. CONCLUSION: Fluorescent imaging with ICG is a sensitive, valuable, and safe method for SNL biopsy. Finding new agents that would identify the SNL, especially if they are not radioactive would be an important step in wider application of this method

    Histološka procena zrelosti gonada ženki linjaka (Tinca Tinca L.) iz ribnjaka Žabeni (Republika Makedonija)

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    The aim of this study was to assess the status of the female tench gonads and presence and morphological characteristics of oocytes during the spawning period. Sampling was conducted on the Žabeni fish ponds during April and July 2013. Different types of follicles with varying dimensions were observed. During April, all types of follicles except the E type were observed. This meant that the individuals were ready for the spawning period. During July, the individuals have already released one batch of eggs, and were ready for the release of another. Results of this research implicate the significance of histological analysis of gonads considering it enables a detailed obserevation of the gonadal sructure and characteristics of oocytes.Cilj rada je bio da se na osnovu histološke analize gonada ženki linjaka utvrdi njihovo stanje i zastupljenost različitih tipova i morfoloških osobina oocita u toku perioda mresta. Uzorkovanje je vršeno na ribnjaku Žabeni (Republika Makedonija) tokom aprila i jula meseca 2013. godine. Pregledom histoloških preparata utvrđeno je postojanje različitih tipova folikula koji su varirali u veličini i površini. U toku aprila nisu uočeni folikuli E tipa, ali je na osnovu zastupljenosti ostalih tipova, bilo jasno da su jedinke spremne za sezonu mresta. Pregledom uzoraka iz jula utvrđeno da su jedinke prethodno oslobodile najmanje jednu porciju jaja (ikre), kao i da sledi bar još jedna porcija. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na značaj histološkog pregleda gonada s obzirom da pruža mogućnost detaljnijeg uvida u strukturu gonada kao i osobine pojedinačnih oocita

    Application of methodology KAIZEN in Macedonian insurance company

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    This scientific work presents the application of the KAIZEN methodology and quality methods and techniques for improving the quality of sales processes. In order to achieve the planned goals, it was applied to a Macedonian insurance company. The methods will help in the condition of continuous improvement and screening insurance company, for improved sales networks. In this research were used primary data obtained from sources using the observation method. Secondary data were used from public sources published to state agencies and internal reports of the insurance company. With the help of these reports, an analysis was made of the company's achievements and the trend and the situation on the insurance market in R.N. Macedonia. The analyzes provided useful information for the insurance company in the direction of proper decision making, creating better pricing strategies, and ensuring a more secure placement of new insurance products. The results of the research with the applied methodology are widely used not only in the insurance market but also in all other industries

    A modern approach to process management within the Macedonian insurance company

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    The aim of the paper is to achieve and realize the planned sales objectives of Eurolink Insurance AD Skopje by applying the methods for quality improvement which are in the direction of continuous improvements of the activities in the sales network. The benefits are in the direction of achieving more dynamic development and better planning of marketing activities for proper market assessment. The results of the analyzes obtained are used for proper decision making, creating better pricing strategies and for more secure placement of new insurance products. In addition, with the application of these methods, the company has the opportunity to more easily detect the needs and expectations of customers, to reveal its weaknesses, to improve its productivity and to expand its market share. Keywords: KAIZEN method, quality techniques, sales processes, insurance market, planned goals. ЈЕЛ класификација: G22, G52, L11

    The need for local government reform in the Republic of Macedonia

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    The high quality local government means to be able to increase customer satisfaction through the public services and build trust in public administration through transparent processes, accountability as well as through democratic dialogue. In this paper an analysis of the management of local government in several municipalities in the country. The results of the paper should reflect the operation and performance of Macedonian municipalities after the decentralization process in Macedonia. In order to do so, conventional business concepts of quality which regard public services as service providers and citizens as customers must be enriched by the TQM (Total Quality Management) concept of quality which perceives public agencies as catalysts of civic society, and citizens as part of a responsible and active civic society

    Excavations on the Northern Terrace at Golemo Gradište, Konjuh, 2007-2010

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    This article serves at the preliminary excavation report for the activities carried out during those four seasons