23 research outputs found


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    Danas, preko 200 godina od ukidanja prekomorskog trgovanja robljem, trgovanje ljudima,nažalost, predstavlja jedan od najvećih međunarodnih problema i najtežih oblika krÅ”enja ljudskih prava, a otkriveni slučajevi i identificirane žrtve predstvljaju samo vrh sante leda. Zbog ulaska Republike Hrvatske u Europsku uniju i njenog ekonomskog i geografskog položaja, trgovanje ljudima zahvaća Hrvatsku kao tranzitnu zemlju te gotovo podjednako i kao zemlju podrijetla, odnosno odrediÅ”ta žrtava trgovanja ljudima. U radu se raspravlja o implementaciji Konvencije Vijeća Europe o suzbijanju trgovanja ljudima u hrvatsko nacionalno zakonodavstvo te o primjeni odredaba Konvencije u Republici Hrvatskoj pri čemu je fokus stavljen na zaÅ”titu žrtava trgovanja ljudima. Fokus istraživanja je stavljen na problem trgovanja ljudima kroz analizu zakonodavnog okvira temeljenog na Konvenciji o suzbijanju trgovanja ljudima i problema do kojih dolazi pri postupanju prema aktualnom zakonskom okviru. U radu je koriÅ”tena analitičko-istraživačka metoda. Rad je podijeljen u četiri dijela: 1. Konvencija Vijeća Europe o suzbijanju trgovanja ljudima; 2. Žrtve trgovanja ljudima; 3. Pomoć i zaÅ”tita žrtve trgovanja ljudima kroz nacionalni referalni mehanizam i 4. Stanje u Republici Hrvatskoj. S ciljem istraživanja primjene odredaba Konvencije na zaÅ”titu žrtava u Republici Hrvatskoj, autor se u ovom radu fokusira na poglavlja I., III. i VI. kroz komparaciju njenih odredaba s pozitivnim hrvatskim zakonodavstvom. Komparirajući standarde zaÅ”tite prava žrtava trgovanja ljudima koje uvodi Konvencija s normativnim okvirom nacionalnoga zakonodavstva, autor istražuje stupanj provedbe tih prava pri čemu u fokus stavlja pitanje žrtve trgovanja ljudima kao srediÅ”te procesa zaÅ”tite i pomoći radi ublažavanja patnji žrtve, zaÅ”tite od sekundarne viktimizacije žrtava te sigurne i potpune reintegracije žrtve u druÅ”tvo.More than 200 years after the abolition of slavery in overseas trading, trafficking in human beings unfortunately represents one of the largest international problems and the worst forms of human rights violations where identified cases and victims represent just the tip of the iceberg. Because of the Croatian accession to the European Union and its economic and geographical position, human trafficking affects Croatia as a transit country, and almost equally as the country of origin or destination of human trafficking victims. This paper discusses the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings in the Croatian national legislation and the application of the provisions of the Convention in the Republic of Croatia, where the focus is placed on the protection of human trafficking victims. The focus of research has been put on the problem of human trafficking through an analysis of the legislative framework based on the Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings and the problems that occur during the treatment of the current legal framework. The results have been acquired by the means of the analytical-research methods. The paper is divided into four parts: 1) Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings; 2) victims of human trafficking; 3) Assistance and protection of the victims of human trafficking through the national referral mechanism and 4) Situation analysis in the Republic of Croatia. In order to research the application of the provisions of the Convention on the protection of victims in the Republic of Croatia, the author of this work focuses on the chapters I, III and VI by comparing its provisions with positive Croatian legislation. Comparing the protection standards for the rights of human trafficking victims introduced by the Convention with the normative framework of national legislation, the author examines the degree of implementation thereof focusing on the issue of human trafficking victims as the center of the protection process and assistance to alleviate the suffering of victims, protection from secondary victimization and safety and full reintegration of victims into society.Etwa 200 Jahre nach der Abschaffung des Sklavenhandels stellt heute der Menschenhandel leider eines der grĆ¶ĆŸten Probleme und die schwerste Verletzung der Menschenrechte dar, so dass die bislang entdeckten FƤlle und identifizierten Opfer nur die Spitze des Eisbergs sind. Durch den EU Beitritt Kroatiens und die wirtschaftliche und geographische Lage Kroatiens ist Kroatien als Transitland vom Menschenhandel genauso betroffen wie HerkunftslƤnder bzw. ZiellƤnder des Menschenhandels. Die Arbeit befasst sich mit der Anwendung der Konvention des Europarates zur BekƤmpfung des Menschenhandels in den kroatischen nationalen Rechtsvorschriften mit Fokus auf den Schutz der Opfer beim Menschenhandel. Es wurde die Analyse des Problems des Menschenhandels im gesetzlichen Rahmen durchgefĆ¼hrt, gegrĆ¼ndet auf den Bestimmungen der Konvention zur BekƤmpfung des Menschenhandels und daraus hervorgehenden Fragen. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit erfolgten durch analytische Forschungsmethode. Die Arbeit besteht aus 4 Teilen: 1. Konvention des Europarates zur BekƤmpfung des Menschenhandels, 2. Opfer des Menschenhandels, 3. Hilfe und Schutz der Opfer des Menschenhandels durch den nationalen referralen Mechanismus und 4. Darstellung des Situation in der Republik Kroatien. Das Ziel der Forschung ist die Anwendung der Konvention beim Schutz der Opfer in der Republik Kroatien, so dass im Fokus der Arbeit die Kapitel I, III und IV stehen sowie der Vergleich der Bestimmungen der Konvention mit den kroatischen positiven Rechtsvorschriften. Durch den Vergleich der SchutzbewertungsmaƟstƤbe fĆ¼r die Rechte der Opfer des Menschenhandels, die die Konvention mit dem normativen Rahmen der nationalen Rechtsvorschriften einfĆ¼hrt, erforscht der Autor derer Anwendungsgrad und stellt dabei die Opfer des Menschenhandels ins Zentrum des Schutzprozesses und der Hilfe mit dem Ziel die Leiden der Opfer zu lindern, sekundƤre Viktimisierung der Opfer zu verhindern sowie die Opfer sicher und vollstƤndig in die Gesellschaft zu integrieren


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    Cilj je ovoga rada istražiti povezanost osobina ličnosti prema velepetoromu modelu, ekstraverzije, emocionalne stabilnosti, ugodnosti, savjesnosti te intelekta, s čitalačkim navikama srednjoÅ”kolaca jedne strukovne srednje Å”kole iz Osijeka te ispitati mogućnost predviđanja količine čitanja na temelju dimenzija ličnosti, uz kontrolu utjecaja spola, dobi i Å”kolskoga uspjeha. Prikazani rezultati dio su opsežnijega istraživanja provedenoga u sklopu istraživanja o predrasudama i stavovima. Ukupno 103 sudionika, u dobi od 14 do 20 godina, ispunila su kratki upitnik o navikama čitanja te IPIP 50 inventar ličnosti. Upitnik o navikama čitanja omogućio nam je uvid u to koliko sudionici procjenjuju,u usporedbi s drugim učenicima u Å”koli, da često čitaju knjige, koliko uživaju u čitanju vijesti te koliko uživaju u čitanju knjiga. Rezultati pokazuju kako postoji umjerena, ali bitna pozitivna povezanost između procijenjene učestalosti čitanja knjiga, kao i procjene užitka u čitanju knjiga s dimenzijom intelekta (r=.347, p<.01te r=.276, p<.05). Preostale dimenzije ličnosti nisu bitno povezane s navikama čitanja. Nadalje, na temelju osobina ličnosti, uz kontrolu spola, dobi i Å”kolskoga uspjeha, moguće je predvidjeti oko 20 % varijance količine čitanja, pri čemu je od dimenzija ličnosti jedini važan prediktor intelekt.The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship of personality dimension defined by the Big Five personality model: extraversion, emotional stability, agreeableness, consciousness and intellect, with reading habits among Croatian high school students from the city of Osijek region. Furthermore, we wanted to investigate the ability to predict reading quantity based on personality dimensions, with the contribution of factors such as age, gender and school success. The results displayed are a part of a larger study on prejudice and attitudes. A total of 103 participants, aged from 14 to 20 years, filled in a short questionnaire about how much, compared to other pupils from their school, they read books, enjoy reading news and how many books they read in a year. Also, they completed a short version of IPIP 50 personality questionnaire. Results show a significant positive correlation between how much the participants read and how much they enjoy reading books with the intellect personality dimension (r=.347, p<.01 and r=.276, p<.05 respectively). Other personality dimensions showed no significant correlations with reading variables. In hierarchical regression analyses, after controlling for the effect of age, gender and school success, the Big Five model of personality was able to predict around 20 % of variance of reading quantity, with the intellect being the only significant predictor

    Production of corn in Serbia in the light of climate change

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    This paper presents the basic elements of maize production technology in Serbia. For their good knowledge, it is necessary to be familiar with the basic biological requirements of the species, phenology and its particular requirements for water, heat, soil conditions and mineral nutrition. A special emphasis in this paper is given to recent research by the author regarding the correction of production technology (selection of hybrids, time and density of sowing, etc.) from the aspect of knowing the weather conditions of the year to the moment of sowing and the amount and position of available nitrogen in the soil profile during the spring before sowing. In the light of predicted climate change conditions for the Republic of Serbia, the authors of this paper have proposed and appropriated adaptation measures. The general conclusion is that there are no general recipes for the correct production technology of this plant species, but should be adapted to each specific year, field and hybrid

    BioloŔke i agroekoloŔke osnove proizvodnje pŔenice

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    In addition to the origin, history of breeding, geographical distribution and economic importance of wheat, it is also necessary to get acquainted with its phenology and basic biological requirements in order to develop optimal production technology. The realization of biological potential of wheat depends of a numerous agro-ecological factors and in order to achieve high yields and stable production it is crucial to determine its relation to agro-ecological factors, especially at certain stages of growth and development. This is an important prerequisite for successful production of wheat, in terms of proper planning and determination of technological operations and directions of breeding, as well as for realistic yield forecasting. In this paper, special emphasis is on agro-climatic factors in wheat production e.g. heat and water requirements as well as its reaction to temperature extremes and relation with the soil and air drought.Pored porekla, istorijata gajenja, geografske rasprostranjenosti, te opÅ”teg privrednog i ekonomskog značaja proizvodnje pÅ”enice, u cilju dobrog poznavanja njene tehnologije gajenja neophodno je upoznati se sa njenom fenologijom i osnovnim bioloÅ”kim zahtevima. Realizacija bioloÅ”kog potencijala pÅ”enice zavisi od brojnih agro-ekoloÅ”kih faktora, te je za ostvarenje visokih prinosa i stabilne proizvodnje neophodno poznavanje njenog odnosa prema agroekoloÅ”kim činiocima, naročito po pojedinim fazama rasta i razvića. Ovo je bitan preduslov kako za uspeÅ”no gajenje pÅ”enice, u smislu pravilnog određivanja i planiranja pojedinih tehnoloÅ”kih operacija i pravaca selekcije, tako i za realno planiranje i prognoziranje visine prinosa. U radu je posebno dat akcenat na agro-klimatskim faktorima u proizvodnji pÅ”enice: potrebama za toplotom i odnosu prema temperaturnim ekstremima, te potrebama prema vodi i odnosu prema zemljiÅ”noj i vazduÅ”noj suÅ”i

    Uticaj rokova, sorte i gustine setve na prinos zrna pŔenice u 2010/11. godini

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    Investigation of the impact of sowing time and density on the yield of two winter wheat varieties was carried out at the experimental field of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in 2010/11. year, as part of long-term field experiment under the name of 'Sowing dates'. In the average for both cultivars and all four densities the highest grain yield of wheat was obtained in the first sowing date and was significantly higher only in relation to the third date. Grain yield showed a tendency to decrease with delayed sowing. Based on the equation of linear regression, it could be concluded that the calculated regression averaged grain yield by sowing dates is 635 kg ha-1. Analyzing the effects of increasing sowing density on grain yield, yield was increased to 500 viable kernels/m2, and then decreased with further increase in sowing density. Looking at the differences in grain yield between different varieties and at the same sowing density, it was observed that at densities of 300, 500 and 700 kernels/m2 yield of variety Zvezdana was slightly higher than at NS-40S, and only when the density of 900 kernels/m2 cultivar NS-40S achieve higher yields.Istraživanje uticaja vremena (rokova) i gustina setve na prinos dve ozime sorte pÅ”enice izvedeno je na oglednom polju Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo na Rimskim Å ančevima, u proizvodnoj 2010/11. godini, u sklopu dugotrajnog poljskog ogleda pod ustaljenim nazivom 'Rokovi setve '. U proseku za obe sorte i sve četiri gustine setve, najveći prinos zrna pÅ”enice ostvaren je u I roku setve a bio je značajno veći samo u odnosu na III rok. Prinos zrna imao je tendenciju opadanja sa kaÅ”njenjem u rokovima setve. Na osnovu jednačine linearne regresije, moglo se zaključiti da izračunato regresiono uprosečeno smanjenje prinosa zrna po rokovima iznosi 635 kg ha-1. Analizirajući efekte rastućih gustina setve na prinos zrna, prinos je rastao do 500 kl. zrna/m2, a zatim opadao sa daljim porastom gustina. Posmatrajući razlike u prinosu zrna između pojedinih sorti a pri istoj gustini setve, uočeno je da je pri gustinama od 300, 500 i 700 kl. zrna/m2 prinos sorte Zvezdana bio neÅ”to veći u odnosu na NS-40S, dok je samo pri gustini od 900 kl. zrna/m2 sorta NS-40S ostvarila veći prinos

    Komponente prinosa i prinos ozime pÅ”enice u zavisnosti od nivoa đubrenja azotom, fosforom i kalijumom

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    The longest spikes were obtained in the variant with all three nutrients used in highest amount. Number of fertile spikelets were low in treatments without nitrogen applied, and absolutely lowest on variant only with P2. The largest number of fertile spikelets obtained on the triple fertilization variants with increased nitrogen rate. The smallest weight of grains per spike was obtained in a single fertilization with P and K, as well as the control treatment, and was the highest in the variants with most intensive fertilization with all nutrients. Also, the weight of 1000 grains was highest in balanced fertilization with all nutrients (N2P2K2), but similar values were obtained in all treatments where nitrogen was applied. Spike index and harvest index did not show special regularity at different levels of fertilization, but the values of both parameters were higher in treatments fertilized with all nutrients. The highest yield was achieved in the variant N3P2K2 (6.10 t ha-1), although the high yield of more than 5 t ha-1 was obtained and the other triple treatments where nitrogen is applied in the maximum amount, as well as variants with moderate doses of all nutrients.U stacionarnom ogledu dugog trajanja ('Večiti' ogled) na Rimskim Å ančevima, u dvogodiÅ”njem periodu ispitivan je efekat 12 varijanti đubrenja različitim kombinacijama doza N, P i K na prinos i komponente prinosa ozime sorte pÅ”enice 'NS-40S'. Najduži klasovi dobijeni su na varijanti gde su sva tri hraniva upotrebljena u najvećoj količini. Broj plodnih klasaka bio je mali na varijantama gde nije primenjen azot, a apsolutno najmanji na varijanti đubrenja samo sa P2. Najveći broj plodnih klasaka dobijen je na varijantama trojnog đubrenja sa povećanom dozom azota. Najmanja masa zrna po klasu dobijena je pri pojedinačnom đubrenju sa P i K, kao i na kontrolnoj varijanti, a bila je najveća pri najintenzivnijem đubrenju sa sva tri hraniva. Takođe i masa 1000 zrna je bila najveća pri izbalansiranom đubrenju sa sva tri hraniva (N2P2K2), ali su slične vrednosti dobijene na svim varijantama gde je primenjivan azot. Indeks klasa i žetveni indeks nisu ispoljili posebnu pravilnost pri različitim nivoima đubrenja, ali su vrednosti oba parametra bile veće na varijantama gde je đubreno sa sva tri hraniva. Najveći prinos zrna postignut je na varijanti N3P2K2 (6,10 t ha-1), mada su visoki prinosi, iznad 5 t ha-1 dobijani i na ostalim trojnim varijantama gde je azot primenjen u najvećoj količini, kao i na varijanti sa srednjim dozama sva tri hraniva

    Prinos pŔenice u zavisnosti od dugogodiŔnjeg zaoravanja žetvenih ostataka

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    Investigation of the effects of long-term harvest residue (wheat straw) incorporation at fertilization with different amounts of nitrogen on grain yield of three winter wheat varieties was carried out on Rimski Å ančevi experimental station, Novi Sad, Serbia. Amount of nitrogen applied were 0, 90 and 150 kg ha-1, at treatments with and without straw incorporation. The highest grain yield was obtained at fertilization with 150 kg ha-1 nitrogen on long-term treatment with straw incorporation. The average increase in yield achieved by straw incorporation amounted 640 kg or 15.3%, and at the varieties amounted 750 kg (Pobeda), 680 (Sofija) and 460 kg ha-1 (Sremica).Istraživanje efekata dugogodiÅ”njeg zaoravanja žetvenih ostataka (pÅ”enične slame) pri đubrenju različitim količinama azota na prinos tri sorte ozime pÅ”enice izvedeno je na viÅ”egodiÅ”njem stacionarnom poljskom ogledu na Rimskim Å ančevima, Novi Sad, Srbija. Primenjene su količine azota od 0, 90 i 150 kg ha-1; na varijantama sa i bez zaoravanja slame. Najveći prinos zrna dobijen je pri đubrenju sa 150 kg ha-1 azota na tretmanu sa dugotrajnim zaoravanje slame. Prosečno povećanje prinosa u ogledu postignuto zaoravanjem slame iznosilo je 640 kg zrna odnosno 15,3%, a po sortama je iznosilo 750 kg (Pobeda), 680 (Sofija) i 460 kg ha-1 (Sremica)


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    Pokusi postavljeni u viÅ”e vanjskih sredina (MET) predstavljaju značajan korak u oplemenjivačkim programima za većinu ratarskih usjeva u svijetu. Ono Å”to je zajedničko za sve pokuse postavljene u viÅ”e vanjskih sredina svakako je interakcija genotip x vanjska sredina i upravo je smisao ovog rada objasniti je. Cilj ove studije bio je fenotipizacija aktualne germplazme i ispitivanje nekoliko mofro-agronomskih svojstava, kroz multuvarijacione analize. Radilo se na 10 sorti ozime pÅ”enice u godinama 2009./10., 201.0/11., 2011./12. na tri lokacije južno-panonskog bazena: Novi Sad, Sremska Mitrovica i Pančevo. AMMI analiza za prinos zrna pokazala je da je ukupna suma kvadrata, koja pripada utjecaju vanjske sredine iznosila 76.50%, GEI nosi udio 9.72% i efekat genotipa bio je 7.0%. Situacija kod drugog ispitivanog svojstva, hektolitarske mase bila je: udio vanjske sredine 66.41%, GEI 15.63% i udio genotipa 6.47%. Rezultati ovih pokusa govore u prilog tome da je potrebno postavljati pokuse na Å”to viÅ”e lokacija kroz Å”to viÅ”e godina, ne bi li se dobila pravilna slika o ponaÅ”anju različitih genotipova u viÅ”e vanjskih sredina, pogotovu u semiaridnim uvjetima.Multi-environmental trials (METs) are a crucial step in breeding programs for most of major crops around the world. The presence of genotype x environment interaction is universal in multi-environmental trials, it cannot be avoided and has to be clearly explained. The aim of the present study was phenotyping of current germplasm and to assess several agronomic and morphological traits, by multivariate analyses, stability for agronomic traits of high importance for further conventional breeding in wheat genotypes and to survey the shift of key traits. Grain samples were obtained from ten winter wheat cultivars grown in 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12 at three locations in the South Pannonian Basin: Novi Sad, Sremska Mitrovica and Pančevo. AMMI analysis of variance for yield showed that the total sum of squares attributed to the impact of environments was 76.50%, GEI was represented with 9.72% and the effect of genotype was 7.00%, while the variation of test weight was mainly determined by the influence of environment (66.41%), GEI (15.63%) and genotype (6.47%). The results of this study indicate the importance of METs and suggest that using larger number of wheat characteristics offers more valid answers on the performance of individual genotypes in semi-arid conditions