Uticaj rokova, sorte i gustine setve na prinos zrna pšenice u 2010/11. godini


Investigation of the impact of sowing time and density on the yield of two winter wheat varieties was carried out at the experimental field of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in 2010/11. year, as part of long-term field experiment under the name of 'Sowing dates'. In the average for both cultivars and all four densities the highest grain yield of wheat was obtained in the first sowing date and was significantly higher only in relation to the third date. Grain yield showed a tendency to decrease with delayed sowing. Based on the equation of linear regression, it could be concluded that the calculated regression averaged grain yield by sowing dates is 635 kg ha-1. Analyzing the effects of increasing sowing density on grain yield, yield was increased to 500 viable kernels/m2, and then decreased with further increase in sowing density. Looking at the differences in grain yield between different varieties and at the same sowing density, it was observed that at densities of 300, 500 and 700 kernels/m2 yield of variety Zvezdana was slightly higher than at NS-40S, and only when the density of 900 kernels/m2 cultivar NS-40S achieve higher yields.Istraživanje uticaja vremena (rokova) i gustina setve na prinos dve ozime sorte pšenice izvedeno je na oglednom polju Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo na Rimskim Šančevima, u proizvodnoj 2010/11. godini, u sklopu dugotrajnog poljskog ogleda pod ustaljenim nazivom 'Rokovi setve '. U proseku za obe sorte i sve četiri gustine setve, najveći prinos zrna pšenice ostvaren je u I roku setve a bio je značajno veći samo u odnosu na III rok. Prinos zrna imao je tendenciju opadanja sa kašnjenjem u rokovima setve. Na osnovu jednačine linearne regresije, moglo se zaključiti da izračunato regresiono uprosečeno smanjenje prinosa zrna po rokovima iznosi 635 kg ha-1. Analizirajući efekte rastućih gustina setve na prinos zrna, prinos je rastao do 500 kl. zrna/m2, a zatim opadao sa daljim porastom gustina. Posmatrajući razlike u prinosu zrna između pojedinih sorti a pri istoj gustini setve, uočeno je da je pri gustinama od 300, 500 i 700 kl. zrna/m2 prinos sorte Zvezdana bio nešto veći u odnosu na NS-40S, dok je samo pri gustini od 900 kl. zrna/m2 sorta NS-40S ostvarila veći prinos

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