8,460 research outputs found

    Calculation of laminar boundary layer-shock wave interaction on cooled walls by the method of integral relations

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    Calculation of laminar boundary layer shock wave interaction on cooled walls by method of integral relatio


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    The implications of ignoring potential spatial dependence in county-level yield data are discussed. Spatial dependence in a county-level yield data set is identified and methods for correcting the dependence via spatial weighting matrices and generalized least squares regression are performed. The paper also examines how the spatial dependence declines as the distance between observations increases.Productivity Analysis, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    Economic Statistics and U.S. Agricultural Policy

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    Economic statistics can be used to inform policy as it is being designed, avoid policy design mistakes, or implement government programs once they are established into law. Oftentimes, statistics are used for all three purposes. This paper considers the relationships between statistics and agricultural policy in the case of the United States. We address first the broad historical picture of U.S. official economic statistics concerning agriculture, and then turn to selected examples that relate policies to economic statistics in more detail. The examples show diversity in the interplay between statistics and policy. As policies have become broader in scope, addressing not only farm commodity markets but also differences among farms and a widening set of activities on farms, policymakers have asked for more detailed information about the financial situation of individual farm businesses and households, sources of risk in farm returns, and production practices that affect the environment.Agricultural policy, Data collection and estimation, Economic history of U.S. agriculture, Agricultural and Food Policy, Q18, C8, N52,

    Feedback control optimisation of ESR experiments

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    Numerically optimised microwave pulses are used to increase excitation efficiency and modulation depth in electron spin resonance experiments performed on a spectrometer equipped with an arbitrary waveform generator. The optimisation procedure is sample-specific and reminiscent of the magnet shimming process used in the early days of nuclear magnetic resonance -- an objective function (for example, echo integral in a spin echo experiment) is defined and optimised numerically as a function of the pulse waveform vector using noise-resilient gradient-free methods. We found that the resulting shaped microwave pulses achieve higher excitation bandwidth and better echo modulation depth than the pulse shapes used as the initial guess. Although the method is theoretically less sophisticated than simulation based quantum optimal control techniques, it has the advantage of being free of the linear response approximation; rapid electron spin relaxation also means that the optimisation takes only a few seconds. This makes the procedure fast, convenient, and easy to use. An important application of this method is at the final stage of the implementation of theoretically designed pulse shapes: compensation of pulse distortions introduced by the instrument. The performance is illustrated using spin echo and out-of-phase electron spin echo envelope modulation experiments. Interface code between Bruker SpinJet arbitrary waveform generator and Matlab is included in versions 2.2 and later of the Spinach library

    SAO/NASA joint investigation of astronomical viewing quality at Mount Hopkins Observatory: 1969-1971

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    Quantitative measurements of the astronomical seeing conditions have been made with a stellar-image monitor system at the Mt. Hopkins Observatory in Arizona. The results of this joint SAO-NASA experiment indicate that for a 15-cm-diameter telescope, image motion is typically 1 arcsec or less and that intensity fluctuations due to scintillation have a coefficient of irradiance variance of less than 0.12 on the average. Correlations between seeing quality and local meteorological conditions were investigated. Local temperature fluctuations and temperature gradients were found to be indicators of image-motion conditions, while high-altitude-wind conditions were shown to be somewhat correlated with scintillation-spectrum bandwidth. The theoretical basis for the relationship of atmospheric turbulence to optical effects is discussed in some detail, along with a description of the equipment used in the experiment. General site-testing comments and applications of the seeing-test results are also included

    Changes in Industrial and Occupational Structures of Texas Counties, 1960-80

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    This paper identifies and examines industrial and occupational changes that have accompanied population growth in Texas. According to the 1960 U.S. Census definitions for county size, Texas counties were grouped as metropolitan, urban-nonrnetropolitan, and rural-nonmetropolitan. Employment in 13 industrial and 9 occupational categories was used to measure sustenance differentiation. Industrial employment (SDI) diversified in both the sixties and seventies as nonrnetropolitan counties became more structurally homogeneous. Occupational employment (SDO) decreased in operative, labor, and farmer-farm worker jobs and increased in sales, crafts, clerical, and professional-technical-kindred jobs. Additionally, in 1980 SDI and SDO were markedly less correlated than in previous years, suggesting a change in previous structural relationships between industry and occupation. Migration rates were much more highly correlated with SDI than with SDO over the 20 years

    Value stability and change during self-chosen life transitions: self-selection versus socialization effects

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    Three longitudinal studies examine a fundamental question regarding adjustment of personal values to self-chosen life transitions: Do values fit the new life setting already at its onset, implying value-based self-selection? Or do values change to better fit the appropriate and desirable values in the setting, implying value socialization? As people are likely to choose a life transition partly based on their values, their values may fit the new life situation already at its onset, leaving little need for value socialization. However, we propose that this may vary as a function of the extent of change the life transition entails, with greater change requiring more value socialization. To enable generalization, we used 3 longitudinal studies spanning 3 different life transitions and different extents of life changes: vocational training (of new police recruits), education (psychology vs. business students), and migration (from Poland to Britain). Although each life transition involved different key values and different populations, across all 3 studies we found value fit to the life situation already early in the transition. Value socialization became more evident the more aspects of life changed as part of the transition, that is, in the migration transition. The discussion focuses on the implications of these findings for research on values and personality change, as well as limitations and future directions for research
