728 research outputs found

    An exploration of language used in domestic minor sex trafficking

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    This theoretical investigation explored the effect of pejorative labels on victims of domestic minor sex trafficking. Presently, children involved in domestic minor sex trafficking are perceived either as victims in need of services, or as criminals, juvenile prostitutes, deserving punitive action. Due to the age and compounded vulnerability of this population, understanding the negative effect this can have on victims\u27 identity development is crucial to providing appropriate and deserved treatment. This study utilized relational-cultural theory and trauma-focused cognitive behavioral theory to understand the impact of the criminalization of complex trauma and to provide a framework for clinical interventions with this population. In combination, these theoretical models provide a unique and appropriate treatment methodology for service providers working with victims and survivors of domestic minor sex trafficking

    Heterozygous mis-sense mutations in Prkcb as a critical determinant of anti-polysaccharide antibody formation

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    To identify rate-limiting steps in T cell-independent type 2 (TI-2) antibody production against polysaccharide antigens, we performed a genome-wide screen by immunizing several hundred pedigrees of C57BL/6 mice segregating ENU-induced mis-sense mutations. Two independent mutations, Tilcara and Untied, were isolated that semi-dominantly diminished antibody against polysaccharide but not protein antigens. Both mutations resulted from single amino acid substitutions within the kinase domain of Protein Kinase C Beta (PKCβ). In Tilcara, a Ser552>Pro mutation occurred in helix G, in close proximity to a docking site for the inhibitory N-terminal pseudosubstrate domain of the enzyme, resulting in almost complete loss of active, autophosphorylated PKCβI whereas the amount of alternatively spliced PKCβII protein was not markedly reduced. Circulating B cell subsets were normal and acute responses to BCR-stimulation such as CD25 induction and initiation of DNA synthesis were only measurably diminished in Tilcara homozygotes, whereas the fraction of cells that had divided multiple times was decreased to an intermediate degree in heterozygotes. These results, coupled with evidence of numerous mis-sense PRKCB mutations in the human genome, identify Prkcb as a genetically sensitive step likely to contribute substantially to population variability in anti-polysaccharide antibody levels

    A Missense Mutation in the Transcription Factor ETV5 Leads to Sterility, Increased Embryonic and Perinatal Death, Postnatal Growth Restriction, Renal Asymmetry and Polydactyly in the Mouse

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    ETV5 (Ets variant gene 5) is a transcription factor that is required for fertility. In this study, we demonstrate that ETV5 plays additional roles in embryonic and postnatal developmental processes in the mouse. Through a genome-wide mouse mutagenesis approach, we generated a sterile mouse line that carried a nonsense mutation in exon 12 of the Etv5 gene. The mutation led to the conversion of lysine at position 412 into a premature termination codon (PTC) within the ETS DNA binding domain of the protein. We showed that the PTC-containing allele produced a highly unstable mRNA, which in turn resulted in an undetectable level of ETV5 protein. The Etv5 mutation resulted in male and female sterility as determined by breeding experiments. Mutant males were sterile due to a progressive loss of spermatogonia, which ultimately resulted in a Sertoli cell only phenotype by 8 week-of-age. Further, the ETV5 target genes Cxcr4 and Ccl9 were significantly down-regulated in mutant neonate testes. CXCR4 and CCL9 have been implicated in the maintenance and migration of spermatogonia, respectively. Moreover, the Etv5 mutation resulted in several developmental abnormalities including an increased incidence of embryonic and perinatal lethality, postnatal growth restriction, polydactyly and renal asymmetry. Thus, our data define a physiological role for ETV5 in many aspects of development including embryonic and perinatal survival, postnatal growth, limb patterning, kidney development and fertility.This work was supported by grants the Australian Research Council (ARC) to MKO’B and CJO; the New South Wales Cancer Council, Cancer Institute New South Wales, Banque Nationale de Paris-Paribas Australia and New Zealand, RT Hall Trust, and the National Breast Cancer Foundation to CJO. DJ was a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) of Australia Peter Doherty Postdoctoral Fellow (#384297). MKO’B and CJO are NHMRC Senior Research Fellows (#545805, #481310). CCG is an NHMRC Australia Fellowship. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    RBM5 Is a Male Germ Cell Splicing Factor and Is Required for Spermatid Differentiation and Male Fertility

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    Alternative splicing of precursor messenger RNA (pre-mRNA) is common in mammalian cells and enables the production of multiple gene products from a single gene, thus increasing transcriptome and proteome diversity. Disturbance of splicing regulation is associated with many human diseases; however, key splicing factors that control tissue-specific alternative splicing remain largely undefined. In an unbiased genetic screen for essential male fertility genes in the mouse, we identified the RNA binding protein RBM5 (RNA binding motif 5) as an essential regulator of haploid male germ cell pre-mRNA splicing and fertility. Mice carrying a missense mutation (R263P) in the second RNA recognition motif (RRM) of RBM5 exhibited spermatid differentiation arrest, germ cell sloughing and apoptosis, which ultimately led to azoospermia (no sperm in the ejaculate) and male sterility. Molecular modelling suggested that the R263P mutation resulted in compromised mRNA binding. Within the adult mouse testis, RBM5 localises to somatic and germ cells including spermatogonia, spermatocytes and round spermatids. Through the use of RNA pull down coupled with microarrays, we identified 11 round spermatid-expressed mRNAs as putative RBM5 targets. Importantly, the R263P mutation affected pre-mRNA splicing and resulted in a shift in the isoform ratios, or the production of novel spliced transcripts, of most targets. Microarray analysis of isolated round spermatids suggests that altered splicing of RBM5 target pre-mRNAs affected expression of genes in several pathways, including those implicated in germ cell adhesion, spermatid head shaping, and acrosome and tail formation. In summary, our findings reveal a critical role for RBM5 as a pre-mRNA splicing regulator in round spermatids and male fertility. Our findings also suggest that the second RRM of RBM5 is pivotal for appropriate pre-mRNA splicing.This work was supported by grants from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) to DJ (#606503); the Australian Research Council (ARC) to MKO and CJO; the New South Wales Cancer Council, Cancer Institute New South Wales, Banque Nationale de Paris-Paribas Australia and New Zealand, RT Hall Trust, and the National Breast Cancer Foundation to CJO. DJ was an NHMRC Peter Doherty Postdoctoral Fellow (#384297). MKO and CJO are NHMRC Senior Research Fellows (#545805, #481310). CCG is an NHMRC Australia Fellowship. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Rethinking drug design in the artificial intelligence era

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) tools are increasingly being applied in drug discovery. While some protagonists point to vast opportunities potentially offered by such tools, others remain sceptical, waiting for a clear impact to be shown in drug discovery projects. The reality is probably somewhere in-between these extremes, yet it is clear that AI is providing new challenges not only for the scientists involved but also for the biopharma industry and its established processes for discovering and developing new medicines. This article presents the views of a diverse group of international experts on the 'grand challenges' in small-molecule drug discovery with AI and the approaches to address them

    RAB-Like 2 Has an Essential Role in Male Fertility, Sperm Intra-Flagellar Transport, and Tail Assembly

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    A significant percentage of young men are infertile and, for the majority, the underlying cause remains unknown. Male infertility is, however, frequently associated with defective sperm motility, wherein the sperm tail is a modified flagella/cilia. Conversely, a greater understanding of essential mechanisms involved in tail formation may offer contraceptive opportunities, or more broadly, therapeutic strategies for global cilia defects. Here we have identified Rab-like 2 (RABL2) as an essential requirement for sperm tail assembly and function. RABL2 is a member of a poorly characterized clade of the RAS GTPase superfamily. RABL2 is highly enriched within developing male germ cells, where it localizes to the mid-piece of the sperm tail. Lesser amounts of Rabl2 mRNA were observed in other tissues containing motile cilia. Using a co-immunoprecipitation approach and RABL2 affinity columns followed by immunochemistry, we demonstrated that within developing haploid germ cells RABL2 interacts with intra-flagella transport (IFT) proteins and delivers a specific set of effector (cargo) proteins, including key members of the glycolytic pathway, to the sperm tail. RABL2 binding to effector proteins is regulated by GTP. Perturbed RABL2 function, as exemplified by the Mot mouse line that contains a mutation in a critical protein-protein interaction domain, results in male sterility characterized by reduced sperm output, and sperm with aberrant motility and short tails. Our data demonstrate a novel function for the RABL protein family, an essential role for RABL2 in male fertility and a previously uncharacterised mechanism for protein delivery to the flagellum.This work was supported by grants from the NHMRC to MKO (#606445) and CJO, the Australian Research Council (MKO, RJA, and CJO), the New South Wales Cancer Council (CJO), Cancer Institute New South Wales (CJO), Banque Nationale de Paris-Paribas Australia and New Zealand (CJO), RT Hall Trust (CJO), and the National Breast Cancer Foundation (CJO). JCYL is the recipient of a NHMRC PhD scholarship. MKO and CJO are the recipients of NHMRC Senior Research Fellowships (#545805 and #481310). CCG is the recipient an NHMRC Australia Fellowship. JCW is the recipient of an Australian Research Council Federation Fellowship. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Conflito trabalho-família, auto eficácia parental e estilos parentais percebidos em pais e mães da cidade de Talca no Chile

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    The relationship between levels of work-family conflict, parental self-efficacy and perceived parenting styles in a group of 43 school children and both working parents is analyzed, controlling for socio-demographic variables. Also, gender differences are identified in the variables and the relationship between them in relation to the number of children. Three instruments were applied to the sample for measuring the referred variables. A significant and negative relationship is observed between levels of work-family conflict and parental self-efficacy (r = -0.484, P <0.001). The authoritarian parenting style has greater association with self-efficacy (r = 0.301, P = 0.005). A significant and negative relationship between self-efficacy and number of children (r = -0.257, P = 0.017) is reported. Finally, it is concluded that women have greater work-family conflict than men.Se analiza la relación existente entre los niveles de conflicto trabajo-familia, autoeficacia parental y estilos parentales percibidos en un grupo de 43 niños estudiantes y ambos padres trabajadores, controlando las variables sociodemográficas. Así mismo, se identifican las diferencias por género en las variables, y la relación que existe entre ellas con respecto al número de hijos. A la muestra le fueron aplicados tres instrumentos de medición de las variables referidas. Se observa una relación significativa y negativa entre los niveles de conflicto trabajo-familia y la autoeficacia parental (r= -0,484; p<0,001). El estilo parental autoritario presenta mayor asociación con autoeficacia (r=0,301; p=0,005). Se reporta una relación significativa y negativa entre autoeficacia y número de hijos (r=-0,257; p=0,017). Finalmente se reporta que las mujeres presentan mayor conflicto trabajo-familia que los hombres.Analisa-se a relação existente entre os níveis de conflito trabalho-família, auto eficácia parental e estilos parentais percebidos em um grupo de 43 crianças estudantes de pais trabalhadores, controlando as variáveis sociodemográficas. Assim mesmo, identificam-se as diferenças por gênero nas variáveis, e a relação que existe entre elas com respeito ao número de filhos. Foram aplicados à mostra três instrumentos de medição das variáveis referidas. Observa-se uma relação significativa e negativa entre os níveis de conflito trabalho-família e a auto eficácia parental (r= -0,484; p<0,001). O estilo parental autoritário apresenta maior associação com autoeficácia (r=0,301; p=0,005). Reporta-se uma relação significativa e negativa entre autoeficácia e número de filhos (r=-0,257; p=0,017). Finalmente reporta-se que as mulheres apresentam maior conflito trabalho-família que os homens

    Unlocking the bottleneck in forward genetics using whole-genome sequencing and identity by descent to isolate causative mutations

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    Forward genetics screens with N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) provide a powerful way to illuminate gene function and generate mouse models of human disease; however, the identification of causative mutations remains a limiting step. Current strategies depend on conventional mapping, so the propagation of affected mice requires non-lethal screens; accurate tracking of phenotypes through pedigrees is complex and uncertain; out-crossing can introduce unexpected modifiers; and Sanger sequencing of candidate genes is inefficient. Here we show how these problems can be efficiently overcome using whole-genome sequencing (WGS) to detect the ENU mutations and then identify regions that are identical by descent (IBD) in multiple affected mice. In this strategy, we use a modification of the Lander-Green algorithm to isolate causative recessive and dominant mutations, even at low coverage, on a pure strain background. Analysis of the IBD regions also allows us to calculate the ENU mutation rate (1.54 mutations per Mb) and to model future strategies for genetic screens in mice. The introduction of this approach will accelerate the discovery of causal variants, permit broader and more informative lethal screens to be used, reduce animal costs, and herald a new era for ENU mutagenesis.The High-Throughput Genomics Group at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics is funded by Wellcome Trust grant reference 090532/Z/09/Z and MRC Hub grant G0900747 91070. This study was supported by Wellcome Trust Strategic Award 082030 (CCG), Wellcome Trust Studentship 094446/Z/10/Z (KRB), the Oxford NIHR Biomedical Research Centre, and the MRC Human Immunology Unit (RJC). AJR and GL were supported by Wellcome Trust grant 090532/Z/ 09/Z, CCG and AE by a Major initiative Award from the Clive and Vera Ramaciotti Foundation, and AE by an NHMRC Career Development Award. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Rasgrp1 mutation increases naïve T-cell CD44 expression and drives mTOR-dependent accumulation of Helios+ T cells and autoantibodies

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    Missense variants are a major source of human genetic variation. Here we analyze a new mouse missense variant, Rasgrp1Anaef, with an ENU-mutated EF hand in the Rasgrp1 Ras guanine nucleotide exchange factor. Rasgrp1Anaef mice exhibit anti-nuclear autoantibodies and gradually accumulate a CD44hi Helios+ PD-1+ CD4+ T cell population that is dependent on B cells. Despite reduced Rasgrp1-Ras-ERK activation in vitro, thymocyte selection in Rasgrp1Anaef is mostly normal in vivo, although CD44 is overexpressed on naïve thymocytes and T cells in a T-cell-autonomous manner. We identify CD44 expression as a sensitive reporter of tonic mTOR-S6 kinase signaling through a novel mouse strain, chino, with a reduction-of-function mutation in Mtor. Elevated tonic mTOR-S6 signaling occurs in Rasgrp1Anaef naïve CD4+ T cells. CD44 expression, CD4+ T cell subset ratios and serum autoantibodies all returned to normal in Rasgrp1AnaefMtorchino double-mutant mice, demonstrating that increased mTOR activity is essential for the Rasgrp1Anaef T cell dysregulation

    Monovalent engagement of the BCR activates ovalbumin-specific transnuclear B cells

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    Valency requirements for B cell activation upon antigen encounter are poorly understood. OB1 transnuclear B cells express an IgG1 B cell receptor (BCR) specific for ovalbumin (OVA), the epitope of which can be mimicked using short synthetic peptides to allow antigen-specific engagement of the BCR. By altering length and valency of epitope-bearing synthetic peptides, we examined the properties of ligands required for optimal OB1 B cell activation. Monovalent engagement of the BCR with an epitope-bearing 17-mer synthetic peptide readily activated OB1 B cells. Dimers of the minimal peptide epitope oriented in an N to N configuration were more stimulatory than their C to C counterparts. Although shorter length correlated with less activation, a monomeric 8-mer peptide epitope behaved as a weak agonist that blocked responses to cell-bound peptide antigen, a blockade which could not be reversed by CD40 ligation. The 8-mer not only delivered a suboptimal signal, which blocked subsequent responses to OVA, anti-IgG, and anti-kappa, but also competed for binding with OVA. Our results show that fine-tuning of BCR-ligand recognition can lead to B cell nonresponsiveness, activation, or inhibition