13 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Spain: A Systematic Review

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    Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in Spain, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics, with the lack of control of cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) being the main contributing factor. The CVRFs of greatest clinical interest are high blood pressure (HBP), smoking, diabetes mellitus (DM2), overweight, obesity, hypercholesterolaemia, and sedentary lifestyle. The main objective of this review was to compare the prevalence of the different CVRFs according to population-based studies carried out in Spain. For this, a systematic review based on publications assessing CVRFs in the adult population and estimating their national prevalence was conducted. Pubmed and Dialnet databases were consulted, and the selected articles were analysed using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme Español (CASPe) tool for cohort studies and the Berra et al. tool for cross-sectional studies. A total of 33 studies were obtained from the autonomous regions of Andalusia, the Canary Islands, Castilla-Leon, Castilla-La Mancha, Catalonia, Extremadura, the Balearic Islands, Madrid, Murcia, and Navarra. In all the population-based studies, there was a greater representation of women in the sample. The most prevalent CVRFs differed across the studies according to the autonomous region targeted, with dyslipidaemia, sedentary lifestyle, high blood pressure, hypercholesterolaemia, overweight, and obesity standing out. Numerous differences exist between the studies included in this review, such as the age range, the CVRFs analysed and their prevalence, and remarkable aspects such as the over-representation of the female sex in all cases. It can be concluded that, based on the presented results, the prevalence of CVRFs in Spain varies according to the autonomous region, the sex of the individual, and the studied age range

    Why do not pregnant women want to get vaccinated against the flu? : a scoping review

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    Fundamentos: Las mujeres embarazadas, los neonatos y los recién nacidos tienen mayor riesgo de complicaciones por la gri- pe estacional. La vacunación es efectiva y segura, pero hay baja adherencia en embarazadas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue iden- tificar los motivos que llevan a las embarazadas a no vacunarse contra la gripe estacional. Métodos: Scoping Review, en la que su utilizaron como tér- minos de búsqueda: DeCS “Mujeres Embarazadas”, “Vacunas contra la Influenza”. MeSH “Pregnant Women”, “Influenza Vac- cines”. Las bases de datos en las que se realizaron las búsquedas fueron: Medline, BVS, Scielo, CUIDEN. Se utilizó el modelo PRISMA y herramienta del Instituto Joanna Briggs para ordenar la búsqueda y sintetizar los resultados. Se identificaron los mo- tivos de no vacunación en cada estudio y se ordenaron según su frecuencia de aparición. Resultados: 16 estudios que identifican 15 motivos para no vacunarse. Los más frecuentes: Preocupación por los efectos secundarios y/o seguridad de la vacuna y falta de información/ recomendación por parte del personal sanitario. Conclusiones: La decisión para no vacunarse parece ser mul- tifactorial. En algunos motivos hallados el papel del profesional puede jugar un papel fundamental en la adherencia. Estos resul- tados podrían ser útiles para futuras investigaciones y pueden ser- vir de ejemplo para discusiones internas entre los profesionales sanitarios con el objetivo de promover la vacunación antigripal en embarazadas.Background: Pregnant women and newborns are at in- creased risk of complications from seasonal flu. Vaccination is effective and safe but there is low adherence in pregnant women. Objective: to identify the reasons that lead pregnant women not to be vaccinated against seasonal influenza. Methods: Scoping Review in which we used as search terms. DeCS “Pregnant Women”, “Vaccines against Influenza”. MeSH “Pregnant Women”, “Influenza Vaccines”, united by AND. Data- bases: Medline, VHL, Scielo, CUIDEN. The PRISMA model and the Joanna Briggs Institute tool were used to sort the search and synthesize the results. Motives were identified in each study and ordered according to frequency of appearance. Results: 16 studies were found that identify 15 reasons for not being vaccinated. The most frequent were: Concern about side effects and / or vaccine safety and lack of information / re- commendation from health professionals. Conclusions: The decision of not to be vaccinated seems to be multifactorial. In some cases, health professionals can play a fundamental role in adherence. These results could be useful for future research

    Impact of the Case Management Model through Community Liaison Nurses

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    The objective of the present study is to assess the model’s impact on patients and their families in terms of outcomes and the efficiency results for the health system in Tenerife, Canary Islands, selecting a period of eight years from the time interval 2002–2018. The employed indicators were collected on a monthly basis. They referred to home care and its impact on clinical outcomes and on the use of resources. The comparison between the indicators’ tendencies with and without the liaison nurse model was done with the F-test by Snedecor. All these tests are bilateral, with a level of significance of p < 0.05. In those areas with community liaison nurse (CLN), improvements have been found in indicators that describe: (1) the management of the clinical status of patients, (2) the efficiency of the use of resources, and (3) the quality and compliance with the process that also includes home visits and social risk detection and management. It can be said that in the basic areas of primary health care where the work of the CLN develops there are improvements in the management of the patients’ clinical condition as well as in the quality and efficiency of care

    Assessment of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Young Adults through the Nursing Diagnosis: A Cross-Sectional Study among International University Students

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    Four out of five deaths from cardiovascular disease are due to heart attacks and strokes in low- and middle-income countries. Early identification of risk factors in exposed individuals will help to develop interventions that may eliminate and/or reduce these risks and prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases. So, it is necessary to investigate the risk of impaired cardiovascular function in university students due to the increase in some risk factors and cardiovascular events in young adults, and to describe its epidemiology among international university students. For this, an observational cross-sectional study through interviews is designed. The clinical validity was addressed following the Fehring model. In addition, anthropometric data and results of laboratory tests were collected. The nursing diagnosis “Risk of impaired cardiovascular function” showed clinical validity, high sensitivity and specificity, as well as predictive values. Fehring ratio values were above 0.79 and Kappa Index above 0.72. The study showed a high frequency of this nursing diagnosis among university students, especially in students of Brazilian nationality. The main risks of impaired cardiovascular function found in 86.8% of students were: family history of cardiovascular disease, sedentary lifestyle, pharmacological agent, dyslipidemia, and insufficient knowledge. The most prevalent risk factors of the nursing diagnosis in the studied population were related to insufficient knowledge of modifiable health habits, such as sedentary lifestyle. The information provided is expected to serve as the basis for the planning and implementation of health actions aimed at reducing modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease

    ¿Son eficientes los tratamientos psicológicos para dejar de fumar?

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    Objetivo. Analizar el coste-efectividad y la aceptación de tres tratamientos psicológicos (con y sin parches de nicotina), aplicados en un contexto de Atención Primaria. Material y métodos. Participaron 164 fumadores que fueron distribuidos al azar a tres condiciones de tratamiento: consejo breve, autoayuda más seguimiento telefónico y tratamiento psicológico intensivo. Además, dentro de cada condición, los participantes se distribuyeron en dos subgrupos: tratamiento psicológico solo frente a tratamiento psicológico más parches de nicotina. Resultados. De las 6 condiciones de tratamiento, los tratamientos que no emplearon parches de nicotina fueron más eficientes. El tratamiento más intensivo fue el que consiguió el mayor grado de adhesión. El 75% de los pacientes de este grupo acudieron a todas las sesiones y el 68% completaron las 8 semanas de parches de nicotina. Conclusiones. Los tratamientos conductuales son altamente coste-efectivos cuando se aplican en los centros de salud. Estos resultados apoyan la factibilidad de integrar las orientaciones clínica y de salud pública en un único entorno, facilitando la accesibilidad de tratamientos eficaces a poblaciones amplias de fumadores

    Relationship between the self-concept and physical activity towards the prevention of chronic illnesses

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    The objective of this work is to verify the relationship between the self-perception of health and the self-concept of physical appearance in adolescents, in order to check their influence on the physical activity they perform with the aim of preventing chronic illnesses. To this end, an observational, cross-sectional descriptive study with analytical components was carried out. Opportunistic activity, in which young people, between the ages of 16 and 22, were recruited from 5 secondary schools of the municipality of San Cristóbal de La Laguna, on the island of Tenerife (Spain). Data were collected through the General Health Questionnaire, the Rosemberg Self-esteem Scale, and the physical exercise habits test physical activity questionnaire for adolescents-A, revealing the first 2 that most percentage of responses were grouped on the positive side. The physical exercise habits test physical activity questionnaire for adolescents-A described that the most commonly performed physical activity was walking (75%)

    Influence of Workload on Primary Care Nurses’ Health and Burnout, Patients’ Safety, and Quality of Care: Integrative Review

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    The increase in the demand for care has not led to a proportional growth in the number of primary care nurses. This imbalance is related to the decrease in the quality of care and patient safety, and also to the impact on the health of the professional group. The objective of this study is to identify relationships between overload, illness of the nurse, professional exhaustion, quality and safety in the services; and differentiate study methods and instruments for measuring the phenomena. For this, a comprehensive and structured review of the literature following the scoping review model is performed. The studies on which this review is based allow us to recognize that the scope of this phenomenon is global. The review includes 45 studies that show that there is a high pressure of care for Primary Care nursing, who suffer many alterations of their health due to burnout syndrome and that this situation contributes to the impairment of the quality of care and patient safety. However, for future lines, new evidence is needed to determine the degree of relationship between the high pressure suffered by Primary Care nursing and the attainment of health goals for professionals and patients

    Historia de la enfermería familiar y comunitaria en España: una revisión de la literatura

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    Objective The implementation in our country of nursing specialization that includes competences in Public and Community Health has been very recent, although nursing has been carrying out many years in this field. The aim of this review is to provide a synthesis of the evolution of public health nursing in Spain and its current situation. Method A bibliographic research was conducted from October 2013 to May 2016 in PubMed, BVS, CUIDEN and Cochrane Plus Library using the descriptors: public health nursing, community nursing, visiting nurse. Results A reference search in gray literature, with no date restriction gave 20 articles, 3 books and 41 legal references to elaborate the narrative synthesis. Conclusions It is fundamental for the population and the profession evolution to give way and continuity to the development of nursing in the field of Community and Public Health. The effort, work and time that has meant for all these nurses throughout all these years represents a professional struggle for Nursing to be in the current place.Objetivo La puesta en marcha en nuestro país de una especialidad de enfermería que incluya competencias en Salud Pública y Comunitaria ha sido muy reciente, aunque históricamente la enfermería lleva muchos años desarrollando funciones en este ámbito. Por ello, el objetivo de esta revisión es ofrecer una síntesis sobre la evolución de la enfermería de Salud Pública en España y su situación en el momento actual. Métodos Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica desde octubre de 2013 a mayo de 2016 en PubMed, BVS, CUIDEN y Biblioteca Cochrane Plus utilizando los descriptores: enfermería de salud pública, enfermería comunitaria, enfermera visitadora. Resultados Se realizó una búsqueda referencial para la literatura gris, sin restricción de fecha recuperándose 20 artículos, 3 libros y 41 referencias legales para elaborar la síntesis narrativa. Conclusiones Es fundamental para la población y la propia evolución de la profesión dar salida y continuidad al desarrollo de la enfermería en el ámbito de la Comunidad y la Salud Pública. El esfuerzo, trabajo y tiempo que ha supuesto para todas estas enfermeras a lo largo de todos estos años representa una lucha profesional para que la Enfermería se encuentre en ellugar actual

    Diseño y validación de escala RDIC-lac. Riesgo de deterioro de la integridad cutánea del lactante en el área del pañal

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    Objectives. To design a scale to identify the risk of impaired skin integrity and severity of injury in the diaper area. To analyze the reliability and validity of the instrument in clinical practice). Design. OCross-sectional study conducted in 4 phases: 1) Literature review. Group discussions and consensus among members of the research team for the prelimi-nary design of the scale. 2) Critical appraisal of the preliminary scale by experts (nurses and paediatricians of primary care). Content analysis of data collected to achieve consensus about risk factors and severity levels. 3) Pilot trial of the scale with 30-50 children with defined inclusion criteria. 4) Evaluation of the metric properties of the scale applied to a group of 100 children to assess the validity and reliability in clinical practice. Setting. Primary HealthCareCenters and paediatric emergency services of Tenerife. Instruments. questionnaire to analyze the opinion of professionals in relation to the items of the subscales designed in phase 2. Measurements. Socio-demographic variables, general clinical variables, specific variables related to the impact on the diaper area and variables produced from the scale developed. In phase 2 data will be analyzed using content and thematic analysis to develop the final version of the scale. In phase 3 and 4 the data will be analyzed using Statistical Package for Windows PC IBM SPSS 21.0Objetivos. Diseñar dos escalas que identifiquen el riesgo de deterioro de la integridad cutánea (dermatitis irritante del pañal) y la gravedad de la lesión en el área del pañal del lactante. Valorar fiabilidad y validez de los instrumentos en la práctica clínica habitual. Metodología. Estudio transversal en cuatro etapas: 1) Revisión de la literatura. Sesiones de discusión del equipo investigador para el diseño preliminar de las escalas. 2) Evaluación crítica de la propuesta inicial de las escalas por comité de expertos (enfermeras y pediatras de Atención Primaria), tabulación y análisis de contenido de los datos recogidos y homogeneización de los factores de riesgo y los niveles de gravedad. 3) Prueba piloto, aplica-ción de escalas modificadas a 30-50 niños con criterios de inclusión definidos. 4) Evaluación de propiedades métricas de las escalas (validez y fiabilidad), aplicación final a 100 niños seleccionados mediante muestra aleatoria. Ámbito de estudio. centros de salud y servicios de urgencias pediátricas de la Gerencia de Atención Primaria de Tenerife (GAPTF). Instrumentación. cuestionario de evaluación crítica de expertos diseñado por grupo investigador y escalas diseñadas en la etapa 2. Determinaciones. variables sociodemográficas de los niños, variables clínicas generales, variables clínicas específicas de afectación del área del pañal y variables derivadas de las escalas. En la etapa 2, se realizará un análisis temático y de contenido para desarrollo de la versión definitiva de las escalas. En las etapas 3 y 4 se analizarán los datos con SPSS 21.0