483 research outputs found

    Confining the Electroweak Model to a Brane

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    We introduce a simple scenario where, by starting with a five-dimensional SU(3) gauge theory, we end up with several 4-D parallel branes with localized fermions and gauge fields. Similar to the split fermion scenario, the confinement of fermions is generated by the nontrivial topological solution of a SU(3) scalar field. The 4-D fermions are found to be chiral, and to have interesting properties coming from their 5-D group representation structure. The gauge fields, on the other hand, are localized by loop corrections taking place at the branes produced by the fermions. We show that these two confining mechanisms can be put together to reproduce the basic structure of the electroweak model for both leptons and quarks. A few important results are: Gauge and Higgs fields are unified at the 5-D level; and new fields are predicted: One left-handed neutrino with zero-hypercharge, and one massive vector field coupling together the new neutrino with other left-handed leptons. The hierarchy problem is also addressed.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures; references added; version published in PR

    The string swampland constraints require multi-field inflation

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    An important unsolved problem that affects practically all attempts to connect string theory to cosmology and phenomenology is how to distinguish effective field theories belonging to the string landscape from those that are not consistent with a quantum theory of gravity at high energies (the "string swampland"). It was recently proposed that potentials of the string landscape must satisfy at least two conditions, the "swampland criteria", that severely restrict the types of cosmological dynamics they can sustain. The first criterion states that the (multi-field) effective field theory description is only valid over a field displacement Δϕ≤Δ∼O(1)\Delta \phi \leq \Delta \sim \mathcal O(1) (in units where the Planck mass is 1), measured as a distance in the target space geometry. A second, more recent, criterion asserts that, whenever the potential VV is positive, its slope must be bounded from below, and suggests ∣∇V∣/V≥c∼O(1)|\nabla V| / V \geq c \sim \mathcal O(1). A recent analysis concluded that these two conditions taken together practically rule out slow-roll models of inflation. In this note we show that the two conditions rule out inflationary backgrounds that follow geodesic trajectories in field space, but not those following curved, non-geodesic, trajectories (which are parametrized by a non-vanishing bending rate Ω\Omega of the multi-field trajectory). We derive a universal lower bound on Ω\Omega (relative to the Hubble parameter HH) as a function of Δ,c\Delta, c and the number of efolds NeN_e, assumed to be at least of order 60. If later studies confirm cc and Δ\Delta to be strictly O(1)\mathcal O(1), the bound implies strong turns with Ω/H≥3Ne∼180\Omega / H \geq 3 N_e \sim 180. Slow-roll inflation in the landscape is not ruled out, but it is strongly multi-field.Comment: v1: 15 pages; v2: 16 pages, references added, improved discussions, version accepted for publication in JCA

    Shapes and features of the primordial bispectrum

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    If time-dependent disruptions from slow-roll occur during inflation, the correlation functions of the primordial curvature perturbation should have scale-dependent features, a case which is marginally supported from the cosmic microwave background (CMB) data. We offer a new approach to analyze the appearance of such features in the primordial bispectrum that yields new consistency relations and justifies the search of oscillating patterns modulated by orthogonal and local templates. Under the assumption of sharp features, we find that the cubic couplings of the curvature perturbation can be expressed in terms of the bispectrum in two specific momentum configurations, for example local and equilateral. This allows us to derive consistency relations among different bispectrum shapes, which in principle could be tested in future CMB surveys. Furthermore, based on the form of the consistency relations, we construct new two-parameter templates for features that include all the known shapes.Comment: (v1) 16 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; (v2) minor clarifications including updated abstract, to appear in Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physic

    Cumulative effects in inflation with ultra-light entropy modes

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    In multi-field inflation one or more non-adiabatic modes may become light, potentially inducing large levels of isocurvature perturbations in the cosmic microwave background. If in addition these light modes are coupled to the adiabatic mode, they influence its evolution on super horizon scales. Here we consider the case in which a non-adiabatic mode becomes approximately massless ("ultralight") while still coupled to the adiabatic mode, a typical situation that arises with pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons or moduli. This ultralight mode freezes on super-horizon scales and acts as a constant source for the curvature perturbation, making it grow linearly in time and effectively suppressing the isocurvature component. We identify a Stuckelberg-like emergent shift symmetry that underlies this behavior. As inflation lasts for many e-folds, the integrated effect of this source enhances the power spectrum of the adiabatic mode, while keeping the non-adiabatic spectrum approximately untouched. In this case, towards the end of inflation all the fluctuations, adiabatic and non-adiabatic, are dominated by a single degree of freedom.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figure; v2: improved discussions, version published in JCA

    Effective field theory of weakly coupled inflationary models

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    The application of Effective Field Theory (EFT) methods to inflation has taken a central role in our current understanding of the very early universe. The EFT perspective has been particularly useful in analyzing the self-interactions determining the evolution of co-moving curvature perturbations (Goldstone boson modes) and their influence on low-energy observables. However, the standard EFT formalism, to lowest order in spacetime differential operators, does not provide the most general parametrization of a theory that remains weakly coupled throughout the entire low-energy regime. Here we study the EFT formulation by including spacetime differential operators implying a scale dependence of the Goldstone boson self-interactions and its dispersion relation. These operators are shown to arise naturally from the low-energy interaction of the Goldstone boson with heavy fields that have been integrated out. We find that the EFT then stays weakly coupled all the way up to the cutoff scale at which ultraviolet degrees of freedom become operative. This opens up a regime of new physics where the dispersion relation is dominated by a quadratic dependence on the momentum \omega ~ p^2. In addition, provided that modes crossed the horizon within this energy range, the prediction of inflationary observables - including non-Gaussian signatures - are significantly affected by the new scales characterizing it.Comment: 36 pages, v2: references added, minor changes to match published versio
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