6 research outputs found

    HAWAIIAN SKIRT controls size and floral organ number by modulating CUC1 and CUC2 expression

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    The Arabidopsis thaliana F-box gene HAWAIIAN SKIRT (HWS) affects organ growth and the timing of floral organ abscission. The loss-of-function hws-1 mutant exhibits fused sepals and increased organ size. To understand the molecular mechanisms of HWS during plant development, we mutagenized hws-1 seeds with ethylmethylsulphonate (EMS) and screened for mutations suppressing hws-1 associated phenotypes. We isolated the shs1/hws-1 (suppressor of hws-1) mutant in which hws-1 sepal fusion phenotype was suppressed. The shs1/hws-1 mutant carries a G→A nucleotide substitution in the MIR164 binding site of CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON 1 (CUC1) mRNA. CUC1 and CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON 2 (CUC2) transcript levels were altered in shs1, renamed cuc1-1D, and in hws-1 mutant. Genetic interaction analyses using single, double and triple mutants of cuc1-1D, cuc2-1D (a CUC2 mutant similar to cuc1-1D), and hws-1, demonstrate that HWS, CUC1 and CUC2 act together to control floral organ number. Loss of function of HWS is associated with larger petal size due to alterations in cell proliferation and mitotic growth, a role shared with the CUC1 gene

    98 The effect of mezquite pod flour in a wheat-based diet on broiler chicken growth performance

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    Application Inclusion of Mezquite pod flour in broiler chicken diets significantly reduced weight gain, this could inform a recommendation against the use of non-processed Mezquite in broiler chicken diets. Introduction Mezquite is an under-utilised crop and a possible alternative to soybean. Mezquite is part of the genus Prosopis, a group of leguminous trees. Their pods, containing seeds, are valued for their nutrition and are often ground into flour with 7–17% protein [1]. There are few studies looking at feeding pods to monogastric species, but Girma et al. [2] found that a 30% inclusion reduced growth and feed intake in broiler chickens, while a 10 or 20% inclusion had no significant effect. This study aimed to assess the impact of a 15% inclusion of Mezquite pod flour on broiler chicken growth and performance. Materials and Methods This trial was approved by the Animal Welfare & Ethical Review Body at the University of Nottingham. Eighty, one day old Ross 308 Broiler chickens were group housed for 6 days before being split into 20 pens of 4. Birds were fed either ad-libitum wheat-soya based diet (CON n = 40), or 15% inclusion of non-processed ground Mezquite pod (Prosopis juliflora) (MEZQ n = 40); collected from the Baringo area, Kenya. Both diets were balanced for equivalent energy and protein content, predominantly replacing wheat. Feed intake and weights were recorded twice weekly, before culling on days 35 and 36. The right breast muscle and liver were dissected and weighed. Data was analysed by one-way (treatment) or two-way (time × treatment) ANOVA (Genstat 19th edition), with significance taken as p < 0.05. Results A 15% inclusion of Mezquite pod flour in the diet negatively affected weight gain and FCR. A two-way ANOVA showed a significant interaction between time and feed for weight gain (data not shown), due to significantly higher growth of CON broilers. Mezquite inclusion therefore significantly decreased the final bodyweight (P < 0.001, one-way ANOVA). Total feed intake was similar, resulting in a significantly higher FCR for the MEZQ group (p < 0.001, one-way ANOVA). CON breast muscle weights were significantly higher (p < 0.001, one-way ANOVA). Liver weights were taken as an indication of effects on metabolic active tissues, but these were similar (Table 1). Conclusion These results suggest that Mezquite pod inclusion affects feed utilisation. This could be due to antinutritional factors, such as tannins or trypsin inhibitors, inhibiting digestion. Further study is needed to identify if antinutritional factors are responsible, and whether post-harvest processing or the use of exogenous enzymes reduces the negative impact

    The rice EP3 and OsFBK1 E3 ligases alter plant architecture and flower development, and affect transcript accumulation of microRNA pathway genes and their targets

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    ERECTA PANICLE 3 (EP3) and ORYZA SATIVA F-BOX KELCH 1 (OsFBK1) proteins share 57% and 54% sequence identity with the Arabidopsis F-box protein HAWAIIAN SKIRT (HWS). Previously we showed that EP3 is a functional orthologue of HWS. Here we demonstrate that OsFBK1 is another functional orthologue of HWS and show the complexity of interaction between EP3 and OsFBK1 genes at different developmental stages of the plant. qRT-PCR expression analyses and studies of EP3-GFP and OsFBK1-RFP promoter reporter lines demonstrate that although EP3 and OsFBK1 expression can be detected in the same tissues some cells exclusively express EP3 or OsFBK1 whilst others co-express both genes. Loss, reduction or gain-of-function lines for EP3 and OsFBK1, show that EP3 and OsFBK1 affect plant architecture, organ size, floral organ number and size, floral morphology, pollen viability, grain size and weight. We have identified the putative orthologue genes of the rice microRNA pathway for ORYZA SATIVA DAWDLE (OsDDL) and ORYZA SATIVA SERRATE (OsSE), and demonstrated that EP3 and OsFBK1 affect their transcript levels as well as those of CROWN ROOT DEFECT 1/ORYZA SATIVA Exportin-5 HASTY (CRD1/OsHST), ORYZA SATIVA DICER-LIKE 1 (OsDCL) and ORYZA SATIVA WEAVY LEAF1 (OsWAF1). We show that EP3 affects OsPri-MIR164, OsNAM1 and OsNAC1 transcript levels. OsNAC1 transcripts are modified by OsFBK1, suggesting two independent regulatory pathways, one via EP3 and OsMIR164 and the other via OsFBK1. Our data propose that EP3 and OsFBK1 conjointly play similar roles in rice to how HWS does in Arabidopsis

    F-box proteins in plants

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    The F-box domain containing protein is one of the super protein families in Eukaryotic cells including yeast, plant and mammals. For example, the model plant Arabidopsis and Medicago genomes contain nearly 700 and 1000 F-box protein encoding genes respectively which are the two largest gene families in the plant kingdom. Excluding the N-terminal signature, the approximately 40–50 conserved amino acid F-box motif and their C-terminal protein-protein interaction domains define the different F-box protein subfamilies. Most of the F-box proteins studied so far can interact with SKP proteins, together with Cullin and Rbx1 to form the SCF complexes which are the classic and most well studied E3 ubiquitin ligase complexes. Through the F-box protein C-terminal domains, the SCF complexes confer the specificity of selective protein ubiquitination and subsequent degradation by the 26S proteasome, and this process is routinely termed as the ubiquitin-protease pathway(UPP). UPP-mediated protein degradation is one of the key regulatory mechanisms for protein stability,and is the major protein degradation pathway for the majority of the intracellular proteins. Since the first plant F-box gene, UFO (Unusual Floral Organs) was isolated in 1995, a collection of about 20 plant F-box genes have been identified and functionally characterized. Proteins encoded by plant F-box genes have been revealed to be functionally diverse and play a variety of roles in developmental processes including: plant hormonal signal transduction, floral development, secondary metabolism, senescence, circadian rhythms and responses to both biotic and abiotic stresses. In recent years,with the rapid improvements of new genome sequencing technologies, hundreds of F-box genes from every sequenced plant species have been identified. Comparing with the large number of F-box genes identified so far, only a handful of them have been studied in detail and the functional characterization of the majority of F-box gene families remains unknown. This review summarizes our current understanding of plant F-box proteins, including their classification and the pathways that they regulate, and seeks to lay the foundation for a systematical investigation of F-box genes in plants

    Temporal and spatial expression of polygalacturonase gene family members reveals divergent regulation during fleshy fruit ripening and abscission in the monocot species oil palm

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    Abstract Background Cell separation that occurs during fleshy fruit abscission and dry fruit dehiscence facilitates seed dispersal, the final stage of plant reproductive development. While our understanding of the evolutionary context of cell separation is limited mainly to the eudicot model systems tomato and Arabidopsis, less is known about the mechanisms underlying fruit abscission in crop species, monocots in particular. The polygalacturonase (PG) multigene family encodes enzymes involved in the depolymerisation of pectin homogalacturonan within the primary cell wall and middle lamella. PG activity is commonly found in the separation layers during organ abscission and dehiscence, however, little is known about how this gene family has diverged since the separation of monocot and eudicots and the consequence of this divergence on the abscission process. Results The objective of the current study was to identify PGs responsible for the high activity previously observed in the abscission zone (AZ) during fruit shedding of the tropical monocot oil palm, and to analyze PG gene expression during oil palm fruit ripening and abscission. We identified 14 transcripts that encode PGs, all of which are expressed in the base of the oil palm fruit. The accumulation of five PG transcripts increase, four decrease and five do not change during ethylene treatments that induce cell separation. One PG transcript (EgPG4) is the most highly induced in the fruit base, with a 700–5000 fold increase during the ethylene treatment. In situ hybridization experiments indicate that the EgPG4 transcript increases preferentially in the AZ cell layers in the base of the fruit in response to ethylene prior to cell separation. Conclusions The expression pattern of EgPG4 is consistent with the temporal and spatial requirements for cell separation to occur during oil palm fruit shedding. The sequence diversity of PGs and the complexity of their expression in the oil palm fruit tissues contrast with data from tomato, suggesting functional divergence underlying the ripening and abscission processes has occurred between these two fruit species. Furthermore, phylogenetic analysis of EgPG4 with PGs from other species suggests some conservation, but also diversification has occurred between monocots and eudicots, in particular between dry and fleshy fruit species.</p