1,933 research outputs found

    Openness and Total Factor Productivity: Test of Temporal Coincidence of the Structural Breaks for Latin America and the Caribbean

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    We study the existence of structural break in TFP and in several indicators of openness for a sample of 20 Latin American and Caribbean economies for the period 1960-2005. For this purpose, it has been used the test of Zivot and Andrews (1992) on series of TFP computed from a development accounting exercise (Hsieh and Klenow, 2010) and alternative measures of openness with different characters: openness policies, openness as result, and measure of deviation (Wacziarg, 2001). The accumulation of cases, both potential and significant breaks in TFP are in line with the Oil Crisis of 1973/4 and 1979/80, and the Mexican Crisis of 1982. The cases of breaks on TFP during the consolidation process of openness in the region (1985-95) are not significant. Shocks in openness seem to have effects on the rate of growth of TFPApertura, Productividad Total de los Factores, America Latina y el Caribe

    Control of dual three-phase IPMSM drive with cascaded DC-link capacitors for third generation EV

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    In this work, a dual three-phase Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine (IPMSM) drive connected to a high voltage DC/DC converter (800 V) at its input is considered for electric vehicle (EV) applications. The drive is constituted by two cascaded three-phase inverters, enabling fast charging capabilities. In this particular configuration, balancing the input voltages of the two inverters is mandatory during operation. A novel control approach that not only provides such voltage balancing but also considers the cross-coupling effects of the dual-three phase IPMSM is proposed, guaranteeing an adequate torque regulation through the whole operation range of the drive. Simulation results, generated by means of a high fidelity platform, are provided to validate the proposed approach. Additionally, preliminary experimental results are also included.This research has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under project FITGEN grant agreement No 824335. This work has been supported in part by the Government of the Basque Country within the fund for research groups of the Basque University system IT978-16 and the research program ELKARTEK (project ENSOL2-KK-2020/00077), and also by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion of Spain within the ´ project PID2020-115126RB-I00 and FEDER funds

    Apertura y Productividad Total de los Factores: Análisis de la contemporaneidad en los quiebres estructurales para América Latina y el Caribe

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    We study the existence of structural break in TFP and in several indicators of openness for a sample of 20 Latin American and Caribbean economies for the period 1960-2005. For this purpose, it has been used the test of Zivot and Andrews (1992) on series of TFP computed from a development accounting exercise (Hsieh and Klenow, 2010) and alternative measures of openness with different characters: openness policies, openness as result, and measure of deviation (Wacziarg, 2001). The accumulation of cases, both potential and significant breaks in TFP are in line with the Oil Crisis of 1973/4 and 1979/80, and the Mexican Crisis of 1982. The cases of breaks on TFP during the consolidation process of openness in the region (1985-95) are not significant. Shocks in openness seem to have effects on the rate of growth of TF

    Together or Piled up. A new Approach to MERCOSUR’s Lifetime

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    For some time now, the difficulties in consolidating the MERCOSUR are no longer new. Today, economic and political instabilities appear to be the only sustainable and common facet in Latin American countries. Therefore, it is interesting to discuss with some evidence whether MERCOSUR is an institution that evolves consistently with its objectives despite the circumstances, or whether MERCOSUR is just a set of countries that like leaves pile up according to wind and luck. We addressed the periodization of MERCOSUR’s lifetime based on a new approach. The main contribution of this paper is a precise delimitation of the stages in the evolution of the MERCOSUR from a method that reduces the risk of diverse types of biases. In fact, we showed evidence in favor of the first characterization, but the second prevails

    Generador de un vórtice horizontal confinado

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    Since there is no theory for its dimensioning, in this paper, the design, construction and testing of a device that induces inside a horizontal axis vortex is described. The apparatus consists of a semi-convergent nozzle attached to a cylindrical vortex chamber with a side orifice and works horizontally submerged in a water flow with the intake nozzle forward. The coupling of these elements determines an incident tangential flow in the vortex chamber and causes it to develop a horizontal vortex. Thisvortex generator was tested on an experimental open channel without producing stagnation inside, despite being intrusive and with high form drag. The trials showed that the rotational velocity of the vortex increases in decreasing the radius and the axial distance to the drain orifice. Because of its ability to convert the initial translational movement of the flow into rotation, the vortex could be used to generate power. Other applications are not discarded though.Dado que no hay teoría para su dimensionamiento, en este trabajo sedescribe la concepción, construcción y prueba de un dispositivo queinduce en su interior un vórtice de eje horizontal. El aparato consta deuna tobera semiconvergente unida a una cámara de vórtice cilíndricacon orificio lateral y funciona sumergido horizontalmente en un flujode agua con la admisión de la tobera hacia adelante. El acople de estoselementos determina un flujo incidente tangencial en la cámara de vórticey hace que en ella se desarrolle un vórtice horizontal. Este generador devórtice se probó en un canal experimental de laboratorio sin producir ensu interior estancamiento, pese a ser intrusivo y con elevada resistenciade forma. Los ensayos mostraron que la velocidad de giro del vórticeaumenta al disminuir el radio y la distancia axial al orificio de desagüe.Por su capacidad para convertir en rotación el movimiento inicial detraslación del flujo podría servir para generar potencia, aunque no sedescartan otras aplicaciones

    Mass wasting in the Neuquén Cordillera south of 38º: its trigger factors

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    Las conclusiones sobre los deslizamientos individualizados en la cordillera neuquina (36°-38°S), (su inducción sísmica; rechazo de la consideración de sus depósitos como till),indujo a proyectar su estudio al sur de los 38°S. Se distinguieron inéditas zonas de deslizamientos, cuya promoción y contexto sismotectónico difieren de los reconocidos entre los 36°-38°S. Su estudio regional, que abarcó tres comarcas (Aluminé, Chapelco y Arroyo Limay Chico), se comprobó el predominio de las corrientes de tierra sobre los deslizamientos rotacionales, siendo la excepción tipológica la avalancha de rocas de Chapelco, definida por su magnitud y morfología. Se interpretó una íntima relación entre sus ocurrencias y la presencia del Miembro Arroyo Limay Chico (Fm Caleufu). Su litología (con matriz de arcillas expansivas), su particular comportamiento físico-mecánico ante su saturación por precipitaciones y su disposición subyacente a planicies estructurales lávicas o conglomerádicas, determinaron su carácter de factor intrínseco condicionante. El inductor de las prehistóricas corrientes de tierra (y aun de las actuales), han sido precipitaciones intensas. La infiltración de sus aguas redujo la cohesión y fricción de los materiales, incrementó la presión del agua de los poros y la hidrostática normal a las pendientes, haciéndolas proclives a su desestabilización. Los deslizamientos rotacionales son genéticamente relacionados con el socavamiento basal en los valles por erosión lateral fluvial y adicionalmente con las precipitaciones. En ambos casos influyeron la orientación de las pendientes (>insolación), el debilitamiento de abruptas laderas (artesas) por esfuerzos horizontales (lateral release) y la pérdida postglaciaria del soporte o apoyo (debutressing) que brindaban las lenguas glaciarias. El desprendimiento de la avalancha de rocas del Chapelco, ha sido relacionadocon intensas precipitaciones o prolongados períodos lluviosos. Se establece que la inducción de los deslizamiento reconocidos al sur de los 38°S, no se relaciona con un shock sísmico, como fuera propuesto para la región situada al norte de ese paralelo. Si bien se desconoce la edad concreta de estos deslizamientos, el análisis geomorfológico sugiere asignar su ocurrencia con posterioridad al englazamiento. Se carece de argumentos temporales para el caso de la comarca del arroyo Limay Chico, alejado de la Cordillera. Las cartas geomorfológicas exponen las principales unidades geomórficas que caracterizan el paisaje de cada comarca examinada.The previous analysis of the prehistoric slide phenomena in the main Andes of Neuquén Province in Argentina (36º-38ºS), determined to study those located south of this latitude. Therefore a new set of mass wasting deposits have been identified, whose trigger factors and corresponding tectonic framework, where they are located, differ from the northern slides. Their study was performed in three specific areas: Aluminé, Chapelco and Arroyo Limay Chico. Earth flows predominate in relation to some slumps. The only exception is the Chapelco rock avalanche. Their occurrence seems to be related to the presence of Limay Chico member of the Caleufú Formation, whose lithology (expanding clays), particular rheology before water saturation, and particular disposition underlying basaltic lava and conglomeradic plains were conditioning factors. The trigger factor of the Present and prehistoric earth flows has been intense orographic precipitations. Water saturation reduced friction and cohesion in materials, incrementing water pore pressure and producing slope instabilities. Rotational slides are related to the slope basal erosion produced by lateral river migration and additionally because of precipitations. Slope orientation has been important in determining location of main slides. Lateral slope release through the flanks of glacial valleys due to debutressing because of the glacial retire in the area has produced instability and rock fracturation that led to slide phenomena. The Chapelco rock avalanche is particularly related to copious precipitations during postglacial times. Thus sliding main trigger factors south of 38ºS differ from those proposed for the northern area where earthquakes dominated. The specific age is still unknown, although their geomorphologic analysis allow to constraint a postglacial age for all these occurrences. However, temporal relationships are lacking for the specific case of the arroyo Limay Chico, beyond the glaciated area.Fil: Gonzalez Diaz, Emilio Fernando. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Folguera Telichevsky, Andres. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber"; Argentin

    The Pilun Challa rock avalanche, province of Neuquén: Ratification of a single glaciation in the Caviahue-Copahue region and surroundings (Neuquén)

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    El reconocimiento de una nueva avalancha de rocas prehistórica localizada en el valle de Pilun Challa situada inmediatamente al norte de la caldera de Caviahue-Copahue (centro-oeste del Neuquén), constituye un nuevo y sólido argumento a previas conclusiones que sustentaban la existencia de un único episodio glaciario en el área de Caviahue-Copahue. El desprendimiento de este complejo deslizamiento se ubica en la parte superior de la margen sur del valle de Pilun Challa (37°40´S y 71°08´O). Al igual que similares movimientos distinguidos en la Cordillera neuquina septentrional entre los 36°00´ y 38°00´S, se propone que su desarrollo aconteció durante un indeterminado tiempo posterior al englazamiento local, debido esencialmente por la distribución de sus acumulaciones en los niveles inferiores de una artesa glaciaria hoy no funcional. Su cicatriz se halla adyacente a la afluencia de un previo glaciar tributario "colgante" (de la laguna de los Maderos), de aquel troncal de Pilun Challa. Se destaca la importancia que pudo alcanzar durante el mecanismo del movimiento, la disposición de un escalón en la pendiente, que similar a una explanada o plataforma ocupaba una posición intermedia en la pendiente entre el área del desprendimiento y el fondo del valle. Su origen no está satisfactoriamente dilucidado. Sobre la superficie de esta geoforma secundaria local se hallan aisladas acumulaciones de la avalancha de rocas y se conjetura que la plataforma sirvió de rampa de lanzamiento para un proximal "vuelo" de la masa detrítica de la avalancha, que distalmente obstruyó el curso del A° Pilun Challa. El endicamiento originó un extenso cuerpo lacunar de efímera permanencia. Su desagote es relacionado con el progresivo ascenso del nivel de la laguna, desborde, superación del obstáculo y consecuente erosión fluvial. La evacuación de sus aguas fue gradual sin la mediación de un colapso catastrófico. Su gran volumen, el acentuado desnivel de la pendiente y una probable alta velocidad, suministraron al movimiento la necesaria energía para generar una fase de "trepada" o run-up, interpretada sobre el lateral opuesto del valle. La irregular superficie del depósito de la avalancha de rocas de Pilun Challa, su disposición transversal al valle, su "caótica" estructura sedimentaria y el reconocimiento de un cuerpo lacunar aguas arriba, compusieron los principales elementos de juicio que llevaron a una errónea interpretación del mismo como propio de una morena terminal, atribuible a una propuesta "segunda glaciación" en la región. Se describen otras avalanchas de rocas vecinas de menor porte, que generaron lagunas permanentes en varias artesas tributarias y algunos deslizamientos menores. Gráficamente se incluyen otros rasgos morfológicos locales relacionados con la morfogenia glaciaria y volcánica.The reconnaissance of an important rock avalanche in the Pilun Challa glacial valley (37°40´S and 71°08´W) is a consistent clue for a simple episode of glaciation on the area, fact revealed from geomorphological studies. The hypotesis had been previously proposed to the south the Caviahue-Copahue region. The huge movement originated from the southern margin of the Pilun Challa valley, as well as in many other adjacent regions, occurred after the local Pleistocene glaciation that affected the area. This complex landslide has a breakaway zone at the crest of a overstepped slope of the glacial valley and like most of the similar movements located between 36° and 38°S, it occurred during postglacial times, as suggested for their accumulations located on the previous glacial valley. A rock platform located at intermediate height between the breakaway zone and the glacial floor valley could have had an important role in the avalanche mechanics inferred for the Pilun Challa rock avalanche. Proximal avalanche deposits are therefore not connected with the distal ones, probably due the jumping of the rock mass over the ramp created by the intermediate plain. The movement obtruded the Pilun Challa valley forming an ephemeral lake upstream. The mass climbed the opposite flank of the valley forming a run-up. These avalanche deposits were identified during the first half of the 20´century as moraine accumulations due to their chaotic nature, the existence of lake deposits upstream, and transversal orientation of the morphology respect to the glacial valley. Therefore a position of ice stability was defined based on this inference, which together with other supposed glacial pulses constituted a second glaciacion. Other landslides, glacial morphologies and volcanic forms are also described in the area in the present survey.Fil: Gonzalez Diaz, Emilio Fernando. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Folguera Telichevsky, Andres. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber"; Argentin

    Landslide dams in the Central Andes of Argentina: showing the need of revising the established landslide dam classification

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    The Andean cordillera of Argentina is more than 3500 km long and 50 to 550 km wide and characterized by steep relief contrasts throughout. Except for a few valleys, most of this region is scarcely populated. Hence geologic mapping was mainly carried out on a scale (1:250000), which is often too small to map out various Quaternary units and therefore to highlight relations of landslide deposits with lakes or lake deposits. However, in the last years various studies have been carried out, concentrating on large landslides and their relations with valley impoundments (GONZÁLEZ DIAZ & MON, 1996; HERMANNS & STRECKER, 1999; TRAUTH & STRECKER, 1999; GONZÁLEZ DÍAZ et alii, 2000; HERMANNS et alii, 2000; TRAUTH et alii, 2000; FAUQUE et alii, 2000; FAUQUÉ & TCHILINGUIRIAN, 2002; TRAUTH et alii, 2003; HERMANNS et alii, 2003; HERMANNS et alii, 2005; FAUQUE et alii, 2005; PENNA et alii, 2005; GONZÁLEZ DÍAZ et alii, 2005). Before that, most attention was given to the catastrophic rock avalanche dam failure in the Barrancas valley causing the 1914 Río Colorado flood (GROEBER, 1916; GONZÁLEZ DÍAZ et alii, 2001; SCHUSTER et alii, 2002; HERMANNS et alii, 2004a). In this paper we will focus on two regions: one in the NW Argentine (24° - 27.5° S) and one in northern Patagonia (36° – 38° S). In both regions the authors have carried out systematic studies related to landslides with volumes in excess of 106 m3. These landslides formed at least 16 and 48 landslide dams in the two regions, respectively (Figure 1). In the following, due to the briefness of this paper, only peculiarities of the various cases will be described which will help to better understand large landslide dams in other regions as well. For the complete data set of both study areas we refer to the comprehensive paper, which will be published within the related NATO Science Series book. Likewise, we omit a setting description of the regions and refer here to the papers cited above.Fil: Hermanns, R. L.. Canadian Geological Survey; CanadáFil: Folguera Telichevsky, Andres. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber"; ArgentinaFil: Gonzalez Diaz, E. F.. Secretaría de Industria y Minería. Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino; ArgentinaFil: Fauque, L.. Secretaría de Industria y Minería. Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino; Argentin

    Full-Speed Range Control of a Symmetrical Six-Phase Automotive IPMSM Drive with a Cascaded DC-link Configuration

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    This work considers the utilization of a symmetrical six-phase interior permanent magnet synchronous machine drive, including a cascaded dc-link configuration, to make up an electric vehicle propulsion system. This way, fast charging capabilities are provided while avoiding the utilization of power semiconductors with high voltage ratings. In this scenario, the control algorithm must deal with the non-linearities of the machine, providing an accurate setpoint command for the whole torque and speed range of the drive. Therefore, cross-coupling effects between the winding sets must be considered, and the voltage of the cascaded dc-link capacitors must be actively monitored and balanced. In view of this, the authors propose a novel control approach that provides all these functionalities. The proposal is experimentally validated in a full-scale 70 kW electric drive prototype, tested in a laboratory set-up and in an electric vehicle under real driving cycle conditions

    Effect of flocculation on lipid extraction from Chlorella vulgaris Utex 1803 using response surface methodology

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    Microalgae are an attractive source of metabolites, such as lipids, proteins, pigments and carbohydrates, of potential interest to the pharmaceutical, food and energy sectors. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of flocculation on lipid extraction from Chlorella Vulgaris. A 3 3 experimental design was performed with STATISTICA 7.0 software in order to determine the effects of flocculant (AlCl 3 ) addition, pH and time. The best strategy of pH adjustment-flocculant addition was evaluated, followed by lipid extraction under optimal conditions. pH adjustment after the addition of flocculant provided higher flocculation efficiencies (87.2-98.9%) compared to adjustments made before adding the flocculant (67.8-85.9%). Experiments performed according to the experimental design led to a flocculation efficiency of 99.7% when 100 mg/L of AlCl 3 , pH 7 and a cultivation time of 18.3 days were used. The percentage of a lipid extract from the flocculated biomass was 2.7% and the flocculant did not affect the production of fatty acid methyl esters