495 research outputs found

    Curtailing the Dark Side in Non-Standard Neutrino Interactions

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    In presence of non-standard neutrino interactions the neutrino flavor evolution equation is affected by a degeneracy which leads to the so-called LMA-Dark solution. It requires a solar mixing angle in the second octant and implies an ambiguity in the neutrino mass ordering. Non-oscillation experiments are required to break this degeneracy. We perform a combined analysis of data from oscillation experiments with the neutrino scattering experiments CHARM and NuTeV. We find that the degeneracy can be lifted if the non-standard neutrino interactions take place with down quarks, but it remains for up quarks. However, CHARM and NuTeV constraints apply only if the new interactions take place through mediators not much lighter than the electroweak scale. For light mediators we consider the possibility to resolve the degeneracy by using data from future coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering experiments. We find that, for an experiment using a stopped-pion neutrino source, the LMA-Dark degeneracy will either be resolved, or the presence of new interactions in the neutrino sector will be established with high significance.Comment: 33 pages, 9 figures. Minor modifications. Version accepted for publication in JHE

    Influencia del origen del haba sobre el valor nutricional de la harina de soja

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    La harina de soja (HS) es la principal fuente de proteína en piensos para animales monogástricos. La mayor parte de las HS utilizadas en Europa proceden del continente Americano, en particular de Argentina (ARG), Brasil (BRA) y Estados Unidos (USA). Aunque la composición y valor nutricional de las HS varía entre países de origen (Grieshop et al., 2003; De Coca et al., 2008; 2010; Valencia et al., 2008), las tablas de composición de alimentos (NRC, 1998; FEDNA, 2010) clasifican las HS en función de su contenido en PB, sin tener en cuenta ni el origen ni las condiciones del procesado. En un trabajo anterior Mateos et al. (2009) se presentaron los resultados obtenidos de una colección de 262 muestras de HS recolectadas en las cosechas de los años 2007 y 2008 procedentes de estos tres países. Dependiendo de la variable considerada, el número de muestras analizadas varió entre 50 y 262. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo completar los análisis y complementar los resultados anteriores en relación con la composición química, el valor nutricional y la calidad de la PB de la HS con nuevas muestras procedentes de las cosechas de los años 2009 y 2010

    Determining the nuclear neutron distribution from Coherent Elastic neutrino-Nucleus Scattering: current results and future prospects

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    Coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEν\nuNS), a process recently measured for the first time at ORNL's Spallation Neutron Source, is directly sensitive to the weak form factor of the nucleus. The European Spallation Source (ESS), presently under construction, will generate the most intense pulsed neutrino flux suitable for the detection of CEν\nuNS. In this paper we quantify its potential to determine the root mean square radius of the point-neutron distribution, for a variety of target nuclei and a suite of detectors. To put our results in context we also derive, for the first time, a constraint on this parameter from the analysis of the energy and timing data of the CsI detector at the COHERENT experiment.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures. Minor text changes and references added. Matches version accepted by JHE

    Improved global fit to Non-Standard neutrino Interactions using COHERENT energy and timing data

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    We perform a global fit to neutrino oscillation and coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering data, using both timing and energy information from the COHERENT experiment. The results are used to set model-independent bounds on four-fermion effective operators inducing non-standard neutral-current neutrino interactions. We quantify the allowed ranges for their Wilson coefficients, as well as the status of the LMA-D solution, for a wide class of new physics models with arbitrary ratios between the strength of the operators involving up and down quarks. Our results are presented for the COHERENT experiment alone, as well as in combination with the global data from oscillation experiments. We also quantify the dependence of our results for COHERENT with respect to the choice of quenching factor, nuclear form factor, and the treatment of the backgrounds.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables. Added an appendix with updated results accounting for the data available in July 202

    Chemical characteristics of soybean meals available in the European Union market: A 2015 survey

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    The aim of this research was to determine the chemical composition and nutritive value of soybean meals (SBM) from beans of different origins collected in the European Union in 2015 . Based on a previous survey conducted from 2008 to 2014, we hypothesized that the SBM from the different countries could show differences in chemical composition, protein quality, and nutritional value. In total, 40 SBM samples from USA (n = 14), Brazil (BRA; n = 15), and Argentina (ARG; n = 11) were collected at random from 5 key feed compounders and analyzed for proximal components, minerals, sugars, fibers, amino acids (AA), and protein quality

    Influence of origin of the beans on protein quality and nutritive value of commercial soybean meals.

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    Chemical composition and correlations between chemical analyses and protein quality of 454 batches of SBM of 3 different origins (USA, n=168; Brazil (BRA), n=139, and Argentine (ARG), n=147) were studied. Samples were collected during a 6-yr period. SBM from USA had more CP, sucrose and stachyose and less NDF (P<0.001) than SBM from ARG and BRA. CP content was negatively related (P<0.001) with sucrose for USA meals and with NDF for ARG and BRA meals. Also, P content was positively related (P<0.01) with CP content of the meals. PDI and KOH solubility were higher (P<0.001) for USA than for ARG or BRA SBM, values that were positively related (P<0.001) with trypsin inhibitor activity of the meals. In addition, USA meals had more lys, met+cys, thr, and trp than BRA and ARG meals (P < 0.001). Per unit of CP, lys content was negatively related (P<0.001) with CP content for USA, positively for BRA, and no relations was found for ARG meals. It is concluded that nutritive values and protein quality of the meals varied widely among soybean origins. Consequently, the origin of the beans should be considered in the evaluation of the nutritive value of commercial SBM for non-ruminant animals

    Poultry production in Spain: New advances in feeding and nutrition practice.

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    Spain produces approximately 600 M broiler chickens per year and has a current laying hen census of 35 M birds. Production of other poultry species, such as turkeys and ducks, is quite limited. The number of birds slaughtered has remained quite flat for the last 10 years although final body weight (BW) has increased in this period by almost 200g per bird. The number of laying hens has decreased markedly (e.g. circa 50 M in 2010) and the proportion of brown -egg layers has increased from less than 10% in 1990 to more than 90% in 2013. In addition to egg color, brown eggs are preferred by the consumers because of bigger size and better shell quality

    Differences among origins on nutritional and quality parameters of soybean meal

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    Soybean meal (SBM) is the main protein source in livestock feeds. United States (USA), Brazil (BRA), and Argentine (ARG) are the major SBM exporter countries. The nutritive value of SBM varies because genetics, environment, farming conditions, and processing of the beans influence strongly the content and availability of major nutrients. The present research was conducted to determine the influence of origin (USA, BRA and ARG) on nutritive value and protein quality of SBM