3,040 research outputs found

    Separation of composite spectra: The spectroscopic detection of an eclipsing binary star

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    We present an iterative method that allows us to compute the individual spectra and radial velocities of the two stellar components of spectroscopic binaries. We applied this method to HD 143511 and detected the occurrence of eclipses at the conjunction phases. The orbital analysis provides minimum masses with errors of 1%. Absolute masses and radii were derived in two different ways: a) by combining information provided by radial velocities, rotational velocities, and spectral line intensities; and b) using light curves from the ASAS-3 database.Fil: Gonzalez, Jorge Federico. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Complejo Astronómico "El Leoncito". Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Complejo Astronómico "El Leoncito". Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Complejo Astronómico "El Leoncito". Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Complejo Astronómico "El Leoncito"; ArgentinaFil: Levato, Orlando Hugo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Complejo Astronómico "El Leoncito". Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Complejo Astronómico "El Leoncito". Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Complejo Astronómico "El Leoncito". Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Complejo Astronómico "El Leoncito"; Argentin

    Discovery of Rapid oscillations in HD 218994

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    Asteroseismology has the potential to provide new insights into the physics of stellar interiors. Among the most promising objects that can be studied through this technique are the rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) stars. These pulsate in high-overtone, low-degree, nonradial p-modes, with periods in the range 6-21 min. Our previous study (Hubrig et al., 2000) discussed the relationship between the roAp stars and the non-oscillating Ap (noAp) stars and concluded that the noAp stars are, in general, slightly more evolved than the roAp stars. The Ap Sr star HD 218994 was checked photometrically for the presence of rapid oscillations in the Cape Survey, but no oscillations have been detected by Martinez & Kurtz. This star was previously included in the sample of non-pulsating binary Ap stars studied by Hubrig et al. (2000). We have been granted one hour of UVES high time resolution observations of this star at ESO VLT on Cierro Paranal on November 15, 2006 and were able to obtain 15 spectra with exposure times of 3 min and a sampling of 3.7 min, taking into account the CCD readout time. To search for pulsational line variability, we calculated the average spectrum of the observed 15 spectra and subtracted it from the original spectra. In Fig. 1 we present the behaviour of the spectral profile of the Nd III line at {lambda} 6327 and its standard deviations. Similar variations were also found for the Pr III lines at {lambda} 6053 and {lambda} 6090. It was already shown in numerous studies that rare elements have higher amplitudes in roAp stars compared to lines of Fe-peak elements (e.g. Kurtz, Elkin & Mathys 2005). We also note that the mean RV for different elements is different, indicating the presence of chemical inhomogeneities on the stellar surface. Our analysis of RV variations of the Nd III line indicates two pulsation periods: one period of 5.1 min with an amplitude of 516 m/s and another one of 13.9 min and an amplitude of 497 m/s. It is very likely that one of these peaks is an alias. The amplitude spectrum of the radial velocity variations is presented in Fig. 2. We note that a longer time series with better temporal resolution is needed for a careful identification of the principal frequency and a search for the presence of other pulsation frequencies. To confirm the detected spectroscopic variation period, we searched for a periodicity in the photometric data using Hipparcos and ASAS photometric databases. Indeed, also the photometric data show a sinusoidal variation with a period identical to the spectroscopic period, P=5.1 min, and an amplitude of 0.005 mag. In Fig. 3 we present both the RV variations of the Nd III line and the ASAS light curve. The star HD 218994 becomes now the 36th star known to be a roAp star.Fil: Gonzalez, Jorge Federico. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Complejo Astronómico "El Leoncito". Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Complejo Astronómico "El Leoncito". Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Complejo Astronómico "El Leoncito". Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Complejo Astronómico "El Leoncito"; ArgentinaFil: Hubrig, S.. European Southern Observatory; EspañaFil: Savanov, I.. College Hill; Irland

    Spectroscopic study of early-type multiple stellar systems. I. Orbits of spectroscopic binary subsystems

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    Context. The present knowledge of stellar properties and dynamical structure of early-type multiple stellar systems is insufficient to offer useful statistical constraints for stellar formation models. Aims. To increase the amount of observational information about the characteristics of early-type multiples, we carried out a spectroscopic monitoring to search for new spectroscopic components and to determine their orbits. Methods. We observed 30 early-type multiple systems using the 2.15 m telescope and REOSC echelle spectrograph at the Complejo Astronómico El Leoncito (CASLEO) during 10 observing runs between 2008 and 2013. We measured radial velocities by cross-correlations and applied a spectral disentangling method to double-lined systems. We calculated orbital elements for the inner subsystem of each analysed multiple. Results. In this first paper we present calculated orbits for six previously catalogued subsystems. Three subsystems had no previously published parameters, while we obtained more accurate orbits for the other three. In one case we found absolute masses and radii for the components by using available photometric data. Conclusions. The long-term spectroscopic monitoring of multiple systems is a useful method of investigating the companions in intermediate hierarchical levels, particularly those that could affect the dynamical evolution of a close inner binary subsystem.Fil: Veramendi Pont, María Eugenia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientiâ­ficas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico San Juan. Instituto de Ciencias Astronomicas de la Tierra y del Espacio; ArgentinaFil: Gonzalez, Jorge Federico. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientiâ­ficas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico San Juan. Instituto de Ciencias Astronomicas de la Tierra y del Espacio; Argentin

    Discovery of Rapid oscillations in HD 218994

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    Asteroseismology has the potential to provide new insights into the physics of stellar interiors. Among the most promising objects that can be studied through this technique are the rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) stars. These pulsate in high-overtone, low-degree, nonradial p-modes, with periods in the range 6-21 min. Our previous study (Hubrig et al., 2000) discussed the relationship between the roAp stars and the non-oscillating Ap (noAp) stars and concluded that the noAp stars are, in general, slightly more evolved than the roAp stars. The Ap Sr star HD 218994 was checked photometrically for the presence of rapid oscillations in the Cape Survey, but no oscillations have been detected by Martinez & Kurtz. This star was previously included in the sample of non-pulsating binary Ap stars studied by Hubrig et al. (2000). We have been granted one hour of UVES high time resolution observations of this star at ESO VLT on Cierro Paranal on November 15, 2006 and were able to obtain 15 spectra with exposure times of 3 min and a sampling of 3.7 min, taking into account the CCD readout time. To search for pulsational line variability, we calculated the average spectrum of the observed 15 spectra and subtracted it from the original spectra. In Fig. 1 we present the behaviour of the spectral profile of the Nd III line at {lambda} 6327 and its standard deviations. Similar variations were also found for the Pr III lines at {lambda} 6053 and {lambda} 6090. It was already shown in numerous studies that rare elements have higher amplitudes in roAp stars compared to lines of Fe-peak elements (e.g. Kurtz, Elkin & Mathys 2005). We also note that the mean RV for different elements is different, indicating the presence of chemical inhomogeneities on the stellar surface. Our analysis of RV variations of the Nd III line indicates two pulsation periods: one period of 5.1 min with an amplitude of 516 m/s and another one of 13.9 min and an amplitude of 497 m/s. It is very likely that one of these peaks is an alias. The amplitude spectrum of the radial velocity variations is presented in Fig. 2. We note that a longer time series with better temporal resolution is needed for a careful identification of the principal frequency and a search for the presence of other pulsation frequencies. To confirm the detected spectroscopic variation period, we searched for a periodicity in the photometric data using Hipparcos and ASAS photometric databases. Indeed, also the photometric data show a sinusoidal variation with a period identical to the spectroscopic period, P=5.1 min, and an amplitude of 0.005 mag. In Fig. 3 we present both the RV variations of the Nd III line and the ASAS light curve. The star HD 218994 becomes now the 36th star known to be a roAp star.Fil: Gonzalez, Jorge Federico. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Complejo Astronómico "El Leoncito". Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Complejo Astronómico "El Leoncito". Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Complejo Astronómico "El Leoncito". Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Complejo Astronómico "El Leoncito"; ArgentinaFil: Hubrig, S.. European Southern Observatory; EspañaFil: Savanov, I.. College Hill; Irland

    Relation between cost of drug treatment and body mass index in people with type 2 diabetes in Latin America

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    Aims Despite the frequent association of obesity with type 2 diabetes (T2D), the effect of the former on the cost of drug treatment of the latest has not been specifically addressed. We studied the association of overweight/obesity on the cost of drug treatment of hyperglycemia, hypertension and dyslipidemia in a population with T2D. Methods This observational study utilized data from the QUALIDIAB database on 3,099 T2D patients seen in Diabetes Centers in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru, and Venezuela. Data were grouped according to body mass index (BMI) as Normal (18.5BMI<25), Overweight (25BMI<30), and Obese (BMI30). Thereafter, we assessed clinical and metabolic data and cost of drug treatment in each category. Statistical analyses included group comparisons for continuous variables (parametric or non-parametric tests), Chi-square tests for differences between proportions, and multivariable regression analysis to assess the association between BMI and monthly cost of drug treatment. Results Although all groups showed comparable degree of glycometabolic control (FBG, HbA1c), we found significant differences in other metabolic control indicators. Total cost of drug treatment of hyperglycemia and associated cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) increased significantly (p<0.001) with increment of BMI. Hyperglycemia treatment cost showed a significant increase concordant with BMI whereas hypertension and dyslipidemia did not. Despite different values and percentages of increase, this growing cost profile was reproduced in every participating country. BMI significantly and independently affected hyperglycemia treatment cost. Conclusions Our study shows for the first time that BMI significantly increases total expenditure on drugs for T2D and its associated CVRF treatment in Latin America.Fil: Elgart, Jorge Federico. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - la Plata. Centro de Endocrinología Experimental y Aplicada. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Centro de Endocrinología Experimental y Aplicada; ArgentinaFil: Prestes, Mariana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - la Plata. Centro de Endocrinología Experimental y Aplicada. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Centro de Endocrinología Experimental y Aplicada; ArgentinaFil: Gonzalez, Lorena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - la Plata. Centro de Endocrinología Experimental y Aplicada. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Centro de Endocrinología Experimental y Aplicada; ArgentinaFil: Rucci, Enzo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - la Plata. Centro de Endocrinología Experimental y Aplicada. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Centro de Endocrinología Experimental y Aplicada; ArgentinaFil: Gagliardino, Juan Jose. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - la Plata. Centro de Endocrinología Experimental y Aplicada. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Centro de Endocrinología Experimental y Aplicada; Argentin

    HD149277: A rare short-period SB2 system with a subsynchronously rotating magnetic He-rich primary

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    HD149277 is a rare SB2 system with a slowly rotating magnetic He-rich primary with Prot = 25.4 d. The CFHT/ESPaDOnS archive spectra revealed Porb = 11.5192 ± 0.0005 d indicating strong subsynchronous rotation of the primary component. Such a strong subsynchronous rotation was not detected in any other SB2 system with a magnetic chemically peculiar component. Our inspection of the spectra revealed the presence of resolved Zeeman split spectral lines allowing us to determine the variability of the mean magnetic field modulus over the rotation period. The maximum of the magnetic field modulus coincides roughly with the positive extremum of the longitudinal field, whereas the minimum of the modulus with the negative extremum of the longitudinal field. No evidence for a longitudinal magnetic field was seen in the circularly polarized spectra of the secondary component. Using archival data from the ASAS3 survey, we find in the frequency spectrum only one significant peak, corresponding to the period Pphot = 25.390 ± 0.014 d. This value is in good agreements with the previous determination of the rotation period, Prot =25.380±0.007 d, which was based on longitudinal magnetic field measurements.Fil: Gonzalez, Jorge Federico. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Instituto de Ciencias Astronómicas, de la Tierra y del Espacio. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Instituto de Ciencias Astronómicas, de la Tierra y del Espacio; ArgentinaFil: Hubrig, S.. Leibniz Institute For Astrophysics Potsdam; AlemaniaFil: Järvinen, S. P.. Leibniz Institute For Astrophysics Potsdam; AlemaniaFil: Schöller, M.. European Southern Observatory; Alemani

    Adenoma Pleomorfo de Glándula Lagrimal: presentación de un caso clínico

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    Los tumores de la glándula lagrimal son raros. Se presenta el caso clínico de un paciente masculino de 69 años de edad que consulta por un tumor (Adenoma Pleomorfo) en la región orbitaria derecha, de un año de evolución. Se realizó la escisión quirúrgica del mismo y la recuperación del paciente fue muy satisfactoria, sin recidivas tras un año de seguimiento. Se realiza también una revisión de las características clínicas, radiográficas e histopatológicas de estos tumores.Lacrimal gland tumors are rare. We present a case of a 69 year old male patient with a one year history of an orbital tumor (Pleomorphic Adenoma ). The tumor was surgically enucleated and patient recovery was very satisfactory, with no signs of recurrence after one year of follow-up. A review of the clinical symptoms, radiologic features, treatment and histopathology of this kind of tumors is also made

    δ Sct pulsation in magnetic Ap stars: The discovery of δ Sct pulsations in HD 218994AB and measurement of the magnetic fields of HD 218994A and HD 21190

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    We have discovered that at least one component of the visual binary star HD 218994AB is a δ Sct star. The primary star of this system is a known rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) star; therefore, it is possible that it is both an roAp star and a δ Sct star - a hybrid. There are no confirmed such hybrid roAp-δ Sct stars, and they are predicted theoretically not to exist. More probably, HD 218994B is the δ Sct star, as it is 0.54 mag fainter than the primary and also lies in the δ Sct instability strip. It then offers the potential to determine Teff and L for the primary which appears to be one of the more evolved roAp stars and an important test the theoretically calculated roAp star instability strip. In this case, the system also is important since the stars are a co-eval pair of very similar mass, yet one is a magnetic roAp star and the other is probably a non-magnetic δ Sct star with a normal spectrum. We detect a significant longitudinal magnetic field strength of 440 ± 23 G in the roAp star HD 218994A. We also present the first measurement of the longitudinal magnetic field strength for the δ Sct star HD 21190, the most-evolved Ap star known. We obtain a formally significant value of 47 ± 13 G. If confirmed, this will make HD 21190 the first magnetic δ Sct star known.Fil: Kurtz, D. W.. University of Central Lancashire; Estados UnidosFil: Hubrig, S.. European Southern Observatory Chile; ChileFil: Gonzalez, Jorge Federico. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Complejo Astronómico "El Leoncito". Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Complejo Astronómico "El Leoncito". Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Complejo Astronómico "El Leoncito". Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Complejo Astronómico "El Leoncito"; ArgentinaFil: van Wyk, F.. South African Astronomical Observatory; SudáfricaFil: Martinez, P.. South African Astronomical Observatory; Sudáfric

    Treatment of type 2 diabetes with saxagliptin: a pharmacoeconomic evaluation in Argentina

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    Background: The increasing prevalence of diabetes and its inadequate management results in a heavy burden of the disease for patients, the health and the productive systems and the community. Consequently, it is necessary to have new effective drugs to treat people with diabetes to decrease such burden. DPP-4 inhibitors can help to cope with this demand, but their use is challenged by their apparently high cost. The aim of the current study was to compare a simulated cost-effectiveness ratio of metformin (MET) plus one drug of the DPP-4 inhibitors family, saxagliptin (SAXA), or sulfonylurea (SU) treatment during a 20-year period, from the perspective of the social security system, in a cohort of people with Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) who did not attain glycosylated hemoglobin treatment target values only with MET. Methods: A discrete event simulation model (Cardiff diabetes model) based on UKPDS 68 was used to simulate disease progression and to estimate the economic and health treatment consequences in people with T2DM. The clinical efficacy parameters for SAXA administration were obtained from the literature; local standard costs were considered for drug acquisition, adverse events (AEs), and micro/macrovascular complications.Costs were expressed in United States dollars (2009) with an annual 3.5% discount and a 20-year time horizon. Results: The SAXA+MET treated group had a lower number of non-fatal events than the SU+MET treated group. The model also predicted a lower number of fatal macrovascular events for the SAXA+MET group (149.6 vs. 152.8). The total cost of the SAXA+MET cohort was 15% higher than that of the SU+MET cohort. Treatment with SAXA+MET resulted in a higher number of quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) (9.54 vs. 9.32) and life-years gained (LYGs) (20.84 vs. 20.76) compared to those treated with SU+MET. The incremental cost per QALY and LYG gained was 7,374and7,374 and 20,490, respectively. Conclusions: According to the criteria proposed by the Commission on Macroeconomics and Health, the use of the combination SAXA+MET is highly cost-effective in Argentina.Fil: Elgart, Jorge. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnológico La Plata. Centro de Endocrinologia Experimental y Aplicada (i); Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Plata; ArgentinaFil: Caporale, Joaquin E.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnológico La Plata. Centro de Endocrinologia Experimental y Aplicada (i); Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Plata; ArgentinaFil: Gonzalez, Lorena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnológico La Plata. Centro de Endocrinologia Experimental y Aplicada (i); Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Plata; ArgentinaFil: Aiello, Eleonora. Bristol-Myers Squibb; ArgentinaFil: Waschbusch, Maximiliano. Bristol-Myers Squibb; ArgentinaFil: Gagliardino, Juan Jose. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnológico La Plata. Centro de Endocrinologia Experimental y Aplicada (i); Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Plata; Argentin

    Discovery of an activity cycle in the solar-analog HD 45184. Exploring Balmer and metallic lines as activity proxy candidates

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    Context. Most stellar activity cycles similar to that found in the Sun have been detected by using the chromospheric Ca ii H&K lines as stellar activity proxies. However, it is unclear whether such activity cycles can be identified using other optical lines. Aims. We aim to detect activity cycles in solar-analog stars and determine whether they can be identified through other optical lines, such as Fe II and Balmer lines. We study the solar-analog star HD 45184 using HARPS spectra. The temporal coverage and high quality of the spectra allow us to detect both long- and short-term activity variations. Methods. We analysed the activity signatures of HD 45184 by using 291 HARPS spectra obtained between 2003 and 2014. To search for line-core flux variations, we focused on Ca ii H&K and Balmer Hα and Hβ lines, which are typically used as optical chromospheric activity indicators. We calculated the HARPS-S index from Ca ii H&K lines and converted it into the Mount Wilson scale. In addition, we also considered the equivalent widths of Balmer lines as activity indicators. Moreover, we analysed the possible variability of Fe ii and other metallic lines in the optical spectra. The spectral variations were analysed for periodicity using the Lomb-Scargle periodogram. Results. We report for the first time a long-term 5.14-yr activity cycle in the solar-analog star HD 45184 derived from Mount Wilson S index. This makes HD 45184 one of most similar stars to the Sun with a known activity cycle. The variation is also evident in the first lines of the Balmer series, which do not always show a correlation with activity in solar-type stars. Notably, unlike the solar case, we also found that the equivalent widths of the high photospheric Fe ii lines (4924 Å, 5018 Å and 5169 Å) are modulated (±2 mÅ) by the chromospheric cycle of the star. These metallic lines show variations above 4σ in the rms spectrum, while some Ba ii and Ti ii lines present variations at 3σ level, which could be considered as marginal variations. From short-term modulation of the S index we calculate a rotational period of 19.98 days, which agrees with its mean chromospheric activity level. We also clearly show that the activity cycles of HD 45184 can be detected in both Fe ii and Balmer lines.Fil: Flores Trivigno, Matias Gaston. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Instituto de Ciencias Astronómicas, de la Tierra y del Espacio. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Instituto de Ciencias Astronómicas, de la Tierra y del Espacio; ArgentinaFil: Gonzalez, Jorge Federico. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Instituto de Ciencias Astronómicas, de la Tierra y del Espacio. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Instituto de Ciencias Astronómicas, de la Tierra y del Espacio; ArgentinaFil: Jaque Arancibia, Marcelo Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Instituto de Ciencias Astronómicas, de la Tierra y del Espacio. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Instituto de Ciencias Astronómicas, de la Tierra y del Espacio; ArgentinaFil: Buccino, Andrea Paola. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciónes Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio. - Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio; ArgentinaFil: Saffe, Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Instituto de Ciencias Astronómicas, de la Tierra y del Espacio. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Instituto de Ciencias Astronómicas, de la Tierra y del Espacio; Argentin