86 research outputs found

    Use of Phytoestrogens for the Treatment of Psychiatric Symptoms Associated with Menopause Transition

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    Menopause transition is recognized as a vulnerable period in women life to develop or aggravate symptoms of psychiatric disorders. Several treatments including antidepressants and hormonal restitution with estrogens have been suggested to ameliorate the symptoms. Also, in this period of life is frequent the use of other drugs to treat is also frequent the use of other drugs to treat comorbid pathologies that might even increase the risk of drug-drug interactions. Literature reports that some phytochemicals with estrogenic activity have beneficial effects during menopausal transition without collateral events. This chapter shows evidence about the use of phytoestrogens as an alternative therapy for the treatment of some psychiatric symptoms associated with the menopausal transition. Data derived from preclinical research related to the use of classical phytoestrogens (isoflavones), considering the beneficial effects, as well as adverse events, are discussed. Also, the use of polyphenols and organosulfurate compounds as an alternative for the treatment of anxiety- and depressive-like behavior as well as fibromyalgia is included. A narrative review was conducted using bibliography reporting the use of isoflavones (genistein, daidzein, equol), coumestans or lignans for the reduction of depressive-like or anxiety-like behavior. Furthermore, it is described if the use of this compounds impact in other signs of menopause, i.e. vasomotor and osteoporosis. In addition, due to the high frequency of comorbid pathologies as diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia or metabolic syndrome with psychiatric disorders, the use of these phytochemicals is discussed

    Synergistic interaction in the analgesic-like effects of maqui berry and citrus Is antagonized by sweeteners

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    Although physiologically pain has a protective function, in many diseases, it is one of the most prominent symptoms. Today, new trends are focused on finding more natural alternatives to conventional treatments to alleviate it. Thereby, the purpose of this investigation was to obtain preclinical data of the antinociceptive properties of a lyophilized obtained from a newly designed maqui–citrus beverage alone and added with different sweeteners. To achieve this objective, maqui berry and citrus pharmacological activity were studied separately, as well as the interaction of both ingredients. In addition, due to the controversy generated regarding the intake of sugars, related to different metabolic diseases, the influence of different sweeteners (stevia, sucralose, or sucrose) was studied to determine their possible influence on the bioactive compounds of this product. For the attainment of our goals, a pharmacological evaluation, using the 1% formalin test, a nociceptive pain model in mice, was performed by using a sub-efficacious dosage of Maqui (25 mg/kg, i.p.) alone and combined with citrus, and then compared with the effects obtained in the presence of the different sweeteners. As a result, the antinociceptive response of the maqui was synergized in the presence of citrus in the neurogenic and inflammatory phases of the formalin test. However, this response was partially or totally reduced in the presence of the sweeteners. Our study gives preclinical evidence that a combination of maqui and citrus might exert beneficial actions to relieve pain, whereas the presence of sweeteners could reduce or avoid it.This work was partially supported by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) grant numbers 226454 and 256448 and Institutional projects numbers INP-NC123280.0 and INP-NC17073.0. Also, was partially funded by the Spanish MINECO through Research Project AGL2016-75332-C2-1-R (AEI/FEDER, UE), the Spanish MICIN through Research Project PID2019- 104212RD-100, and VA by a FPI grant (BES-2017-079754

    Antinociceptive effects of maqui-berry (Aristotelia chilensis (Mol.) Stuntz)

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    Maqui-berry is characterised by presenting a high concentration of (poly)phenols, accounting anthocyanins (cyanidin and delphinidin) for over 85% of the total. These coloured flavonoids have demonstrated potential neurological activity, but the evidence of their antinociceptive properties is scarce. In order to cover this gap, different doses (suitable for human administration) of a maqui-berry powder (1.6% anthocyanin), using enteral and parenteral routes of administration, were compared at central and peripheral levels using a nociceptive pain model (formalin test) in mice. Gastric damage analysis as possible adverse effects of analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs was also explored. Dose-antinociceptive response was confirmed using both routes of administration and in both neurogenic and inflammatory phases of the formalin test, without gastric damage. In conclusion, these preliminary data provide evidence of pharmacological properties of maqui-berry to alleviate nociceptive pain.This work was partially supported by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologĂ­a (CONACYT) grant numbers 226454 and 256448 and Institutional projects numbers INP-NC123280.0 and INP-NC17073.0. Also, was partially funded by the Spanish MINECO through Research Project AGL2016-75332-C2-1-R (AEI/FEDER, UE), the Spanish MICIN through Research Project PID2019-104212RD-100, and VA by a FPI [grant number BES-2017-079754]

    Anticonvulsant and Antioxidant Effects of Tilia americana

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    Tilia genus is commonly used around the world for its central nervous system properties; it is prepared as tea and used as tranquilizing, anticonvulsant, and analgesic. In this study, anticonvulsant activity of the Tilia americana var. mexicana inflorescences and leaves was investigated by evaluating organic and aqueous extracts (100, 300, and 600 mg/kg, i.p.) and some flavonoids in the pentylenetetrazole-induced seizures in mice. Moreover, antioxidant effect of these extracts and flavonoids was examined in an in vitro study by using spectrophotometric technique. Significant activity was observed in the methanol extract from inflorescences. An HPLC analysis of the methanol extract from inflorescences and leaves of Tilia allowed demonstrating the respective presence of some partial responsible flavonoid constituents: quercetin (20.09 ± 1.20 μg/mg and 3.39 ± 0.10 μg/mg), rutin (3.52 ± 0.21 μg/mg and 8.94 ± 0.45 μg/mg), and isoquercitrin (1.74 ± 0.01 μg/mg and 1.24 ± 0.13 μg/mg). In addition, significant but different antioxidant properties were obtained among the flavonoids and the extracts investigated. Our results provide evidence of the anticonvulsant activity of Tilia reinforcing its utility for central nervous system diseases whose mechanism of action might involve partial antioxidant effects due to the presence of flavonoids


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    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la relacion entre estres infantil y habilidades sociales. Se aplicaron dos inventarios, el primero fue el Inventario de Estres Infantil (ID) compuesto portres areas: familiar, escolar y social. El segundo evaluo habilidades sociales, Ia Matson Evaluation of Social Skills in Youngsters (MESSY) para alumnos con cinco areas, aunque solo se considero la de habilidades sociales para este estudio. Participaron 212 ninos de 8 a 10 anos. Los resultados mostraron relaciones significativas entre estres alto y habilidades sociales, pero no entre estres bajo o nulo y las mismas. Los resultados se discuten a partir de las hipotesis pertinentes y las propiedades metricas de los instrumentos

    Gas production and environmental impact indicators from in vitro fermentation of diets with nopal silage (Opuntia ficus-indica L.)

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    Objective: To evaluate the global warming potential index (GWPI) and in vitro gas production (GP) of diets of fattening lambs fed with silage of agricultural by-products of cactus and prickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica L.)-hibiscus grain (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.)-oats straw (Avena sativa L.) Design/methodology/approach: The PG technique was used to obtain the GWPI of isoproteic (crude protein (CP)) and isoenergetic diets 15%CP and 2.8 Mcal ME (metabolizable energy)): conventional diet (CD; control), with corn silage (CSD), and with 10 or 20% of cactus-prickly pear-hibiscus grain-oats straw silage (CHSD10, CHSD20), offered during 60 d to 24 fattening bighorn sheep. Results: Although in vitro dry matter digestibility at 72 h (IVDMD72) was better in CSD, it was similar for CHSD10, CHSD20, and CSD. CHSD10 and CHSD20 had the lowest CH4 production, GWPI, and environmental impact index (EII). The low fermentable fraction (LF; GP=24-72 h) was related to IVDMD72. Findings/conclusions: The cactus pear-hibiscus grain silages inclusion had the same IVDMD72 that conventional diets but decreased the CH4 emissions and the GWPI

    A Potential -Glucosidase Inhibitor

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    Annona genus contains plants used in folk medicine for the treatment of diabetes. In the present study, an aqueous extract prepared from Annona macroprophyllata (Annonaceae, also known as A. diversifolia) leaves was evaluated on both the activity of yeast -glucosidase (an in vitro assay) and sucrose tolerance in Wistar rats. The results have shown that the aqueous extract from A. macroprophyllata inhibits the yeast -glucosidase with an IC 50 = 1.18 mg/mL, in a competitive manner with a = 0.97 mg/mL, a similar value to that of acarbose ( = 0.79 mg/mL). The inhibitory activity of A. macroprophyllata was reinforced by its antihyperglycemic effect, at doses of 100, 300, and 500 mg/kg in rats. Chromatographic analysis identified the flavonoids rutin and isoquercitrin in the most polar fractions of A. macroprophyllata crude extract, suggesting that these flavonoids are part of the active constituents in the plant. Our results support the use of A. macroprophyllata in Mexican folk medicine to control postprandial glycemia in people with diabetes mellitus, involving active constituents of flavonoid nature

    New records of Libellula pulchella (Odonata: Libellulidae) and Phyllogomphoides albrighti (Odonata: Gomphidae) from the Cuatro Ciénegas Basin, Coahuila, Mexico Nuevos registros de Libellula pulchella (Odonata: Libellulidae) y Phyllogomphoides albrighti (Odonata: Gomphidae) para el valle de Cuatro Ciénegas, Coahuila, México

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    The first records of Libellula pulchella and Phyllogomphoides albrighti from Coahuila are reported. These records extend the known geographic range of Libellula pulchella south of Texas and Phyllogomphoides albrighti west of Nuevo León. The specimens were collected in the Cuatro Ciénegas Basin, one of the most biologically interesting areas for the study of aquatic insects.<br>Se presentan los primeros registros de Libellula pulchella y Phyllogomphoides albrighti para Coahuila. Ambas especies extienden su distribución geográfica conocida más allá del sur del estado de Texas y más allá del oeste de Nuevo León, respectivamente. Los ejemplares fueron recolectados en la región del valle de Cuatro Ciénegas, uno de los lugares más interesantes para el estudio biológico de insectos con hábitos acuáticos en algún estadio
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