206 research outputs found

    Influence of elastomeric matrix and particle volume fraction on the mechanical response of magneto-active polymers

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    Magneto-active polymers (MAPs) are revolutionising the fields of material science and solid mechanics as well as having an important presence in the bioengineering community. These composites consist of a polymeric matrix (i.e., elastomer) filled with magnetic particles (i.e., iron particles). When bonded together, these two phases form a continuum solid that, under the application of an external magnetic field, mechanically reacts leading to changes in shape and volume or/and alterations in its rheological properties. Such a magneto-mechanical response is determined by the material properties of the polymeric matrix and magnetic particles. In this work, we present the mechanical characterisation of MAPs constituted by PDMS filled with carbonyl iron powder (CIP) particles. To this end, sixteen different combinations of elastomeric base/crosslinker mixing ratio (from 5:1 to 20:1) and particles' volume fraction (from 0% to 30%) are tested under tensile loading. These results are analysed and provide the bases for the formulation of a nonlinear constitutive model that accounts for these dependencies. The modelling approach is extended to incorporate magneto-mechanical effects. Finally, the complete model is used to provide theoretical guidance for magneto-active systems, highlighting potential applications in epithelial wound healing stimulation.DGG, DV and MAM acknowledge support from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 947723,project: 4D-BIOMAP). The authors acknowledge support from Programa de Apoyo a la Realización de Proyectos Interdisciplinares deI+D para Jóvenes Investigadores de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Comunidad de Madrid, Spain (project: BIOMASKIN). DGG acknowledges support from the Talent Attraction grant (CM 2018 -2018-T2/IND-9992) from the Comunidad de Madrid and MAM acknowledges support from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades, Spain (FPU19/03874)

    Applying Model-Driven Web Engineering to the Testing Phase of the ADAGIO Project

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    The Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) has been used in recent years to promote better results in the development of Web Applications, in the field that has been called Model-Driven Web Engineering (MDWE). One of the advantages of applying MDWE is that it offers a solution to reduce the cost of the tests without affecting their quality execution. This paper presents the application of a MDWE methodology (Navigational Development Techniques, NDT) that provides support for all the phases of the lifecycle of a software project development proposing transformations between these phases, to manage the test phase of a real-world case study named ADAGIO. This project, among other goals, proposes the development of a web application whose main objective is to offer researchers the possibility of integrating and consolidating heterogeneous data sources, showing a unified vision of them, allowing to simplify the search task in different repositories as well as the relationship between the sources found.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016- 76956-C3-2-

    Photo Protection, a Therapeutic and Preventive Strategy Against Photoaging and Skin Cancer

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    El cáncer cutáneo es el tipo de cáncer más frecuente a nivel mundial, se considera una enfermedad maligna altamente prevenible. La principal causa de cáncer de piel es la exposición excesiva y sin protección a los rayos ultravioleta (UV). El objetivo de ese estudio es realizar una revisión detallada acerca de cuáles son las mejores estrategias de fotoproteción y conocer si son medidas eficaces para prevenir el fotoenvejecimiento y el cáncer de piel. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la litertura en las bases de datos  especializadas de PubMed, incluyendo artículos en inlgés y español, de máximo 5 años de antigüedad. Los resulados obtenidos muestran que las medidas de fotprotección son una medida muy efiacaz para la prevención del cáncer de piel y el fotoenvejecimiento, es importante implementar esrategias de prevención ya que con ello se ha visto que se puede reducir la incidencia de cáncer de piel.Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer worldwide and is considered a highly preventable malignant disease. The main cause of skin cancer is excessive and unprotected exposure to ultraviolet rays (UV). The objective of this study is to carry out a detailed review of which are the best photoprotection strategies and to know if they are effective measures to prevent photoaging and skin cancer. A systematic review of the literature was carried out in the specialized PubMed databases, including articles in English and Spanish, no more than 5 years old. The results obtained show that photoprotection measures are a very effective measure for the prevention of skin cancer and photoaging. It is important to implement prevention strategies since it has been seen that the incidence of skin cancer can be reduced

    Pharmacological Management of Pain in Acute Pancreatitis in Adult Patients

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    La pancreatitis aguda (PA) una amplia variedad de cursos clínicos. El síntoma que más predomina es el dolor abdominal(de-Madaria et al., 2021); es una prioridad el tratamiento del dolor en la PA, sin embargo, la evidencia científica actual es poco clara, encontrando déficit en cuanto a la descripción concisa sobre un protocolo analgésico eficaz. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar una revisión detallada de las terapias farmacológicas actuales descritas en la evidencia científica para el tratamiento de la PA en adultos, basándonos en diversas plataformas científicas y bases de datos especializadas internacionales y nacionales en idioma español e inglés, incluyendo alrededor de 32 artículos actualizados que brindan esta información pertinente.  Se observó que el manejo del dolor en la PA es una prioridad, que se debe personalizar el tratamiento con base en la escala analgésica de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) que incluye los  Antiinflamatorios no esteroideos (AINES), paracetamol, opiáceos fuertes o débiles tomando en cuenta los comórbidos, tolerabilidad e intensidad del dolor presente en el paciente; por otra parte la nueva terapia basada en analgesia epidural muestra ser bastante prometedora, sin embargo, consideramos que aún se requieren investigaciones científicas con cohortes más grandes.Acute pancreatitis (AP) a wide variety of clinical courses. The most predominant symptom is abdominal pain (de-Madaria et al., 2021); The treatment of pain in AP is a priority, however, the current scientific evidence is unclear, finding a deficit in terms of a concise description of an effective analgesic protocol. This work aims to carry out a detailed review of the current pharmacological therapies described in the scientific evidence for the treatment of AP in adults, based on various scientific platforms and specialized international and national databases in Spanish and English, including around 32 articles. updates that provide this pertinent information. It was observed that the management of pain in AP is a priority, that treatment should be personalized based on the analgesic scale of the World Health Organization (WHO) that includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), paracetamol, strong opiates. or weak taking into account the comorbidities, tolerability and intensity of the pain present in the patient; On the other hand, the new therapy based on epidural analgesia shows to be quite promising, however, we consider that scientific research with larger cohorts is still required

    Analgesic Treatment for Renal Colic

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    El cólico renal es uno de los padecimientos urológicos más comunes, se caracteriza por dolor abdominal y en fosas renales, suele ir acompañado de nauseas, vómito, hematuria o fiebre. Es tan inteso que suele llevar al paciente a la sala de urgencias. Es causado por un cálculo enclavado en la vía urinaria. El objetivo de este artículo de revisión es buscar el mejor tratamiento analgésico para el cólico renal agudo, buscando el medicamento que mejor eficacia tenga junto con la menor cantidad de efectos adversos. Se realizó una revisión de literatura en PubMed y Google Scholar, incluyendo artículo de los últimos 5 años en idioma inglés y español. Se concluyó que la primera línea de tratamiento consiste en antiinflamatorios no esteroideos (AINES), los más usados son el ketorolaco, ibuprofeno, diclofenaco o metamizol, los cuales suelen tener una mejor respuesta y una menor tasa de efectos adversos a comparación de los opioides, medicamentos que suelen ser indicados como segunda línea o de rescate. El paracetamol tiene una respuesta más rápida, sin embargo la respuesta de los AINES es más prolongada, otorgando mayor alivio a los pacientes.Renal colic is one of the most common urological conditions, it is characterized by abdominal pain and pain in the kidney fossa, it is usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting, hematuria or fever. It is so intense that it usually takes the patient to the emergency room. It is caused by a kideny stone stuck in the urinary tract. The objective of this review article is to find the best analgesic treatment for acute renal colic, looking for the medication that has the best efficacy along with the least amount of adverse effects. A literature review was carried out in PubMed and Google Scholar, including articles from the last 5 years in English and Spanish. It was concluded that the first line of treatment consists of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), the most used of which are ketorolac, ibuprofen, diclofenac or metamizole, which usually have a better response and a lower rate of adverse effects compared to opioids. medications that are usually indicated as second line or rescue. Acetaminophen has a faster response, however the response of NSAIDs is longer, giving patients greater relief

    Acne Vulgaris, Innovations in its Treatment

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    El acné vulgar es una enfermedad inflamatoria frecuente y crónica de la piel que afecta a la unidad pilosebácea. Sus características clínicas incluyen piel grasa, lesiones no inflamatorias (puntos blancos y negres), lesiones inflamatorias (pápulas y pústulas) y diversos grados de cicatrización. El acné se asocia con efectos adversos sobre la calidad de vida, anomalías psicológicas y sociales. Los adolescentes y adultos que reciben tratamiento para el acné corren el mismo riesgo de sufrir trastorno dismórfico corporal.  El objetivo de este estudio es identificar mediante la búsqueda en distintas bases de datos, cuáles son las innovaciones que existen para el tratamiento del acné vulgar, debido a que es una enfermedad prevalente que causa un gran impacto en la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura en bases de datos como PubMed, Cochrane y Google scholar. Se utilizaron algoritmos de búsqueda como “acne”, “acne vulgaris”; “treatment acne” “Retinoids” Antibiotics”.  Se revisaron ensayos clínicos, artículos de revisión, revisiones sisemáticas, revista indexadas, con filtros publicados en los últimos 5 años, escritos en lengua española e inglesa.Acne vulgaris is a common and chronic inflammatory skin disease that affects the pilosebaceous unit. Its clinical features include oily skin, non-inflammatory lesions (white and blackheads), inflammatory lesions (papules and pustules), and varying degrees of scarring. Acne is associated with adverse effects on quality of life, psychological and social abnormalities. Adolescents and adults who receive treatment for acne are at equal risk for body dysmorphic disorder. The objective of this study is to identify, by searching different databases, what innovations exist for the treatment of acne vulgaris, because it is a prevalent disease that causes a great impact on the quality of life of patients. A systematic review of the literature was carried out in databases such as PubMed, Cochrane and Google scholar. Search algorithms such as “Acne”, “Acne vulgaris” “Acne treatment” “Retinoids” Antibiotics”. Clinical trials, review articles, systematic reviews, and indexed journals were reviewed, with filters published in the last 5 years, written in Spanish and English

    COVID-19 in Pregnant Women, Maternal—Fetal Involvement, and Vertical Mother-to-Child Transmission: A Systematic Review

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    Pregnant women are included in the COVID-19 risk groups even if they do not have any pathology. This requires an analysis of research focused on pregnant women to understand the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on their condition. There is also a need to know whether there is vertical mother-to-child transmission, as well as other consequences in case the pregnant woman is infected and COVID-19 positive. A systematic review was carried out to analyze the existing information on the complications of a pregnant woman infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and the possibility of vertical transmission from mother to child, registered in the PROSPERO website and searched in the PubMed, Scopus, CINAHL, and Cochrane Library databases. Finally, 22 articles were included in the review. The review suggests that vertical transmission from mother to child could be exceptionally possible at the time of delivery or breastfeeding, but not through the placenta. It is interesting to point out the good acceptance of vaccination by pregnant women, which may be the reason for the low infectivity. Further research on pregnant women should be carried out to provide evidence on vertical mother-to-child transmission and the role of breast milk in relation to SARS-CoV-2

    Momento Económico (43)

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    En este número Temas de Hoy, José Antonio Moreno 2. México: La Educación Hoy,Iris Guevara Conzález 3. Semblanza del Maestro Diego Lóez Rosado (1918-1989), Gabriela Lobato 5. Algunos indicadores Económicos, Equipo de Momento Económico y Departamento de Informática Estadística y Hemerografía 6. Un Sexenio de Negociación Obrero-Patronal 1982- 1988, Gustavo López Pardo 11. Presupuesto de Egresos de la Federación 1989, Martha Ceceña Angulo 16. Desaparece el grupo DINA del Presupuesto Público para 1989, Leticia Campos A. y Andrés Blancas N. 19. CEPAL informe preliminar de 1988: Recrudecimiento de la estanflación en el área, Mario Zepeda Martínez 23. Petroleros: Derrota de los líderes y del sindicato, Fabio Barbosa Cano 24. Autoconstruccion: ¿una solución?, Lidia Cadena Pérez-Campos 2

    Hidrotalcitas Cu/Al como catalizadores en la reacción de Huisgen

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    Se sintetizaron materiales tipo hidrotalcita Cu/Al utilizando el método de coprecipitación, los materiales fueron caracterizados por difracción de rayos X (DRX), Espectroscopía infrarroja (FT-IR) y microscopía electrónica de barrido/espectroscopía de energía dispersiva de rayos X (SEM-EDS). Se obtuvieron materiales con estructura ordenada y típica de hidrotalcitas Cu/Al, que probaron ser catalizadores eficientes en la síntesis del 1,2,3-triazol.Cu/Al hydrotalcite type materials were synthesized using the coprecipitation method, the materials were characterized by X-Ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry (FT-IR) and Scanning Electron Microscopy/Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). Ordered materials were obtained with the typical structure of Cu/Al, which show an eficient catalyst in the synthesis of the 1,2,3-triazole