390 research outputs found

    Nuevo método para acelerar la curación de la enfermedad de Perthes

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    Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 13 años de edad, con el diagnóstico de enfermedad de Perthes avanzada, atendido en el servicio de Ortopedia y Traumatología del Hospital Universitario Celia Sánchez Manduley, en el que se empleó por primera vez el tratamiento quirúrgico convencional asociado al empleo de la oxigenación hiperbárica. La evolución del paciente fue satisfactoria, la nueva combinación de tratamientos, logró reducir el período de evolución de la enfermedad en seis meses.A case of 13 years old patient with advanced Perthes disease is presented. The child was admitted to the orthopedics and traumathology service of the University Hospital Celia Sánchez Manduley. Surgical treatment was associated to hiperbaric oxynation therapy. The patient's outcome was satisfactory. The new treatment combination was able to reduce the evolution's period of disease in six months

    Relationship between Serum Concentration of Uric Acid and Insulin Secretion among Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    To determine the relationship between serum concentrations of uric acid and insulin secretion with hyperglycaemic clamp technique among adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) without hyperuricemia, we carried out a cross-sectional study on 45 patients of both gender. We observed correlation between uric acid with male gender r = 0.710 (P = 0.001). Also correlation between uric acid and total insulin secretion was positive r = 0.295 (P = 0.049). As well as a positive correlation adjusted for body mass index was demonstrated for the first, second, and total phases of insulin secretion, respectively, r = 0.438 (P = 0.022), r = 0.433 (P = 0.022), and r = 0.439 (P = 0.024). Serum concentration of uric acid showed a positive relationship with the total phase of insulin secretion; even in states prior to hyperuricemia, uric acid can play an important role in the function of the beta cell in patients with DM2

    Leaf Epiphytic Bacteria of Plants Colonizing Mine Residues: Possible Exploitation for Remediation of Air Pollutants

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    Plant surfaces are known as an important sink for various air pollutants, including particulate matter and its associated potentially toxic elements (PTE). Moreover, leaves surface or phylloplane is a habitat that harbors diverse bacterial communities (epiphytic). However, little is known about their possible functions during phytoremediation of air pollutants like PTE. The study of leaf epiphytic bacteria of plants colonizing mine residues (MR) containing PTE is thus a key to understand and exploit plant–epiphytic bacteria interactions for air phytoremediation purposes. In this research, we aimed (i) to characterize the functions of epiphytic bacteria isolated from the phylloplane of Brickellia veronicifolia, Flaveria trinervia, Gnaphalium sp., and Allioniachoisyi growing spontaneously on multi-PTE contaminated MR and (ii) to compare these against the same plant species in a non-polluted control site (NC). Concentrations (mg kg-1) of PTE on MR leaf surfaces of A. choisyi reached up to 232 for Pb, 13 for Cd, 2,728 for As, 52 for Sb, 123 for Cu in F. trinervia, and 269 for Zn in Gnaphalium sp. In the four plant species, the amount of colony-forming units per cm2 was superior in MR leaves than in NC ones, being A. choisyi the plant species with the highest value. Moreover, the proportion of isolates tolerant to PTE (Zn, Cu, Cd, and Sb), UV light, and drought was higher in MR leaves than in those in NC. Strain BA15, isolated from MR B. veronicifolia, tolerated 150 mg Zn L-1, 30 mg Sb L-1, 25 mg Cu L-1; 80 mg Pb L-1, and was able to grow after 12 h of continuous exposition to UV light and 8 weeks of drought. Plant growth promotion related traits [N fixation, indole acetic acid (IAA) production, and phosphate solubilization] of bacterial isolates varied among plant species isolates and between MR and NC sampling condition. The studied epiphytic isolates possess functions interesting for phytoremediation of air pollutants. The results of this research may contribute to the development of novel and more efficient inoculants for microbe-assisted phytoremediation applied to improve air quality in areas exposed to the dispersion of metal mine tailings

    Efecto de las fuentes de polen sobre el rendimiento en la extracción de aceite y perfil de ácidos grasos de las semillas de dátil (Phoenix dactylifera L.) cultivar Medjool de México

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    The present investigation aimed to assess the effect of pollen sources on the mass, dimension, oil content and fatty acid profile of the seeds from female palms of the Medjool date cultivar. The palms were pollinated with Deglet Noor, Khadrawy, Medjool and Zahidi cultivars. In addition, three palms were pollinated as the treatment control. The fatty acids were evaluated by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The surface morphology of date seed powder was examined using SEM, before and after n-hexane interaction. The seeds of the Medjool treatment had the greatest mass (1.42 g), but the lowest oil content (5.37% w/w); the control seeds showed smaller mass (1.21 g), but higher oil content (13.57% w/w). The proportion of fatty acids varied significantly among the treatments with respect to the control. The most abundant fatty acids were oleic (C18:1), lauric (C12:0), myristic (C14:0), palmitic (C16:0), linoleic (C18:2), and stearic (C18:0). Together these fatty acids presented a composition between 98.3 and 98.67% for treatments, and 99.0% for the control. The results indicate that the pollen sources from Deglet Noor, Khadrawy, Medjool and Zahidi cultivars had a significant effect on mass, dimension, oil content and fatty acid profile of the seeds of the date cultivar Medjool. The date seed oil could be used as edible oil, in food products, and in pharmaceutical and cosmetic applications.La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto de las fuentes de polen, sobre la masa, dimensión, contenido de aceite y el perfil de ácidos grasos de las semillas de dátil del cultivar Medjool. Las palmas hembras del cultivar Medjool fueron polinizadas con cultivares Deglet Noor, Khadrawy, Medjool y Zahidi. Además, tres palmas fueron polinizadas como tratamiento control. Los ácidos grasos se evaluaron por cromatografía de gases-espectrometría de masas. La morfología de la superficie del polvo de semillas de dátil se examinó utilizando un equipo SEM, antes y después de la interacción n-hexano. Las semillas del tratamiento Medjool resultaron con mayor masa (1,42 g), pero menor contenido de aceite (5,37% p/p); la semilla control, mostró una masa más pequeña (1,21 g), pero un mayor contenido de aceite (13,57% p/p). La composición de ácidos grasos varió significativamente entre los tratamientos con respecto al control. Los ácidos grasos mayoritarios fueron: oleico (C18:1), láurico (C12:0), mirístico (C14:0), palmítico (C16:0), linoleico (C18:2) and esteárico (C18:0). En total, estos ácidos grasos alcanzan una composición entre 98.3 y 98.67% para los tratamientos, y 99.0% para el control. Los resultados indican que la fuente de polen de los cultivares Deglet Noor, Khadrawy, Medjool y Zahidi tiene un efecto significativo sobre la masa, dimensión, contenido de aceite y el perfil de ácidos grasos de la semilla del cultivar de dátil Medjool. El aceite de la semilla de dátil, podría usarse como aceite comestible, productos alimenticios, aplicaciones farmacéuticas y cosméticas

    Immunosuppressive Minimization Strategies in Kidney Transplantation

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    The long-term graft survival in renal transplantation results is still controversial, the toxicity and adverse reactions of the immunosuppressive drugs are implicated, as well as cellular and humoral antigen-specific immune mechanisms; therefore, different strategies for adapting immunosuppression are used to reduce the complications associated with the use of these drugs. Calcineurin inhibitors (CNI) require an adequate dose-dependent concentration leading to the appearance of drug-related adverse reactions. The variability in the required dose of CNI leads to minimization strategies that do not result in a higher acute rejection (AR) incidence when compared to other immunosuppressive agents. Early steroid withdrawal is another strategy, although with an increase in AR, but without an impact on the function and survival of the renal graft. The reduction of mycophenolate mofetil to 1.5 g/day seems to be a therapeutic option, decreasing the infectious, hematological and gastrointestinal adverse reactions. Finally, alemtuzumab, bortezomib, belatacept and cellular therapies are in the search for the new treatments, whose premise is the induction of donor-specific nonresponse in the context of operational tolerance or mixed chimerism. The use of adapted and adequate immunosuppression has led to variable results and some are very encouraging; however, they must be validated with experimental studies

    Valproic acid restricts mast cell activation by Listeria monocytogenes.

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    Mast cells (MC) play a central role in the early containment of bacterial infections, such as that caused by Listeria monocytogenes (L.m). The mechanisms of MC activation induced by L.m infection are well known, so it is possible to evaluate whether they are susceptible to targeting and modulation by different drugs. Recent evidence indicates that valproic acid (VPA) inhibits the immune response which favors L.m pathogenesis in vivo. Herein, we examined the immunomodulatory effect of VPA on L.m-mediated MC activation. To this end, bone marrow-derived mast cells (BMMC) were pre-incubated with VPA and then stimulated with L.m. We found that VPA reduced MC degranulation and cytokine release induced by L.m. MC activation during L.m infection relies on Toll-Like Receptor 2 (TLR2) engagement, however VPA treatment did not affect MC TLR2 cell surface expression. Moreover, VPA was able to decrease MC activation by the classic TLR2 ligands, peptidoglycan and lipopeptide Pam3CSK4. VPA also reduced cytokine production in response to Listeriolysin O (LLO), which activates MC by a TLR2-independent mechanism. In addition, VPA decreased the activation of critical events on MC signaling cascades, such as the increase on intracellular Ca2+ and phosphorylation of p38, ERK1/2 and -p65 subunit of NF-κB. Altogether, our data demonstrate that VPA affects key cell signaling events that regulate MC activation following L.m infection. These results indicate that VPA can modulate the functional activity of different immune cells that participate in the control of L.m infection

    Servicios de atención clínica interdisciplinaria

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    Este proyecto tiene como objetivo principal favorecer el bienestar psicológico y nutricional de manera interdisciplinaria, brindando acompañamiento a personas que buscan alguno de estos servicios, así como, a personas que están pasando por algún proceso jurídico y requieren contención o acompañamiento psicológico. La metodología que se utilizó fue basada en el enfoque sistémico, enfoque psicoanalítico y enfoque nutricional, inicialmente se trabajaba con los usuarios de manera presencial, sin embargo, a causa de la pandemia por el Covid-19, se comenzó a trabajar con los usuarios de manera virtual o telefónica. El proyecto trajo consigo un gran aprendizaje en las alumnas, las ayudó a tener más claridad en cuanto a su ejercicio profesional, además de que fortaleció importantes herramientas tanto personales como profesionales. El proyecto tuvo como resultado un mayor autoconocimiento de los usuarios que fueron atendidos, así como una mejor habilidad para tener un control emocional. En conclusión, se pudo observar como el desarrollo del proyecto trajo consigo aprendizajes tanto para los practicantes como para las personas que recibieron el acompañamiento psicológico o nutricional. Así como el desarrollo de nuevas habilidades para atender las medidas sanitarias por la contingencia del Covid-19, sin descuidar o cancelar el servicio brindado a los pacientes.ITESO, A.C

    Applied science facilitates the large-scale expansion of protected areas in an Amazonian hot spot

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    Meeting international commitments to protect 17% of terrestrial ecosystems worldwide will require \u3e3 million square kilometers of new protected areas and strategies to create those areas in a way that respects local communities and land use. In 2000–2016, biological and social scientists worked to increase the protected proportion of Peru’s largest department via 14 interdisciplinary inventories covering \u3e9 million hectares of this megadiverse corner of the Amazon basin. In each landscape, the strategy was the same: convene diverse partners, identify biological and sociocultural assets, document residents’ use of natural resources, and tailor the findings to the needs of decision-makers. Nine of the 14 landscapes have since been protected (5.7 million hectares of new protected areas), contributing to a quadrupling of conservation coverage in Loreto (from 6 to 23%). We outline the methods and enabling conditions most crucial for successfully applying similar campaigns elsewhere on Earth