1,887 research outputs found

    Performance Study of Software AER-Based Convolutions on a Parallel Supercomputer

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    This paper is based on the simulation of a convolution model for bioinspired neuromorphic systems using the Address-Event-Representation (AER) philosophy and implemented in the supercomputer CRS of the University of Cadiz (UCA). In this work we improve the runtime of the simulation, by dividing an image into smaller parts before AER convolution and running each operation in a node of the cluster. This research involves a test cases design in which the optimal parameters are set to run the AER convolution in parallel processors. These cases consist on running the convolution taking an image divided in different number of parts, applying to each part a Sobel filter for edge detection, and based on the AER-TOOL simulator. Execution times are compared for all cases and the optimal configuration of the system is discussed. In general, CRS obtain better performances when the image is divided than for the whole image.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-10639-C04-0

    Supervised exercise following bariatric surgery in morbid obese adults: CERTbased exercise study protocol of the EFIBAR randomised controlled trial

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    The authors acknowledge the help of the participants that are taking part in the study. Moreover, authors appreciate the help to the hospitals, as well as the sports center of the University of Almería, who helped with the development of the project.The clinical datasets will be available according to the terms established in the Clinicaltrials.gov NCT03497546, i.e., once the study ends and the main results are published, contacting the responsible party ([email protected]).Trial registration: The trial was prospectively registered at Clinicaltrials.gov NCT03497546 on April 13, 2018.Background: There is increasing evidence of weight regain in patients after bariatric surgery (BS), generally occurring from 12 to 24 months postoperatively. Postoperative exercise has been suggested to ad long-term weight maintenance and to improve physical function in BS patients. However, there are a limited number of intervention studies investigating the possible benefits of exercise in this population. The aim of the current report is to provide a comprehensive CERT (Consensus on Exercise Reporting Template)-based description of the rationale and details of the exercise programme implemented in the EFIBAR Study (Ejercicio FÍsico tras cirugía BARiátrica), a randomised controlled trial investigating the effects of a 16-week supervised concurrent (aerobic and strength) exercise intervention program on weight loss (primary outcome), body composition, cardiometabolic risk, physical fitness, physical activity and quality of life (secondary outcomes) in patients with severe/morbid obesity following bariatric surgery. Methods: A total of 80 BS patients [60–80% expected women, aged 18 to 60 years, body mass index (BMI) ≥ 40 kg/m2 or ≥ 35 kg/m2 with comorbid conditions)] will be enrolled in the EFIBAR Randomized Control Trial (RCT). Participants allocated in the exercise group (n = 40) will undertake a 16-week supervised concurrent (strength and aerobic) exercise programme (three sessions/week, 60 min/session), starting 7 to 14 days after surgery. The rationale of the exercise programme will be described following the CERT criteria detailing the 16 key items. The study has been reviewed and approved by the Ethics Committee of the Torrecárdenas University Hospital (Almería, Spain) (ref. N° 76/2016). Discussion: The present study details the exercise programme of the EFIBAR RCT, which may serve: 1) exercise professionals who would like to implement an evidence-based exercise programme for BS patients, and 2) as an example of the application of the CERT criteria.This work was supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO), Plan Nacional de I + D + i call RETOS 2016, reference DEP2016–74926-R. These funding sources approved this study; however, they had no role in the design of this study and will not have any role during its execution, analyses, interpretation of the data, writing the manuscript, or decision to submit results

    Health-Related Physical Fitness Benefits in Sedentary Women Employees after an Exercise Intervention with Zumba Fitness®

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    We are grateful to Ana Yara Postigo-Fuentes for her assistance with the English language edition, who can be contracted through the University of Granada, Plan Propio de Investigación 2016, Excellence actions: Units of Excellence, Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES), and by the Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidades and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), ref. SOMM17/6107/UGR.Background: The protective properties of high physical fitness levels on health are manifest independently of age, sex, fatness, smoking, alcohol consumption, and other clinical factors. However, women are less active than men, which contributes to low physical fitness and a high risk of CVD. Thus, the objective of this study is to analyze the effect of two exercise interventions on health-related physical fitness in sedentary employed females. Methods: A total of 98 physically inactive adult women were randomly assigned to 3 study groups: the control group (CG) = 31, the endurance training group based on Zumba Fitness® classes (ET; n = 39), and the concurrent training group that had an extra muscle-strengthening workout after the Zumba Fitness® class (CnT; n = 28). Body composition (BMI, waist circumference), motor fitness (one-leg stand test), musculoskeletal fitness (shoulder–neck mobility, handgrip strength test, jump and reach test, and dynamic sit-up test), and cardiorespiratory fitness (2-km test and estimated VO2 max) were assessed with the ALPHA-Fit test battery for adults. Results: Both interventions showed a significant improvement in the majority of health-related fitness and body composition variables/test (waist circumference: ET = −2.275 ± 0.95, p = 0.02, CnT = −2.550 ± 1.13, p = 0.03; one-stand leg test: ET = 13.532 ± 2.65, p < 0.001; CnT = 11.656 ± 2.88, p < 0.001; shoulder–neck mobility: ET = 1.757 ± 0.44, p < 0.001, CnT = 2.123 ± 0.47, p < 0.001; handgrip test: 0.274 ± 0.08, p < 0.001, CnT = 0.352 ± 0.08, p < 0.001; dynamic sit-up: ET = 1.769 ± 0.45, p < 0.001, CnT = −1.836 ± 0.49, p < 0.001; 2-km test time: −1.280 ± 0.25, p < 0.001, CnT = −1.808 ± 0.28, p < 0.001; estimated VO2 max: ET = 1.306 ± 0.13, p < 0.001, CnT = 1.191 ± 0.15, p < 0.001). There were no significant differences after the intervention between the two exercise intervention groups. Conclusions: Exercise interventions based on Zumba fitness® or Zumba fitness® combined with an extra muscle-strengthening workout based on bodyweight training exercises are effective strategies to improve the health-related physical fitness in sedentary women employees

    Procesos de creación artística I: María A. A., Juan Carlos Lázaro y Javier Velasco

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    Procesos de creación artística surge con un objetivo fundamental: que el alumno conozca diferentes modos de producción en el terreno del arte. La idea se gestó en el año académico 2000-2001, y desde entonces se viene desarrollando. Básicamente, consiste en invitar a un artista o persona relacionada con la cultura, para que imparta una conferencia a cerca de su trabajo en la asignatura que imparto, Iniciación al Colorido, adscrita el Departamento de Pintura dentro del primer ciclo de la licenciatura en Bellas Artes. Generalmente, se hace coincidir la conferencia con una exposición que esté desarrollando el invitado en la ciudad de Sevilla. La razón de tal proceder radica en lo siguiente: el alumno puede tener un contacto directo con las obras. Durante la conferencia se aborda el proceso de creación específico desarrollado por la persona invitada. Durante el período señalado, visitaron la clase los invitados siguientes: María A.A. (artista multimedia), Javier Buzón (pintor), Diego Gadir (pintor), Dionisio González (artista multimedia), Juan Carlos Lázaro (pintor), Pedro Mora (artista multimedia) y Javier Velasco (artista multimedia)

    Frequency Analysis of a 64x64 Pixel Retinomorphic System with AER Output to Estimate the Limits to Apply onto Specific Mechanical Environment

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    The rods and cones of a human retina are constantly sensing and transmitting the light in the form of spikes to the cortex of the brain in order to reproduce an image in the brain. Delbruck’s lab has designed and manufactured several generations of spike based image sensors that mimic the human retina. In this paper we present an exhaustive timing analysis of the Address-Event- Representation (AER) output of a 64x64 pixels silicon retinomorphic system. Two different scenarios are presented in order to achieve the maximum frequency of light changes for a pixel sensor and the maximum frequency of requested directions on the output AER. Results obtained are 100 Hz and 1.66 MHz in each case respectively. We have tested the upper spin limit and found it to be approximately 6000rpm (revolutions per minute) and in some cases with high light contrast lost events do not exist.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-10639- C04-0

    Aprendizaje servicio y objetivos de desarrollo sostenible

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    “Fin de la Pobreza-Hambre Cero” ha sido un proyecto piloto dirigido a participar en dos de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la agenda 2030 planteados por la UNESCO,. La solidaridad, la igualdad y la lucha por los derechos fundamentales, han estado entre los valores trabajados en el desarrollo del proyecto piloto. Partiendo de la implementación de metodologías activas, un viaje alrededor del mundo fue el escenario donde, la superación de retos la implicación y la necesidad de ayudar motivaron la apertura de nuestras aulas, llevando el aprendizaje-servicio a la aplicación práctica más pura en “Shakinah” una escuela de Molo (Kenia)

    Dance Fitness Classes Improve the Health-Related Quality of Life in Sedentary Women

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    Authors are grateful to valuable support of National University of Chimborazo, as well as to all participants of the study. We are grateful to Ana Yara Postigo-Fuentes for her assistance with the English language.Introduction: This study aims to analyze the effect of two dance-focused and choreographic fitness classes on Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) in sedentary worker women. Methods: 65 sedentary middle-aged worker women (38 ± 7.3 years old) completed a 16-week intervention randomly assigned to: (1) dance fitness group based on Zumba Fitness classes (DF group, n = 25)], (2) dance fitness + functional strength training group (DFFT group, n = 20), and (3) control group (n = 20). HRQoL was assessed by the 36-Item Short-Form Health-Survey (SF-36), which evaluates 8 dimensions of health [General Health (GH), Physical Functioning (PF), Social Functioning (SF), Physical Role (PR), Emotional Role (ER), Bodily Pain (BP), Vitality (V), and Mental Health (MH)] scored from 0 (worst) to 100 (best health status). Results: The control group statistically differed from both exercise groups in PF and PR, and from the DF group in SF and MH showing a lower score. No statistical differences were observed between exercise groups post-intervention, except in V. DF group showed increases in GH, PF, SF, V, PR, and MH post-intervention. Conclusions: A 16-week dance fitness intervention based on Zumba Fitness classes generates notable improvements in a wide range of HRQoL dimensions in sedentary middle-aged worker women, especially in V, PR and MH dimensions

    Los alumnos ante el dictado musical. Las TIC como aliadas para mejorar las experiencias

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    Music dictation, listening and transcribing musical excerpts, has become a considerably frequent activity in the music classroom, and especially so in the teaching of solfege and music theory in conservatoires and music schools. It is interesting to note that music dictation is an activity often accompanied by negative connotations and the dislike of students. This was the starting point of our research, which intends to draw relevant conclusions on students’ experience regarding this activity, from a study where a significant number of pupils from Madrid’s professional conservatoires took part. Data was collected using questionnaires containing open and closed questions. Results show that students perceive the importance given to auditory training in the music classroom, but they also admit that they experience anxiety and other unpleasant emotions when they carry out these tasks. Our aim should be to ensure that negative attitudes and emotions give way to enjoyment and the pleasure of listening, something which will for sure improve learning outcomes. We consider that the use of ICT when working on music dictation can be a strategy to foster motivation in students and to enable them to experiment greater joy during their learning process. In this paper we start by mentioning some theories regarding hearing and music dictation, before giving details on the research methods used and the results we obtained. We then analyse the advantages of a series of tools that can be used in listening and music dictation tasks.El dictado musical, la escucha y posterior transcripción de fragmentos musicales, es una actividad que se ha ido convirtiendo en una práctica más o menos habitual en el aula de Música, y especialmente en las enseñanzas de Lenguaje Musical en conservatorios y escuelas de música. Se trata de una actividad que curiosamente viene acompañada de connotaciones negativas para los alumnos, y como consecuencia de ello, el desagrado de su realización en las clases. Éste fue el punto de partida de nuestra investigación, la cual trata de aportar conclusiones relevantes sobre cómo experimentan los alumnos esta actividad, partiendo de un estudio realizado a un número significativo de alumnos de los conservatorios profesionales de música de la Comunidad de Madrid. Se recogieron datos a través de cuestionarios con preguntas cerradas y abiertas. Los resultados muestran que los alumnos perciben la importancia que se le otorga a la educación auditiva en el aula de Lenguaje Musical, pero también reconocen experimentar inseguridad, ansiedad, y otras sensaciones desagradables cuando realizan esta actividad. Nuestro objetivo debe ser lograr que las actitudes y emociones negativas del alumnado dejen paso al disfrute y al goce del hecho auditivo que, sin duda, hará posible un avance positivo en los resultados. Consideramos que la aplicación de las TIC en el trabajo de los dictados musicales puede ser una de las estrategias para favorecer la motivación de los alumnos y conseguir que éstos vivan con mayor ilusión su proceso de aprendizaje. En este artículo partimos de algunas referencias a teorías sobre la audición y el dictado musical como actividad, antes de detallar la metodología y resultados de nuestro estudio. Posteriormente analizamos la utilidad de una serie de herramientas que pueden ser empleadas en tareas de audición y dictado musical, haciendo hincapié en las ventajas que pueden ofrecer cada una de ellas

    A SpiNNaker Application: Design, Implementation and Validation of SCPGs

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    In this paper, we present the numerical results of the implementation of a Spiking Central Pattern Generator (SCPG) on a SpiNNaker board. The SCPG is a network of current-based leaky integrateand- fire (LIF) neurons, which generates periodic spike trains that correspond to different locomotion gaits (i.e. walk, trot, run). To generate such patterns, the SCPG has been configured with different topologies, and its parameters have been experimentally estimated. To validate our designs, we have implemented them on the SpiNNaker board using PyNN and we have embedded it on a hexapod robot. The system includes a Dynamic Vision Sensor system able to command a pattern to the robot depending on the frequency of the events fired. The more activity the DVS produces, the faster that the pattern that is commanded will be.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2016-77785-