44 research outputs found
Feature binding of common everyday items is not affected by age
There is a surge of studies confirming that old age spares the ability to bind in visual working memory (VWM) multiple features within singular object representations. Furthermore, it has been suggested that such ability may also be independent of the cultural background of the assessed individual. However, this evidence has been gathered with tasks that use arbitrary bindings of unfamiliar features. Whether age spares memory binding functions when the memoranda are features of everyday life objects remains less well explored. The present study investigated the influence of age, memory delay, and education, on conjunctive binding functions responsible for representing everyday items in VWM. We asked 32 healthy young and 41 healthy older adults to perform a memory binding task. During the task, participants saw visual arrays of objects, colours, or coloured objects presented for 6 s. Immediately after they were asked either to select the objects or the colours that were presented during the study display from larger sets of objects or colours, or to recombine them by selecting from such sets the objects and their corresponding colours. This procedure was repeated immediately after but this time providing a 30 s unfiled delay. We manipulated familiarity by presenting congruent and incongruent object-colour pairings. The results showed that the ability to bind intrinsic features in VWM does not decline with age even when these features belong to everyday items and form novel or well-known associations. Such preserved memory binding abilities held across memory delays. The impact of feature congruency on item-recognition appears to be greater in older than in younger adults. This suggests that long-term memory (LTM) supports binding functions carried out in VWM for familiar everyday items and older adults still benefit from this LTM support. We have expanded the evidence supporting the lack of age effects on VWM binding functions to new feature and object domains (i.e., everyday items). We have confirmed that education does not negatively impact on such ability at old age. Such results have important implications for the selection of culturally unbiased tests to screen for abnormal ageing trajectories
Evaluaci贸n de la eficacia de un programa de estimulaci贸n de las funciones ejecutivas en ni帽os escolares diagnosticados con TDAH
El trastorno por d茅ficit de atenci贸n con hiperactividad (TDAH) presenta una condici贸n, en la que existe consenso en la literatura cient铆fica, y es que las funciones ejecutivas (FE) se encuentran alteradas en este s铆ndrome al presentarse dificultades en el desarrollo de los procesos cognitivos superiores, que se definen como el conjunto de habilidades cognitivas que permiten la anticipaci贸n y el establecimiento de metas, la formaci贸n de planes y programas, el inicio de las actividades y operaciones mentales, la autorregulaci贸n de las tareas y la habilidad de llevarlas a cabo eficientemente, la estimaci贸n y manejo de tiempo y espacio, lo que condiciona la capacidad de llevar a cabo una conducta eficaz, creativa y aceptada socialmente (Pineda, s.f.); por esta raz贸n, es importante implementar programas dirigidos fomentar la aparici贸n y desarrollo gradual de las FE en ni帽os. La presente investigaci贸n plante贸 un dise帽o, aplicaci贸n y evaluaci贸n del efecto de la aplicaci贸n聽 de un programa de estimulaci贸n (PE) de las FE, en su segunda fase, a ni帽os diagnosticados con TDAH, con el objetivo de mejorar los efectos de la sintomatolog铆a comportamental. La muestra objeto se distribuy贸 en dos grupos: el grupo experimental (32 ni帽os) y el grupo control (17 ni帽os); todos los ni帽os fueron diagnosticados con el trastorno. La evaluaci贸n de las FE se realiz贸 a trav茅s de pruebas de memoria, control atencional, utilizando el Test de Clasificaci贸n de Tarjetas de Wisconsin, la Torre de Han贸i, el Stroop Test y la Tarea Dual en dos momentos (pretest y postest) a todos los 49 ni帽os. El PE s贸lo fue aplicado al grupo experimental, el cual evidenci贸 cambios positivos estad铆sticamente significativos (p<0,05) en el componente ejecutivo en relaci贸n con el聽 control inhibitorio, atencional, memoria, flexibilidad cognitiva y planeaci贸n; y present贸 mejores desempe帽os en la fase de postest. A partir de esto se concluye que el dise帽o, aplicaci贸n y evaluaci贸n del programa de estimulaci贸n de las FE mejor贸 el desempe帽o cognitivo. Adicionalmente, la sintomatolog铆a comportamental disminuy贸 satisfactoriamente en la mayor铆a de los ni帽os del grupo experimental, en concordancia con la literatura internacional, los datos obtenidos al final de este trabajo y los reportes de padres de familia y maestros recibidos en plenaria de entrega de resultados.聽AbstractExecutive Functioning (EF) is altered by Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), as difficulties in the development of higher order reasoning skills arise. These processes are defined as a set of mental abilities which enable individuals to predict an outcome, set goals, make plans, get started, self-monitor, follow through completion, as well as estimate and manage time and space conditions. All of these processes shape the capacity an individual has to engage in an effective, creative and socially accepted conduct. This research was concerned with designing,聽implementing and assessing the effects of an Executive Functioning Stimulation Program (EFSP) applied, in the second phase, to children diagnosed with ADHD in order to improve the effects of the behavioural symptomatology. The sample was divided into two groups: the experimental group with 32 children and the control group with 17 children. All of the children were diagnosed with ADHD. Executive Functioning was assessed through memory tests and attention control by using the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, the Tower of Hanoi, the Stroop Test, and the Dual Task with all of the 49 children, at two moments: pretest and posttest. The EFSP was only applied to the experimental group and provided evidence of statistically meaningful positive changes (p<0,05) in the executive component in relation to the inhibition and attention control, memory, cognitive flexibility and planning. Likewise, the experimental group showed a better performance in the posttest. It can be concluded that the design, implementation and assessment of the Executive Functioning Stimulation Program improved the cognitive performance, and the behavioural symptomatology diminished satisfactorily in most of the experimental group children
Efectividad de una intervenci贸n cognitiva en funciones ejecutivas para mejorar flexibilidad mental en ni帽os con trastorno por d茅ficit de atenci贸n e hiperactividad
The Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral syndrome that occurs in childhood, especially in the male population, is characterized by hyperactivity, impulsivity, and sometimes, accompanied by inattention and inappropriate operation according to the demands of the context. This behavior is more frequent in the school population, that has its beginning in childhood and it affects the activities of the child who suffers from it. It is quite probable that this affectation persists to throughout life, if not treated on time. It is estimated that 5.1 million children have a diagnosis of ADHD in the world. The global prevalence of this disorder ranges from 3% to 7%. Objective. To determine the effectiveness of a cognitive stimulation program in executive functions to improve mental flexibility in children with ADHD. Methodology. Type of quantitative study, quasi-experimental, with control group, pretest-training-postest. Materials and methods: The participants of the study were 51 children school age, 34 diagnosed with ADHD (experimental group) and 1 7 children who do not present any symptoms that suggests behavioral alterations (control group) Results. The experimental group showed to benefit from training and this evidence the significant gain with respect to the control group in tests that measure the executive system.
El trastorno por D茅ficit de Atenci贸n e Hiperactividad (TDAH) es un s铆ndrome conductual que se presenta en la infancia, sobre todo en la poblaci贸n masculina, y se caracteriza por hiperactividad, impulsividad, y en ocasiones, est谩 acompa帽ado de inatenci贸n y un funcionamiento inapropiado de acuerdo a las exigencias del contexto. Es la afecci贸n comportamental m谩s frecuente en la poblaci贸n escolar, tiene su inicio en la infancia y representa un problema de alta complejidad dado que incide en las actividades cotidianas del ni帽o que lo padece. Es bastante probable que dicha afectaci贸n persista a lo largo de la vida, si no es tratada a tiempo. Se estima que 5,1 millones de ni帽os poseen diagn贸stico de TDAH en el mundo. La prevalencia global de este trastorno oscila entre el 3% y 7%. Objetivo. Determinar la eficacia de un programa de estimulaci贸n cognitiva en las funciones ejecutivas para mejorar la flexibilidad mental en ni帽os con TDAH. Metodolog铆a. Tipo de estudio cuantitativo, cuasiexperimental, con grupo control, pretestentrenamiento-postest. Los participantes del estudio fueron 51 ni帽os escolarizados, 34 diagnosticados con TDAH (grupo experimental) y 17 ni帽os que no presentan ning煤n s铆ntoma que sugiera alteraciones comportamentales (grupo control). Resultados. El grupo experimental mostr贸 beneficiarse del entrenamiento y esto evidencia la ganancia significativa con respecto al grupo control en pruebas que miden el sistema ejecutivo
Prevalence of Mild Cognitive Impairment in southern regions of Colombia
Background: Recent reports suggest that by 2050 there will be an increase of around 310% of cases affected by dementia in Latin American countries. A previous study in a Southern region reported one of the highest prevalences of dementia in Latin America. It is important to explore current prevalence rates of dementia risk conditions such as Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). Methods: a cross-sectional study recruited a community-dwelling sample of 823 adults from rural and urban areas of two Southern provinces of Colombia from 2020-2022. Participants were assessed with a neuropsychological protocol validated in Colombia. To obtain general and region-specific prevalence rates, age, sex, schooling, and socioeconomic level were considered and controlled for. Results: Most of the participants reported low education and socioeconomic level, the participation of women was higher. It was determined that the prevalence of MCI was 53.6%, with 56.6% in the province of Caquet谩 followed by 51.9% in the province of Huila. The amnestic MCI represented 42.6%, the multidomain amnestic was 16.55%, and the non-amnestic was 1.81%. Our participants reported comorbidities such as diabetes and hypertension. We also observed a relationship between exposure to pesticides and MCI. Conclusion: We observed one of the highest prevalences of MCI in Latin America reported to date. Variables such as age, gender, and education proved risk factors for MCI in the explored regions. Our findings are very much in line with recent studies that highlight the influence of non-canonical risk factors of dementia in underrepresented countries from Latin America
Brain health in diverse settings : How age, demographics and cognition shape brain function
Peer reviewe
Procesos cognitivos en trombosis de seno longitudinal superior: reporte de caso
La trombosis del seno longitudinal superior es una enfermedad dif铆cil de detectar
por sus diferentes causas y por el polimorfismo de su estructura neurol贸gica
manifestaciones; Tambi茅n es frecuente en mujeres relacionado con est铆mulos estrog茅nicos y otros
factores hormonales, pero poco probable en menores de 40 a帽os. Paciente: un paciente menor de
40 a帽os despu茅s de dos episodios de ictus isqu茅mico, estado cognitivo y funcional
se eval煤a al a帽o de la lesi贸n mediante la bater铆a neuropsi atenci贸n y memoria
y el inventario de adaptabilidad mayo-portland; Procesos cognitivos afectados en menor medida
el nivel de clasificaci贸n fueron atenci贸n y concentraci贸n, funcionamiento ejecutivo; En el
el estado funcional informado por el c贸nyuge sugiere la participaci贸n de s铆ntomas cl铆nicos
como irritabilidad, ira, agresi贸n, dolores de cabeza, fatiga y reacciones a
s铆ntomas e interacci贸n inadecuada, estos s铆ntomas no fueron informados por el paciente
sugiriendo posible anosognosia en su proceso de adaptabilidad conclusi贸n: Despu茅s de un
proceso de lesi贸n cerebral por afectaci贸n tromb贸tica, el proceso cognitivo y funcional
quedan secuelas despu茅s de la recuperaci贸n espont谩nea, lo que sugiere la importancia de la rehabilitaci贸n
procesos.the superior longitudinal sinus thrombosis is a disease difficult to detect
because of its different causes and because of the polymorphism of its neurological
manifestations; It is also common in females related to estrogen stimuli and other
hormonal factors, but unlikely in younger than 40 years. Patient: a patient younger than
40 years after having two episodes of ischemic strokes, cognitive and functional status
is assessed one year after the injury using the neuropsi battery attention and memory
and the mayo-portland adaptability inventory; Cognitive processes affected at a slight
level of classification were attention and concentration, executive functioning; In the
functional status reported by the spouse suggests involvement of clinical symptoms
such as irritability, anger, aggression, headaches, fatigue and reactions to minor
symptoms and inadequate interaction, these symptoms were not reported by the patient
suggesting possible anosognosia in her process of adaptability conclusion: After a
process of brain injury due to thrombotic involvement, the cognitive and functional
sequelae remain after spontaneous recovery, suggesting the import of rehabilitation
Procesos cognitivos en trombosis de seno longitudinal superior: reporte de caso
La trombosis del seno longitudinal superior es una enfermedad dif铆cil de detectar
por sus diferentes causas y por el polimorfismo de su estructura neurol贸gica
manifestaciones; Tambi茅n es frecuente en mujeres relacionado con est铆mulos estrog茅nicos y otros
factores hormonales, pero poco probable en menores de 40 a帽os. Paciente: un paciente menor de
40 a帽os despu茅s de dos episodios de ictus isqu茅mico, estado cognitivo y funcional
se eval煤a al a帽o de la lesi贸n mediante la bater铆a neuropsi atenci贸n y memoria
y el inventario de adaptabilidad mayo-portland; Procesos cognitivos afectados en menor medida
el nivel de clasificaci贸n fueron atenci贸n y concentraci贸n, funcionamiento ejecutivo; En el
el estado funcional informado por el c贸nyuge sugiere la participaci贸n de s铆ntomas cl铆nicos
como irritabilidad, ira, agresi贸n, dolores de cabeza, fatiga y reacciones a
s铆ntomas e interacci贸n inadecuada, estos s铆ntomas no fueron informados por el paciente
sugiriendo posible anosognosia en su proceso de adaptabilidad conclusi贸n: Despu茅s de un
proceso de lesi贸n cerebral por afectaci贸n tromb贸tica, el proceso cognitivo y funcional
quedan secuelas despu茅s de la recuperaci贸n espont谩nea, lo que sugiere la importancia de la rehabilitaci贸n
procesos.the superior longitudinal sinus thrombosis is a disease difficult to detect
because of its different causes and because of the polymorphism of its neurological
manifestations; It is also common in females related to estrogen stimuli and other
hormonal factors, but unlikely in younger than 40 years. Patient: a patient younger than
40 years after having two episodes of ischemic strokes, cognitive and functional status
is assessed one year after the injury using the neuropsi battery attention and memory
and the mayo-portland adaptability inventory; Cognitive processes affected at a slight
level of classification were attention and concentration, executive functioning; In the
functional status reported by the spouse suggests involvement of clinical symptoms
such as irritability, anger, aggression, headaches, fatigue and reactions to minor
symptoms and inadequate interaction, these symptoms were not reported by the patient
suggesting possible anosognosia in her process of adaptability conclusion: After a
process of brain injury due to thrombotic involvement, the cognitive and functional
sequelae remain after spontaneous recovery, suggesting the import of rehabilitation
[email protected]
An Overview of Psychological Interventions on Breast Cancer Patients: Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials
Las morbilidades psicol贸gicas son comunes en pacientes con c谩ncer de mama. Condiciones cl铆nicas como depresi贸n, alteraciones cognitivas, ansiedad, angustia, miedo al c谩ncer, trastornos del sue帽o y fatiga pueden persistir en sobrevivientes de c谩ncer. Por ello, las intervenciones psicol贸gicas son relevantes durante el tratamiento en el c谩ncer de mama. Objetivo: Identificar intervenciones y resultados psicol贸gicos para mujeres con c谩ncer de mama. Se buscaron en cinco bases de datos: EMBASE, ScienceDirect, MEDLINE (Ovid), CENTRAL (Ovid) y PsycINFO (APA PsyNET), de enero de 2014 al 4 de junio de 2018. Dos autores revisaron todos los art铆culos en bases de datos y seleccionaron estudios potencialmente elegibles. Se utiliz贸 una s铆ntesis narrativa de los resultados debido a la heterogeneidad en ensayos controlados aleatorios, caracter铆sticas de la poblaci贸n, psicoterapias aplicadas, resultados y tiempo de las evaluaciones. Este resumen incluy贸 14 ensayos controlados aleatorios que comprometen a 1914 participantes (incluidos no metast谩sicos y metast谩sicos) en 21 art铆culos. Las intervenciones psicol贸gicas m谩s comunes fueron basadas en el comportamiento cognitivo. Los principales resultados psicol贸gicos evaluados fueron la depresi贸n, la calidad de vida, la fatiga y la ansiedad. Conclusi贸n: Los resultados de esta revisi贸n son 煤tiles para aclarar una visi贸n general de la intervenci贸n en morbilidades psicol贸gicas en el c谩ncer de mama. Las comorbilidades var铆an, contribuyen con costos a los pacientes y no hay suficiente evidencia emp铆rica sobre psicoterapias para resolver todas las morbilidades psicol贸gicas en la mujer con c谩ncer de mama.Psychological morbidities are common in breast cancer patients. Clinical conditions like depression, cognitive alterations, anxiety, distress, fear of cancer, sleep disorders, and fatigue may persist in cancer survivors. Therefore, psychological interventions are an essential treatment for breast cancer. To identify psychological interventions and psychological outcomes for women with breast cancer. Methods: Five databases were searched: EMBASE, ScienceDirect, MEDLINE (Ovid), CENTRAL (Ovid) y PsycINFO (APA PsyNET), from Jan 2014 to Jun 4th, 2018. Two authors reviewed all title articles and abstracts in databases and selected potentially eligible studies. A narrative synthesis of results was used due to the heterogeneity in randomized controlled trials, population characteristics, psychotherapies applied, outcomes, and timing of assessments. This overview included 14 randomized controlled trials which comprise 1914 participants (included non-metastatic and metastatic), across 21 articles. The most common psychological interventions were cognitive-behavioral based. The principal psychological outcomes assessed were depression, quality of life, fatigue, and anxiety. Conclusion: Results from this review are useful to clarify an overview of intervention in psychological morbidities in breast cancer. Comorbidities vary, contribute costs to patients, and there is insufficient empirical evidence about psychotherapies to resolve all psychological morbidities in breast cancer [email protected]://scholar.google.es/citations?hl=es&user=-n4q0yUAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdat