186 research outputs found

    Análisis de las variables que afectan a la recepción y la colocación en voleibol

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    Tesis doctoral con la Mención de "Doctor Internacional"El objetivo general de la presente investigación ha sido ha sido analizar las variables que afectan a la eficacia de las acciones de recepción y colocación en complejo I (KI) y complejo II (KII) en voleibol, en diferentes categorías. La muestra del estudio estuvo compuesta por tres Campeonatos de tres categorías diferentes (Campeonato de España de Selecciones Autonómicas de voleibol U-16, Campeonato del Mundo de voleibol U-21, Campeonato del mundo de voleibol absoluto). Las variables de la investigación estuvieron agrupadas en: variables del saque, variables de recepción, variables de colocación en KI y KII, variables de la defensa y variables del bloqueo. La técnica de recogida de datos fue la observación sistemática de la acción de recepción. El análisis estadístico principal fue la regresión logística multinomial. Dada la importancia de las acciones de recepción y colocación en voleibol, esta investigación aporta información relevante para el proceso de entrenamiento, al mostrar las variables que afectan a dichas acciones de juego. Unido a ello, la realización de estudios en diferentes categorías de juego permite establecer perfiles de actuación y rendimiento en cada una de las categorías de juego estudiadas.The main aim of this research has been to analyze the variables that affect the effectiveness of reception and setting in complex (KI) and complex II (KII) efficacy in volleyball, in different categories. The study sample consisted of three Championships of three different categories (Volleyball U-16 Spanish Championship, Volleyball U-21 Men’s World Champions, Volleyball senior Men’s World Champions). The variables of the investigation were grouped into: service variables, variables of the study were grouped into: serve variables, reception variables, set in situacional variables. The data collection was carried out through systematic observation. The principal statistical analysis was the multinominal logistic regression. Given the importance of the actions of reception and set in volleyball, this research provides information relevant to the training process, by showing the variables that affect said game actions. Together with this, the realization of studies in different game categories allows to establish performance profiles in each of the game categories studied

    Análisis de las variables que afectan a la recepción y la colocación en voleibol

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    Tesis doctoral con la Mención de "Doctor Internacional"El objetivo general de la presente investigación ha sido ha sido analizar las variables que afectan a la eficacia de las acciones de recepción y colocación en complejo I (KI) y complejo II (KII) en voleibol, en diferentes categorías. La muestra del estudio estuvo compuesta por tres Campeonatos de tres categorías diferentes (Campeonato de España de Selecciones Autonómicas de voleibol U-16, Campeonato del Mundo de voleibol U-21, Campeonato del mundo de voleibol absoluto). Las variables de la investigación estuvieron agrupadas en: variables del saque, variables de recepción, variables de colocación en KI y KII, variables de la defensa y variables del bloqueo. La técnica de recogida de datos fue la observación sistemática de la acción de recepción. El análisis estadístico principal fue la regresión logística multinomial. Dada la importancia de las acciones de recepción y colocación en voleibol, esta investigación aporta información relevante para el proceso de entrenamiento, al mostrar las variables que afectan a dichas acciones de juego. Unido a ello, la realización de estudios en diferentes categorías de juego permite establecer perfiles de actuación y rendimiento en cada una de las categorías de juego estudiadas.The main aim of this research has been to analyze the variables that affect the effectiveness of reception and setting in complex (KI) and complex II (KII) efficacy in volleyball, in different categories. The study sample consisted of three Championships of three different categories (Volleyball U-16 Spanish Championship, Volleyball U-21 Men’s World Champions, Volleyball senior Men’s World Champions). The variables of the investigation were grouped into: service variables, variables of the study were grouped into: serve variables, reception variables, set in situacional variables. The data collection was carried out through systematic observation. The principal statistical analysis was the multinominal logistic regression. Given the importance of the actions of reception and set in volleyball, this research provides information relevant to the training process, by showing the variables that affect said game actions. Together with this, the realization of studies in different game categories allows to establish performance profiles in each of the game categories studied

    Factors Used to Make Appropriate Decisions in Youth Categories in Volleyball

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    Acknowledgments: This article will be part of the Doctoral Thesis titled: “Study of cognitive skills in volleyball players in Spain and Brazil”, by Manuel Conejero Suárez, at the University of Extremadura. This work was conducted with thanks to the Fernando Valhondo Calaff Foundation for the contribution of predoctoral contracts to young researchers.The study aim was to examine the associations between the category of play and the factors athletes use to make appropriate decisions. We observed 6567 game actions performed by 144 athletes. All game actions involved appropriate decisions. The study variables were factors on which appropriate decision-making is based (for five game actions in volleyball: serve, reception, setting, attack, block) and game category (Under-14, Under-16, Under-19). Our analysis—using contingency tables, the Chi-square test, and Cramer’s V—revealed a significant association between the two variables across the five actions. In the U-14 category, and sometimes in the U-16 category, it was more frequent than the expected random frequency that appropriate decisions were of low tactical complexity, focused on the performance of the skill, with an attentional focus on close elements, of low risk, and with actions of reduced difficulty and precision. For the U-19 category, it was more frequent than the expected random frequency that decisions were of greater tactical complexity, with an attentional focus on the opposing team, considering more relevant stimuli, with greater risk, and with greater time pressure. There is, therefore, a need for coaches to understand the decision-making skills of athletes from early on, as this will allow them to develop tasks and apply cognitive strategies that are adapted to the level of the athlete and that can ultimately improve decision-making further.Catedra del Real Madrid-European University 2017/RM02Consejeria de Economia e Infraectructuras de la Junta de Extremadura (Spain) through the European Regional Development fund: A way to make Europe GR1812

    Performance analysis of U19 male and female setters in the Brazilian volleyball champion teams

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    This study was made possible thanks to the contribution of the [Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq) ] , and [Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (Fapemig) ] .The present study aims to analyse the associations between setting variables and gender (male and female). The study sample consisted of 711 setting actions made by the setters/starters of the champion teams from the Brazilian states of Minas Gerais (MG) and São Paulo (SP); 313 setting actions were observed for the male category and 398 for the female category. Statistical analysis showed that there were gender differences in the following variables: conditions of the setting, number of attackers available for the attack, set tempo, conditions after setting and the set’s area. This information is likely to be relevant for the training process of setting, for both males and females.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPQ)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG

    Towards a More Efficient Training Process in High-Level Female Volleyball From a Match Analysis Intervention Program Based on the Constraint-Led Approach: The Voice of the Players

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    The aim of the research was to know the perception of high-level volleyball players of the changes produced (in relation to the previous season) in the efficiency of the training process, after a match analysis intervention program based on the Constraint-led Approach (CLA). The sample consisted of 11 players from a women’s volleyball team. The protocol of the intervention program consisted of providing objective, contextualised and systematic information to the coach (adapted to his needs) that would allow understanding the different real game contexts. We used semi-structured interviews to assess players’ perceptions. The athletes perceived changes in training, both in their preparation and development, specifically in greater involvement and organisation in preparing the training; in an increase in the specificity and suitability of training tasks according to individual needs; in the representativeness of the restrictions of the game; in a more tactical approach; in the variability of task and in the accountability to achieve the objective proposed. In addition, in the preparation and development for competition, the players detected more game planning; a deeper analysis of the opponents; an objective selection of the most relevant data, an increase in the depth of match analysis and the inclusion of the weekly meeting with the use of video compared to the previous season. These results expose the benefits of coaches incorporate programmes to obtain objective information about the game in their training process.Foundation Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el BuenoConsejeria de Economia e Infraestructuras de la Junta de Extremadura (Spain) through the European Regional Development fund: A way to make Europe GR1812

    Cognitive processes and performance in the serve action in volleyball

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    El saque es una de las acciones de juego en voleibol a la que los equipos han dado gran importancia, definiéndose como la acción de poner el balón en juego por el jugador zaguero derecho, situado en la zona de saque. Ésta es la única acción en la que el jugador tiene el 100% del control de la pelota, teniendo tiempo suficiente para elegir el tipo, la fuerza y el área donde irá dirigido. Además, es considerado acción finalista ya que se puede conseguir punto a través de él, pudiendo afectar al rendimiento del equipo. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la relación entre la toma de decisiones y el rendimiento en la acción de saque, en voleibol de categoría Juvenil Masculino. Se analizaron mediante la observación sistemática 1555 acciones de saque, correspondientes a los 21 equipos participantes en el Campeonato de España Juvenil Masculino, celebrado en 2012. Los resultados mostraron una asociación significativa entre la toma de decisiones y el rendimiento, en la acción de saque (.337**). Además, existe una asociación alta entre ambas variables (Gamma = .533), y un nivel de dependencia moderado entre las mismas (D de Somers = .315). Estos resultados muestran la importancia de poseer adecuadas capacidades decisionales para obtener un óptimo rendimiento en la acción de saque, y contribuir así a mejorar el rendimiento del equipo. Por tanto, en el proceso de entrenamiento de jugadores de categoría juvenil sería apropiado considerar la posibilidad de empleo de actividades que contribuyan a la mejora de la capacidad decisional de los deportistas.The serve is one of the game actions in volleyball to which teams have given great importance. It is defined as the action to start the rally by the right back player, located in the serve zone. The serve is a single action in which the player has 100% control of the ball, having enough time to choose the type, strength and area where it will be directed. In addition, it is considered a finalist action as a direct point can be achieved through it, affecting the team performance. The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between decision-making and performance in the serve action, in volleyball U-19 category. 1555 serve actions were analyzed through the systematic observation of the 21 teams participating in the U-19 Male Spanish Championship in 2012. The results showed a significant association between decision-making and performance in the serve action (.337 **). In addition, there is a high association between both variables (Gamma = .533), and a moderate dependency level between them (Somers' D = .315). These results show the importance of having adequate decision-making abilities to obtain optimum performance in the serve action, improving team performance. Therefore, in the training process of youth volleyball players it would be appropriate to use activities to improve the players’ decision-making abilities.• Junta de Extremadura y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional. AyudapeerReviewe

    Variables that predict serve efficacy in elite men's volleyball with different quality of opposition sets

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar las variables que predecían la eficacia de los servicios en el voleibol masculino de élite, en conjuntos con diferente calidad de oposición. Se analizaron 3292 acciones de saque, de las cuales 2254 se realizaron en sets con alta calidad de oposición y 1038 acciones en sets con baja calidad de oposición, lo que corresponde a un total de 24 partidos jugados durante el Campeonato Europeo de Voleibol Masculino celebrado en 2011. Las variables independientes consideradas en este estudio fueron la zona de saque, el tipo de saque, el jugador que sirve, la dirección del saque, la zona de recepción, el jugador receptor y el tipo de recepción; la variable dependiente fue la eficacia del saque y la variable situacional fue la calidad de los sets de la oposición. Las variables que actuaron como predictoras tanto en el alta como en la baja calidad de los sets de la oposición fueron el jugador que saca, la zona de recepción y el tipo de recepción. La variable del tipo de saque sólo actuó como predictor en los sets de oposición de alta calidad, mientras que la variable de la zona de saque sólo actuó como predictor en los sets de oposición de baja calidad. Estos resultados pueden proporcionar una importante orientación en los procesos de entrenamiento de voleibol masculino.The objective of this study was to determine the variables that predicted serve efficacy in elite men’s volleyball, in sets with different quality of opposition. 3292 serve actions were analysed, of which 2254 were carried out in high quality of opposition sets and 1038 actions were in low quality of opposition sets, corresponding to a total of 24 matches played during the Men's European Volleyball Championships held in 2011. The independent variables considered in this study were the serve zone, serve type, serving player, serve direction, reception zone, receiving player and reception type; the dependent variable was serve efficacy and the situational variable was quality of opposition sets. The variables that acted as predictors in both high and low quality of opposition sets were the serving player, reception zone and reception type. The serve type variable only acted as a predictor in high quality of opposition sets, while the serve zone variable only acted as a predictor in low quality of opposition sets. These results may provide important guidance in men’s volleyball training processes.• Ministerio de Economía, y Competitividad. Proyecto DEP2011-27503 • Junta de Extremadura y Fondo Europeo para el Desarrollo Regional. AyudapeerReviewe

    Proposta de um programa de intervenção baseado no modelo de educação esportiva no ensino médio para melhorar as necessidades psicológicas básicas e o interesse e atitude em relação à educação física

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    Resumen: Introducción: La Educación física es de vital importancia para el desarrollo de diferentes destrezas. Pero, para ello, es necesario que el alumnado tenga un interés hacia la misma, así como que a través de la Educación Física vean cubiertas sus necesidades psicológicas básicas. Objetivos: El objetivo de la investigación fue conocer el estado de las necesidades psicológicas básicas y el interés y actitud hacia la educación física, así como realizar una propuesta de un programa de intervención basado en el modelo de Educación Deportiva, en Educación Secundaria. Métodos: La muestra del estudio estuvo formada por 20 alumnos de 1º de la ESO. Las variables e instrumentos fueron, las necesidades psicológicas básicas (escala de Medición de las Necesidades Psicológicas Básicas) y el interés y actitud de los alumnos hacia la Educación Física (Cuestionario de Intereses y Actitudes hacia la Educación Física). Resultados y discusión: Los resultaros mostraron que, lo factores que recibieron una menor valoración, en los diferentes cuestionarios, fueron la autonomía y el factor que hacía referencia a la utilidad de la Educación Física. Conclusiones: En las clases de educación física es conveniente que los docentes den una mayor autonomía a los alumnos incidiendo, además en la utilidad de dicha materia.Abstract: Introduction: Physical education is of vital importance for the development of different skills. But, for this, it is necessary that the students have an interest in it, as well as that through Physical Education they see their basic psychological needs covered. Aim: The objective of the research was to know the state of the basic psychological needs and the interest and attitude towards physical education, as well as to make a proposal for an intervention program based on the Sports Education model, in Secondary Education. Methods: The study sample consisted of 20 students from 1st year of ESO. The variables and instruments were the basic psychological needs (Basic Psychological Needs Measurement scale) and the interest and attitude of the students towards Physical Education (Questionnaire of Interests and Attitudes towards Physical Education). Results & discussion: The results showed that the factors that received a lower evaluation, in the different questionnaires, were autonomy and the factor that referred to the usefulness of Physical Education. Conclusions: In physical education classes it is convenient for teachers to give greater autonomy to students, also influencing the usefulness of said subject.Resumo: Introdução:. A educação física é de vital importância para o desenvolvimento de diferentes habilidades. Mas, para isso, é necessário que os alunos tenham interesse por ela, bem como que por meio da Educação Física vejam supridas suas necessidades psicológicas básicas. Objectivos:. O objetivo da pesquisa foi conhecer o estado das necessidades psicológicas básicas e o interesse e atitude em relação à educação física, bem como propor um programa de intervenção baseado no modelo de Educação Desportiva, no Ensino Secundário. Métodos: A amostra do estudo foi constituída por 20 alunos do 1º ano do ESO. As variáveis e instrumentos foram as necessidades psicológicas básicas (escala de Mensuração das Necessidades Psicológicas Básicas) e o interesse e atitude dos alunos em relação à Educação Física (Questionário de Interesses e Atitudes em relação à Educação Física). Resultados e discussão: Os resultados mostraram que os fatores que receberam menor avaliação, nos diferentes questionários, foram a autonomia e o fator que se referiu à utilidade da Educação Física..Conclusões:. Nas aulas de Educação Física é conveniente que os professores dêem maior autonomia aos alunos, influenciando também na utilidade da referida disciplina

    Association between reception variables and the set area in volleyball, in formative stages

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue conocer la asociación existente entre diferentes variables de recepción y la zona donde se envía la colocación, en etapas de formación en voleibol. La muestra del estudio estuvo compuesta por 1658 acciones de juego (862 acciones de recepción y 796 acciones de colocación), realizadas por los 16 equipos masculinos participantes en el campeonato de España de selecciones autonómicas de categoría cadete masculina. El análisis inferencial puso de manifiesto que, tanto la zona de recepción, como la eficacia de la recepción, muestran asociación significativa con la zona hacia donde se envía la colocación (X2=17.754ª; VCramer=.106; p=.007 y X2=210.110ª; VCramer=.363; p<.001, respectivamente). Por tanto, ciertas características de la recepción (zona y eficacia) pueden favorecer la anticipación de la zona hacia donde se enviará la colocación y, consecuentemente, por donde se realizará el ataque posterior. Esta información podría ser tenida en cuenta por los entrenadores de etapas de formación en el entrenamiento y competición deportiva.The main objective of this study is to know the association between different reception´s variables and the set´s area in volleyball in formative stages in volleyball. The study sample comprises a total of 1658 game actions (862 reception actions and 796 setting actions), carried out by the 16 teams in the male category participating in the Under-16 Spanish Championship. The inferential analysis shows that, both the reception zone, and the reception efficacy, are significantly associated with the set´s area (X2=17.754ª; VCramer=.106; p=.007 y X2=210.110ª; VCramer=.363; p<.001, respectively). Therefore, some characteristics of the reception (zone and efficacy) could improve the anticipation of the set´s area and, as a result the following attack zone. This information could be taken into account, by coaches in the formative stages in training and competition.peerReviewe

    Re-Politicization of Teacher Education in Post-Pandemic Times: A View From The South

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    Our role as teacher educators implies questioning more than our actions inside the classroom, especially during a crisis like the one that our country and the world are currently experiencing. In October 2019, Chile awoke with a student revolt that extended nationally. After this, the COVID-19 epidemic also altered Chile's political and socioeconomic landscape. Rethinking the role of teachers in a new scenery is an issue that we address as a team of academics working on teacher education. It’s a two-pronged approach: First, we look back to observe the depoliticization of teachers and society in a neoliberal context; and second, we look forward to the issues we see in this process of post-pandemic change and Chile’s new Constitution. In the end, we connect with other components that we think are critical to re-politicizing teacher education