618 research outputs found

    Evaluating a human-robot interface for exploration missions

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    The research reported in this paper concerns the design, implementation, and experimental evaluation of a Human-Robot Interface for stationary remote operators, implemented for a PC computer. The GUI design and functionality is described. An Autonomy Management Model has been implemented and explained. We have conducted user evaluation, making two set of experiments, that will be described and the resulting data analyzed. The conclusions give an insight on the most important usability concerns, regarding the operator situational awareness. The scalability of the interface is also experimentally studied

    PANoptosis: new insights in regulated cell death in ischemia/reperfusion models

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    Resumen extraído del párrafo final del artículo[EN] The different subroutines of cell death elicited by PANoptosis seems to be addressed to assure the RCD following infections by virus (HVI or IAV) or bacteria (F. novicida), however, a role for PANoptosis beyond the context of infections has been suggested indicating the contribution of PANoptosis in development and immune responses (Samir et al, 2020). In addition, the excessive production of cytokines mediated by inflammatory cell death (cytokine storm) can also induce PANoptosis (Wang and Kanneganti, 2021). Thus, future studies characterizing the PANoptosis in processes other than infections will contribute to gaining insight into the homeostasis control mechanismsSIThis work was supported by Neural Therapies SL (NT-Dev-01) and University of Leó

    Shaping ability of Mtwo and Twisted File rotary systems in curved root canals

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    Objective: To compare the straightening of root canal curvature, the apical transportation, the loss of working length and the working time using two rotary systems. Study design: Sixty buccal root canals with angles of curvature between 30 to 99º were instrumented with Mtwo and Twisted File rotary instruments. A series of pre- and post-operative radiographs were superimposed to determine the straightening of root canal curvature and apical transportation. The loss of working length and working time were also calculated. Results: All data were analyzed by means of the Student´s t-test and Mann-Whitney U-test. No statistically significant differences in the straightening of root canal curvature, apical transportation, or the loss of working length were found between groups. There was a significant difference in working time between angles of curvature when using the Mtwo system. Conclusion: Both rotary systems showed minimal changes in the original root canal curvature

    Evaluación on-line del proceso de resolución de problemas matemáticos en estudiantes de quinto y sexto curso: auto-regulación y logro

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    El objetivo de este estudio ha sido poner a prueba un método de evaluación del proceso implicado en la resolución de problemas matemáticos, basado en la metodología de la Triple Tarea y en los principios del Aprendizaje Autorregulado. Este protocolo se administró a 510 estudiantes de quinto y sexto curso procedentes del Norte de España, los cuales realizaron dos tareas matemáticas de diferente dificultad. Los resultados indicaron la presencia de unas estrategias de planificación ineficaces, así como la ausencia de mecanismos de revisión. Sin embargo, el análisis de las diferencias entre los grupos con diferente rendimiento en las tareas reveló los sub-procesos implicados en la planificación, y especialmente el empleo de estrategias de representación de la información, como determinantes importantes en el éxito de los estudiantes, ejerciendo un efecto mayor conforme la dificultad de la tarea aumentó

    Influence of adhesive systems on microtensile bond strength of resin-based endodontic sealers to the root dentin

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the microtensile bond strength to root dentin of AH PlusTM and EndoREZ® with Clearfil Liner Bond 2V and Optibond SoloTM Plus adhesive systems. Study Design: The coronal and middle thirds of six single rooted bovine teeth was split longitudinally in a mesio- distal direction. The two halves were joined with AH Plus or EndoREZ, with and without the use of Clearfil Li - ner Bond 2V and Optibond SoloTM Plus adhesive systems. Build-ups were vertically sectioned into quadrangular (?1mmx1mm) compound bars and subjected to tensile tests at a constant crosshead speed (1 mm/min) until debon - ding. Results: Optibond ® Solo PlusTM in combination with AH PlusTM and EndoREZ ® showed the highest mean micro - tensile bond strength values, in both coronal and middle thirds. The lowest results were seen in the groups where no dentine adhesive was applied, and in those where the self-etching adhesive Clearfil Liner Bond 2V was used. Conclusion: The microtensile bond strength to root dentin of AH PlusTM and EndoREZ may be increased with the use of a total-etch adhesive

    Computation of the optimal relative pose between overlapping grid maps through discrepancy minimization

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    Grid maps are a common environment representation in mobile robotics. Many Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) solutions divide the global map into submaps, forming some kind of graph or tree to represent the structure of the environment, while the metric details are captured in the submaps. This work presents a novel algorithm that is able to compute a physically feasible relative pose between two overlapping grid maps. Our algorithm can be used for correspondence search (data association), but also for integrating negative information in a unified way. This paper proposes a discrepancy measure between two overlapping grid maps and its application in a quasi Newton optimization algorithm, with the hypothesis that minimizing such discrepancy could provide useful information for SLAM. Experimental evidence is provided showing the high potential of the algorithm

    Long-term sealing ability of GuttaFlow versus Ah Plus using different obturation techniques

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    Objective. To compare the long-term sealing ability of GuttaFlow® using different obturation techniques. Study Design. Three hundred teeth, prepared with a crown-down technique, were divided into thirty experimental groups (n=10) to evaluate the apical and coronal leakage, at 3, 30 and 120 days, of lateral compaction gutta-percha + AH Plus?, lateral compaction gutta-percha + GuttaFlow®, single cone + AH Plus?, single cone + GuttaFlow®, and GuttaFlow® only. Results. Both coronal and apical leakage, at the three times of measurement, no significant differences were found among GuttaFlow® + lateral compaction gutta-percha and GuttaFlow® + single cone groups, whereas the only GuttaFlow® reached the highest leakage values at 30 and 120 days. AH Plus?, using both techniques, showed high levels of leakage after 120 days to the coronal leakage and after 30 days to the apical leakage when compared silicon based sealer. Conclusion. GuttaFlow®, using with lateral compaction and single cone techniques, shows a greater apical and coronal sealing ability than AH Plus? over time. GuttaFlow® when used as only creates a poorer sealing than when used with lateral compaction gutta-percha or single cone techniques

    Effects of Pre-storage Incubation of Red-Legged Partridge (Alectoris rufa) Eggs on Hatchability and Incubation Length

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    This is the first study to investigate whether pre-storage incubation (PRESI) of red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) eggs improves hatchability. To this aim, 420 red-legged partridge eggs were organized in a 2 × 3 factorial design consisting of two levels of storage length (storage for 7 and 42 d) and three levels of PRESI (incubation for 0, 6 and 12 h at 37.8C and 55% RH), resulting in six treatments consisting of 10 replications of 7 eggs each. For each treatment, egg weight losses during conservation and incubation, hatchability, chick weight at hatch, incubation length, and developmental stage at embryonic mortality were measured. It was found that 6 or 12 h of PRESI did not influence on hatchability of the fertile eggs stored during 7 d, and 6 h of PRESI did not improve the hatching rate of 42-d stored fertile eggs. However, 12 h of PRESI highly deteriorated hatchability of 42-d stored fertile eggs, increasing embryo mortality at positive development stage. Pre-storage incubation and the interaction PRESI × storage length increased egg weight loss during the storage period, though they did not influence either incubation length or chick weight at hatch. Thus, in contrast with other poultry species, PRESI does not offset the detrimental effect of the storage length on the hatchability and performance of A. rufa eggs, but even aggravates it in case of 42 d of storage. © 2014 Friends Science PublishersJunta de Andalucía AGR-23

    Apical seal comparison of low-temperature thermoplasticized gutta-percha technique and lateral condensation with two different master cones

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    Objetivo: comparar el sellado apical en conductos mesio-vestibulares de molares obturados con gutapercha termoplastificada a baja temperatura o con técnica de condensación lateral usando un cono maestro de gutapercha de conicidad .06 o .02. Como objetivo secundario se evaluó la penetración del espaciador en los conductos cuando se utilizó un cono de conicidad .02 o .06. Metodología: cuarenta y cuatro conductos mesio-vestibulares curvos (25-40º) fueron preparados con instrumentos rotatorios del niquel-titanio de conicidad .06 y distribuidos aleatoriamente en dos grupos control (n=4) y tres grupos experimentales (n=12) para obturarlos con el sistema Ultrafil® 3D o técnica de condensación lateral de gutapercha en frío con conos maestros de conicidad .06 o.02. AH-Plus fue utilizado como cemento sellador. La profundidad de penetración del espaciador fue registrada en milímetros. Las raíces fueron cubiertas con dos capas de barniz de uñas, sumergidas en tinta china durante 7 días, seccionadas transversalmente y examinadas con un estereomicroscopio. Para determinar si existían diferencias en la penetración del espaciador entre grupos se utilizó el test de la T de Student. La prueba de Kruskal-Wallis fue utilizada para determinar si existían diferencias en la penetración del tinte. Resultados: no hubo diferencias en la microfiltración entre los tres grupos de estudio (p= 0.396), que mostraban una media muy similar (0.42. 0.75 y 0.42). La comparación de la profundidad de penetración del espaciador en los grupos obturados mediante condensación lateral fue significativamente superior cuando se usó un cono de conicidad .02 (p= 0.001). Conclusión: el sistema Ultrafil®3D y la técnica de condensación lateral de la gutapercha con conos maestros de conicidad .06 o .02 fueron igualmente eficaces en el sellado apical de conductos curvos. El espaciador penetró en el conducto significativamente más cuando se empleó un cono de conicidad .02