10 research outputs found

    Discrete element analysis for the assessment of the accuracy of load cell-based dynamic weighing systems in grape harvesters under different ground conditions

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    Dynamic weighing systems based on load cells are commonly used to estimate crop yields in the field. There is lack of data, however, regarding the accuracy of such weighing systems mounted on harvesting machinery, especially on that used to collect high value crops such as fruits and vegetables. Certainly, dynamic weighing systems mounted on the bins of grape harvesters are affected by the displacement of the load inside the bin when moving over terrain of changing topography. In this work, the load that would be registered in a grape harvester bin by a dynamic weighing system based on the use of a load cell was inferred by using the discrete element method (DEM). DEM is a numerical technique capable of accurately describing the behaviour of granular materials under dynamic situations and it has been proven to provide successful predictions in many different scenarios. In this work, different DEM models of a grape harvester bin were developed contemplating different influencing factors. Results obtained from these models were used to infer the output given by the load cell of a real bin. The mass detected by the load cell when the bin was inclined depended strongly on the distribution of the load within the bin, but was underestimated in all scenarios. The distribution of the load was found to be dependent on the inclination of the bin caused by the topography of the terrain, but also by the history of inclination (inclination rate, presence of static periods, etc.) since the effect of the inertia of the particles (i.e., representing the grapes) was not negligible. Some recommendations are given to try to improve the accuracy of crop load measurement in the field

    Load displacement in grape harvesters: Discrete Element Analysis.

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    Dynamic weighing of the hopper in grape harvesters is affected by a number of factors. One of them is the displacement of the load inside the hopper as a consequence of the terrain topography. In this work, the weight obtained by a load cell in a grape harvester has been analysed and quantified using the discrete element method (DEM). Different models have been developed considering different scenarios for the terrain

    Determination of the mechanical properties of corn grains and olive fruits required in DEM simulations

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    Discrete element method (DEM) is a numerical technique widely used for simulating the mechanical behavior of granular materials involved in many food and agricultural industry processes. Additionally, this technique is also a powerful tool to understand many complex phenomena related to the mechanics of granular materials. However, to make use of the potential of this technique it is necessary to develop DEM models capable of representing accurately the reality. For that, among some other questions, it is essential that the values of the microscopic material properties used to define the numerical model are accurately determined

    Determinación del coeficiente de rozamiento grano-pared en silos de pared corrugada mediante el método de los elementos discretos

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    El comportamiento de los materiales granulares almacenados en silos se ve afectado por varios parámetros, tanto aquellos característicos del material como de la geometría del silo. La determinación del coeficiente de rozamiento pared-partícula es uno de los parámetros de mayor importancia, siendo habituales en su determinación el uso de ensayos de corte directo. En el presente trabajo se estudia dicho coeficiente para el supuesto de una pared corrugada, el cual, teóricamente, debe representar a un valor efectivo que depende tanto del coeficiente de rozamiento grano-pared (para el caso de una pared lisa) y el ángulo de rozamiento interno del material. La determinación del rozamiento efectivo se ha realizado a través de la simulación por elementos discretos de un ensayo de corte sobre una pared corrugada. Los valores obtenidos han sido comparados con las prescripciones expuestas en la normativa vigente. La potencialidad del método de los elementos discretos permite el estudio de diversas configuraciones geométricas de la pared corrugada de los silos sin necesidad de realizar ensayos de laboratorio. Esto permitirá, en trabajos sucesivos, investigar la influencia de muy diversos factores en el valor del rozamiento efectivo grano-pared en este tipo de paredes. The mechanical behaviour of granular materials stored in silos is affected by numerous parameters, some of them being related to the characteristic of the stored materials and others to the geometry of the silo. The determination of the particle-wall friction coefficient (or wall friction) is of great importance and direct shear tests are usually conducted in order to obtain its value. In this work this variable is analysed for the case of a corrugated wall. This value is expected to be an effective value between the particle-wall friction coefficient (obtained for a flat wall) and the internal friction coefficient of the material under study. The effective wall friction determination has been carried out by using a discrete element model to simulate a direct shear test on a corrugated wall. The values obtained have been compared with prescriptions given in the current standards. The potential of the discrete element method allows different geometries of the silo corrugated wall to be considered without the necessity of developing laboratory tests. In future works it will allow the influence of numerous parameters on the effective wall friction in corrugated walls to be studied

    Ensayo para calcular tensiones y deformaciones en la estructura del techo de un silo metálico de 18,34 m de diámetro

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    Los silos metálicos requieren la disposición de una estructura en su parte superior para permitir la fijación de las chapas que forman la cubierta del silo y así soportar las cargas para las que ha sido diseñada. Esta estructura está formada por un sistema reticular de vigas radiales y circunferenciales que desempeñan diversas funciones. Los modelos de cálculo que se emplean asumen la existencia de ciertos supuestos de comportamiento que luego deben verificarse en la práctica. Por esta razón, se diseñó un experimento para obtener las tensiones y desplazamientos verticales producidos en distintos elementos de la estructura del techo de un silo de 18,34 m de diámetro, con objeto de validar los resultados proporcionados por modelos de cálculo numérico. La instrumentación de un silo de estas dimensiones resulta bastante compleja, y requiere tener en cuenta numerosos factores como la selección representativa de los puntos de carga aplicados sobre el techo, la comprobación de las cargas transmitidas o la instalación de los dispositivos adecuados para poder registrar las mediciones necesarias. En los distintos ensayos realizados llegaron a aplicarse simultáneamente cargas sobre la estructura hasta en 54 puntos, mediante el uso de cintas tensoras (eslingas). La comprobación de la carga aplicada se realizó con el uso de 8 dinamómetros. Por otro lado, los desplazamientos verticales sufridos por la estructura, sometida a carga, se comprobaron en 3 puntos alineados con el uso de flexímetros ASM tipo A-WS10-100-R1K-L10, y las tensiones se infirieron a partir de las deformaciones registradas mediante el uso de 8 galgas extensométricas en 4 vigas opuestas de la estructura. Las lecturas procedentes de las galgas extensométricas y de los flexímetros fueron registrados mediante el uso de dataloggers. Los resultados obtenidos con los ensayos fueron comparados con los obtenidos con un programa de cálculo de estructuras mediante el cual se realizó un modelo tridimensional de la estructura. Se observó una buena concordancia en los resultados, siempre que se cumplieran las hipótesis de partida del modelo. El ensayo permitió detectar la presencia de ciertas anomalías en el funcionamiento de algunos elementos del silo, que fueron corroboradas con los modelos de cálculo

    Reuse of vacant agro-industrial buildings. The case of the public slaughterhouses in Spain

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    Nearly 3000 slaughterhouses (74% of them public facilities) were built in Spain during the last decades of the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century. The need to comply with new technical requirements and regulations on the hygiene of the meat passed in the 70s and the gradual replacement of public facilities by larger and more modern private slaughterhouses have subsequently led to the closure and abandonment of many of these buildings. Public slaughterhouses generally consisted of several single-storey and open-plan buildings located around a courtyard. Although originally they were preferably located on the outskirts of the towns, many slaughterhouses are now placed inside the built up areas, due to the urban development. The present work aims to contribute to a better understanding of these agro-industrial buildings and to provide ideas for their conservation and reuse. A review on the historical evolution and the architectural features of the public slaughterhouses in Spain is presented and different examples of old vacant slaughterhouses reused to accommodate libraries, offices, community centres, exhibition halls or sports centres, among others, are shown in the paper

    Neotropical ornithology: Reckoning with historical assumptions, removing systemic barriers, and reimagining the future

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    A major barrier to advancing ornithology is the systemic exclusion of professionals from the Global South. A recent special feature, Advances in Neotropical Ornithology, and a shortfalls analysis therein, unintentionally followed a long-standing pattern of highlighting individuals, knowledge, and views from the Global North, while largely omitting the perspectives of people based within the Neotropics. Here, we review current strengths and opportunities in the practice of Neotropical ornithology. Further, we discuss problems with assessing the state of Neotropical ornithology through a northern lens, including discovery narratives, incomplete (and biased) understanding of history and advances, and the promotion of agendas that, while currently popular in the north, may not fit the needs and realities of Neotropical research. We argue that future advances in Neotropical ornithology will critically depend on identifying and addressing the systemic barriers that hold back ornithologists who live and work in the Neotropics: unreliable and limited funding, exclusion from international research leadership, restricted dissemination of knowledge (e.g., through language hegemony and citation bias), and logistical barriers. Moving forward, we must examine and acknowledge the colonial roots of our discipline, and explicitly promote anti-colonial agendas for research, training, and conservation. We invite our colleagues within and beyond the Neotropics to join us in creating new models of governance that establish research priorities with vigorous participation of ornithologists and communities within the Neotropical region. To include a diversity of perspectives, we must systemically address discrimination and bias rooted in the socioeconomic class system, anti-Blackness, anti-Brownness, anti-Indigeneity, misogyny, homophobia, tokenism, and ableism. Instead of seeking individual excellence and rewarding top-down leadership, institutions in the North and South can promote collective leadership. In adopting these approaches, we, ornithologists, will join a community of researchers across academia building new paradigms that can reconcile our relationships and transform science. Spanish and Portuguese translations are available in the Supplementary Material.• Research conducted by ornithologists living and working in Latin America and the Caribbean has been historically and systemically excluded from global scientific paradigms, ultimately holding back ornithology as a discipline.• To avoid replicating systems of exclusion in ornithology, authors, editors, reviewers, journals, scientific societies, and research institutions need to interrupt long-held assumptions, improve research practices, and change policies around funding and publication.• To advance Neotropical ornithology and conserve birds across the Americas, institutions should invest directly in basic field biology research, reward collective leadership, and strengthen funding and professional development opportunities for people affected by current research policies.Peer reviewe

    D.H. Lawrence's plural jurisprudence: an enquiry into Desmond Manderson's post-positivist ‘law and literature’

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    Child health in Latin America: historiographic perspectives and challenges

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