1,440 research outputs found

    Género y estado de bienestar : la feminización de la atención a la dependencia

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    Los sistemas sanitarios han asumido de manera tradicional gran parte del coste de la atención sanitaria mediante sistemas de cobertura universal financiados con impuestos o cotizaciones de la Seguridad Social y, de manera indirecta, una parte de los cuidados personales. A su vez, los cuidados personales son, sobre todo en los países del Sur de Europa, responsabilidad de la familia y, en particular, de la mujer. La naturaleza familiar de los cuidados personales ha sido una característica básica de la mayoría de los sistemas de cuidados personales. El presente trabajo presenta algunos de las conclusiones de una investigación sobre la dependencia en municipios extremeños de menos de 5000 habitantes, en concreto, las relativas al perfil de las personas cuidadoras. La investigación pone de manifiesto su feminización que se enmarca en un modelo asistencial familiarista que refuerza los roles tradicionales de mujeres y hombres en el hogar

    Hypothalamic and mesencephalic regions involved in the control of laryngeal activity and subglottic pressure in spontaneously breathing anaesthetized rats

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    Changes of laryngeal caliber allow changes in airflow which are necessary for the vibration of the vocal folds and emission of voice. It is known that stimulation of the Periaqueductal Gray matter (PAG) and nucleus retroambiguus (nRA) produces vocalization, and lesions in PAG cause mutism in animals and humans. The nRA is the perfect target to turn passive into active expiration modifying the activity of laryngeal motoneurons located in the nucleus ambiguous (Paton and Nolan, 2000). We have shown that rostral and ventral pontine structures are involved in changes of laryngeal caliber (Lara et al., 2002). It has been also demonstrated a high expression of FOXP2 protein (transcription factor related to vocalization) at mesencephalic and pontine regions (PAG, Parabrachial complex and A5 Region) involved in cardiorespiratory control. The aim of this study was to characterize the relations between hypothalamic and mesencephalic regions involved in cardiorespiratory control and their possible role in modulating laryngeal activity. Experimental studies were carried out with non-inbred male rats (n=7), SPF, Sprague-Dawley (250-300 g) housed under standard conditions. Animals were anesthetized with sodium pentobarbitone (60 mg/kg i.p., initial dose, supplemented 2 mg/kg, i.v., as necessary). A double tracheal cannulation to develop the classical technique of the “glottis isolated in situ” and for the recording of respiratory airflow was carried out. DMH-PeF, dlPAG, and CnF stimulations evoked a significant decrease of laryngeal resistance (subglottal pressure) (p<0.01) accompanied with an inspiratory facilitatory response consisted of an increase in respiratory rate, together with a pressor and tachycardic response. The results of our study contribute with new data on the role of the hypothalamic-mesencephalic neuronal circuits in the control mechanisms of subglottic pressure and laryngeal activity.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    «Puedo prometer y prometo». Estudio comparado de las medidas programáticas para las elecciones generales en España (2019) en busca del pacto de Estado para la educación

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    Is a State Pact for Education in Spain possible? Since 1978 there has been a succession of seven educational laws of an organic nature, enacted and repealed according to the political sign of the party that entered the Government. At present, the new politics has put an end to the current bipartisan model, forcing the parties to establish negotiations in order to achieve power. In order to carry out this research, four units of comparison have been developed that serve to analyze the electoral programs of the parties with the greatest representation in Congress after the last general elections held in November 2019. The objective is to find points in common that could favor consensus or, on the contrary, others that show evidence of the lack of agreements. The selected comparative units are related to proposals that have raised parliamentary or social debate and that, therefore, may hinder the negotiation processes: financing of the educational system, educational inequality, educational freedom and vehicular language of instruction. The article begins by addressing from a historical perspective two key aspects, the left-right ideological confrontation, so marked in Spanish democracy, and the failed attempts of pact carried out in Spain, which allow us to understand the factors that have led to the still non-existence of a state pact. The study continues with a detailed analysis of the political measures on education proposed by the selected parties from the perspective of the comparison units designed. The political polarization within the left-right spectrum, the social pressures and the historical weight of different organizations make us foresee the few possibilities that currently exist in Spain when it comes to reaching a state pact for and in favor of education.¿Es posible un Pacto de Estado por la Educación en España? Desde 1978 se han sucedido siete leyes educativas con carácter orgánico en función del signo político del partido que entrara en el Gobierno. En la actualidad, la nueva política ha puesto fin al modelo bipartidista vigente obligando a los partidos a establecer negociaciones con el fin de alcanzar el poder. Mediante el estudio de los programas electorales en las últimas elecciones generales en España (2019) se intenta responder a la pregunta planteada. El artículo comienza abordando desde una perspectiva histórica dos aspectos clave, la confrontación ideológica y los intentos fallidos de pacto llevados a cabo en España, para proseguir con el estudio detallado de las medidas políticas en materia educativa planteadas por los partidos con mayor representación parlamentaria en el Congreso a fin de encontrar convergencias que abrieran una vía hacia el tan ansiado pact

    A5 and A6 Noradrenergic Cell Groups: Implications for Cardiorespiratory Control

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    Central pontine A5 and A6 noradrenergic cell groups are two of the main sources of noradrenaline release at the spinal cord, at the level of the superficial dorsal horn, the motoneuron pools of the ventral horn, lamina X and the thoracic and sacral intermediolateral cell columns. Noradrenergic ascending or descending pathways originating in the A5 or A6 noradrenergic cell groups are highly sensitive to stress and to other high-arousal states. These noradrenergic groups present extensive projections that play a key role in the modulation of all antinociceptive and autonomic responses elicited by painful or threatening situations. Depending on the locations of these projections, different possible roles for each noradrenergic cell groups are suggested. The A6 noradrenergic cell group might have the greatest effect on somatosensory transmission and the A5 group on sympathetic function. Consistent with this, stimulation of central noradrenergic pathways evokes an array of stresslike and antinociceptive effects, including changes in blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate. In addition, it also produces an increase in excitability, which leads to a high degree of arousal and a potentiation of cortical and subcortical mechanism generating the necessary cognitive, behavioral and autonomic responses to confront these physical or psychological situations

    Potencial de almacenamiento y susceptibilidad al daño por frío en frutos de nectarinas y durazno

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    Los tratamientos térmicos (agua y aire caliente) se han utilizado para la reducción de la incidencia de los daños por frío, ya que permiten el mantenimiento de las estructuras de las membranas celulares y la mejora de los sistemas antioxidantes. Con base a esto, el objetivo general de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la aplicación del tratamiento con aire caliente sobre la incidencia de los daños por frío en dos variedades de nectarinas (Big Top y Fantasía) y una de durazno (Elegant Lady) en las variables de tasa respiratoria, calidad de la fruta (interna y externa), el porcentaje de fuga de electrolitos (%FE), el contenido de malondialdehído (MDA), los polifenoles totales (PT), capacidad antioxidante total y por último, la actividad de las enzimas catalasa (CAT), ascorbato peroxidasa (APX) y superóxido dismutasa (SOD), pectinmetilesterasa (PME) y poligalacturonasa (PG). Entre los resultados más relevantes se destacan el aumento de la tasa respiratoria en los frutos tratados de la var. Big Top (30% más) y Elegant Lady (19-24% más) que los no tratados. Además, los frutos tratados de las variedades Big Top y Fantasía presentaron un aumento en el %FE durante la conservación (0 y 5 °C). Los frutos conservados a 0 °C presentaron valores entre 90-93% y los conservados a 5 °C valores entre 80-83%. En la var. Big Top, los PT en frutos tratados fueron entre 15% y 21% mayores que en los no tratados, mientras que los valores de capacidad antioxidante total fueron 21% mayores, pero solo en el periodo de VM. Los más altos de capacidad antioxidante total se observaron en los frutos de Fantasía conservados a 0 °C, siendo de 0,85 y 0,9 mg equivalentes a ácido ascórbico por gramo de peso fresco (mg EAA g⁻¹ PF), luego de 6 y 27 días respectivamente. Los frutos tratados de la var. Big Top presentaron una actividad de la SOD (77% y 42% superior), luego de 18 y 27 días respectivamente. Los frutos de la var. Fantasía presentaron mayor actividad de la CAT a 0 °C, con un valor inicial y final de 0,63 y 0,4 UAE mg⁻¹ proteína respectivamente. La actividad de la PG y PME en Fantasía fue superior en los frutos tratados 0 °C. Si bien existen algunos indicios de la reducción de los daños por frío como la reducción del pardeamiento de la pulpa, el aumento de los sistemas antioxidantes enzimáticos y no enzimáticos, y el aumento en la actividad de las enzimas de la pared celular, no hubo una respuesta muy clara para definir si este este tratamiento aplicado es efectivo o no para la reducción de los daños por frío


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    The braconid wasp Rinamba platyfemur (Marsh) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is reported for first time for Mexico;Yucatan Peninsula its northernmost distribution record

    Dorsolateral periaqueductal grey matter and pontine A5 region connectivity: a neuropharmacologic and electrophysiological study

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    In this study, carried out in spontaneously breathing anesthetised rats, we have analysed the relevance of the interactions between the dorsolateral periaqueductal grey matter (dlPAG) and the A5 region, and how this sympathetic pontine region participates in modulating the cardiorespiratory response evoked from the dlPAG. Electrical stimulation of the dlPAG (1 ms pulses, 20-30 μA given at 100 Hz for 5s) was elicited, and the evoked cardiorespiratory changes were analysed before and after ipsilateral microinjections of muscimol (50 nl, 0.25 nmol, 5s) within the A5 region. DlPAG stimulation evoked the classical “defence response” characterized by tachipnoea, hypertension and tachycardia. Tachipnoea consisted of an inspiratory facilitatory response [increase in respiratory rate (p<0.001) due to a decrease in expiratory time (p<0.01)] and was accompanied by a pressor (p<0.001) and tachycardic (p<0.001) response. Microinjection of Muscimol within the A5 region reduced all, pressor (p<0.05), heart rate (p<0.001) and respiratory (p<0.001) responses evoked by electrical stimulation of dlPAG. Finally, extracellular recordings of putative A5 neurones were obtained during dlPAG electrical stimulation in order to assess functional interactions between A5 and dlPAG. Forty A5 cells were recorded, 16 of which were affected by dlPAG (40%). With these results, we can conclude that neurones of the A5 region possibly modulate the cardiorespiratory response evoked from the dlPAG.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Does the midbrain dorsolateral periaqueductal grey have direct connections with the pontine A5 region? A neuropharmacologic and electrophysiological study

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    This study has been performed in spontaneously breathing anesthetised rats. We have analysed the possible interactions between the midbrain dorsolateral periaqueductal grey matter (dlPAG) and the pontine A5 region. Electrical stimulations of the dlPAG (1 ms pulses, 20-30 μA given at 100 Hz for 5s) were elicited and the evoked cardiorespiratory changes were analysed before and after ipsilateral blockade of the neurotransmission within the A5 region by means of microinjections of muscimol (50 nl, 0.25 nmol, 5s). Electrical stimulations evoked the classical “defence response” characterized by tachipnoea, hypertension and tachycardia. Tachipnoea consisted of an inspiratory facilitatory response [increase in respiratory rate (p<0.001) due to a decrease in expiratory time (p<0.01)] and was accompanied by a pressor (p<0.001) and tachycardic (p<0.001) response. Muscimol microinjected within the A5 region reduced pressor (p<0.05), tachycardic (p<0.001) and tachypnoeic (p<0.001) responses evoked to dlPAG electrical stimulations. Finally, in order to assess functional interactions between A5 and dlPAG, extracellular recordings of 40 putative A5 cells during dlPAG electrical stimulation were recorded. 16 cells were affected by dlPAG stimulation (40%). 3 cells showed orthodromic activation (14.2 ± 1.7 ms). 5 cells were excited (10.1 ± 1.6 ms). 7 cells decreased spontaneous activity to dlPAG stimulation. 24 cells were not modified by dlPAG stimulation (2 presented a respiratory pattern and 1 presented a cardiovascular pattern). These results contribute with new data on the role of the A5 region neurones in the modulation of the cardiorespiratory response evoked on dlPAG stimulation.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec