1,572 research outputs found

    Safety of permanent pacemaker implantation: a prospective study

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    Although pacemaker implantation is considered to be low risk, it is not exempt from complications and technical failures during the procedure, both in the short and long term, and the complications that such patients may present remain unknown. The aim has been to analyze the complication rates associated with permanent pacing and to identify if these differ between patients with or without previous antithrombotic therapy. We used a prospective, single center, observational study of 310 adult patients with indications of permanent pacing. They were hospitalized from 1 January to 31 December 2014 and followed up for 6 months after the pacemaker implant. The participants were distributed into two groups according to the antithrombotic therapy prior to the implant. The most frequent major complications were pneumothorax (3.87%) and lead dislodgement (8.39%), while superficial phlebitis (12.90%) and uncomplicated hematomas (22.58%) were presented as the most recurrent minor complications. Hematomas were the most frequent minor complication in the antithrombotic therapy cohort, and shoulder pain was reported as the most recurrent minor complication in the non-exposed group. Finding out about complications in pacemaker implants enables a complete view of the process, and hence the prioritization of actions aimed at improving safety and reducing associated risks

    Métodos anticonceptivos en las mujeres inmigrantes y el papel de la enfermera: una revisión bibliográfica.

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    Introduction: There were a total of 6,259,137 foreigners in Spain in 2013, 49% of which were women. This leads to the reproductive health of this collective supposing an important problem in the field of Public Health in Spain, since it is one of the most demanding groups in certain health services. Objective: To describe the current situation of contraceptive methods of immigrant women in Spain in recent years (2005 onwards).Methodology: A literature review was conducted in the first half of March 2014, it was limited to articles and literature reviews published since 2005 in English and Spanish. The databases used were PubMed, IME, SCOPUS, CINAHL, CUIDEN, WOS, Cochrane Library and TESEO databases.Results: The nurse plays a key role in the knowledge and use of new contraceptive methods by immigrant women, with the IUD being used by Maghrebi and Eastern European immigrants, the condom is the most used by the Latino immigrants, Asians know all the methods but prefer the traditional Chinese medicine, while the Sub-Saharan is the one who has the lowest rates of contraceptive use.Conclusions: The variability of contraceptive methods used by immigrant women in Spain depends on their religion and/or culture. The nursing professional must know these peculiarities, in order to provide a transcultural care to the patient and her partner in order to promote effective family planning.Introducción: En España en el año 2013 había un total de 6.259.137 extranjeros, el 49% eran mujeres, esto da lugar a que la salud reproductiva de este colectivo suponga una preocupación importante en el campo de la Salud Pública en España, ya que es uno de los grupos más demandantes de determinados servicios sanitarios.Objetivo: Describir la situación actual del empleo de métodos anticonceptivos de la mujer inmigrante en España en los últimos años (2005 en adelante).Metodología: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en la primera quincena de marzo de 2014, se limitó a artículos y revisiones bibliográficas publicadas a partir del 2005 en inglés y español. Las bases de datos utilizadas fueron PubMed, IME, SCOPUS, CINAHL, CUIDEN, WOS, Cochrane Library y TESEO.Resultados: La enfermera juega un papel fundamental en el conocimiento y uso de nuevos métodos anticonceptivos por parte de la mujer inmigrante, contando con que el DIU es más utilizado por la inmigrante magrebí y de Europa del Este, el preservativo es el más usado por la inmigrante latinoamericana, la asiática conoce bien todos los métodos pero prefiere la medicina tradicional china, y la subsahariana es la que tiene menor índice de uso de métodos anticonceptivos.Conclusiones: Existe una variabilidad de métodos anticonceptivos por parte de la mujer inmigrante en España según su religión y/o cultura. El profesional de Enfermería, debe conocer dichas peculiaridades, con el fin de ofrecer un cuidado transcultural a la paciente y su pareja al objeto de favorecer una planificación familiar efectiva

    Migrants’ female partners: social image and the search for sexual and reproductive health services

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    Objetivo: Analizar la autoimagen e imagen social de las mujeres compañeras de migrantes (MCM) y su relación con la búsqueda de servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva (SSR) en comunidades con alto índice de intensidad migratoria a Estados Unidos de América (EUA). Método Entre octubre de 2004 y mayo de 2005 se realizaron 60 entrevistas en profundidad a MCM y 19 entrevistas semiestructuradas a integrantes de sus familias, 14 representantes de organizaciones sociales, 10 representantes de los servicios de salud y 31 hombres y mujeres residentes de la comunidad. Resultados La autoimagen e imagen social de las MCM es de mujeres “desprotegidas”, “solas”, “sin pareja sexual” y por lo tanto inactivas sexualmente. En consecuencia “no deben padecer ITS, usar anticonceptivos, ni embarazarse” cuando su compañero está en EUA. La búsqueda de servicios de SSR se encuentra relacionada con la autoimagen, la imagen social y el comportamiento esperado de estas mujeres predominando la noción de control familiar o social, la cual está relacionada con sus condiciones de convivencia o no con familiares. Conclusiones Las MCM que conviven con su familia o la de su compañero son sujeto de mayor control “familiar” para buscar servicios de SSR. Por el contrario, las MCM que viven solas son sujeto de mayor control “social” sobre este proceso. La autoimagen e imagen social de mujeres inactivas sexualmente parece incidir en el comportamiento social de estas mujeres y puede constituirse en un obstáculo para la búsqueda oportuna de servicios de SSR en comunidades con alta intensidad migratoria.Objective: Analysing the self-image and social image of migrants’ female partners (MFP) and their relationship with the search for sexual and reproductive health services (SRHS) in communities having a high US migratory intensity index. Methods 60 MFP were subjected to in-depth interviews between October 2004 and May 2005 and 19 semi-structured interviews were held with members of their families, 14 representatives from social organisations, 10 health service representatives and 31 men and women residing in the community. Results MFP self-image and social image regards women as being “vulnerable”, “alone”, “lacking sexual partner” and thus being sexually inactive. Consequently, “they must not contract sexually-transmitted diseases (STD), use contraceptives or become pregnant” when their partners are in the USA. The search for SRHS services was found to be related to self-image, social image and the notion of family or social control predominated in the behaviour expected for these women which, in turn, was related to conditions regarding their coexistence (or not) with their families. Conclusions MFP living with their family or their partner’s family were subject to greater “family” control in their search for SRHS services. On the contrary, MFP living alone were subjected to greater “social” control over such process. Sexuallyinactive women’s self-image and social image seems to have a bearing on such women’s social behaviour and could become an obstacle to the timely search for SRHS services in communities having high migratory intensity

    Migrants’ female partners: social image and the search for sexual and reproductive health services

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    Objetivo: Analizar la autoimagen e imagen social de las mujeres compañeras de migrantes (MCM) y su relación con la búsqueda de servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva (SSR) en comunidades con alto índice de intensidad migratoria a Estados Unidos de América (EUA). Método Entre octubre de 2004 y mayo de 2005 se realizaron 60 entrevistas en profundidad a MCM y 19 entrevistas semiestructuradas a integrantes de sus familias, 14 representantes de organizaciones sociales, 10 representantes de los servicios de salud y 31 hombres y mujeres residentes de la comunidad. Resultados La autoimagen e imagen social de las MCM es de mujeres “desprotegidas”, “solas”, “sin pareja sexual” y por lo tanto inactivas sexualmente. En consecuencia “no deben padecer ITS, usar anticonceptivos, ni embarazarse” cuando su compañero está en EUA. La búsqueda de servicios de SSR se encuentra relacionada con la autoimagen, la imagen social y el comportamiento esperado de estas mujeres predominando la noción de control familiar o social, la cual está relacionada con sus condiciones de convivencia o no con familiares. Conclusiones Las MCM que conviven con su familia o la de su compañero son sujeto de mayor control “familiar” para buscar servicios de SSR. Por el contrario, las MCM que viven solas son sujeto de mayor control “social” sobre este proceso. La autoimagen e imagen social de mujeres inactivas sexualmente parece incidir en el comportamiento social de estas mujeres y puede constituirse en un obstáculo para la búsqueda oportuna de servicios de SSR en comunidades con alta intensidad migratoria.Objective: Analysing the self-image and social image of migrants’ female partners (MFP) and their relationship with the search for sexual and reproductive health services (SRHS) in communities having a high US migratory intensity index. Methods 60 MFP were subjected to in-depth interviews between October 2004 and May 2005 and 19 semi-structured interviews were held with members of their families, 14 representatives from social organisations, 10 health service representatives and 31 men and women residing in the community. Results MFP self-image and social image regards women as being “vulnerable”, “alone”, “lacking sexual partner” and thus being sexually inactive. Consequently, “they must not contract sexually-transmitted diseases (STD), use contraceptives or become pregnant” when their partners are in the USA. The search for SRHS services was found to be related to self-image, social image and the notion of family or social control predominated in the behaviour expected for these women which, in turn, was related to conditions regarding their coexistence (or not) with their families. Conclusions MFP living with their family or their partner’s family were subject to greater “family” control in their search for SRHS services. On the contrary, MFP living alone were subjected to greater “social” control over such process. Sexuallyinactive women’s self-image and social image seems to have a bearing on such women’s social behaviour and could become an obstacle to the timely search for SRHS services in communities having high migratory intensity

    Strongly interacting WLWL, Z(L)Z(L) and hh from unitarized one-loop computations

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    Recently, a new boson h has been discovered at the LHC which, so far, is compatible with the properties of the SM Higgs. However, the SM is not the most general low-energy dynamics for the minimal electroweak symmetry breaking sector with three Goldstone bosons and one light scalar. By using non-linear effective Lagrangian for these four particles we study different processes at one-loop precision, identifying the counterterms needed to cancel the divergences. Then we apply the IAM unitarization method on the partial waves, both to make more realistic predictions which could be tested at the LHC and to discuss the limitations of the one-loop computations. The studied processes are the elastic scattering amplitude for both the longitudinal components of the gauge bosons V = W, Z and the hh → hh, as well as the inelastic VV → hh

    Construction of polynomial spline spaces over quadtree and octree T-meshes for its application in isogeometric analysis

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    [EN]We present a new strategy for construction spline spaces over hierarchical T-meshes with quad- and octree subdivision scheme.MINECO y FEDER; CONACYT-SENER Project, Fondo Sectorial, contract: 16372

    Percepción del riesgo y dinámicas promotoras de salud en adolescentes: una mirada de género

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    Introducción: El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer el significado que los y las adolescentes le otorgan al concepto de riesgo y las acciones promotoras de salud que llevan a cabo para minimizarlo. Conocer su percepción sobre el riesgo y sus argumentos a favor de las acciones promotoras de salud y las limitaciones que encuentran para llevarlas a cabo ayudará a fomentar líneas de actuación y desarrollar programas de educación y promoción de salud. Método: Diseño cualitativo. 12 Grupos de Discusión de adolescentes urbanos (entre 16 y 18 años). Realizado de abril a junio del 2008 en Institutos de Enseñanza Secundaria y organizaciones que trabajan con adolescentes en Madrid, Granada y Sevilla. Análisis de contenido teniendo en cuenta los niveles sintáctico, semántico y pragmático. Resultados: Grupo etario que se preocupa por su salud y es crítico con las situaciones, entornos y contextos que facilitan su implicación en conductas de riesgo. Asocian riesgo a peligro, actitud exploratoria y acción probabilística. Las prácticas de riesgo que destacan son: consumo de sustancias tóxicas, practicar sexo sin protección y el exceso de velocidad asociado al consumo de tóxicos. Conocen acciones promotoras de salud que practican tratando de evitar las consecuencias para la salud física. Conclusiones: Las acciones formativas deben potenciar la participación y empoderamiento y la formación en acciones preventivas, sobre todo relacionadas con el exceso de velocidad y las Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual. En ellas, además, se debe trabajar el fomento de la individualidad, la pareja constituye una fuente de riesgo para ellas

    A Critical Study of the Effect of Polymeric Fibers on the Performance of Supported Liquid Membranes in Sample Microextraction for Metals Analysis

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    Popularity of hollow fiber-supported liquid membranes (HF-SLM) for liquid-phase microextraction (HF-LPME) has increased in the last decades. In particular, HF-SLM are applied for sample treatment in the determination and speciation of metals. Up to the date, optimization of preconcentration systems has been focused on chemical conditions. However, criteria about fiber selection are not reflected in published works. HFs differ in pore size, porosity, wall thickness, etc., which can affect efficiency and/or selectivity of chemical systems in extraction of metals. In this work, Ag+ transport using tri-isobutylphosphine sulfide (TIBPS) has been used as a model to evaluate differences in metal transport due to the properties of three different fibers. Accurel PP 50/280 fibers, with a higher effective surface and smaller wall thickness, showed the highest efficiency for metal transport. Accurel PP Q3/2 exhibited intermediate efficiency but easier handling and, finally, Accurel PP S6/2 fibers, with a higher wall thickness, offered poorer efficiency but the highest stability and capability for metal speciation. Summarizing, selection of the polymeric support of HF-SLM is a key factor in their applicability of LPME for metals in natural waters

    Coupling WW, ZZ unitarized amplitudes to gamma gamma in the TeV region

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    We define and calculate helicity partial-wave amplitudes for processes linking the Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Sector (EWSBS) to γ γ , employing (to NLO) the Higgs-EFT (HEFT) extension of the Standard Model and the Equivalence Theorem, while neglecting all particle masses. The resulting amplitudes can be useful in the energy regime (500 GeV−3 TeV). We also deal with their unitarization so that resonances of the EWSBS can simultaneously be described in the γ γ initial or final states. Our resulting amplitudes satisfy unitarity, perturbatively in α, but for all s values. In this way we improve on the HEFT that fails as interactions become stronger with growing s and we provide a natural framework for the decay of dynamically generated resonances into W W, Z Z and γ γ pairs