20 research outputs found

    Perceived responsibility of students in physical education for the evaluation process

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    La responsabilidad del alumnado y su participación en el proceso de aprendizaje es de vital importancia en propuestas metodológicas participativas, donde el alumno sea participe de autorreflexiones en las tareas propuestas, alejándose de la reproducción impartida por el profesor, cediéndole así responsabilidad propia en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Por lo tanto, es importante conocer la opinión del alumnado con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad de la asignatura, así como el incremento del interés en participar en la materia por parte de los alumnos. Para este estudio se ha utilizado una escala previamente validada que mide la responsabilidad percibida del alumno respecto a la evaluación en educación física. Según la muestra, la valoración percibida por los alumnos en el proceso de evaluación resulta insuficiente. En función de las características sociodemográficas analizadas, existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas en función del sexo, las calificaciones obtenidas y el agrado hacia la educación física. En materia de evaluación, los estudiantes deben ser conscientes de la base sobre la cual se hacen los juicios de calificación. Con el objetivo de promover una mejor ordenación entre las expectativas de evaluación y percepciones de los elementos evaluables de los estudiantes, el sistema educativo debería proporcionar mayores aclaraciones en relación a las evaluaciones de la materia. Se deben tener en cuenta las percepciones de los alumnos para ejercer una mejor aplicación de las competencias sobre la evaluación en proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje.The responsibility of the students and their participation in the learning process is of vital importance in participative methodological proposals, where the student participates in self-reflection in the proposed tasks, moving away from the reproduction given by the teacher, thus giving him or her own responsibility in the teaching-learning process. Therefore, it is important to know the opinion of the students with the aim of improving the quality of the subject, as well as the increased interest in participating in the subject by the students. For this study, a previously validated scale has been used that measures the perceived responsibility of the student with respect to evaluation in physical education. According to the sample, the assessment perceived by students in the assessment process is insufficient. Depending on the socio-demographic characteristics analysed, there are statistically significant differences in terms of sex, grades obtained and liking for physical education. In terms of assessment, students should be aware of the basis on which grading judgements are made. In order to promote a better arrangement between evaluation expectations and perceptions of the evaluable elements of students, the education system should provide further clarification in relation to subject evaluations. The perceptions of the students must be taken into account in order to exercise a better application of the competences on evaluation in the teaching-learning process

    Entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial intentions of sports science students: what are their determinant variables?

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    Entrepreneurship is a key factor in sports due to the globalization and increase in competitiveness in the actual labour market. Therefore, it is important to understand entrepreneurial behaviour and distinguish between the two possible types, intrapreneurship and entrepreneurship, because both should be promoted. However, while studies on the entrepreneurial intentions of university students are a consolidated area of study, little is still known about intrapreneurial intentions. Therefore, the main aim of this study is to discover the determinant variables of entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial intentions of sports science students. For that reason, a sample of 183 senior-level sports science students, 23.60% female and 76.40% male with ages ranging between 20 and 41 years old (M = 22.56; SD = 2.70) was analysed. The results showed that the determinant variables of these two types of entrepreneurial behaviour are totally different. In the case of entrepreneurial intentions, the attitude towards behaviour and the perceived behaviour control were the significant determinants, while in the case of intrapreneurial intentions, the entrepreneurial abilities, subjective norm and age were the main determinants. To summarise, the educational university policies used to enhance the entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial intentions of sports science students should be different. Finally, to address this issue, some practical implications were presented.Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deport

    Effects of physical warm-up on the attention of adolescent students

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of two different types of physical warm-up on selective attention (AS) and concentration of physical education (PE) students. Warm-up was used as a tool for this optimization; different variables were applied to compare their effects on students' attention and concentration. Attention is a frequently studied variable that is associated with success in different settings including academic and sports. The participants of this study were 160 students (77 girls and 83 boys), who were between 12 and 17 years old. The students were randomly divided into two experimental groups (n = 106) and a control group (n = 54). As a study procedure, an experimental group (n = 55) performed a physical warm-up based on 10 min of repetitive exercises of moderate intensity that were directed by a direct command and had low cognitive demands. The other group (n = 51) performed a physical warm-up of equal duration and intensity; however, the warm-up was based on an open and playful task with many stimuli and a high need for fast decision-making. Then, the D2 test was used to observe students' attention and concentration. The obtained results showed no significant differences in attention and concentration according to the type of performed warm-up (p > .05). However, differences were observed in the effects of these cognitive functions with respect to other variables such as sex, age, or school year (p < .05). The lack of effectiveness in testing the proposed warm-ups suggests the need to continue experimenting with different variables (e.g., volume, intensity, teaching style, and stimuli) to determine their possible effects on students' attentional capacities.Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deport

    Análisis de los efectos de la educación emprendedora en deporte ¿El género es un condicionante?

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    Debido a las altas tasas de desempleo juvenil en España, y a que el deporte es un sector que se encuentra en crecimiento, se deben de buscar fórmulas para fomentar el emprendimiento y así mejorar la empleabilidad de los futuros graduados del sector deportivo. Sin embargo, pese a que poco a poco está aumentando el número de emprendedores, todavía existe una brecha de género entre el número de hombres y mujeres emprendedoras. Por consiguiente, el objetivo de este estudio es analizar si la educación emprendedora deportiva tiene un efecto diferente en los estudiantes en función del género de éstos. Para ello, se ha analizado una muestra de 45 estudiantes de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte de la Universidad de Valencia que se encontraban realizando un curso de gestión deportiva y emprendimiento. Se realizó un diseño longitudinal, con un pre-test y un post-test, utilizando un cuestionario para medir dichos efectos. Los resultados muestran que la educación emprendedora tuvo diferente impacto en función del género de los estudiantes, a pesar que ambos mejoraron en la percepción del clima universitarios hacia el emprendimiento, los hombres mejoraron significativamente su control del comportamiento percibido mientras que las mujeres mejoraron su percepción de las habilidades emprendedoras. Finalmente, se proponen una serie de implicaciones prácticas a la hora de realizar políticas de educación deportiva desde la universidad para el fomento del emprendimiento deportivo tanto en estudiantes de género masculino como femenino

    Physical Education Teachers’ Perceived Digital Competences: Are They Prepared for the Challenges of the New Digital Age?

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    The development of information and communication technologies impose great changes that require teachers to be constantly updated. Therefore, it is interesting to analyze the Digital Competence perceived by teachers and their ability to use digital devices in the classroom. The aim of this study is to investigate the technological resources and difficulties that Physical Education teachers have in schools, in addition to the training and methodological strategies required to adequately teach Physical Education classes in present times. For this, through a previously validated survey, we will observe the Digital Competence of teachers and whether there are differences between genders, according to age and teaching experience. A survey has been undertaken by 50 Physical Education teachers of secondary school students. The results show statistically significant differences according to teaching experience and age. In addition, younger teachers have a better perception of their ability to apply Digital Competence in the Physical Education classroom setting.Educació


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    El turismo deportivo se puede definir como un viaje de ocio con el fin de participar, de distintas formas, en actividades físico-deportivas. Respecto al fútbol, sus encuentros constituyen grandes eventos deportivos, atracciones donde el turista vivencia, principalmente de forma pasiva, distintas actividades, ya sea como espectador o como visitante de las atracciones turístico-futbolísticas. Sin duda, el fútbol tiene un importante valor turístico, en especial para la estructura turística local, incidiendo de manera directa en aspectos como la promoción y difusión de un destino turístico. En este marco, los clubs de fútbol se convierten en promotores turísticos de su ciudad, además de desarrollar otros recursos turísticos (museos, visitas, experiencias con jugadores, o paquetes para presenciar al equipo “fuera de casa”). El fútbol puede permitir configurar un producto turístico más atractivo, diversificado, que atrae nuevos nichos de mercado

    Residents' perceptions of the economic impact of sports tourism. Differences according to the geographical location of the town

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    Sports tourism has become a major tourist draw in recent decades. People are increasingly in favour of hosting such activities, given the many benefits it can bring to the community. The economic impact of such events is known but not the perceptions that residents have about this type of impact. Researchers also highlight the differences that the populations may have according to the geographical area where they are located and their influence on sports tourism activities. Therefore, the aim of the study is to investigate residents' perceptions of the economic impact of sports tourism according to the population of residence, differentiating between rural, urban and coastal populations. A total of 647 residents of Gran Canaria (Spain) completed a survey that analysed the residents' perceptions of the economic impact of sports tourism in the area. The results of this study indicate that residents have a high regard for the impacts associated with sports tourism and that perceptions do not vary greatly, depending on the population of residence of the respondents, as well as age and sex. Institutions responsible for planning and managing the sports tourism sector should pay attention to any relevant information provided, including residents' perceptions, to provide a better service to the sector.Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deport

    Residents’ Perception of the Impact of Sports Tourism on Sustainable Social Development

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    The analysis of the social perception of citizens and evaluations of the impact of sport tourism and their support for tourism development can be of great use in the formulation of policies aimed at social cohesion and local development. These actions favor social participation and inclu‐ sion, equal opportunities, and more positive attitudes towards sports tourism and inclusive sport. This study aims to analyze the perception and predisposition towards the support of citizens on the impact of sport tourism from a multidimensional perspective. Specifically, this study evaluates the social perception on four measures: social impact, cultural impact, environmental impact, and local policies. The sample of this study is composed of 607 people living in Gran Canaria. A survey with two scales were used, one on the perception of the social, cultural, environmental, economic, and political–administrative impact and the other was on the predisposition to support the development of sport tourism from the perspective of sustainable and inclusive social development. Using the partial least square methodology, the results show that all the study variables were significant ex‐ cept for social impact. It is concluded that there is a favorable social perception towards sport tour‐ ism. The results of this study might have a effect on the planning of the tourism sector in Gran Canaria as well as on the policies and regulations governing this activity.Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deport

    Universidades inclusivas: investigación y transferencia social hacia el sector de la discapacidad

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    Este capítulo se expondrá la configuración y el desarrollo del Campus Capacitas de la Universidad Católica de Valencia, dedicado transversalmente a la discapacidad e inclusión social en el marco de la Educación Superior Inclusiva.Terapia Ocupaciona

    Sporting habits of urban runners: Classification according to their motivation

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    This study analyses the sporting habits of runners participating in short-distance urban running events to identify groups with different motivations towards the practice of endurance running and participation in urban running events. A sample consisting of 937 participants in the Valencia running circuit was interviewed using a questionnaire consisting of a scale of 22 items to analyse their motives for participating in popular races. An exploratory and confirmatory factorial analysis was carried out to check the validity of the instrument, and the analysis identified the following four factors into which the indicators were grouped: psychological and physical motives (3 items), social motives and interest in running events (5 items), occupation of time and social recognition (6 items) and competitive and material motives (3 items). Subsequently, a cluster analysis was performed by combining hierarchical and non-hierarchical methods, and the analysis identified the following three groups of runners with different characteristics: individual hedonists (n = 276), enthusiasts (n = 312) and socializing hedonists (n = 349). Enthusiastic runners consider most motives important when participating in running events, individual hedonists consider individual psychological and physical motives important, and socializing hedonists consider personal and social motives and interest in sport important. Variables related to age, educational level, annual income level, frequency of running, how the individuals went out to run and the level of the runners contributed to differentiating the identified groups. The results confirm the heterogeneous nature of urban runners