47 research outputs found
Intervención de la universidad en la promoción de la salud de sus estudiantes
En este artículo se hace una breve síntesis de la tesis doctoral titulada del mismo modo que ha sido presentada
en julio de 2007. En dicha tesis se realizaba una aproximación teórica al concepto de promoción
de la salud en la universidad y un estudio de casos realizado en tres instituciones de educación superior
europeas que son las siguientes: La Universidad de Santiago de Compostela en España, el Instituto
Politécnico de Viana do Castelo en Portugal y la Universidad de Turín en Italia.
En esta síntesis se exponen, de manera comparada, los principales datos y conclusiones obtenidas en el
estudio de cada uno de los casos. Se presenta además una breve exposición de los principales conceptos
teóricos relevantes para el estudio de la promoción de la salud en la universidad
Choque cultural en las aulas: profesores analógicos vs alumnado digital. El caso de Ana
En este artículo realizamos un estudio de caso con la pretensión de analizar e interpretar los factores que configuran la confrontación que se produce en los escenarios escolares entre la cultura tecnológica de educadores y la de los escolares. Abordamos la investigación desde una perspectiva cualitativa, con la finalidad de profundizar en los significados que los diversos agentes educativos atribuyen al uso de las TIC en el contexto familiar y en el escolar. Proyecto de Excelencia (Ref. HUM-‐02599), financiado por la Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Innovación Ciencia y Empresa.
Higher Education Students’ Perception of the E-Portfolio as a Tool for Improving Their Employability: Weaknesses and Strengths
This study analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of the professional e-portfolio as a tool for preparing students in higher education to enter the labor market. It also examines students’ level of planning to enter professional employment, and the help that they receive with this task from the university. The research is quantitative and observes the students’ opinions before and after they create their own professional e-portfolio, as a case study. We used the analysis of means to determine the trend in the aspects analyzed over time, and the Student’s t-test and Cohen’s d to determine the effect size. We also performed correlation analysis between the different categories and subcategories proposed. The results show that the e-portfolio is a tool with strengths for labor market entry, while also revealing the weaknesses that students find in it. At the very least, the e-portfolio was useful to the students in planning their entry into the workforce. The correlations show high levels among the strengths but not among the weaknesses analyzed
Las competencias transversales en Educación Superior. Un diseño para su autoevaluación
El concepto de competencia ha irrumpido con mucha fuerza en la formación universitaria, y se ha introducido con bastante rapidez como un cambio sustancial promovido por el EEES. Sin embargo, es necesario reflexionar sobre su significado y. sobre todo, sobre sus repercusiones para la mejora de la práctica docente en
Educación Superior. Dada su polisemia y usos ambiguos, cuando no contradictorios es necesario clarificar de qué concepción partimos, realizando un análisis de los referentes y estudios más relevantes a nivel nacional e internacional. Intentar discernir claramente entre competencias y destrezas mecánicas, que poco contribuyen a mejorar la calidad docente y que nos retrotraen a etapas ya superadas, es uno de los propósitos de este trabajo. Finalmente, presentamos el diseño de una aplicación informática autoadministrada (PROECO), que proporciona a los y
las estudiantes la posibilidad de evaluar sus competencias de español, Inglés, TIC y cooperación al iniciar y al finalizar sus estudios de Grado. Esta aplicación ofrece al alumnado la oportunidad de conocer su nivel de dominio de las competencias
mencionadas, al tiempo que pone a su disposición unos informes para facilitar su proceso de mejora..The competence concept has grown with much force into the university education trame, and it has been introduced with enough rapidity to promote a substantial change inside the EHEA. Nevertheless, it is necessary to reflect on its meaning
and, mainly, its repercussion for the improvement of the educatlonal practica within Higher Education. Due to the polysemy and the ambiguous or contradictory uses of the competence concept, it is necessary to clarify which is the adequate concept. So we started from a review of the competence's concepts as well as a review of
the most outstanding studies at national and international level. One of the purposes of this work is trying to clearly discern between competences and technical skills, were technical skilis hardly contribute to improve the educational quality. In addition we explain the design of a self-assessment tool, and IT application (PROECO)
which provides the students wtth the possibility of evaluating their competences on Spanish, English, IT and social cooperation when initiating and when finalizing their Degree. This applicatlon gives the students the opportunity to know thetr degree of knowledge on the above mentioned competences, while makes available a proper
feedback to facilite te their process of improvemen
Sustainable Development Goals in Early Childhood Education. Empowering Young Girls to Bridge the Gender Gap in Science
The present study is evaluative research on the program INFACIENCIA: From the girls of today to the women scientists of tomorrow. Its aim is to increase knowledge about relevant women scientists among the entire educational community and, specifically, to help children in gaining an inclusive image of science, i.e., one that values and shows female talent. The evaluation of this program is based upon qualitative research techniques, such as semi-structured interviews, in order to give voice to everyone involved. In this paper we focus on teachers’ and families’ perspectives. Findings show that when young children actively learn science, they develop positive attitudes towards it. At the same time, it is revealed how learning about women scientists boosts a positive socialization context where egalitarian knowledge and attitudes towards science can be acquired. Participating teachers value the experience since there are still very few coeducational school interventions focused on young children. Participating families have increased their knowledge of women scientists they barely knew before and believe that these women deserve public appreciation. To conclude, INFACIENCIA has been regarded as a very positive experience both by teachers and families, thus claiming for it to be carried out again
RIECU: An innovative experience in the Practicum I of the degree in Nursery Education by the University of Cordoba
En este trabajo se presenta una somera revisión de la literatura científica existente sobre el
Prácticum en la formación inicial docente universitaria. Se focaliza la atención en las relaciones
escuela-universidad, en la relación teoría-práctica y en la adquisición de competencias
profesionales a través del Prácticum. A continuación, se describe una investigación-acción
colaborativa desarrollada en el Prácticum I del Grado de Infantil, en la Facultad de Ciencias de la
Educación de la Universidad de Córdoba. Esta experiencia de innovación pivota sobre una relación
de colaboración de tres instituciones: (1) El Centro de Formación del Profesorado; (2) Las escuelas
infantiles y (3) La Universidad. La Red de Infantil CEP-Escuela-Universidad (en adelante, RIECU) se
consolida desde el curso 2004/05 sobre la metodología de Proyectos de Trabajo (en adelante, PT).
Durante el curso 2011/12 participan en RIECU 357 personas -16 maestras, 16 estudiantes, 2
asesoras, 6 profesoras universitarias y 317 niños de 3 a 6 años- Se utilizan como instrumentos de
recogida de información las memorias de prácticas de los estudiantes, las entrevistas y el grupo
focal. Los hallazgos más relevantes son: (1) La constatación de que es posible y deseable crear
redes de colaboración entre la escuela y la universidad; (2) RIECU favorece la adquisición de
competencias profesionales en todos los colectivos implicados; y (3) La implicacióIn this paper we are providing an overview about the existing literature on practicum within
education for university teaching. We drew the attention on the different relations between school
and university, theory and practice as well as acquisition of professional competences through
practicum experience.
We have described a collaborative research-action approach being implemented in the practicum I
of early childhood education degree at university of Córdoba, Faculty of Education.
This innovative experience lies on the collaborative relation among: (1) Teachers’ Centre; (2)
Infants’ Schools and (3) University. The early childhood education network Teachers’ Centre -
Infants’ Schools -University (hereafter, RIECU) starts growing stronger from 2004/05 based on
work Projects Approach (hereafter PA). During the academic year 2011/12 357 people -16
teachers, 16 students, 2 advisors, 6 university professors and 317 kids 3 to 6 years old -joined
RIECU. Students' practicum essays as well as interviews and focus groups have been utilized as
information gathering tools. The most relevant findings have been the following: (1) the evidence
that the development of networks between schools and university is possible and achievable; (2)
RIECU fosters the acquisition of professional competences for all the groups envolved; (3) the
engagement for collaborative research-action improves the process of reasoning on how to act.Grupo FORCE (HUM-386). Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar de la Universidad de Granada
Early childhood education RIECU (Education School Center of Teaghing Training-University) as a learning context to forge new professional teaching identities in the students of the Early Childhood Education Degree through the method of working projects
Se presentan los resultados obtenidos en una experiencia de innovación liderada por la red de Infantil RIECU (Escuela-Centro de Profesorado-Universidad). La innovación afecta al Prácticum III del Grado de Educación Infantil. Se centra en la selección voluntaria de 26 estudiantes universitarios y 26 maestras expertas en la metodología del aprendizaje basado en proyectos (en adelante, ABP) que trabajan en 26 aulas de alumnado de 3 a 6 años (513 niños y niñas en total). Tras un proceso de formación en la metodología mencionada, se configuran las parejas pedagógicas (maestra-estudiante). En las prácticas presenciales, durante los dos meses de estancia en los centros, estas parejas ponen en marcha procesos de investigación-acción colaborativa. La estudiante del Grado de Infantil elabora la documentación pedagógica, entendida como narración visual que incluye los momentos más relevantes del aprendizaje del alumnado. Esta documentación pedagógica es utilizada como herramienta de reflexión sobre la práctica y de investigación educativa, al permitir valorar el ajuste de las situaciones de aprendizaje, del rol docente y de la motivación del alumnado.It presents the results obtained in an innovation experience led by the network of Early Childhood Education RIECU (Early Childhood Education School-Center of Teaching Training-University). The innovation affects the Practicum III of the Degree of Early Childhood Education. It focuses on the voluntary selection of 26 university students and 26 expertices teachers in the methodology of project-based learning (ABP) working in 26 students aged 3 to 6 years (513 boys and girls in total). After a training process in the mentioned methodology, the pedagogical peers (teacher-student) are configured. In the face-to-face practices, during the two months of stay in the schools, these peers initiate collaborative research-action processes. The teacher student elaborates the pedagogical documentation, understood as visual narrative that includes the most relevant moments of the student's learning. This pedagogical documentation is used as a tool for reflection on the practice and educational research, it allows the value of adjustment of the learning situations, the teaching role and the motivation of the student
Early Childhood Education classrooms when implementing Work Projects’ Methodology. Social interaction among peers as a learning tool
Here are presented the findings and conclusions from a case study that aims to deeply understand about Work Projects´ methodology (hereinafter, WP) and its influence in the nature of social interaction among children within this particular learning environment. Early Childhood Education teachers who integrate the case are well experienced in applying such pedagogical approach. The method is qualitative and, in order to achieve a triangulation of techniques to seek information, a participant observation process has been carried out, and pre-service teachers´ diaries have been analyzed. At the end of the research, WP is seen as an educational paradigm which offers children countless opportunities to interact with peers. It is also revealed how children´s autonomy places them as referents for their equals, motivating their prosocial behavior. Lastly, this methodology invites children to adopt a co-apprentice role by actively involving themselves in their partners´ learning.</p
Improve the Professional Skills of Future Teachers
This paper presents an experiment in teaching innovation developed at the University of Cordoba's Faculty of Education (Spain), in the second year of the Infant Education Teacher Training course, within the subject of general didactics. The innovative approach taken focused on setting up a collaborative network between infants' schools and the university. Taking Project Work as the central axis, a learning network has been built with the participation of sixteen Infant Education teachers, three hundred twenty children from this stage, seven university teachers, eighty-five trainee teachers, and two Infant Education advisers from a continuing professional development centre for teachers. The theoretical foundations that support this experiment are described along with their different stages, evaluating the benefits of each of them in facilitating the acquisition of professional competences among university students